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Command Reference

Alteon OS 21.0Alteon Application Switch

Part Number: 315393-E, October 2003


4655 Great America ParkwaySanta Clara, CA 95054


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Alteon OS 21.0 Command Reference

2315393-E, October 2003

Copyright 2003 Nortel Networks, Inc.,4655 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California 95054, USA. All rights reserved. Part Number: 315393-E.

This document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Nortel Networks, Inc. Documentation is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including any kind of implied or express warranty of non-infringement or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

U.S. Government End Users: This document is provided with a “commercial item” as defined by FAR 2.101 (Oct 1995) and contains “commercial technical data” and “commercial software documentation” as those terms are used in FAR 12.211-12.212 (Oct 1995). Government End Users are authorized to use this documentation only in accordance with those rights and restrictions set forth herein, consistent with FAR 12.211- 12.212 (Oct 1995), DFARS 227.7202 (JUN 1995) and DFARS 252.227-7015 (Nov 1995).

Nortel Networks, Inc. reserves the right to change any products described herein at any time, and without notice. Nortel Networks, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Nortel Networks, Inc. The use and purchase of this product does not convey a license under any patent rights, trademark rights, or any other intellectual property rights of Nortel Networks, Inc.

Alteon OS is the trademarks of Nortel Networks, Inc. in the United States and certain other countries. Cisco® and EtherChannel® are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the United States and certain other countries. Any other trademarks appearing in this manual are owned by their respective companies.

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315393-E, October 20033


Preface 15Who Should Use This Book 15How This Book Is Organized 15Related Documentation 16Typographic Conventions 17How to Get Help 18

Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface 19Connecting to the Switch 20

Establishing a Console Connection 20Requirements 20Procedure 20

Establishing a Telnet Connection 21Using a BOOTP Server 21Running Telnet 21

Establishing an SSH Connection 22Running SSH 22

Accessing the Switch 23CLI Versus Setup 25Command Line History and Editing 25Idle Timeout 25

Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration 27Using the Setup Utility 27

Information Needed For Setup 27Starting Setup When You Log In 28Stopping and Restarting Setup Manually 29

Stopping Setup 29Restarting Setup 29

Setup Part 1: Basic System Configuration 29

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Setup Part 2: Port Configuration 31Setup Part 3: VLANs 33Setup Part 4: IP Configuration 35

IP Interfaces 35Default Gateways 36IP Routing 37

Setup Part 5: Final Steps 38Optional Setup for SNMP Support 39Optional Setup for Telnet Support 39

Setting Passwords 40Changing the Default Administrator Password 40Changing the Default User Password 42Changing the Default Layer 4 Administrator Password 43

Chapter 3: Menu Basics 45The Main Menu 45Menu Summary 46Global Commands 47Command Line History and Editing 49Command Line Interface Shortcuts 50

Command Stacking 50Command Abbreviation 50Tab Completion 50

Chapter 4: The Information Menu 51Information Menu 51System Information Menu 53

General System Information 54Show Last 30 Syslog Messages 55Management Port Information 56SONMP Information 56System Information Dump 58

Layer 2 Information Menu 59Layer 2 FDB Information 60

Show All FDB Information 61Clearing Entries from the Forwarding Database 61Layer 2 Spanning Tree Group Information 62Trunk Group Information 64

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VLAN Information 64Layer2 Dump Information 65

Layer3 Information Menu 66IP Routing Information 67

Show All IP Route Information 68Type Parameters 68Tag Parameters 69

ARP Information Menu 69Show All ARP Entry Information 71ARP Address List Information 72

BGP Information Menu 72BGP Peer information 73BGP Summary information 73Dump BGP Information 74

OSPF Information Menu 74OSPF General Information 76OSPF Interface Information 76OSPF Database Information 77OSPF Information Route Codes 78

IP Information 79VRRP Information 79Layer3 Dump Information 81

Layer 4 Information Menu 82Session Table Information 84

Samples of Session Dumps for Different Applications 86Session dump information in Alteon OS 87Show All Layer 4 Information 89

Link Status Information 90Port Information 91Bandwidth Management Information 92Security Information 92Software Enabled Keys 93Information Dump 93

Chapter 5: The Statistics Menu 95Statistics Menu 95Port Statistics Menu 97

Bridging Statistics 98

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Ethernet Statistics 99Interface Statistics 102Interface Protocol Statistics 104Link Statistics 105RMON Statistics 106

Layer 2 Statistics Menu 109FDB Statistics 109

Layer 3 Statistics Menu 110OSPF Statistics Menu 111

OSPF Global Statistics 112IP Statistics 116Route Statistics 118ARP statistics 119VRRP Statistics 120DNS Statistics 121ICMP Statistics 121Interface Statistics 123TCP Statistics 125UDP Statistics 126

Load Balancing Statistics Menu 127Server Load Balancing SP statistics Menu 129

SP Real Server Statistics 130Real Server SLB Statistics 131

Per Service Octet Counters 132Real Server Group Statistics 133Virtual Server SLB Statistics 133Filter SLB Statistics 134Global SLB Statistics Menu 134

Real Server Global SLB Statistics 135Real Server Group Global SLB Statistics 135Virtual Server Global SLB Statistics 135Global SLB Maintenance Statistics 136

SLB Layer7 Statistics Menu 137Layer7 Redirection Statistics 137Layer 7 SLB String Statistics 138Layer 7 SLB Maintenance Statistics 139

SLB Secure Socket Layer Statistics 141File Transfer Protocol SLB and Filter Statistics Menu 142

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Active FTP SLB Parsing and Filter Statistics 142Passive FTP SLB Parsing Statistics 143FTP SLB Maintenance Statistics 143FTP SLB Statistics Dump 144

RTSP SLB Statistics 145DNS SLB Statistics 145WAP SLB Statistics 147SLB Maintenance Statistics 149Clearing the SLB Statistics 150

BWM Statistics Menu 152BWM Switch Processor Statistics 153

BWM Switch Processor Contract Statistics Menu 153BWM Switch Processor Rate Contract Statistics 154

BWM Contract Statistics 154BWM Contract Rate Statistics 155BWM History Statistics 156BWM Maintenance Statistics 158

Management Processor Statistics 158MP Packet Statistics 159TCP Statistics 161UCB Statistics 161MP-Specific SFD Statistics 162CPU Statistics 162

SP Specific Statistics 162SP-Specific Maintenance Statistics 163

Security Statistics 164DOS Attack Statistics Menu 165Types of DOS Attacks 165IP Access Control List Statistics 166UDP Blast Statistics 166

UDP Blast Dump Statistics 167UDP Pattern Match Statistics 167Rate Limiting Statistics 168

Dump Statistics for Security 169SNMP Statistics 170Management Port Statistics 173Dump Statistics 174

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Chapter 6: The Configuration Menu 175Configuration Menu 175Viewing, Applying, and Saving Changes 176

Viewing Pending Changes 177Applying Pending Changes 177Saving the Configuration 177

System Configuration 179System Host Log Configuration 181

Seven Levels of Severity 182Management Port Configuration Menu 182Management Port Link Menu 185SSH Server Configuration Menu 185RADIUS Server Configuration 187NTP Server Configuration 188SynOptics Network Management Protocol Configuration 189System SNMP Configuration 190System Health Check Configuration Menu 192System Access Control Configuration 193

Management Networks Menu 194User Access Control Menu 195

Port Configuration 197Alteon Application Switch 2000 Series 197

Fast Ethernet Ports 197SFP GBIC Ports 197

Port Link Configuration 199Alteon Application Switch 3000 Series 201Port Configuration on Alteon Application Switch 3408 201

Single-Mode ports 202Single-Mode Copper Port Gigabit Ethernet Link Configuration Menu 203Single-Mode Fiber Optic Gigabit Ethernet Port Link Configuration Menu 206Dual-Mode Ports 207Dual-Mode Copper Port Link Configuration 208Dual-Mode Fiber Optic Port Link Configuration Menu 210

Temporarily Disabling a Port 210Port Mirroring Menu 211

Port-Mirroring Menu 211Bandwidth Management Configuration 212

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Bandwidth Management Contract Configuration 214Bandwidth Management Policy Configuration 215Bandwidth Management Current Configuration 216

Layer 2 Configuration Menu 217Spanning Tree Group Configuration 218

Bridge Spanning Tree Configuration 220Spanning Tree Port Configuration 221

Trunk Configuration 222VLAN Configuration 224Layer 3 Configuration Menu 226

IP Interface Configuration 228Default IP Gateway Configuration 229

Default Gateway Metrics 230IP Static Route Configuration 230ARP Configuration Menu 231

ARP Static Configuration Menu 231IP Forwarding Configuration 233

Local Network Route Caching Definition 233Defining IP Address Ranges for the Local Route Cache 234Network Filter Configuration 235Routing Map Configuration Menu 236

IP Access List Configuration Menu 238Autonomous System Filter Path 239

Routing Information Protocol Configuration 240Open Shortest Path First Configuration 241

Area Index Configuration Menu 243OSPF Summary Range Configuration Menu 245OSPF Interface Configuration Menu 246OSPF Virtual Link Configuration Menu 247OSPF Host Entry Configuration Menu 249OSPF Route Redistribution Configuration Menu. 250OSPF MD5 Key Configuration Menu 250

Border Gateway Protocol Configuration 251BGP Peer Configuration Menu 253BGP Redistribution Configuration Menu 255BGP Aggregate Routing Configuration Menu 256

IP Forwarding Port Configuration Menu 257Domain Name System Configuration Menu 258

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Bootstrap Protocol Relay Configuration Menu 259VRRP Configuration Menu 260Virtual Router Configuration Menu 262

Virtual Router Priority Tracking Configuration 264Virtual Router Group Menu 265Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration Menu 267

Virtual Router Group Configuration 269Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration 271

VRRP Interface Configuration 273VRRP Tracking Configuration 274Default Gateway Metrics 275

Security Configuration Menu 276IP Address Access Control List Configuration Menu 277Pattern Matching Menu 278Port Security Configuration Menu 279UDP Blast Protection Configuration Menu 280

Setup 281Dump 281Saving the Active Switch Configuration 282Restoring the Active Switch Configuration 282

Chapter 7: The SLB Configuration Menu 283SLB Configuration 284

Filtering and Layer 4 (Server Load Balancing) 285Real Server SLB Configuration 286

Real Server Layer 7 Configuration 290Real server IDS Configuration Menu 290

Real Server Group SLB Configuration 292SLB Health Check Types 294Server Load Balancing Metrics 297

Virtual Server SLB Configuration 299Virtual Server Service Configuration 301Virtual Server RTSP Configuration 305Cookie-Based Persistence 305

SLB Filter Configuration 307Defining IP Address Ranges for Filters 311Advanced Filter Configuration 312

Advanced Filter TCP Configuration 314

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IP Advanced Menu 315ICMP Message Types 316Layer 7 Advanced Filter Configuration Menu 317SLB Filter Advanced Security Menu 319Advanced Security Rate Limiting Configuration Menu 320

Port SLB Configuration 321Global SLB Configuration 323

GSLB Remote Site Configuration 326GSLB Lookup Configuration 327

GSLB Internet Network Preference Lookup Configuration 328Layer 7 SLB Resource Definition Menu 329Web Cache Redirection Configuration 330Server Load Balance Resource Configuration Menu 331

WAP Configuration 332Synchronize Peer Switch Configuration 333

Peer Switch Configuration 334Advanced Layer 4 Configuration 335

SYN Attack Detection Configuration 337Advanced Health Check Configuration Menu 338

Scriptable Health Checks Configuration 339SNMP Health Check Configuration 340WAP Health Check Configuration 341

WSP Content Health Check 342WTP and WSP Content Health Check Menu 343

Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 2224 344Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 2424 345Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 3408 346

Chapter 8: The Operations Menu 347Operations Menu 347Operations-Level Port Options 349Operations-Level SLB Options 350Operations-Level VRRP Options. 351Operations-Level Bandwidth Management Options 352Operations-Level IP Options 352

Operations-Level BGP Options 353Activating Optional Software 353Removing Optional Software 354

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12 � Contents315393-E, October 2003

Chapter 9: The Boot Options Menu 355Boot Menu 355Scheduled Reboot of the Switch 356

Scheduled Reboot Menu 356Updating the Switch Software Image 356

Downloading New Software to Your Switch 356Selecting a Software Image to Run 358Uploading a Software Image from Your Switch 358

Selecting a Configuration Block 359Resetting the Switch 360

Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu 361Maintenance Menu 361System Maintenance Options 363Forwarding Database Options 363Debugging Options 365ARP Cache Options 366

ARP Entries on a Single Port 366IP Route Manipulation 367Uuencode Flash Dump 368TFTP System Dump Put 368Clearing Dump Information 369Panic Command 369Unscheduled System Dumps 370

Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages 371LOG_WARNING 371LOG_ALERT 372LOG_CRIT 373LOG_ERR 373LOG_NOTICE 379LOG_INFO 381

Appendix B: Alteon OS SNMP Agent 383

Appendix C: Performing a Serial Download 387

Glossary 389

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Index 393

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315393-E, October 200315


The Alteon OS 21.0 Command Reference describes how to configure and use the Alteon OS software with your Alteon Application Switch.

For documentation on installing the switches physically, see the Hardware Installation Guide for your particular switch model.

Who Should Use This Book

This Command Reference is intended for network installers and system administrators engaged in configuring and maintaining a network. The administrator should be familiar with Ethernet concepts, IP addressing, the IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol, and SNMP configuration parameters.

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1 “The Command Line Interface,” describes how to connect to the switch and access the information and configuration menus.

Chapter 2 “First-Time Configuration,” describes how to use the Setup utility for initial switch configuration and how to change the system passwords.

Chapter 3 “Menu Basics,” provides an overview of the menu system, including a menu map, global commands, and menu shortcuts.

Chapter 4 “The Information Menu,” shows how to view switch configuration parameters.

Chapter 5 “The Statistics Menu,” shows how to view switch performance statistics.

Chapter 6 “The Configuration Menu,” shows how to configure switch system parameters, ports, VLANs, Spanning Tree Protocol, SNMP, Port Mirroring, IP Routing, Port Trunking, and more.

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16 � Preface315393-E, October 2003

Chapter 7 “The SLB Configuration Menu,” shows how to configure Server Load Balancing, Filtering, Global Server Load Balancing, and more.

Chapter 8 “The Operations Menu,” shows how to use commands which affect switch per-formance immediately, but do not alter permanent switch configurations (such as temporarily disabling ports). The menu describes how to activate or deactivate optional software features.

Chapter 9 “The Boot Options Menu,” describes the use of the primary and alternate switch images, how to load a new software image, and how to reset the software to factory defaults.

Chapter 10 “The Maintenance Menu,” shows how to generate and access a dump of critical switch state information, how to clear it, and how to clear part or all of the forwarding database.

Appendix A, “Alteon OS Syslog Messages,” shows a listing of syslog messages.

Appendix B, “Alteon OS SNMP Agent,” lists the Management Interface Bases (MIBs) sup-ported in the switch software.

Appendix C, “Performing a Serial Download,” shows how to directly load a binary software image into the switch for upgrade or maintenance.

“Glossary” defines the terminology used throughout the book.

“Index” includes pointers to the description of the key words used throughout the book.

Related Documentation

� Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide (Part No. 315394-E)

Provides application explanations and configuration examples for the Switch.

� Alteon OS Browser-Based Interface (BBI) Quick Guide (315395-B)

Provides a description of the Switch BBI and how to configure and access it on the Switch.

� Alteon Application Switch Hardware Installation Guide (315396-E)

Provides a description of the Alteon Application Switch hardware—the physical features, how to install it, and how to troubleshoot it.

� Alteon OS 21.0 Release Notes (315397-E)

This document provides a detailed description of any caveats and limitations.

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Preface � 17315393-E, October 2003

Typographic Conventions

The following table describes the typographic styles used in this book.

Table 1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol

Meaning Example

AaBbCc123 This type is used for names of commands, files, and directories used within the text.

View the readme.txt file.

It also depicts on-screen computer output and prompts.


AaBbCc123 This bold type appears in command exam-ples. It shows text that must be typed in exactly as shown.

Main# sys

<AaBbCc123> This italicized type appears in command examples as a parameter placeholder. Replace the indicated text with the appropriate real name or value when using the command. Do not type the brackets.

To establish a Telnet session, enter:host# telnet <IP address>

This also shows book titles, special terms, or words to be emphasized.

Read your User’s Guide thoroughly.

[ ] Command items shown inside brackets are optional and can be used or excluded as the situation demands. Do not type the brackets.

host# ls [-a]

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18 � Preface315393-E, October 2003

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a distributor or autho-rized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.

If you purchased a Nortel Networks service program, contact one of the following Nortel Net-works Technical Solutions Centers:

Additional information about the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers is available at the following URL:

An Express Routing Code (ERC) is available for many Nortel Networks products and services. When you use an ERC, your call is routed to a technical support person who specializes in sup-porting that product or service. To locate an ERC for your product or service, refer to the fol-lowing URL:

Technical Solutions Center Telephone

Europe, Middle East, and Africa 00800 8008 9009or

+44 (0) 870 907 9009

North America (800) 4NORTEL or (800) 466-7835

Asia Pacific (61) (2) 8870-8800

China (800) 810-5000

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315393-E, October 200319

CHAPTER 1The Command Line Interface

Your Alteon Application Switch is ready to perform basic switching functions right out of the box. Some of the more advanced features, however, require some administrative configuration before they can be used effectively.

The extensive Alteon OS switching software included in your switch provides a variety of options for accessing and configuring the switch:

� A built-in, text-based command line interface and menu system for access via local termi-nal or remote Telnet session

� A GUI-based Element Management System (EMS) for interactive network access

� SNMP support for access through network management software such as HP OpenView

� Alteon OS Browser-Based Interface (BBI)

The command line interface is the most direct method for collecting switch information and performing switch configuration. Using a basic terminal, you are presented with a hierarchy of menus that enable you to view information and statistics about the switch, and to perform any necessary configuration.

This chapter explains how to access the Command Line Interface (CLI) to the switch.

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20 � Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface315393-E, October 2003

Connecting to the Switch

You can access the command line interface in any one of the following ways:

� Using a console connection via the console port

� Using a Telnet connection over the network

� Using an SSH connection to securely log into another computer over a network

Establishing a Console Connection


To establish a console connection with the switch, you will need the following:

� An ASCII terminal or a computer running terminal emulation software set to the parame-ters shown in the table below:

� A standard serial cable with a male DB9 connector (see your switch hardware installation guide for specifics).


1. Connect the terminal to the Console port using the serial cable.

2. Power on the terminal.

3. To establish the connection, press <Enter> a few times on your terminal.

You will next be required to enter a password for access to the switch. (For more information, see “Setting Passwords” on page 40).

Table 1-1 Console Configuration Parameters

Parameter Value

Baud RateData BitsParityStop BitsFlow Control


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Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface � 21315393-E, October 2003

Establishing a Telnet ConnectionA Telnet connection offers the convenience of accessing the switch from any workstation con-nected to the network. Telnet access provides the same options for user access and administra-tor access as those available through the console port.

To configure the switch for Telnet access, you need to have a device with Telnet software located on the same network as the switch. The switch must have an IP address. The switch can get its IP address in one of two ways:

� Dynamically, from a BOOTP server on your network

� Manually, when you configure the switch IP address (see “Setup Part 1: Basic System Configuration” on page 29).

Using a BOOTP Server

By default, the Alteon OS software is set up to request its IP address from a BOOTP server. If you have a BOOTP server on your network, add the MAC address of the switch to the BOOTP configuration file located on the BOOTP server. The MAC address can be found on a small white label on the back panel of the switch. The MAC address can also be found in the System Information menu (see “System Information” on page 53).

NOTE – If connecting to the management port, BOOTP is not supported. The port must be manually configured with the proper IP address.

Running Telnet

Once the IP parameters on the Alteon Application Switch are configured, you can access the CLI using a Telnet connection. To establish a Telnet connection with the switch, run the Telnet program on your workstation and issue the Telnet command, followed by the switch IP address:

You will then be prompted to enter a password as explained on page 22.

telnet <IP address>

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22 � Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface315393-E, October 2003

Establishing an SSH ConnectionAlthough a remote network administrator can manage the configuration of an Alteon Applica-tion Switch via Telnet, this method does not provide a secure connection. The SSH (Secure Shell) protocol enables you to securely log into another computer over a network to execute commands remotely. As a secure alternative to using Telnet to manage switch configuration, SSH ensures that all data sent over the network is encrypted and secure.

The switch can do only one session of key/cipher generation at a time. Thus, a SSH/SCP client will not be able to login if the switch is doing key generation at that time or if another client has just logged in before this client. Similarly, the system will fail to do the key generation if a SSH/SCP client is logging in at that time.

The supported SSH encryption and authentication methods are listed below.

� Server Host Authentication: Client RSA-authenticates the switch in the beginning of every connection.

� Key Exchange: RSA

� Encryption: 3DES-CBC, DES

� User Authentication: Local password authentication, Radius

The following SSH clients have been tested:

� SSH 1.2.23 and SSH 1.2.27 for Linux (freeware)

� SecureCRT 3.0.2 and SecureCRT 3.0.3 (Van Dyke Technologies, Inc.)

� F-Secure SSH 1.1 for Windows (Data Fellows)

NOTE – The Alteon OS implementation of SSH is based on SSH version 1.5 and supports SSH-1.5-1.X.XX. SSH clients of other versions (especially Version 2) will not be supported.

Running SSH

Once the IP parameters are configured and the SSH service is turned on the Alteon Application Switch, you can access the command line interface using an SSH connection.

To establish an SSH connection with the switch, run the SSH program on your workstation by issuing the SSH command, followed by the switch IP address:

>> # ssh <switch IP address>

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Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface � 23315393-E, October 2003

or, if SecurID authentication is required, use the following command:

You will then be prompted to enter your user name and password.

Accessing the Switch

To enable better switch management and user accountability, seven levels or classes of user access have been implemented on the Alteon Application Switch. Levels of access to CLI, Web management functions, and screens increase as needed to perform various switch man-agement tasks. Conceptually, access classes are defined as follows:

� User interaction with the switch is completely passive—nothing can be changed on the Alteon Application Switch. Users may display information that has no security or privacy implications, such as switch statistics and current operational state information.

� Operators can only effect temporary changes on the Alteon Application Switch. These changes will be lost when the switch is rebooted/reset. Operators have access to the switch management features used for daily switch operations. Because any changes an operator makes are undone by a reset of the switch, operators cannot severely impact switch opera-tion.

� Administrators are the only ones that may make permanent changes to the switch configu-ration—changes that are persistent across a reboot/reset of the switch. Administrators can access switch functions to configure and troubleshoot problems on the Alteon Application Switch. Because administrators can also make temporary (operator-level) changes as well, they must be aware of the interactions between temporary and permanent changes.

Access to switch functions is controlled through the use of unique surnames and passwords. Once you are connected to the switch via local console, Telnet, or SSH, you are prompted to enter a password. The default user names/password for each access level are listed in the fol-lowing table.

NOTE – It is recommended that you change default switch passwords after initial configuration and as regularly as required under your network security policies. For more information, see “Setting Passwords” on page 40.

>> # ssh -1 ace <switch IP address>

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NOTE – With the exception of the “admin” user, access to each user level can be disabled by setting the password to an empty value. All user levels below “admin” will by default be ini-tially disabled (empty password) until they are enabled by the “admin” user. This prevents inadvertently leaving the switch open to unauthorized users.

Table 1-2 User Access Levels

User Account Description and Tasks Performed Password

User The User has no direct responsibility for switch management. He or she can view all switch status information and statistics, but cannot make any configuration changes to the switch.


SLB Operator The SLB Operator manages Web servers and other Internet ser-vices and their loads. In addition to being able to view all switch information and statistics, the SLB Operator can enable/disable servers using the Server Load Balancing operation menu.


Layer 4 Operator The Layer 4 Operator manages traffic on the lines leading to the shared Internet services. This user currently has the same access level as the SLB operator. and the access level is reserved for future use, to provide access to operational commands for opera-tors managing traffic on the line leading to the shared Internet services.


Operator The Operator manages all functions of the switch. In addition to SLB Operator functions, the Operator can reset ports or the entire switch.


SLB Administrator The SLB Administrator configures and manages Web servers and other Internet services and their loads. In addition to SLB Operator functions, the SLB Administrator can configure parameters on the Server Load Balancing menus, with the exception of not being able to configure filters or bandwidth management.


Layer 4Administrator

The Layer 4 Administrator configures and manages traffic on the lines leading to the shared Internet services. In addition to SLB Administrator functions, the Layer 4 Administrator can configure all parameters on the Server Load Balancing menus, including filters and bandwidth management.


Administrator The superuser Administrator has complete access to all menus, information, and configuration commands on the Alteon Appli-cation Switch, including the ability to change both the user and administrator passwords.


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Chapter 1: The Command Line Interface � 25315393-E, October 2003

CLI Versus Setup

Once the administrator password is verified, you are given complete access to the switch. If the switch is still set to its factory default configuration, the system will ask whether you wish to run Setup (see Chapter 2, “First-Time Configuration”), a utility designed to help you through the first-time configuration process. If the switch has already been configured, the Main Menu of the CLI is displayed instead.

The following table shows the Main Menu with administrator privileges.

NOTE – If you are accessing a user account or Layer 4 administrator account, some menu options will not be available.

Command Line History and Editing

For a description of global commands, shortcuts, and command line editing functions, see “Menu Basics” on page 45.”

Idle Timeout

By default, the switch will disconnect your console or Telnet session after five minutes of inactiv-ity. This function is controlled by the idle timeout parameter, which can be set from 1 to 60 min-utes. For information on changing this parameter, see “System Configuration” on page 179.

[Main Menu] info - Information Menu stats - Statistics Menu cfg - Configuration Menu oper - Operations Command Menu boot - Boot Options Menu maint - Maintenance Menu diff - Show pending config changes [global command] apply - Apply pending config changes [global command] save - Save updated config to FLASH [global command] revert - Revert pending or applied changes [global command] exit - Exit [global command, always available]

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315393-E, October 200327

CHAPTER 2First-Time Configuration

To help with the initial process of configuring your switch, the Alteon OS software includes a Setup utility. The Setup utility prompts you step-by-step to enter all the necessary information for basic configuration of the switch. This chapter describes how to use the Setup utility and how to change system passwords.

NOTE – If you are configuring a 2000-SSL Series Switch, you can use the Switch Setup Utility in the Alteon Application Switch 2000-SSL Series Quick Setup Guide (part number 215102-A) instead for setting up the Switch and the SSL Processor. Then return to this guide for configu-ration and management information on your Switch.

Using the Setup Utility

Whenever you log in as the system administrator under the factory default configuration, you are asked whether you wish to run the Setup utility. Setup can also be activated manually from the command line interface any time after login.

Information Needed For SetupSetup requests the following information:

� Basic system information

� Date & time

� Whether to use BOOTP or not

� Whether to use Spanning Tree Protocol or not

� Management port configuration

� Optional configuration for each port

� Speed, duplex, flow control, and negotiation mode (as appropriate)

� Whether to use VLAN tagging or not (as appropriate)

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28 � Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration315393-E, October 2003

� Optional configuration for each VLAN

� Name of VLAN

� Which ports are included in the VLAN

� Optional configuration of IP parameters

� IP address, subnet mask, and broadcast address, and VLAN for each IP interface

� IP addresses for up to four default gateways

� Destination, subnet mask, and gateway IP address for each IP static route

� Whether IP forwarding is enabled or not

� Whether the RIP supply is enabled or not

Starting Setup When You Log InThe Setup prompt appears automatically whenever you login as the system administrator under the factory default settings.

1. Connect to the switch console.

After connecting, the login prompt will appear as shown below.

2. Enter admin as the default administrator password.

If the factory default configuration is detected, the system prompts:

NOTE – If the default admin login is unsuccessful, or if the administrator Main Menu appears instead, the system configuration has probably been changed from the factory default settings. If you are certain that you need to return the switch to its factory default settings, see “Select-ing a Configuration Block” on page 359.

3. Enter y to begin the initial configuration of the switch, or n to bypass the Setup facility.

Enter Password:

Connected to Alteon Application Switch 242418:44:05 Wed Jan 1, 2003

The switch is booted with factory default configuration.To ease the configuration of the switch, a "Set Up" facility whichwill prompt you with those configuration items that are essential to the operation of the switch is provided.Would you like to run "Set Up" to configure the switch? [y/n]:

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Stopping and Restarting Setup Manually

Stopping SetupTo abort the Setup utility, press <Ctrl-C> during any Setup question. When you abort Setup, the system will prompt:

Enter n to abort Setup, or y to restart the Setup program at the beginning.

Restarting SetupYou can restart the Setup utility manually at any time by entering the following command at the administrator prompt:

Setup Part 1: Basic System ConfigurationWhen Setup is started, the system prompts:

1. Enter y if you will be configuring VLANs. Otherwise enter n.

If you decide not to configure VLANs during this session, you can configure them later using the configuration menus, or by restarting the Setup facility. For more information on configur-ing VLANs, see the 21.0 Application Guide.

Next, the Setup utility prompts you to input basic system information.

2. Enter the year of the current date at the prompt:

Enter the last two digits of the year as a number from 00 to 99. “00” is considered 2000. To keep the current year, press <Enter>.

Would you like to run from top again? [y/n]

# /cfg/setup

"Set Up" will walk you through the configuration ofSystem Date and Time, BOOTP, Spanning Tree, Management port, Port Speed/Mode,VLANs, and IP interfaces. [type Ctrl-C to abort "Set Up"]------------------------------------------------------------

Will you be configuring VLANs? [y/n]

System Date:Enter year [2003]:

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3. Enter the month of the current system date at the prompt:

Enter the month as a number from 1 to 12. To keep the current month, press <Enter>.

4. Enter the day of the current date at the prompt:

Enter the date as a number from 1 to 31. To keep the current day, press <Enter>.

5. Enter the hour of the current system time at the prompt:

Enter the hour as a number from 00 to 23. To keep the current hour, press <Enter>.

6. Enter the minute of the current time at the prompt:

Enter the minute as a number from 00 to 59. To keep the current minute, press <Enter>.

7. Enter the seconds of the current time at the prompt:

Enter the seconds as a number from 00 to 59. To keep the current second, press <Enter>.

The system displays the date and time settings:

System Date:Enter month [1]:

Enter day [3]:

System Time:Enter hour in 24-hour format [18]:

Enter minutes [55]:

Enter seconds [37]:

System clock set to 18:55:36 Wed Jan 1, 2003.

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Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration � 31315393-E, October 2003

8. Enable or disable the use of BOOTP at the prompt:

If available on your network, a BOOTP server can supply the switch with IP parameters so that you do not have to enter them manually. BOOTP must be disabled however, before the system will prompt for IP parameters.

Enter d to disable the use of BOOTP, or enter e to enable the use of BOOTP. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

9. Turn Spanning Tree Protocol on or off at the prompt:

Enter y to turn off Spanning Tree, or enter n to leave Spanning Tree on.

Setup Part 2: Port Configuration

NOTE – The port configuration options shown in these steps are for the Alteon OS 2424. When configuring port options for other switches, some of the prompts and options may be different.

1. If desired, set up the management port:

If you answer y to configure the management port, you will be prompted for IP address, subnet mask, broadcast address, default gateway, and other management port options.

2. Select the port to configure, or skip port configuration at the prompt:

If you wish to change settings for individual ports, enter the number of the port you wish to configure. To skip port configuration, press <Enter> without specifying any port and go to “Setup Part 3: VLANs” on page 33.

BootP Option:Current BOOTP usage: disabledEnter new BOOTP usage [d/e]:

Spanning Tree:Current Spanning Tree setting: ONTurn Spanning Tree OFF? [y/n]

Management Port Config:Configure management port? [y/n] y

Port Config:Enter port number: (1-28)

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3. If appropriate, configure Ethernet/Fast Ethernet port speed.

If you selected a port that has an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter the port speed from the options available, or enter any to have the switch auto-sense the port speed. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

4. If appropriate, configure Ethernet/Fast Ethernet port duplex mode.

If you selected a port that has an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter full for full-duplex, half for half-duplex, or any to have the switch auto-negotiate. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

5. If appropriate, configure Ethernet/Fast Ethernet port flow control.

If you selected a port that has an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter rx to enable receive flow control, tx for transmit flow control, both to enable both, or none to turn flow control off for the port. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

6. If appropriate, configure Ethernet/Fast Ethernet port autonegotiation mode.

If you selected a port that has an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter on to enable autonegotiation, off to disable it, or press <Enter> to keep the current setting.

Fast Link Configuration:Port Speed:Current Port 1 speed setting: 10/100Enter new speed ["10"/"100"/"any"]:

Port Mode:Current port 1 mode setting: anyEnter new speed ["full"/"half"/"any"]

Port Flow Control:Current Port 1 flow control setting: bothEnter new value ["rx"/"tx"/"both"/"none"]:

Port Auto Negotiation:Current Port 1 autonegotiation: onEnter new value ["on"/"off"]:

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Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration � 33315393-E, October 2003

7. If appropriate, configure Gigabit Ethernet port flow parameters.

If you selected a port that has a Gigabit Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter rx to enable receive flow control, tx for transmit flow control, both to enable both, or none to turn flow control off for the port. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

8. If appropriate, configure Gigabit Ethernet port autonegotiation mode.

If you selected a port that has a Gigabit Ethernet connector, the system prompts:

Enter on to enable port autonegotiation, off to disable it, or press <Enter> to keep the current setting.

9. If configuring VLANs, enable or disable VLAN tagging for the port.

If you have selected to configure VLANs back in Part 1, the system prompts:

Enter d to disable VLAN tagging for the port or enter e to enable VLAN tagging for the port. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

10. The system prompts you to configure the next port:

When you are through configuring ports, press <Enter> without specifying any port. Other-wise, repeat the steps in this section.

Setup Part 3: VLANsIf you chose to skip VLANs configuration back in Part 1, skip to “Setup Part 4: IP Configura-tion” on page 35.

Gig Link Configuration:Port Flow Control:Current Port 1 flow control setting: bothEnter new value ["rx"/"tx"/"both"/"none"]:

Port Auto Negotiation:Current Port 1 autonegotiation: onEnter new value ["on"/"off"]:

Port VLAN tagging config (tagged port can be a member of multiple VLANs)Current TAG flag: disabledEnter new TAG status [d/e]:

Enter port number: (1 to 28)

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1. Select the VLAN to configure, or skip VLAN configuration at the prompt:

If you wish to change settings for individual VLANs, enter the number of the VLAN you wish to configure. To skip VLAN configuration, press <Enter> without typing a VLAN number and go to “Setup Part 4: IP Configuration” on page 35.

2. Enter the new VLAN name at the prompt:

Entering a new VLAN name is optional. To use the pending new VLAN name, press <Enter>.

3. Enter the VLAN port numbers.

The system prompts you to define the first port in the VLAN:

Type the first port number to add to the current VLAN and press <Enter>. The right angle prompt appears:

For each additional port in the VLAN, type the port number and press <Enter> to move to the next line. Repeat this until all ports for the VLAN being configured are entered. When you are finished adding ports to this VLAN, press <Enter> without specifying any port.

4. The system prompts you to configure the next VLAN:

Repeat the steps in this section until all VLANs have been configured. When all VLANs have been configured, press <Enter> without specifying any VLAN.

VLAN Config:Enter VLAN number from 2 to 4090, NULL at end:

VLAN is newly created.Pending new VLAN name: "VLAN 2"Enter new VLAN name, without quotes:

Define ports in VLAN:Current VLAN 2: emptyEnter port numbers one per line, NULL at end:


VLAN Config:Enter VLAN number from 2 to 4090, NULL at end:

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Setup Part 4: IP ConfigurationIf BOOTP was enabled back in Part 1, skip to Setup Part 5: Final Steps. Otherwise, if you dis-abled BOOTP, the system prompts for IP parameters.

IP Interfaces

IP interfaces are used for defining subnets to which the switch belongs.

Up to 256 IP interfaces can be configured on the Alteon Application Switch. The IP address assigned to each IP interface provides the switch with an IP presence on your network. No two IP interfaces can be on the same IP subnet. The interfaces can be used for connecting to the switch for remote configuration, and for routing between subnets and VLANs (if used).

1. Select the IP interface to configure, or skip interface configuration at the prompt:

If you wish to configure individual IP interfaces, enter the number of the IP interface you wish to configure. To skip IP interface configuration, press <Enter> without typing an interface number and go to “Default Gateways” on page 36.

2. For the specified IP interface, enter the IP address in dotted decimal notation:

To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

3. At the prompt, enter the IP subnet mask in dotted decimal notation:

To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

IP Config:

IP interfaces:Enter interface number: (1-256)

Current IP address: new IP address:

Current subnet mask: new subnet mask:

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4. At the prompt, enter the broadcast IP address in dotted decimal notation:

To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

5. If configuring VLANs, specify a VLAN for the interface.

This prompt appears if you selected to configure VLANs back in Part 1:

Enter the number for the VLAN to which the interface belongs, or press <Enter> without spec-ifying a VLAN number to accept the current setting.

6. At the prompt, enter y to enable the IP interface, or n to leave it disabled:

7. The system prompts you to configure another interface:

Repeat the steps in this section until all IP interfaces have been configured. When all interfaces have been configured, press <Enter> without specifying any interface number.

Default Gateways

1. At the prompt, select a default gateway for configuration, or skip default gateway config-uration:

Enter the number for the default gateway to be configured. To skip default gateway configura-tion, press <Enter> without typing a gateway number and go to “IP Routing” on page 37.

Current broadcast address: new broadcast address:

Current VLAN: 1Enter new VLAN:

Enable IP interface? [y/n]

Enter interface number: (1-256)

IP default gateways:Enter default gateway number: (1-259)

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Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration � 37315393-E, October 2003

2. At the prompt, enter the IP address for the selected default gateway:

Enter the IP address in dotted decimal notation, or press <Enter> without specifying an address to accept the current setting.

3. At the prompt, enter y to enable the default gateway, or n to leave it disabled:

4. The system prompts you to configure another default gateway:

Repeat the steps in this section until all default gateways have been configured. When all default gateways have been configured, press <Enter> without specifying any number.

IP Routing

When IP interfaces are configured for the various subnets attached to your switch, IP routing between them can be performed entirely within the switch. This eliminates the need to bounce inter-subnet communication off an external router device. Routing on more complex networks, where subnets may not have a direct presence on the Alteon Application Switch, can be accomplished through configuring static routes or by letting the switch learn routes dynami-cally.

This part of the Setup program prompts you to configure the various routing parameters.

1. At the prompt, enable or disable forwarding for IP Routing:

Enter y to enable IP forwarding. To disable IP forwarding, enter n and proceed to Step 2.To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.

2. At the prompt, enable or disable the RIP supply:

Current IP address: new IP address:

Enable default gateway? [y/n]

Enter default gateway number: (1-4)

Enable IP forwarding? [y/n]

Enable RIP supply? [y/n]

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Setup Part 5: Final Steps

1. When prompted, decide whether to restart Setup or continue:

Enter y to restart the Setup utility from the beginning, or n to continue.

2. When prompted, decide whether you wish to review the configuration changes:

Enter y to review the changes made during this session of the Setup utility. Enter n to continue without reviewing the changes. We recommend that you review the changes.

3. Next, decide whether to apply the changes at the prompt:

Enter y to apply the changes, or n to continue without applying. Changes are normally applied.

4. At the prompt, decide whether to make the changes permanent:

Enter y to save the changes to flash. Enter n to continue without saving the changes. Changes are normally saved at this point.

5. If you do not apply or save the changes, the system prompts whether to abort them:

Enter y to discard the changes. Enter n to return to the Apply the changes? prompt.

NOTE – After initial configuration is complete, it is recommended that you change the default passwords as shown in “Setting Passwords” on page 40.

Would you like to run from top again? [y/n]

Review the changes made? [y/n]

Apply the changes? [y/n]

Save changes to flash? [y/n]

Abort all changes? [y/n]

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Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration � 39315393-E, October 2003

Optional Setup for SNMP Support

NOTE – This step is optional. Perform this procedure only if you are planning on using SNMP-based tools, such as Alteon EMS.

1. Enable SNMP and select one of the options.

2. Set SNMP read or write community string. By default, they are public and private respectively.

3. Apply and save configuration if you are not configuring the switch with Telnet support. Otherwise apply and save after “Optional Setup for Telnet Support” on page 39.

Optional Setup for Telnet Support

NOTE – This step is optional. Perform this procedure only if you are planning on connecting to the switch through any telnet application.

1. Enable telnet.

2. Apply and save SNMP and /or telnet configuration(s).

If your network uses Routing Interface Protocol (RIP), enter y to enable the RIP supply. Other-wise, enter n to disable it. When RIP is enabled, RIP listen is set by default.

>> # /cfg/sys/access/snmp dis|read|write

>> # /cfg/sys/ssnmp/rcomm|wcomm

>> System# apply>> System# save

>> # /cfg/sys/access/tnet ena

>> System# apply>> System# save

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40 � Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration315393-E, October 2003

Setting Passwords

It is recommended that you change the user and administrator passwords after initial configu-ration and as regularly as required under your network security policies.

To change both the user password and the administrator password, you must login using the administrator password. Passwords cannot be modified from the user command mode.

NOTE – If you forget your administrator password, call your technical support representative for help using the password fix-up mode.

Changing the Default Administrator PasswordThe administrator has complete access to all menus, information, and configuration com-mands, including the ability to change both the user and administrator passwords.

The default password for the administrator account is admin. To change the default password, follow this procedure:

1. Connect to the switch and log in using the admin password.

2. From the Main Menu, use the following command to access the Configuration Menu:

The Configuration Menu is displayed.

Main# /cfg

[Configuration Menu] sys - System-wide Parameter Menu port - Port Menu pmirr - Port Mirroring Menu bwm - Bandwidth Management Menu l2 - Layer 2 Menu l3 - Layer 3 Menu slb - Server Load Balancing (Layer 4-7) Menu security - Security Menu setup - Step by step configuration set up dump - Dump current configuration to script file ptcfg - Backup current configuration to tftp server gtcfg - Restore current configuration from tftp server

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Chapter 2: First-Time Configuration � 41315393-E, October 2003

3. From the Configuration Menu, use the following command to select the System Menu:

The System Menu is displayed.

4. From the System menu, use the following path to select the User menu:

5. Select the administrator password.

6. Enter the current administrator password at the prompt:

NOTE – If you forget your administrator password, call your technical support representative for help using the password fix-up mode.

>> Configuration# sys

[System Menu] syslog - Syslog Menu mmgmt - Management Port Menu sshd - SSH Server Menu radius - RADIUS Authentication Menu ntp - NTP Server Menu sonmp - SONMP Menu ssnmp - System SNMP Menu health - System Health Check Menu access - System Access Menu date - Set system date time - Set system time idle - Set timeout for idle CLI sessions notice - Set login notice bannr - Set login banner smtp - Set SMTP host hprompt - Enable/disable display hostname (sysName) in CLI prompt bootp - Enable/disable use of BOOTP cur - Display current system-wide parameters

System# access/user

System# user/admpw

Changing ADMINISTRATOR password; validation required...Enter current administrator password:

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7. Enter the new administrator password at the prompt:

8. Enter the new administrator password, again, at the prompt:

9. Apply and save your change by entering the following commands:

Changing the Default User PasswordThe user login has limited control of the switch. Through a user account, you can view switch information and statistics, but you can’t make configuration changes.

The default password for the user account is user. This password cannot be changed from the user account. Only the administrator has the ability to change passwords, as shown in the fol-lowing procedure.

1. Connect to the switch and log in using the admin password.

2. From the Main Menu, use the following command to access the Configuration Menu:

3. From the Configuration Menu, use the following command to select the System Menu:

4. Select the user password.

Enter new administrator password:

Re-enter new administrator password:

System# applySystem# save

Main# cfg

>> Configuration# sys

System# access/user/usrpw

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5. Enter the current administrator password at the prompt.

Only the administrator can change the user password. Entering the administrator password confirms your authority.

6. Enter the new user password at the prompt:

7. Enter the new user password, again, at the prompt:

8. Apply and save your changes:

Changing the Default Layer 4 Administrator PasswordThe Layer 4 administrator has limited control of the switch. Through a Layer 4 administrator account, you can view all switch information and statistics, but can configure changes only on the Server Load Balancing menus.

The default password for the Layer 4 administrator account is l4admin. To change the default password, follow this procedure:

1. Connect to the switch and log in using the administrator account.

To change any switch password, you must login using the administrator password. Passwords cannot be modified from the Layer 4 administrator account or the user account.

2. From the Main Menu, use the following path to access the user command:

3. Select the Layer 4 administrator password:

Changing USER password; validation required...Enter current administrator password:

Enter new user password:

Re-enter new user password:

System# applySystem# save

Main# /cfg/sys/access/user

System# l4apw

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4. Enter the current administrator password (not the Layer 4 administrator password) at the prompt:

NOTE – If you forget your administrator password, call your technical support representative for help using the password fix-up mode.

5. Enter the new Layer 4 administrator password at the prompt:

6. Enter the new administrator password, again, at the prompt:

7. Apply and save your change by entering the following commands:

Changing L4 ADMINISTRATOR password; validation required...Enter current administrator password:

Enter new L4 administrator password:

Re-enter new L4 administrator password:

System# applySystem# save

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315393-E, October 200345

CHAPTER 3Menu Basics

The Alteon Application Switch’s Command Line Interface (CLI) is used for viewing switch information and statistics. In addition, the administrator can use the CLI for performing all lev-els of switch configuration.

To make the CLI easy to use, the various commands have been logically grouped into a series of menus and sub-menus. Each menu displays a list of commands and/or sub-menus that are available, along with a summary of what each command will do. Below each menu is a prompt where you can enter any command appropriate to the current menu.

This chapter describes the Main Menu commands, and provides a list of commands and short-cuts that are commonly available from all the menus within the CLI.

The Main Menu

The Main Menu appears after a successful connection and login. The following table shows the Main Menu for the administrator login. Some features are not available under the user login.

NOTE – The ssl option is only visible on the Alteon Application Switch 2000-SSL Series.

[Main Menu] info - Information Menu stats - Statistics Menu cfg - Configuration Menu oper - Operations Command Menu boot - Boot Options Menu maint - Maintenance Menu diff - Show pending config changes [global command] apply - Apply pending config changes [global command] save - Save updated config to FLASH [global command] revert - Revert pending or applied changes [global command] exit - Exit [global command, always available]

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Menu Summary

� Information Menu

Provides sub-menus for displaying information about the current status of the switch: from basic system settings to VLANs, Layer 4 settings, and more.

� Statistics Menu

Provides sub-menus for displaying switch performance statistics. Included are port, IF, IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SNMP, routing, ARP, DNS, VRRP, and Layer 4 statistics.

� Configuration Menu

This menu is available only from an administrator login. It includes sub-menus for config-uring every aspect of the switch. Changes to configuration are not active until explicitly applied. Changes can be saved to non-volatile memory.

� Operations Command Menu

Operations-level commands are used for making immediate and temporary changes to switch configuration. This menu is used for bringing ports temporarily in and out of ser-vice, performing port mirroring, and enabling or disabling Server Load Balancing func-tions. It is also used for activating or deactivating optional software packages.

� Boot Options Menu

This menu is used for upgrading switch software, selecting configuration blocks, and for resetting the switch when necessary.

� Maintenance Menu

This menu is used for debugging purposes, enabling you to generate a dump of the critical state information in the switch, and to clear entries in the forwarding database and the ARP and routing tables.

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Global CommandsSome basic commands are recognized throughout the menu hierarchy. These commands are useful for obtaining online help, navigating through menus, and for applying and saving con-figuration changes.

For help on a specific command, type help. You will see the following screen:

Global Commands: [can be issued from any menu]help up print pwdlines verbose exit quitdiff apply save revertping traceroute telnet historypushd popd

The following are used to navigate the menu structure: . Print current menu .. Move up one menu level / Top menu if first, or command separator ! Execute command from history

Table 3-1 Description of Global Commands

Command Action

? command or help

Provides more information about a specific command on the current menu. When used without the command parameter, a summary of the global com-mands is displayed.

. or print Display the current menu.

.. or up Go up one level in the menu structure.

/ If placed at the beginning of a command, go to the Main Menu. Otherwise, this is used to separate multiple commands placed on the same line.

lines Set the number of lines (n) that display on the screen at one time. The default is 24 lines. When used without a value, the current setting is displayed.

diff Show any pending configuration changes.

apply Apply pending configuration changes.

save Write configuration changes to non-volatile flash memory.

revert Remove pending configuration changes between “apply” commands. Use this command to restore configuration parameters set since last “apply” com-mand.

exit or quit Exit from the command line interface and log out.

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ping Use this command to verify station-to-station connectivity across the net-work. The format is as follows: ping <host name>|<IP address> [tries (1-32)> [msec delay]] [-m|-mgmt|-d|-data]Where IP address is the hostname or IP address of the device, tries (optional) is the number of attempts (1-32), msec delay (optional) is the number of mil-liseconds between attempts. By default, the -d or -data option for net-work ports is in effect. If the management port is used, specify the -m or-mgmt option. The DNS parameters must be configured if specifying host-names (see “Domain Name System Configuration Menu” on page 258).

traceroute Use this command to identify the route used for station-to-station connectiv-ity across the network. The format is as follows:

traceroute <host name>| <IP address> [<max-hops (1-32)> [msec delay]] [-m|-mgmt|-d|-data]Where IP address is the hostname or IP address of the target station, max-hops (optional) is the maximum distance to trace (1-16 devices), and delay (optional) is the number of milliseconds for wait for the response. By default, the -d or -data option for network ports is in effect. If the management port is used, specify the -m or -mgmt option. As with ping, the DNS parameters must be configured if specifying hostnames.

pwd Display the command path used to reach the current menu.

verbose n Sets the level of information displayed on the screen:0 =Quiet: Nothing appears except errors—not even prompts.1 =Normal: Prompts and requested output are shown, but no menus.2 =Verbose: Everything is shown.When used without a value, the current setting is displayed.

telnet This command is used to telnet out of the switch. The format is as follows:<hostname>|<IP address> [port] [-m|-mgmt|-d|-data].Where IP address is the hostname or IP address of the device. By default, the -d or -data option for network ports is in effect. If the management port is used, specify the -m or -mgmt option.

history This command brings up the history of the last 10 commands.

Table 3-1 Description of Global Commands

Command Action

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Command Line History and Editing

Using the command line interface, you can retrieve and modify previously entered commands with just a few keystrokes. The following options are available globally at the command line:

Table 3-2 Command Line History and Editing Options

Option Description

history Display a numbered list of the last 10 previously entered commands.

!! Repeat the last entered command.

!n Repeat the nth command shown on the history list.

<Ctrl-p> (Also the up arrow key.) Recall the previous command from the history list. This can be used multiple times to work backward through the last 10 commands. The recalled command can be entered as is, or edited using the options below.

<Ctrl-n> (Also the down arrow key.) Recall the next command from the history list. This can be used multiple times to work forward through the last 10 commands. The recalled com-mand can be entered as is, or edited using the options below.

<Ctrl-a> Move the cursor to the beginning of command line.

<Ctrl-e> Move cursor to the end of the command line.

<Ctrl-b> (Also the left arrow key.) Move the cursor back one position to the left.

<Ctrl-f> (Also the right arrow key.) Move the cursor forward one position to the right.

<Backspace> (Also the Delete key.) Erase one character to the left of the cursor position.

<Ctrl-d> Delete one character at the cursor position.

<Ctrl-k> Kill (erase) all characters from the cursor position to the end of the command line.

<Ctrl-l> Redraw the screen.

<Ctrl-u> Clear the entire line.

Other keys Insert new characters at the cursor position.

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Command Line Interface Shortcuts

Command StackingAs a shortcut, you can type multiple commands on a single line, separated by forward slashes (/). You can connect as many commands as required to access the menu option that you want. For example, the keyboard shortcut to access the Spanning Tree Port Configuration Menu from the Main# prompt is as follows:

Command AbbreviationMost commands can be abbreviated by entering the first characters which distinguish the com-mand from the others in the same menu or sub-menu. For example, the command shown above could also be entered as follows:

Tab CompletionBy entering the first letter of a command at any menu prompt and hitting <Tab>, the CLI will display all commands or options in that menu that begin with that letter. Entering additional letters will further refine the list of commands or options displayed. If only one command fits the input text when <Tab> is pressed, that command will be supplied on the command line, waiting to be entered. If the <Tab> key is pressed without any input on the command line, the currently active menu will be displayed.

Main# cfg/l2/stp/port

Main# c/l2/st/p

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CHAPTER 4The Information Menu

You can view configuration information for the switch in both the user and administrator command modes. This chapter discusses how to use the command line interface to display switch infor-mation.

/infoInformation Menu

The information provided by each menu option is briefly described in Table 4-1 on page 51, with pointers to where detailed information can be found.

[Information Menu] sys - System Information Menu l2 - Layer 2 Information Menu l3 - Layer 3 Information Menu slb - Layer 4-7 Information Menu link - Show link status port - Show port information bwm - Show Bandwidth Management information security - Show Security status swkey - Show enabled software features dump - Dump all information

Table 4-1 Information Menu Options (/info)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays system menu information. To view menu options, see page 53.


Displays the Layer 2 Information Menu. For details, see page 59.


Displays the Layer 3 information menu. For details, see page 66.

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Displays the Layer 4 Information Menu. To view menu options, see page 82.


Displays configuration information about each port, including:

� Port number� Port speed (10, 100, 10/100, or 1000)� Duplex mode (half, full, or auto)� Flow control for transmit and receive (no, yes, or auto)� Link status (up or down)For details, see page 90.


Displays port status information, including:

� Port number� Whether the port uses VLAN Tagging or not � Port VLAN ID (PVID)� Port name� VLAN membershipFor details, see page 91.


Displays bandwidth management information. For details, see page 92.


Displays current UDP blast settings and the security status of the port. To view a sample, see page 92.


Displays a list of all the optional software packages which have been activated or installed on your switch. For details see page 93.


Dumps all switch information available from the Information Menu (10K or more, depending on your configuration).

If you want to capture dump data to a file, set your communication software on your workstation to capture session data prior to issuing the dump commands. For details, see page 93.

Table 4-1 Information Menu Options (/info)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/info/sysSystem Information Menu

[System Menu] general - Show general system information log - Show last 30 syslog messages mgmt - Show Management Port information sonmp - Show SONMP topology table information dump - Dump all system information

Table 4-2 Information System Menu Options

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays general system information including:

� System information like time, day, and date.� Switch model name and number� How long the switch has been up� Time of last boot� MAC address of the switch management processor� IP address of IP interface #1� Hardware order number and part numbers of the Mainboard Hardware, Management Processor

Board Hardware, and Fast Ethernet Board Hardware� Software image file and version number� Configuration name� Log-in banner, if one is configuredSee page 54 for a sample output.


Displays last 30 syslog messages. See page 55 for a sample output and detailed information.


Displays Management port information. See page 56 for detailed information.


Displays SONMP topology table information. See page 56 for detailed information.


Displays all system information. See page 58 for a sample output.

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/info/sys/generalGeneral System Information

NOTE – The display of temperature will come up only if the temperature of any of the sensors exceeds 60oC. There will be a warning from the software if any of the sensors exceeds this temperature threshold. The switch will shut down if the power supply overheats and the tem-perature gets to 100oC. Information about fan failures will also be displayed if one or more fans are not functioning.

System Information at 17:29:51 Mon Aug 25, 2003

Alteon Application Switch 2424

Switch is up 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds.Last boot: 17:22:29 Mon Aug 25, 2003 (reset from console)

MAC address: 00:09:97:5e:4c:00 IP (If 1) address: Order No: EB1412011Mainboard Hardware: Part No: P316017-A Rev: 03Management Processor Board Hardware: Part No: P314080-A Rev: 02Fast Ethernet Board Hardware: Part No: P314091-A Rev: 03Software Version (FLASH image2), active configuration.

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Chapter 4: The Information Menu � 55315393-E, October 2003

/info/sys/logShow Last 30 Syslog Messages

Each syslog message has a criticality level associated with it, included in text form as a prefix to the log message. One of eight different prefixes is used, depending on the condition that the administrator is being notified of, as shown below.

� EMERG: indicates the system is unusable

� ALERT: Indicates action should be taken immediately

� CRIT: Indicates critical conditions

� ERR: indicates error conditions or error operations

� WARNING: indicates warning conditions

� NOTICE: indicates a normal but significant condition

� INFO: indicates an information message

� DEBUG: indicates a debut-level message

Date Time Criticality level MessageNov 19 12:16:51 ALERT stp: STG 1, new root bridgeNov 19 13:52:03 ALERT ip: cannot contact default gateway 19 13:52:23 NOTICE ip: default gateway operationalNov 19 13:52:23 NOTICE ip: default gateway enabledNov 19 14:21:27 ALERT ip: cannot contact default gateway 19 14:21:47 NOTICE ip: default gateway operationalNov 19 14:21:47 NOTICE ip: default gateway enabledNov 19 14:38:55 NOTICE mgmt: admin login from host 19 14:44:02 NOTICE mgmt: admin idle timeout from Telnet/SSHNov 19 16:15:06 INFO mgmt: new configuration appliedNov 19 16:15:20 INFO mgmt: new configuration savedNov 19 16:18:44 INFO mgmt: new configuration appliedNov 19 16:19:37 ERROR mgmt: Error: Apply not doneNov 19 16:19:57 INFO mgmt: new configuration appliedNov 19 16:34:35 NOTICE mgmt: admin login from host 19 16:39:43 NOTICE mgmt: admin idle timeout from Telnet/SSHNov 19 16:39:59 NOTICE mgmt: admin login from host 19 16:54:13 NOTICE mgmt: admin idle timeout from Telnet/SSHNov 19 17:20:37 NOTICE mgmt: admin login from host 19 17:26:21 NOTICE mgmt: admin login from host 19 17:31:53 NOTICE mgmt: admin idle timeout from Telnet/SSH

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/info/sys/mgmtManagement Port Information

Use this command to display Management port information on an Alteon Application Switch including:

� Port speed (10/100)

� Duplex mode (half, full, any, or auto)

� Link (Up or down)

� IP address of the Interface

� IP address of the gateway.

/info/sys/sonmpSONMP InformationThis command displays the SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP) topology table. SONMP protocol is enabled on Alteon Application Switches using the /cfg/sys/sonmp on command, and is necessary so that an Alteon switch can be discovered by the Nortel Networks Optivity Switch Manager.When SONMP is enabled, devices on the network exchange multicast packets namely: flatnet hellos and segment hellos. The IP address of the device is written into the hello packets. As the network devices exchange information, a topol-ogy table is built like the one shown below.

Speed Duplex Link ----- ------ ---- 100 full up

Interface information:

Gateway information:

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Slot IP address Seg MAC address Chassis Type Local State Port Id Seg ----- --------------- --- ----------------- ------------------ ----- -----0 /0 0 00:01:81:2e:a3:60 Alteon2224 true topChanged1 /11 770 00:e0:16:7c:28:24 Passport1200 true heartbeat1 /11 259 00:60:cf:81:54:28 Passport8610 true heartbeat1 /11 260 00:60:cf:81:54:38 Passport8610 true heartbeat1 /11 257 00:60:cf:43:a2:10 AlteonAD4 true topChanged1 /11 263 00:60:cf:46:d5:60 Alteon184 true topChanged

Table 4-3 SONMP Information Parameters Description

Parameter Description

Slot Port Specifies the slot and port on which the topology message was received.

IP Address This is the IP address of the sender of the topology message.

Seg ID The “segment identifier” of the segment from which the remote agent send the topology message. Different devices may use differ-ent methods for representing the segment identifier.

Mac Address The MAC address of the sender of the topology message.

Chassis Type The chassis type of the device that sent the topology message.

Local Seg Indicates if the sender of the topology message is on the same Ether-net segment (i.e. not across a bridge) as the reporting agent.

State The current state of the sender of the topology message. the values are:

� topChanged—topology information has recently changed� heartbeat—topology information unchanged.� new—sending agent is in new state.

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/info/sys/dumpSystem Information Dump

System Information at 13:29:31 Mon Jun 2, 2003

Alteon Application Switch 2424

Switch is up 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 36 seconds.Last boot: 13:07:55 Mon Jun 2, 2003 (reset from Telnet)

MAC address: 00:09:97:16:5f:00 IP (If 1) address: Order No: EB1412003Mainboard Hardware: Part No: P314090-A Rev: 03Management Processor Board Hardware: Part No: P314080-A Rev: 02Fast Ethernet Board Hardware: Part No: P314091-A Rev: 03Unreleased Software: FW_VERSION: #2 Mon Jun 2 11:37:20 PDT 2003 FW_VIEW: bshao_latest FW_CONTEXT: ALT-HW_CH_FE-6 / pass2 / 256m (FLASH image2), active configuration.

Last 30 syslog message information:Jun 2 13:07:59 NOTICE system: link up on port 3Jun 2 13:07:59 NOTICE system: link up on port 7Jun 2 13:08:00 NOTICE system: link up on port 9Jun 2 13:08:25 NOTICE slb: real server operationalJun 2 13:09:27 INFO mgmt: new configuration appliedJun 2 13:09:32 INFO mgmt: new configuration appliedJun 2 13:09:37 NOTICE slb: real server operationalManagement port information:

Speed Duplex Link ----- ------ ----10/100 any disabled

Interface information:

Gateway information:

Engine ID = 80:00:07:50:03:00:09:97:16:5F:00

User Name Protocol-------------------------------- --------------------------------adminmd5 HMAC_MD5, DES PRIVACYadminsha HMAC_SHA, DES PRIVACY

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Chapter 4: The Information Menu � 59315393-E, October 2003

/info/l2Layer 2 Information Menu

[Layer 2 Menu] fdb - Forwarding Database Information Menu stg - Show STG information trunk - Show Trunk Group information vlan - Show VLAN information dump - Dump all layer 2 information

Table 4-4 Layer 2 Information Menu Options

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Forwarding Database Information Menu. For details, see page 60.

stg <STG index to display or carriage return for all STGs>In addition to seeing if Spanning Tree Protocol is enabled or disabled, you can view the following STP bridge information:

� Priority� Hello interval� Maximum age value� Forwarding delay� Aging timeYou can also see the following port-specific STP information:

� Port number and priority� Cost� StateFor details, see page 62.


When trunk groups are configured, you can view the state of each port in the various trunk groups. For details, see page 64.

vlan <VLAN number to display or carriage return to display all VLANs>Displays VLAN configuration information, including:

� VLAN Number� VLAN Name� Status� Port membership of the VLANFor details, see page 64.


Displays all Layer 2 information.

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/info/l2/fdbLayer 2 FDB Information The forwarding database (FDB) contains information that maps the media access control (MAC) address of each known device to the switch port where the device address was learned. The FDB also shows which other ports have seen frames destined for a particular MAC address.

NOTE – The master forwarding database supports up to 16K MAC address entries on the MP per switch. Each SP port supports up to 8K entries.

[Forwarding Database Menu] find - Show a single FDB entry by MAC address port - Show FDB entries on a single port trunk - Show FDB entries on a single trunk vlan - Show FDB entries on a single VLAN refpt - Show FDB entries referenced by a single SP dump - Show all FDB entries

Table 4-5 Layer 2 FDB Information Menu Options (/info/l2/fdb)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <MAC address> [<VLAN>]Displays a single database entry by its MAC address. You are prompted to enter the MAC address of the device. Enter the MAC address using the format, xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. For example, 08:00:20:12:34:56.

You can also enter the MAC address using the format, xxxxxxxxxxxx. For example, 080020123456.

port <port number, 0 for "unknown">Displays all FDB entries for a particular port.

trunk <trunk group number>Displays all FDB entries on a single trunk.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Displays all FDB entries on a single VLAN.

refpt <SP number (1-4)>Displays the FDB entries referenced by a single port.


Displays all entries in the Forwarding Database. For more information, see page 61.

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/info/l2/fdb/dumpShow All FDB Information

An address that is in the forwarding (FWD) state, means that it has been learned by the switch. When in the trunking (TRK) state, the port field represents the trunk group number. If the state for the port is listed as unknown (UNK), the MAC address has not yet been learned by the switch, but has only been seen as a destination address. When an address is in the unknown state, no outbound port is indicated, although ports which reference the address as a destination will be listed under “Reference ports.”

If the state for the port is listed as an interface (IF), the MAC address is for a standard VRRP virtual router. If the state is listed as a virtual server (VIP), the MAC address is for a virtual server router—a virtual router with the same IP address as a virtual server.

Clearing Entries from the Forwarding DatabaseTo delete a MAC address from the forwarding database (FDB) or to clear the entire FDB, refer to “Forwarding Database Options” on page 363.

MAC address VLAN Port State Referenced SPs Referenced ports ----------------- ---- ---- ----- -------------- ------------- 00:02:01:00:00:00 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:01 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:02 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:03 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:04 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:05 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:06 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:07 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:08 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:09 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:0a 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:0b 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23 00:02:01:00:00:0c 300 23 FWD 1 2 1 23

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/info/l2/stgLayer 2 Spanning Tree Group InformationWhen multiple paths exist on a network, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) configures the network so that a switch uses only the most efficient path.

NOTE – Alteon OS 21.0 supports up to 16 multiple Spanning Tress or Spanning Tree Groups.

The switch software uses the IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). In addition to seeing if STP is enabled or disabled, you can view the following STP bridge information:

� Priority

� Hello interval

� Maximum age value

� Forwarding delay

� Aging time

You can also see the following port-specific STP information:

� Port number and priority

Spanning Tree Group 1: On

Current Root: Path-Cost Port Hello MaxAge FwdDel Aging 8000 00:01:81:2e:a1:80 0 0 2 20 15 300

Parameters: Priority Hello MaxAge FwdDel Aging 32768 2 20 15 300

Port Priority Cost State Designated Bridge Des Port----- -------- ---- ---------- ---------------------- ------- 1 128 0 DISABLED 2 128 0 DISABLED 3 128 0 DISABLED 4 128 0 DISABLED 5 128 5 FORWARDING 8000-00:01:81:2e:a1:80 32773 6 128 0 DISABLED 7 128 0 DISABLED 8 128 0 DISABLED 9 128 0 DISABLED 10 128 0 DISABLED 11 128 0 DISABLED

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� Cost

� State

� Designated Bridge

� Designated Port

The following table describes the STP parameters.

Table 4-6 Spanning Tree Parameter Descriptions

Parameter Description

Priority (bridge) The bridge priority parameter controls which bridge on the network will become the STP root bridge.

Hello The hello time parameter specifies, in seconds, how often the root bridge transmits a configuration bridge protocol data unit (BPDU). Any bridge that is not the root bridge uses the root bridge hello value.

MaxAge The maximum age parameter specifies, in seconds, the maximum time the bridge waits without receiving a configuration bridge protocol data unit before it reconfigure the STP network.

FwdDel The forward delay parameter specifies, in seconds, the amount of time that a bridge port has to wait before it changes from learning state to forwarding state.

Aging The aging time parameter specifies, in seconds, the amount of time the bridge waits without receiving a packet from a station before removing the station from the Forwarding Database.

priority (port) The port priority parameter helps determine which bridge port becomes the designated port. In a network topology that has multiple bridge ports con-nected to a single segment, the port with the lowest port priority becomes the designated port for the segment.

Cost The port path cost parameter is used to help determine the designated port for a segment. Generally speaking, the faster the port, the lower the path cost. A setting of 0 indicates that the cost will be set to the appropriate default after the link speed has been auto negotiated.

State The state field shows the current state of the port. The state field can be either BLOCKING, LISTENING, LEARNING, FORWARDING, or DISABLED.

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/info/l2/trunkTrunk Group InformationTrunk groups can provide super-bandwidth, multi-link connections between Alteon Applica-tion Switches or other trunk-capable devices. A trunk group is a group of ports that act together, combining their bandwidth to create a single, larger virtual link. When trunk groups are configured, you can view the state of each port in the various trunk groups.

NOTE – If Spanning Tree Protocol on any port in the trunk group is set to forwarding, the remaining ports in the trunk group will also be set to forwarding.

/info/l2/vlanVLAN Information

This information display includes all configured VLANs and all member ports that have an active link state. Port membership is represented in slot/port format.

VLAN information includes:

Designated Bridge

The designated bridge resides closest to the root bridge and is responsible for forwarding packets from LAN towards the root bridge. This bridge is dis-played as character string starting with the bridge priority (1-65535) fol-lowed by a hyphen and six byte MAC address of that switch.

Designated port The designated port identifies a physical port. This is a number that is the numerical sum of bridge priority and the actual physical port number. For example, a physical port number four with bridge priority 32768 will be dis-played as 32678+4=32772.

Trunk group 1, bw contract 256, port state: 1: STG 1 forwarding 2: STG 1 forwarding

VLAN Name Status Jumbo BWC Learn Ports---- -------------------------------- ------ ----- ---- ----- -----1 Default VLAN ena n 256 ena 1-28

Table 4-6 Spanning Tree Parameter Descriptions (Continued)

Parameter Description

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� VLAN Number

� VLAN Name

� Status

� Jumbo Frames

� Bandwidth Contract if BWM is enabled

� Source MAC Address Learning

� Port membership of the VLAN

/info/l2/dumpLayer2 Dump Information

Spanning Tree Group 1: On

Current Root: Path-Cost Port Hello MaxAge FwdDel Aging 8000 00:01:81:2e:a1:80 0 0 2 20 15 300

Parameters: Priority Hello MaxAge FwdDel Aging 32768 2 20 15 300

Port Priority Cost State Designated Bridge Des Port----- -------- ---- ---------- ---------------------- -------- 1 128 0 DISABLED 2 128 0 DISABLED 3 128 0 DISABLED 4 128 0 DISABLED 5 128 5 FORWARDING 8000-00:01:81:2e:a1:80 32773 6 128 0 DISABLED 7 128 0 DISABLED 8 128 0 DISABLED 9 128 0 DISABLED 10 128 0 DISABLED 11 128 0 DISABLED 12 128 0 DISABLED

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info/l3Layer3 Information Menu

[Layer 3 Menu] route - IP Routing Information Menu arp - ARP Information Menu bgp - BGP Information Menu ospf - OSPF Routing Information Menu ip - Show IP information vrrp - Show Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol information dump - Dump all layer 3 information

Table 4-7 Layer 3 Information Menu Options

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the IP Routing Menu. Using the options of this menu, the system displays the following for each configured or learned route:

� Route destination IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address� Type of route� Tag indicating origin of route� Metric for RIP tagged routes, specifying the number of hops to the destination (1-15 hops, or 16

for infinite hops)� The IP interface that the route usesFor details, see page 67.


Displays the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Information Menu. For details, see page 69.


Displays BGP Information Menu. To view menu options, see page 72.


Displays OSPF routing information menu. For details, see page 74.


Displays IP Information. For details, see page 79.

IP information, includes:

� IP interface information: Interface number, IP address, subnet mask, broadcast address, VLAN number, and operational status.

� Default gateway information: Metric for selecting which configured gateway to use, gateway number, IP address, and health status

� IP forwarding information: Enable status, lnet and lmask� Port status

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/info/l3/routeIP Routing Information

Using the commands listed below, you can display all or a portion of the IP routes currently held in the switch.


Displays the VRRP Information Menu. For details, see page 79.


Displays all Layer 3 information.

[IP Routing Menu] find - Show a single route by destination IP address gw - Show routes to a single gateway type - Show routes of a single type tag - Show routes of a single tag if - Show routes on a single interface dump - Show all routes

Table 4-8 Route Information Menu Options (/info/route)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <IP address (such as,>Displays a single route by destination IP address.

gw <default gateway address (such as,>Displays routes to a single gateway.

type indirect|direct|local|broadcast|martian|multicast

Displays routes of a single type. For a description of IP routing types, see Table 4-9 on page 68.

tag fixed|static|addr|rip|ospf|bgp|broadcast|martian|vip

Displays routes of a single tag. For a description of IP routing types, see Table 4-10 on page 69.

if <interface number (1-256)>Displays routes on a single interface.


Displays all routes configured in the switch. For more information, see page 68.

Table 4-7 Layer 3 Information Menu Options

Command Syntax and Usage

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/info/l3/route/dumpShow All IP Route Information

Type Parameters

The following table describes the Type parameters.

Status code: * - best Destination Mask Gateway Type Tag Metr If --------------- --------------- --------------- --------- --------- ---- -* indirect static 1* direct fixed 1* local addr 1* broadcast broadcast 1* martian martian* direct fixed 3* local addr 3* broadcast broadcast 3* direct fixed 2* local addr 2* direct vip* broadcast broadcast 2* martian martian* broadcast broadcast

Table 4-9 IP Routing Type Parameters (/info/l3/route/dump/type)

Parameter Description

indirect The next hop to the host or subnet destination will be forwarded through a router at the Gateway address.

direct Packets will be delivered to a destination host or subnet attached to the switch.

local Indicates a route to one of the switch’s IP interfaces.

broadcast Indicates a broadcast route.

martian The destination belongs to a host or subnet which is filtered out. Packets to this destination are discarded.

multicast Indicates a multicast route.

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Tag Parameters

The following table describes the Tag parameters.

/info/l3/ArpARP Information MenuAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the TCP/IP protocol that resides within the Internet layer. ARP resolves a physical address from an IP address. ARP queries machines on the local network for their physical addresses. ARP also maintains IP to physical address pairs in its cache memory. In any IP communication, the ARP cache is consulted to see if the IP address of the router is present in the ARP cache. Then the corresponding physical address is used to send a packet.

Table 4-10 IP Routing Tag Parameters (info/l3/route/tag)

Parameter Description

fixed The address belongs to a host or subnet attached to the switch.

static The address is a static route which has been configured on the Alteon Appli-cation Switch.

addr The address belongs to one of the switch’s IP interfaces.

rip The address was learned by the Routing Information Protocol (RIP).

ospf The address was learned by Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).

bgp The address was learned via Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

broadcast Indicates a broadcast address.

martian The address belongs to a filtered group.

vip Indicates a route destination that is a virtual server IP address. VIP routes are needed to advertise virtual server IP addresses via BGP.

[Address Resolution Protocol Menu] find - Show a single ARP entry by IP address port - Show ARP entries on a single port vlan - Show ARP entries on a single VLAN refpt - Show ARP entries referenced by a single SP dump - Show all ARP entries help - Show help on the fields of ARP entries addr - Show ARP address list

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The ARP information includes IP address and MAC address of each entry, address status flags (see Table 4-12 on page 71), VLAN and port for the address, and port referencing information.

Table 4-11 ARP Information Menu Options (/info/l3/arp)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <IP address (such as,>Displays a single ARP entry by IP address.

port <port number>Displays the ARP entries on a single port.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Displays the ARP entries on a single VLAN.

refpt <SP number (1-4)>Displays the ARP entries referenced by a single port.


Displays all ARP entries. including:

� IP address and MAC address of each entry� Address status flag (see below)� The VLAN and port to which the address belongs� The ports which have referenced the address (empty if no port has routed traffic to the IP

address shown)For more information, see page 71.


Displays help on the ARP field entries. For example:

IP address: IP address of ARP entry

Flags: J - ARP entry belongs to a Jumbo capable VLAN

P - Permanent ARP entry (not obtained via ARP request), e.g. IP interface, VIP, etc.

R - Indirect ARP (cache) entry for IP address reachable via indirect routes (static/dynamic)

4 - Layer 4 IP address (VIP)

MAC address: MAC address of ARP entry

VLAN: VLAN of this ARP entry

Port: Physical port where this IP address owner is connected

Referenced SPs: SPs on which this ARP entry is present


Displays the ARP address list: IP address, IP mask, MAC address, and VLAN flags.

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/info/l3/arp/dumpShow All ARP Entry Information

Referenced ports are the ports that request the ARP entry. So the traffic coming into the refer-enced ports has the destination IP address. From the ARP entry (the referenced ports), this traf-fic needs to be forwarded to the egress port (port 6 in the above example).

NOTE – If you have VMA turned on, the referenced port will be the designated port. If you have VMA turned off, the designated port will be the normal ingress port.

The Flag field is interpreted as follows:

IP address Flags MAC address VLAN Port Referenced SPs --------------- ----- ----------------- ---- ---- ---------------- P 4 00:09:97:16:5f:01 1-4 P 4 00:09:97:16:5f:01 1-4 00:e0:16:7c:28:86 1 23 empty P 00:09:97:16:5f:00 1 1-4 P 00:09:97:16:5f:00 1 1-4 00:b0:d0:98:d8:1b 1 3 empty 00:b0:d0:98:d8:1b 1 3 empty

Table 4-12 ARP Dump Flag Parameters

Flag Description

P Permanent entry created for switch IP interface.

P 4 Permanent entry created for Layer 4 proxy IP address or virtual server IP address.

R Indirect route entry.

U Unresolved ARP entry. The MAC address has not been learned.

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72 � Chapter 4: The Information Menu315393-E, October 2003

/info/l3/arp/addrARP Address List Information

/info/l3/bgpBGP Information MenuBorder Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an Internet protocol that enables routers on a network to share routing information with each other and advertise information about the segments of the IP address space they can access within their network with routers on external networks. For more information, refer to BGP section in chapter: “The Configuration Menu” on page 175 and the Application Guide.

IP address IP mask MAC address VLAN Flags --------------- --------------- ----------------- ---- ----- 00:09:97:16:5f:01 00:09:97:16:5f:01 00:09:97:16:5f:0e D 00:09:97:16:5f:00 1 00:09:97:16:5f:00 1 00:09:97:16:5f:00 1

[BGP Menu] peer - Show all BGP peers summary - Show all BGP peers in summary dump - Show BGP routing table

Table 4-13 BGP Peer Information Menu Options (/info/l3/bgp)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays BGP peer information. See page 73 for a sample output.


Displays peer summary information such as AS, message received, message sent, up/down, state. See page 73 for a sample output.


Displays the BGP routing table. See page 74 for a sample output.

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/info/l3/bgp/peerBGP Peer informationFollowing is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/peer provides.

/info/l3/bgp/summaryBGP Summary information

Following is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/summary provides.

BGP Peer Information:

3: , version 0, TTL 1 Remote AS: 0, Local AS: 0, Link type: IBGP Remote router ID:, Local router ID: BGP status: idle, Old status: idle Total received packets: 0, Total sent packets: 0 Received updates: 0, Sent updates: 0 Keepalive: 0, Holdtime: 0, MinAdvTime: 60 LastErrorCode: unknown(0), LastErrorSubcode: unspecified(0) Established state transitions: 0

4: , version 0, TTL 1 Remote AS: 0, Local AS: 0, Link type: IBGP Remote router ID:, Local router ID: BGP status: idle, Old status: idle Total received packets: 0, Total sent packets: 0 Received updates: 0, Sent updates: 0 Keepalive: 0, Holdtime: 0, MinAdvTime: 60 LastErrorCode: unknown(0), LastErrorSubcode: unspecified(0) Established state transitions: 0

BGP Peer Summary Information: Peer V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent Up/Down State --------------- - -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------- 1: 4 142 113 121 00:00:28 established 2: 0 148 0 0 never connect

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/info/l3/bgp/dumpDump BGP Information

Following is an example of the information that /info/l3/bgp/dump provides.

/info/l3/ospfOSPF Information MenuAlteon OS supports the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol. The Alteon OS implementation conforms to the OSPF version 2 specifications detailed in Internet RFC 1583. OSPF is designed for routing traffic within a single IP domain called an Autonomous System (AS). The AS can be divided into smaller logical units known as areas. In any AS with multi-ple areas, one area must be designated as area 0, known as the backbone. The backbone acts as the central OSPF area. All other areas in the AS must be connected to the backbone. Areas inject summary routing information into the backbone, which then distributes it to other areas as needed. For more information on how to configure OSPF on the switch, refer to the OSPF section in chapter “The Configuration Menu” on page 175 and your Alteon OS Application Guide.

>> BGP# dumpStatus codes: * valid, > best, i - internalOrigin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete Network Next Hop Metr LcPrf Wght Path --------------- --------------- ----- ---- ----- --------------*> 1 256 147 148 i*>i205.178.15.0 0 i* 1 128 147 i*> 1 128 147 i 1 256 147 {35} ?

The is filtered out by rrmap; or, a loop detected.

[OSPF Information Menu] general - Show general information aindex - Show area(s) information if - Show interface(s) information virtual - Show details of virtual links nbr - Show neighbor(s) information dbase - Database Menu sumaddr - Show summary address list nsumadd - Show NSSA summary address list routes - Show OSPF routes

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Table 4-14 OSPF Information Menu (/info/l3/ospf)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays general OSPF information. See page 76 for a sample output.

aindex <area index [0-2]>Displays area information for a particular area index. If no parameter is supplied, it displays area information for all the areas.

if <interface number [1-256]>Displays interface information for a particular interface. If no parameter is supplied, it displays information for all the interfaces. See page 76 for a sample output.


Displays information about all the configured virtual links.

nbr <nbr router-id (A.B.C.D)>Displays the status of a neighbor with a particular router ID. If no router ID is supplied, it displays the information about all the current neighbors.


Displays OSPF database menu. To view menu options, see page 77.

sumaddr <area index (0-2)>Displays the list of summary ranges belonging to non-NSSA areas.

nsumadd <area index (0-2)>Displays the list of summary ranges belonging to NSSA areas.


Displays OSPF routing table. See page 78 for a sample output.

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/info/l3/ospf/generalOSPF General Information

/info/l3/ospf/ifOSPF Interface Information

OSPF Version 2Router ID: at 95 and the process uptime is 352315Area Border Router: yes, AS Boundary Router: noLS types supported are 6External LSA count 0External LSA checksum sum 0x0Number of interfaces in this router is 2Number of virtual links in this router is 116 new lsa received and 34 lsa originated from this routerTotal number of entries in the LSDB 10Database checksum sum 0x0Total neighbors are 1, of which 2 are >=INIT state, 2 are >=EXCH state, 2 are =FULL stateNumber of areas is 2, of which 3-transit 0-nssa Area Id : Authentication : none Import ASExtern : yes Number of times SPF ran : 8 Area Border Router count : 2 AS Boundary Router count : 0 LSA count : 5 LSA Checksum sum : 0x2237B Summary : noSummary

Ip Address, Area, Admin Status UP Router ID, State DR, Priority 1 Designated Router (ID), Ip Address Backup Designated Router (ID), Ip Address Timer intervals, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 1663, Retransmit 5, Poll interval 0, Transit delay 1 Neighbor count is 1 If Events 4, Authentication type none

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/info/l3/ospf/dbaseOSPF Database Information

[OSPF Database Menu] advrtr - LS Database info for an Advertising Router asbrsum - ASBR Summary LS Database info dbsumm - LS Database summary ext - External LS Database info nw - Network LS Database info nssa - NSSA External LS Database info rtr - Router LS Database info self - Self Originated LS Database info summ - Network-Summary LS Database info all - All

Table 4-15 OSPF Database Information Menu (/info/l3/ospf/dbase)

Command Syntax and Usage

advrtr <router-id (A.B.C.D)>Takes advertising router as a parameter. Displays all the Link State Advertisem*nts (LSAs) in the LS database that have the advertising router with the specified router ID, for example:

asbrsum <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays ASBR summary LSAs. The usage of this command is as follows:

a) asbrsum adv-rtr displays ASBR summary LSAs having the advertising router

b) asbrsum link_state_id displays ASBR summary LSAs having the link state ID

c) asbrsum self displays the self advertised ASBR summary LSAs.

d) asbrsum with no parameters displays all the ASBR summary LSAs.


Displays the following information about the LS database in a table format:

a) the number of LSAs of each type in each area.

b) the total number of LSAs for each area.

c) the total number of LSAs for each LSA type for all areas combined.

d) the total number of LSAs for all LSA types for all areas combined.

No parameters are required.

ext <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays the AS-external (type 5) LSAs with detailed information of each field of the LSAs. The usage of this command is the same as the usage of the command asbrsum.

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/info/l3/ospf/routesOSPF Information Route Codes

nw <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays the network (type 2) LSAs with detailed information of each field of the LS database. The usage of this command is the same as the usage of the command asbrsum.

nssa <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays the NSSA (type 7) LSAs with detailed information of each field of the LSAs. The usage of this command is the same as the usage of the command asbrsum.

rtr <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays the router (type 1) LSAs with detailed information of each field of the LSAs. The usage of this command is the same as the usage of the command asbrsum.


Displays all the self-advertised LSAs. No parameters are required.

summ <adv-rtr (A.B.C.D)>|<link_state_id (A.B.C.D)>|<self>Displays the network summary (type 3) LSAs with detailed information of each field of the LSAs. The usage of this command is the same as the usage of the command asbrsum.


Displays all the LSAs.

Codes: IA - OSPF inter area, N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 IA via IA via IA via IA via IA via IA via E2 via E2 via E2 via E2 via E2 via E2 via E2 via E2 via

Table 4-15 OSPF Database Information Menu (/info/l3/ospf/dbase)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/info/l3/ipIP Information

/info/l3/vrrpVRRP InformationVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on Alteon Application Switch provides redundancy between routers in a LAN. This is accomplished by configuring the same virtual router IP address and ID number on each participating VRRP-capable routing device. One of the virtual routers is then elected as the master, based on a number of priority criteria, and assumes control of the shared virtual router IP address. If the master fails, one of the backup vir-tual routers will assume routing authority and take control of the virtual router IP address. Refer to your Alteon OS Application Guide for more information on VRRP.

Interface information: 1:, vlan 1, up 2:, vlan 1, up 3:, vlan 1, up

Default gateway information: metric strict 2:, vlan any, up

Current IP forwarding settings: ON, dirbr disabled

Current local networks:

Current IP port settings: All other ports have forwarding ON

Current network filter settings: none

Current route map settings:Current OSPF settings: ON Default route none Router ID: lsdb limit 0

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When virtual routers are configured, you can view the status of each virtual router using this command. VRRP information includes:

� Virtual router number

� Virtual router ID and IP address

� Interface number

� Ownership status

� owner identifies the preferred master virtual router. A virtual router is the owner when the IP address of the virtual router and its IP interface are the same.

� renter identifies virtual routers which are not owned by this device.

� Priority value. During the election process, the virtual router with the highest priority becomes master.

� Activity status

� master identifies the elected master virtual router.

� backup identifies that the virtual router is in backup mode.

� Server status. The server state identifies virtual routers that support Layer 4 services. These are known as virtual server routers: any virtual router whose IP address is the same as any configured virtual server IP address.

VRRP information: 10: vrid 10,, if 10, renter, prio 110, master 11: vrid 11,, if 11, renter, prio 118, master 12: vrid 12,, if 12, renter, prio 102, backup 13: vrid 13,, if 13, renter, prio 118, master 14: vrid 14,, if 14, renter, prio 102, backup 20: vrid 20,, if 20, renter, prio 110, master 27: vrid 27,, if 27, renter, prio 118, master 28: vrid 28,, if 28, renter, prio 102, backup 100: vrid 100,, if 172, renter, prio 110, master, server 172: vrid 172,, if 172, renter, prio 110, master 254: vrid 254,, if 27, renter, prio 102, backup, server 255: vrid 255,, if 28, renter, prio 118, master, serverVRRP information:

1: vrid 2,, if 1, renter, prio 100, master, server2: vrid 1,, if 1, renter, prio 100, backup3: vrid 3,, if 1, renter, prio 100, master, proxy

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� Proxy status. The proxy state identifies virtual proxy routers, where the virtual router shares the same IP address as a proxy IP address. The use of virtual proxy routers enables redundant switches to share the same IP address, minimizing the number of unique IP addresses that must be configured.

/info/l3/dumpLayer3 Dump Information

IP information: AS number 0

Interface information: 1:, vlan 1, up 2:, vlan 1, up 3:, vlan 1, up

Default gateway information: metric strict 2:, vlan any, up

Current IP forwarding settings: ON, dirbr disabled

Current local networks:

Current IP port settings: All other ports have forwarding ON

Current network filter settings: none

Current route map settings:

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/info/slbLayer 4 Information Menu

Server Load Balancing (SLB) allows you to configure the Alteon Application Switch to bal-ance user session traffic among a pool of available servers that provide shared services. In an average network that employs multiple servers without server load balancing, each server usu-ally specializes in providing one or two unique services. If one of these servers provides access to applications or data that is in high demand, it can become overutilized. Placing this kind of strain on a server can decrease the performance of the entire network as user requests are rejected by the server and then resubmitted by the user stations. With this software feature, the switch is aware of the services provided by each server and can direct user session traffic to an appropriate server, based on a variety of load-balancing algorithms.

Refer to your Alteon OS Application Guide for detailed information on this feature.:

[Server Load Balancing Information Menu] sess - Session Table Information Menu real - Show real server information virt - Show virtual server information filt - Show filter information port - Show port information gslb - Show Global SLB information idshash - Show IDS server selected by hash or minmisses metric bind - Show real server selected by hash or minmisses metric cookie - Decode the HEX value to get the VIP and RIP synatk - Show SYN attack detection information dump - Show all layer 4 information

Table 4-16 Layer 4 Information Menu Options (/info/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Session Table Information Menu. To view menu options, see page 84.

real <real server number (1-1023)>Displays Real server number, real IP address, MAC address, VLAN, physical switch port, layer where health check is performed, and health check result.

virt <virtual server number (1-1024)>� Displays Virtual Server State: Virtual server number, IP address, virtual MAC address� Virtual Port State: Virtual service or port, server port mapping, real server group, group backup


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filt <filter ID (1-2048)>|list|allow|deny|redir|natDisplays the filter number, destination port, real server port, real server group, health check layer, group backup server, URL for health checks, and real server group, IP address, backup server, and status.

port <port number>Displays the physical port number, proxy IP address, filter status, a list of applied filters, and client and/or server Layer 4 activity.


Displays the remote switch number, IP address, IP subnet mask, and health status.

idshash <IP address 1> <IP address 2>Displays the Intrusion Detection System server selected by hash or minmisses metric.

bind <IP address> <mask> <group number>Displays the real server selected by hash or minmisses metric.

cookie <16 bytes cookie value in hexadecimal format as 0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>Decodes the hexadecimal value to get the virtual server IP address and real server IP address.


Displays SYN attack detection information. To identify whether or not the server is under SYN attack, the number of new half open sessions is examined within a set period of time, for example, every two seconds. This feature requires dbind to be enabled.


Displays all Layer 4 information for the switch. For details, see page 89.

Table 4-16 Layer 4 Information Menu Options (/info/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/info/slb/sessSession Table Information

[Session Table Information Menu] cip - Show all session entries with source IP address cport - Show all session entries with source port dip - Show all session entries with destination IP address dport - Show all session entries with destination port pip - Show all session entries with proxy IP address pport - Show all session entries with proxy port filter - Show all session entries with matching filter flag - Show all session entries with matching flag port - Show all session entries with ingress port real - Show all session entries with real IP address sp - Show all session entries on sp dump - Show all session entries help - Session entry description

Table 4-17 Session Information Menu Options (/info/slb/sess)

Command Syntax and Usage

cip <IP address>Displays all session entries with client’s source IP address.

cport <real port>Displays all session entries with source (client) port.

dip <Destination IP address>Displays all session entries with the destination IP address.

dport <Destination real port>Displays all session entries with destination port.

pip <Proxy IP address>Displays all session entries with proxy IP address.

pport <proxy port>Displays all session entries with proxy port.

filter <filter ID (1-2048)>Displays all session entries with matching filter.

flag <E|L|N|P|S|Rt|Ru|Ri|U|W>Displays all session entries with matching flag. See “Session dump information in Alteon OS” on page 87 for a description of these options.

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port <port number>Displays all session entries on the ingress port.

real <IP address>Displays all session entries with real server IP address.

sp <port number (1-4)>Displays all session entries on switch processor.


Displays all session entries. Information similar to the following may appear in a session entry dump:3, 01: 4586, http -> 3567 http age 6 f:10 EUSPT c(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7a) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Note: The fields, 1 to 13 associated with a session as identified in the above example, are described in “Session dump information in Alteon OS” on page 87.


Displays the description of the session entry.

Table 4-17 Session Information Menu Options (/info/slb/sess)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Samples of Session Dumps for Different Applications


3,01: 1040, http -> http age 4


2,16: 44687, http -> wcr age 4 f:12 E 3,01: 1040, http -> urlwcr age 6 f:123 E



3,01: 4586, rtsp -> rtsp age 10 EU 3,01: 6970, 21220 -> 21220 age 10 P The first session is RTSP TCP control connection. The second session is RTSP UDP data connection.

3,01: 6970, rtsp -> 0 age 10 P During client-server port negotiation, the destination port shows “rtsp” and server port shows “0”


3,01: 4586, rtsp -> urlwcr age 10 f:100 EU 3,01: 6970, 21220 -> 21220 age 10 P

Filtering LinkLB

2,07: 1706, http -> linklb age 8 f:10 E


1,00: 80, 0 age 8 EP c:1 1,09: 4098, ftp -> ftp age 10 EU 1,09: 4102, ftp-data -> ftp-data age 10 E


2,05: 2559, http NAT age 2 f:24 E

Persistent session

3,00: age 4 EPS C:3 The destination port, real server IP and server port are not shown for persistent session.

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Session dump information in Alteon OS

Field Description

(1) SP number This field indicates the Switch Port number that created the ses-sion.

(2) Ingress port This field shows the physical port through which the client traffic enters the switch.

(3) Source IP address

This field contains the source IP address from the client’s IP packet.

(4) Source port This field identifies the source port from the client’s TCP/UDP packet.

(5) Destination IP address

This field identifies the destination IP address from the client’s TCP/UDP packet.

(6) Destination port

This field identifies the destination port from client’s TCP/UDP packet.

(7a) Proxy IP address

This field contains the Proxy IP address substituted by the switch. This field contains the real server IP address of the corresponding server that the switch selects to forward the client packet to, for load balancing. If the switch does not find a live server, this field contains the same as the destination IP address mentioned in field (5).

This field also shows the real server IP address for filtering. No address is shown if the filter action is Allow, Deny or NAT. It will show “ALLOW”, “DENY” or “NAT” instead.

(7) Proxy Port This field identifies the TCP/UDP source port substituted by the switch.

(8) Real Server IP Address

For load balancing, this field contains the IP address of the real server that the switch selects to forward client packet to. If the switch does not find live server, this field is the same as destination IP address (5).For example: 3,01: 1040, http -> http age 10 3,01: 6970, rtsp -> 21220 age 10 PFor filtering, this field also shows the real server IP address. No address is shown if the filter action is Allow, Deny or NAT. It will show ALLOW, DENY or NAT instead.For example: 3,01: 1040, http -> http age 10 f:11 2,07: 1706, http-> linklb age 8 f:10 E

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(9) Server port This field is the same as the destination port (field 6) for load bal-ancing except for the RTSP UDP session. For RTSP UDP session, this server port is obtained from the client-server negotiation.

This field is the filtering application port for filtering. It is for internal use only. This field can be “urlwcr”, “wcr”, “idslb”, “link-slb” or “nonat”.

(10) Age This is the session timeout value. If no packet is received within the value specified, the session is freed.

(11) Filter number This field indicates the session created by filtering code as a result of the IP header keys matching the filtering criteria.

(12) Flag “E”: Indicates the session is in use and will be aged out if no traffic is received within session timeout value.“L”: Indicates the session is a link load balance session.

“N”: Indicates the session only translates the destination MAC when forwarding client traffic to the real server.“P”: Indicates the session is a persistent session and is not to be aged out. Fields (6), (7) and (8) cannot have persistent session.“S”: Indicates the session is a persistent session and the application is SSL session ID, or Cookie Pbind.“Rt”: Indicates the session is TCP rate limiting per-client entry.“Ru”: Indicates UDP rate limiting per client entry.“Ri”: Indicates ICMP rate limiting per client entry.“U”: Indicates the session is L7 delay binding and switch is trying to open TCP connection to the real server.“W”: Indicates the session only translates the destination MAC when forwarding layer 7 WCR traffic to the real server.

(13) Persistent session user count

This counter indicates the number of client sessions created to associate with this persistent session.

Field Description

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/info/slb/dumpShow All Layer 4 Information

Real server state: 1:, 00:01:02:c1:4b:48, vlan 1, port 1, health 3, up 2:, 00:01:02:70:4d:4a, vlan 1, port 8, health 3, up 26:, 00:03:47:07:a4:9e, vlan 1, port 6, health 3, up 27:, 00:01:02:71:9c:a6, vlan 1, port 7, health 3, up

Virtual server state: 1:, 00:60:cf:47:5c:1e virtual ports: http: rport http, group 88, backup none, dbind HTTP Application: urlslb real servers: 26:, backup none, 2 ms, up exclusionary string matching: disabled 1: any 2: urlone 27:, backup none, 1 ms, up exclusionary string matching: disabled 3: urltwo 4: urlthree

Redirect filter state:Action redirdport http, rport 3128, vlan any200: group 1, health 3, backup none proxy enabled, radius snoop disabled real servers: 1:, backup none, 3 ms, up 2:, backup none, 2 ms, up

Port state: 1: filt disabled, filters: 80 2: idslb filt enabled, filters: 200 3: idslb filt enabled, filters: 200 4: filt disabled, filters: 50 200

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/info/linkLink Status Information

Use this command to display link status information about each port on an Alteon Application Switch slot, including:

� Port number

� Port speed (10, 100, 10/100, or 1000)

� Duplex mode (half, full, any, or auto)

� Flow control for transmit and receive (no, yes, or auto)

� Link status (up or down)

Port Speed Duplex Flow Ctrl Link---- ----- -------- --TX-----RX-- ------ 1 10/100 any yes yes down 2 10/100 any yes yes down 3 10/100 any yes yes down 4 10/100 any yes yes down 5 100 full yes yes up 6 10/100 any yes yes down 7 10/100 any yes yes down 8 10/100 any yes yes down 9 10/100 any yes yes down 10 10/100 any yes yes down 11 10/100 any yes yes down 12 10/100 any yes yes down 13 10/100 any yes yes down 14 10/100 any yes yes down 15 100 full yes yes up 16 10/100 any yes yes down 17 10/100 any yes yes down 18 10/100 any yes yes down

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/info/portPort Information

Port information includes:

� Port number

� Whether the port uses VLAN tagging or not (y or n)


� Port name

� VLAN membership

� Whether RMON is enabled or disabled on the port

Port Tag RMON PVID BWC NAME VLAN(s)---- --- ---- ---- ----- -------------- ------------------- 1 n e 300 256 ixia2-2 300 2 n e 2 256 pc03p 2 3 n e 4000 256 bps3 4000 4 n e 4000 256 bps4 4000 5 n e 4000 256 bps5 4000 6 n e 4000 256 bps6 4000 7 n e 7 256 pc07f 7 8 n e 4000 256 bps8 4000 9 n e 4000 256 bps9 4000 10 n e 4000 256 bps10 4000 11 n e 11 256 pc04u 11 12 n e 300 256 ixia2-4 300 13 n e 300 256 ixia2-3 300 14 n e 14 256 8600-1-14 14 15 n e 15 256 8600-1-15 15 16 n e 16 256 8600-1-16 16 17 n e 17 256 8600-1-17 17 18 n e 18 256 35k-1 18 19 n e 19 256 35k-2 19 20 n e 20 256 35k-3 20

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/info/bwm <contract number>Bandwidth Management Information

Bandwidth Management (BWM) enables Web site managers to allocate a portion of the avail-able bandwidth for specific users or applications. It allows companies to guarantee that critical business traffic, such as e-commerce transactions, receive higher priority versus non-critical traffic. Traffic classification can be based on user or application information. BWM policies can be configured to set lower and upper bounds on the bandwidth allocation.

You can see the following information on your switch when you execute this command:

NOTE – The contract number is optional.

/info/securitySecurity Information

This command brings up the information about the current security settings that includes:

� rate threshold for security logging

� whether the out-of-order IP fragment packets have the option of allow or deny on the filters

� the current IP addresses in the Access Control List (ACL)

� the current UDP blast protection settings

� the current port security settings

Current Bandwidth Management setting: ON Policy Enforcement:enabled BWM history will be mailed in 9 minute(s) to ’[emailprotected]’ at host ’’ BWM history will be mailed in 9 minute(s) to ’[emailprotected]’ at host ’’Contract Policy wTOS Traffic Num Name Prec Hard Soft Resv oTOS uTOS State Shaping 1 filter_number01 64 1 100M 1M 500K 0D 0 E D 2 filter_number02 64 1 100M 1M 500K 0D 0 E D 3 filter_number03 64 1 100M 1M 500K 0D 0 E D 4 filter_number04 64 1 100M 1M 500K 0D 0 E D

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/info/swkeySoftware Enabled Keys

For optional Layer 4 switching software, the information would be displayed as follows:

Software key information includes a list of all the optional software packages which have been activated or installed on your switch. For information on ordering optional software license keys, see “How to Get Help” on page 18.

/info/dumpInformation Dump

Use the dump command to dump all switch information available from the Information Menu (10K or more, depending on your configuration). This data is useful for tuning and debugging switch performance.

If you want to capture dump data to a file, set your communication software on your worksta-tion to capture session data prior to issuing the dump commands.

Current security settings: seclog 128 fragment allow

Current IP address ACL settings:Number Address Mask-------- ---------------- ----------------

Current UDP blast protection settings:

Port security state:

Enabled Software features: Layer 4: GSLB Bandwidth Management Security Pack

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315393-E, October 200395

CHAPTER 5The Statistics Menu

You can view switch performance statistics in both the user and administrator command modes. This chapter discusses how to use the command line interface to display switch statis-tics.

/statsStatistics Menu

[Statistics Menu] port - Port Stats Menu l2 - Layer 2 Stats Menu l3 - Layer 3 Stats Menu slb - Server Load Balancing (L4-7) Stats Menu bwm - Bandwidth Management Stats Menu mp - MP-specific Stats Menu sp - SP-specific Stats Menu security - Security Stats Menu snmp - Show SNMP stats mgmt - Management Port Stats dump - Dump all stats

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Table 5-1 Statistics Menu Options (/stats)

Command Syntax and Usage

port <port number>Displays the Port Statistics Menu for the specified port. Use this command to display traffic statis-tics on a port-by-port basis. Traffic statistics are included in SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) objects. To view menu options, see page 97.


Displays Layer 2 Statistics Menu. To view menu options, see page 109.


Displays Layer3 Statistics Menu. To view menu options, see page 110.


Displays the Server Load Balancing (SLB) Menu. To view menu options, see page 127.


Displays the Bandwidth Management Menu. To view menu options, see page 152.


Displays the Management Processor Statistics Menu. Use this command to view information on how switch management processes and resources are currently being allocated. To view menu options, see page 158.

sp <SP number (1-4)>Displays Switch Processor-Specific Menu. To view menu options, see page 162.


Displays Security Statistics Menu. To view menu options, see page 164.


Displays SNMP Statistics. See page 170 for a sample output and description of SNMP statistics.


Displays interface statistics for the Management Port. See page 173 for sample output.


Dumps all switch statistics. Use this command to gather data for tuning and debugging switch per-formance. If you want to capture dump data to a file, set your communication software on your workstation to capture session data prior to issuing the dump command. For details, see page 174.

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/stats/port <port number>Port Statistics Menu

This menu displays traffic statistics on a port-by-port basis. Traffic statistics include SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) objects.

[Port Statistics Menu] brg - Show bridging ("dot1") stats ether - Show Ethernet ("dot3") stats if - Show interface ("if") stats ip - Show Internet Protocol ("IP") stats link - Show link stats rmon - Show RMON stats clear - Clear all port stats

Table 5-2 Port Statistics Menu Options (/stats/port)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays bridging (“dot1”) statistics for the port. See page 98 for a sample output and the descrip-tion of statistics.


Displays Ethernet (“dot1”) statistics for the port. See page 99 for a sample output and the descrip-tion of statistics.


Displays interface statistics for the port. See page 102 for a sample output and the description of statistics.


Displays IP statistics for the port. See page 104 for a sample output and the description of statis-tics.


Displays link statistics for the port. See page 105 for a sample output and the description of statis-tics.


Displays RMON statistics for the port. See page 106 for a sample output and the description of sta-tistics.


This command clears all the statistics on the port.

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/stats/port <port number>/brgBridging StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the bridging statistics of the selected port.

Bridging statistics for port 1:dot1PortInFrames: 63242584dot1PortOutFrames: 63277826dot1PortInDiscards: 0dot1TpLearnedEntryDiscards: 0dot1BasePortDelayExceededDiscards: NAdot1BasePortMtuExceededDiscards: NAdot1StpPortForwardTransitions: 0

Table 5-3 Bridging Statistics of a Port (/stats/port/brg)

Statistics Description

dot1PortInFrames The number of frames that have been received by this port from its seg-ment. A frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function, including bridge management frames.

dot1PortOutFrames The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its seg-ment. Note that a frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is only counted by this object if and only if it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging function, including bridge management frames.

dot1PortInDiscards Count of valid frames received which were discarded (that is, filtered) by the Forwarding Process.

dot1TpLearnedEntry Discards

The total number of Forwarding Database entries, which have been or would have been learnt, but have been discarded due to a lack of space to store them in the Forwarding Database. If this counter is increasing, it indicates that the Forwarding Database is regularly becoming full (a con-dition which has unpleasant performance effects on the subnetwork). If this counter has a significant value but is not presently increasing, it indi-cates that the problem has been occurring but is not persistent.

dot1BasePortDelay ExceededDiscards

The number of frames discarded by this port due to excessive transit delay through the bridge. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.


The number of frames discarded by this port due to an excessive size. It is incremented by both transparent and source route bridges.

dot1StpPortForward Transitions

The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding state.

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/stats/port <port number>/etherEthernet StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the ethernet statistics of the selected port

Ethernet statistics for port 1:dot3StatsAlignmentErrors: 0dot3StatsFCSErrors: 0dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames: 0dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames: 0dot3StatsSQETestErrors: NAdot3StatsDeferredTransmissions: 0dot3StatsLateCollisions: 0dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions: 0dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors: NAdot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors: 0dot3StatsFrameTooLongs: 0dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors: 0dot3CollFrequencies [1-15]: NA

Table 5-4 Ethernet Statistics for Port (/stats/port/ether)

Statistics Description


A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an inte-gral number of octets in length and do not pass the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) check.The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to the Logical Link Control (LLC) (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error conditions are obtained are, according to the con-ventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively accord-ing to the error status presented to the LLC.

dot3StatsFCSErrors A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) check. This count does not include frames received with frame-too-long or frame-too-short errors.The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error con-ditions are obtained are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status pre-sented to the LLC.Note: Coding errors detected by the physical layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the frame to fail FCS check.

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A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by exactly one collision.A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMul-ticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollision-Frame object.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


A count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collision.A frame that is counted by an instance of this object is also counted by the corresponding instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMul-ticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts, and is not counted by the corresponding instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollision-Frames object.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated by the PLS sub layer for a particular interface. The SQE TEST ERROR is set in accordance with the rules for the verification of the SQE detection mech-anism in the PLS Carrier Sense Function as described in IEEE Std.802.3-1998 Edition, section counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


A count of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy.The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in collisions.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than one slotTime into the transmission of a packet.Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a 10 Mbit/s system. A (late) collision included in a count represented by an instance of this object is also considered as a (generic) collision for purposes of other col-lision-related statistics.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.

Table 5-4 Ethernet Statistics for Port (/stats/port/ether)

Statistics Description

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A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


A count of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sub layer transmit error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the dot3Stats-CarrierSenseErrors object.The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation-specific. In particular, an instance of this object may represent a count of transmission errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted.


The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface.The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented at most once per transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense condition fluctu-ates during a transmission attempt.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.


A count of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maxi-mum permitted frame size.The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameTooLong status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for which multiple error condi-tions are obtained are, according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the LLC.


A count of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sub layer receive error. A frame is only counted by an instance of this object if it is not counted by the corresponding instance of either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the dot3Stats-AlignmentErrors object, or the dot3StatsFCSErrors object.The precise meaning of the count represented by an instance of this object is implementation-specific. In particular, an instance of this object may represent a count of received errors on a particular interface that are not otherwise counted.

Table 5-4 Ethernet Statistics for Port (/stats/port/ether)

Statistics Description

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/stats/port <port number>/ifInterface StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the interface statistics of the selected port.


A count of individual MAC frames for which the transmission (successful or otherwise) on a particular interface occurs after the frame has experienced exactly the number of collisions specified by the index. For example, a frame which is transmitted after experiencing exactly 4 collisions would be indicated by incrementing only dot3CollFrequencies [4]. No other instance of dot3CollFrequencies would be incremented in this example.This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.

Interface statistics for port 1: ifHCIn Counters ifHCOut CountersOctets: 51697080313 51721056808UcastPkts: 65356399 65385714BroadcastPkts: 0 6516MulticastPkts: 0 0Discards: 0 0Errors: 0 0

Table 5-5 Interface Statistics for Port (/stats/port/if)

Statistics Description

ifHCInOctets The number of octets in valid MAC frames received on the interface, including the MAC header and FCS. This does include the number of octets in valid MAC Control frames received on this interface.

ifHCInUcastPkts The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher sub- layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.


The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher sub- layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer.


The number of packets delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub) layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.

Table 5-4 Ethernet Statistics for Port (/stats/port/ether)

Statistics Description

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ifHCInDiscards The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

ifHCInErrors The sum for this interface of dot3statsAlignmentErrors, dot3StatsFCSErrors, dot3StatsFrameTooLongs, dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors and dot3StatsSymbolErrors.

ifHCOutOctets The number of octets transmitted in valid MAC frames on this interface, including the MAC header and FCS. This does not include the number of octets in valid MAC Control frames transmitted on this interface.

ifHCOutUcastPkts The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.


The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.


The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.

ifHCOutDiscards The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

ifHCOutErrors The sum for this interface of: dot3statsSQETestErrors, dot3StatsLateCollisions, dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions, dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors and dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors.

Table 5-5 Interface Statistics for Port (/stats/port/if)

Statistics Description

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/stats/port <port number>/ipInterface Protocol StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the interface statistics of the selected port.

IP statistics for port 1:ipInReceives: 0ipInAddrErrors: 0 ipForwDatagrams: 0ipInUnknownProtos: 0 ipInDiscards: 0ipInDelivers: 0ipTtlExceeds: 0ipLANDattacks: 0

Table 5-6 Interface Protocol Statistics (/stats/port/ip)

Statistics Description

ipInReceives The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.

ipInAddrErrors The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header’s destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity (the switch). This count includes invalid addresses (for example, and addresses of unsupported Classes (for example, Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward data-grams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.

ipForwDatagrams The number of input datagrams for which this entity (the switch) was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were Source-Routed via this entity (the switch), and the Source- Route option processing was successful.

ipInUnknownProtos The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

ipInDiscards The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encoun-tered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.

ipInDelivers The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).

ipTtlExceeds The number of IP datagram for which an ICMP TTL exceeded mes-sage was sent.

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/stats/port <port number>/linkLink StatisticsThis menu enables you to display the link statistics of the selected port.

ipLANDattacks The number of packets that have the same source and destination IP address.

Link statistics for port 1:linkStateChange: 4

Table 5-7 Link Statistics (/stats/port/link)

Statistics Description

linkStateChange The total number of link state changes.

Table 5-6 Interface Protocol Statistics (/stats/port/ip)

Statistics Description

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/stats/port <port number>/rmonRMON StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the remote monitor statistics of the selected port.

RMON statistics for port 1:etherStatsDropEvents: 0etherStatsOctets: 3727038769etherStatsPkts: 69869242etherStatsBroadcastPkts: 0etherStatsMulticastPkts: 0etherStatsCRCAlignErrors: 0etherStatsUndersizePkts: 0etherStatsOversizePkts: 0etherStatsFragments: 0etherStatsJabbers: 0etherStatsCollisions: 0etherStatsPkts64Octets: 102426etherStatsPkts65to127Octets: 6050515etherStatsPkts128to255Octets: 12293234etherStatsPkts256to511Octets: 24586063etherStatsPkts64Octets: 49171870etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets: 47539775

Table 5-8 Remote Monitor Statistics (/stats/port/rmon)

Statistics Description


The total number of events in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the num-ber of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected.

etherStatsOctets The total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the network (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).This object can be used as a reasonable estimate of utilization (which is the percent utilization of the ethernet segment). If greater precision is desired, the etherStatsPkts and etherStatsOctets objects should be sampled before and after a common interval. The differences in the sampled values are Pkts and Octets, respectively, and the number of seconds in the interval is Interval. These values are used to calcu-late the utilization as follows:

The result of this equation is the percent value of utilization.

UtilizationPkts 9.6 6.4+� �� Octets 0.8�� �+

Interval 10 000��--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=

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etherStatsPkts The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received.


The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.


The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multi-cast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.

etherStatsCRCAlign Errors

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding fram-ing bits, but including Frame Check Sequence (FCS) octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).


The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.


The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.


The total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Align-ment Error).Note that it is entirely normal for etherStatsFragments to incre-ment. This is because it counts both runts (which are normal occurrences due to collisions) and noise hits. (A runt is a packet that is less than 64 bytes.)

etherStatsJabbers The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets), and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).Note that this definition of jabber is different than the definition in IEEE-802.3 section (10Base-5) and section (10Base-2). These documents define jabber as the condition where any packet exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range to detect jabber is between 20 milliseconds and 150 milliseconds.

Table 5-8 Remote Monitor Statistics (/stats/port/rmon)

Statistics Description

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The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet seg-ment.The value returned will depend on the location of the RMON probe. Sec-tion (10Base-5) and section (10Base-2) of IEEE standard 802.3 states that a station must detect a collision, in the receive mode, if three or more stations are transmitting simultaneously. A repeater port must detect a collision when two or more stations are transmitting simul-taneously. Thus a probe placed on a repeater port could record more colli-sions than a probe connected to a station on the same segment would.Probe location plays a much smaller role when considering 10Base-T. (10Base-T) of IEEE standard 802.3 defines a collision as the simultaneous presence of signals on the DO and RD circuits (transmitting and receiving at the same time). A 10Base-T station can only detect colli-sions when it is transmitting. Thus probes placed on a station and a repeater, should report the same number of collisions.Note also that an RMON probe inside a repeater should ideally report col-lisions between the repeater and one or more other hosts (transmit colli-sions as defined by IEEE 802.3k) plus receiver collisions observed on any coax segments to which the repeater is connected.


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including Frame Check Sequence (FCS) octets).


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 65 and 127 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 128 and 255 octets in length (excluding framing bits but includ-ing Frame Check Sequence (FCS) octets).


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 256 and 511 octets in length (excluding framing bits but includ-ing FCS octets).


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 512 and 1023 octets in length (excluding framing bits but includ-ing FCS octets).


The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1024 and 1518 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).

Table 5-8 Remote Monitor Statistics (/stats/port/rmon)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l2Layer 2 Statistics Menu

/stats/l2/fdbFDB Statistics

This menu option enables you to display statistics regarding the use of the forwarding data-base, including the number of new entries, finds, and unsuccessful searches.

FDB statistics are described in the following table:

[Layer 2 Statistics Menu] fdb - Show FDB stats

FDB statistics: creates: 30503 deletes: 30420 current: 83 hiwat: 855 lookups: 511889 lookup fails: 1126 finds: 21801 find fails: 0 find_or_c’s: 36140 overflows: 0

Table 5-9 Forwarding Database Statistics (/stats/l2/fdb)

Statistic Description

creates Number of entries created in the Forwarding Database.

current Current number of entries in the Forwarding Database.

lookups Number of entry lookups in the Forwarding Database.

finds Number of successful searches in the Forwarding Database.

find_or_c’s Number of entries found or created in the Forwarding Database.

deletes Number of entries deleted from the Forwarding Database.

hiwat Highest number of entries recorded at any given time in the Forwarding Database.

lookup fails Number of unsuccessful searches made in the Forwarding Database.

find fails Number of search failures in the Forwarding Database.

overflows Number of entries overflowing the Forwarding Database.

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110 � Chapter 5: The Statistics Menu315393-E, October 2003

/stats/l3Layer 3 Statistics Menu

[Layer 3 Statistics Menu] ospf - OSPF Statistics Menu ip - Show IP stats route - Show route stats arp - Show ARP stats vrrp - Show VRRP stats dns - Show DNS stats icmp - Show ICMP stats if - Show IP interface ("if") stats tcp - Show TCP stats udp - Show UDP stats ifclear - Clear IP interface ("if") stats ipclear - Clear IP stats dump - Dump layer 3 stats

Table 5-10 Layer 3 Statistics Menu (/stats/l3)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays OSPF statistics Menu. See page 111 for sample output.


Displays IP statistics. See page 116 for sample output.


Displays route statistics. See page 118 for sample output.


Displays Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) statistics. See page 119 for sample output.


When virtual routers are configured, you can display the following protocol statistics for VRRP:

� Advertisem*nts received (vrrpInAdvers)� Advertisem*nts transmitted (vrrpOutAdvers)� Advertisem*nts received, but ignored (vrrpBadAdvers)See page 120 for sample output.


Displays Domain Name Server/System (DNS) statistics. See page 121 for sample output.


Displays ICMP statistics. See page 121 for sample output.

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/stats/l3/ospfOSPF Statistics Menu

if <interface number (1-256)>Displays IP interface statistics for the management processors. See page 123 for sample output.


Displays TCP statistics. See page 125 for sample output.


Displays UDP statistics. See page 126 for sample output.


Clears IP interface statistics. Use this command with caution as it will delete all the IP interface statistics.


Clears IP statistics. Use this command with caution as it will delete all the IP statistics.


Dumps all Layer 3 switch statistics. Use this command to gather data for tuning and debugging Layer 3 switch performance. If you want to capture dump data to a file, set your communication software on your workstation to capture session data prior to issuing the dump command.

[OSPF stats Menu] general - Show global stats aindex - Show area(s) stats if - Show interface(s) stats

Table 5-11 OSPF Statistics Menu (/stats/l3/ospf)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays global statistics. See page 112 for sample output and details.

aindex <area index (0-2)>Displays area index statistics.

if <interface number (1-256)>Displays interface statistics.

Table 5-10 Layer 3 Statistics Menu (/stats/l3)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/stats/l3/ospf/generalOSPF Global Statistics

The OSPF General Statistics contain the sum total of all OSPF packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

OSPF stats ---------- Rx/Tx Stats: Rx Tx -------- -------- Pkts 0 0 hello 23 518 database 4 12 ls requests 3 1 ls acks 7 7 ls updates 9 7

Nbr change stats: Intf change Stats: hello 2 hello 4 start 0 down 2 n2way 2 loop 0 adjoint ok 2 unloop 0 negotiation done 2 wait timer 2 exchange done 2 backup 0 bad requests 0 nbr change 5 bad sequence 0 loading done 2 n1way 0 rst_ad 0 down 1

Timers kickoff hello 514 retransmit 1028 lsa lock 0 lsa ack 0 dbage 0 summary 0 ase export 0

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Table 5-12 OSPF General Statistics (stats/l3/ospf/general)

Statistics Description

Rx/Tx Stats:

Rx Pkts The sum total of all OSPF packets received on all OSPF areas and inter-faces.

Tx Pkts The sum total of all OSPF packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Rx Hello The sum total of all Hello packets received on all OSPF areas and inter-faces.

Tx Hello The sum total of all Hello packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Rx Database The sum total of all Database Description packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Tx Database The sum total of all Database Description packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Rx ls Requests The sum total of all Link State Request packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Tx ls Requests The sum total of all Link State Request packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Rx ls Acks The sum total of all Link State Acknowledgement packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Tx ls Acks The sum total of all Link State Acknowledgement packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Rx ls Updates The sum total of all Link State Update packets received on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Tx ls Updates The sum total of all Link State Update packets transmitted on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

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Nbr Change Stats:

hello The sum total of all Hello packets received from neighbors on all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Start The sum total number of neighbors in this state (that is, an indication that Hello packets should now be sent to the neighbor at intervals of Hel-loInterval seconds) across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

n2way The sum total number of bidirectional communication establishment between this router and other neighboring routers.

adjoint ok The sum total number of decisions to be made (again) as to whether an adjacency should be established/maintained with the neighbor across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

negotiation done The sum total number of neighbors in this state wherein the Master/slave relationship has been negotiated, and sequence numbers have been exchanged, across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

exchange done The sum total number of neighbors in this state (that is, in an adjacency’s final state) having transmitted a full sequence of Database Description packets, across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

bad requests The sum total number of Link State Requests which have been received for a link state advertisem*nt not contained in the database across all interfaces and OSPF areas.

bad sequence The sum total number of Database Description packets which have been received that either:

a) Has an unexpected DD sequence number

b) Unexpectedly has the init bit set

c) Has an options field differing from the last Options field received in a Database Description packet.

Any of these conditions indicate that some error has occurred during adjacency establishment for all OSPF areas and interfaces.

loading done The sum total number of link state updates received for all out-of-date portions of the database across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

n1way The sum total number of Hello packets received from neighbors, in which this router is not mentioned across all OSPF interfaces and areas.

rst_ad The sum total number of times the Neighbor adjacency has been reset across all OPSF areas and interfaces.

down The total number of Neighboring routers down (that is, in the initialstate of a neighbor conversation) across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

Table 5-12 OSPF General Statistics (stats/l3/ospf/general) (Continued)

Statistics Description

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Intf Change Stats:

hello The sum total number of Hello packets sent on all interfaces and areas.

down The sum total number of interfaces down in all OSPF areas.

loop The sum total of interfaces no longer connected to the attached network across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

unloop The sum total number of interfaces, connected to the attached network in all OSPF areas.

wait timer The sum total number of times the Wait Timer has been fired, indicating the end of the waiting period that is required before electing a (Backup) Designated Router across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

backup The sum total number of Backup Designated Routers on the attached net-work for all OSPF areas and interfaces.

nbr change The sum total number of changes in the set of bidirectional neighbors associated with any interface across all OSPF areas.

Timers Kickoff:

hello The sum total number of times the Hello timer has been fired (which trig-gers the send of a Hello packet) across all OPSF areas and interfaces.

retransmit The sum total number of times the Retransmit timer has been fired across all OPSF areas and interfaces.

lsa lock The sum total number of times the Link State Advertisem*nt (LSA) lock timer has been fired across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

lsa ack The sum total number of times the LSA Ack timer has been fired across all OSPF areas and interfaces.

dbage The total number of times the data base age (Dbage) has been fired.

summary The total number of times the Summary timer has been fired.

ase export The total number of times the Autonomous System Export (ASE) timer has been fired.

Table 5-12 OSPF General Statistics (stats/l3/ospf/general) (Continued)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/ipIP Statistics

IP statistics:ipInReceives: 3115873 ipInHdrErrors: 1ipInAddrErrors: 35447 ipForwDatagrams: 0ipInUnknownProtos: 500504 ipInDiscards: 0ipInDelivers: 2334166 ipOutRequests: 1010542ipOutDiscards: 4 ipOutNoRoutes: 4ipReasmReqds: 0 ipReasmOKs: 0ipReasmFails: 0 ipFragOKs: 0ipFragFails: 0 ipFragCreates: 0ipRoutingDiscards: 0 ipDefaultTTL: 255ipReasmTimeout: 5

Table 5-13 IP Statistics (/stats/l3/ip)

Statistics Description

ipInReceives The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.

ipInHdrErrors The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP head-ers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, and so forth.

ipInAddrErrors The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header’s destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity (the switch). This count includes invalid addresses (for example, and addresses of unsupported Classes (for example, Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward data-grams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.

ipForwDatagrams The number of input datagrams for which this entity (the switch) was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets, which were Source-Routed via this entity (the switch), and the Source- Route option processing was successful.

ipInUnknownProtos The number of locally addressed datagrams received successfully but dis-carded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

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ipInDiscards The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encoun-tered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.

ipInDelivers The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).

ipOutRequests The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols (includ-ing ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams.

ipOutDiscards The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (for example, for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary) discard criterion.

ipOutNoRoutes The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams, which meet this no-route crite-rion. Note that this includes any datagrams which a host cannot route because all of its default gateways are down.

ipReasmReqds The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity (the switch).

ipReasmOKs The number of IP datagrams successfully re- assembled.

ipReasmFails The number of failures detected by the IP re- assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, and so forth). Note that this is not nec-essarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.

ipFragOKs The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity (the switch).

ipFragFails The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity (the switch) but could not be, for example, because their Don’t Fragment flag was set.

ipFragCreates The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity (the switch).

Table 5-13 IP Statistics (/stats/l3/ip)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/routeRoute Statistics

ipRoutingDiscards The number of routing entries, which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid. One possible reason for discarding such an entry could be to free-up buffer space for other routing entries.

ipDefaultTTL The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live (TTL) field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity (the switch), whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.

ipReasmTimeout The maximum number of seconds, which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly at this entity (the switch).

Route statistics:ipRoutesCur: 7 ipRoutesHighWater: 7ipRoutesMax: 1024

RIP statistics:ripInPkts: 0 ripOutPkts: 0ripDiscardPkts: 0 ripRoutesAgedOut: 0

BGP statistics:bgpInPkts: 0 bgpOutPkts: 0bgpBadPkts: 0 bgpSessFailures: 0bgpRoutesAdded: 0 bgpRoutesRemoved: 0bgpRoutesCur: 0 bgpRoutesFailed: 0bgpRoutesIgnored: 0 bgpRoutesFiltered: 0

Table 5-14 Route Statistics (/stats/l3/route)

Statistics Description

ipRoutesCur The total number of outstanding routes in the route table.

ipRoutesHighWater The highest number of routes ever recorded in the route table.

ipRoutesMax The maximum number of routes that are supported.

RIP statistics:

ripInPkts The total number of good RIP advertisem*nt packets received.

ripOutPkts The total number of RIP advertisem*nt packets sent.

Table 5-13 IP Statistics (/stats/l3/ip)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/arpARP statisticsThis menu option enables you to display Address Resolution Protocol statistics.

ripDiscardPkts The total number of RIP advertisem*nt packets received that were dropped.

ripRoutesAgedOut The total number of routes learned via RIP that has aged out.

BGP statistics:

bgpInPkts The total number of BGP packets received.

bgpOutPkts The total number of BGP packets sent.

bgpBadPkts The total number of BGP packets dropped.

bgpSessFailures The total number of failed sessions.

bgpRoutesAdded The total number of routes that were added to the routing table.

bgpRoutesRemoved The total number of routes that were removed from the routing table.

bgpRoutesCur The total number of current BGP routes.

bgpRoutesFailed The total number of BGP routes that failed to add in the routing table.

bgpRoutesIgnored The total number of routes ignored because the peer was not con-nected locally or multihop was not configured.

bgpRoutesFiltered The total number of routes dropped by the filter.

ARP statistics:arpEntriesCur: 3 arpEntriesHighWater: 4arpEntriesMax: 4096

Table 5-15 ARP Statistics (/stats/l3/arp)

Statistics Description

arpEntriesCur The total number of outstanding ARP entries in the ARP table.

arpEntriesHighWater The highest number of ARP entries ever recorded in the ARP table.

arpEntriesMax The maximum number of ARP entries that are supported.

Table 5-14 Route Statistics (/stats/l3/route)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/vrrpVRRP StatisticsVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on the Alteon Application Switch pro-vides redundancy between routers in a LAN. This is accomplished by configuring the same virtual router IP address and ID number on each participating VRRP-capable routing device. One of the virtual routers is then elected as the master, based on a number of priority criteria, and assumes control of the shared virtual router IP address. If the master fails, one of the backup virtual routers will assume routing authority and take control of the virtual router IP address.

When virtual routers are configured, you can display the following protocol statistics for VRRP:

� Advertisem*nts received (vrrpInAdvers)

� Advertisem*nts transmitted (vrrpOutAdvers)

� Advertisem*nts received, but ignored (vrrpBadAdvers)

The statistics for the VRRP LAN are displayed:

VRRP statistics:vrrpInAdvers: 0 vrrpBadAdvers: 0vrrpOutAdvers: 0

Table 5-16 VRRP Statistics (/stats/l3/vrrp)

Statistics Description

vrrpInAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisem*nts that have been received.

vrrpBadAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisem*nts received that were dropped.

vrrpOutAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisem*nts that have been sent.

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/stats/l3/dnsDNS StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display Domain Name System statistics.

/stats/l3/icmpICMP Statistics

DNS statistics:dnsInRequests: 0 dnsOutRequests: 0dnsBadRequests: 0

Table 5-17 DNS Statistics (/stats/l3/dns)

Statistics Description

dnsInRequests The total number of DNS request packets that have been received.

dnsOutRequests The total number of DNS response packets that have been transmitted.

dnsBadRequests The total number of DNS request packets received that were dropped.

ICMP statistics:icmpInMsgs: 245802 icmpInErrors: 1393icmpInDestUnreachs: 41 icmpInTimeExcds: 0icmpInParmProbs: 0 icmpInSrcQuenchs: 0icmpInRedirects: 0 icmpInEchos: 18icmpInEchoReps: 244350 icmpInTimestamps: 0icmpInTimestampReps: 0 icmpInAddrMasks: 0icmpInAddrMaskReps: 0 icmpOutMsgs: 253810icmpOutErrors: 0 icmpOutDestUnreachs: 15icmpOutTimeExcds: 0 icmpOutParmProbs: 0icmpOutSrcQuenchs: 0 icmpOutRedirects: 0icmpOutEchos: 253777 icmpOutEchoReps: 18icmpOutTimestamps: 0 icmpOutTimestampReps: 0icmpOutAddrMasks: 0 icmpOutAddrMaskReps: 0

Table 5-18 ICMP Statistics (/stats/l3/icmp)

Statistics Description

icmpInMsgs The total number of ICMP messages which the entity (the switch) received. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpInErrors.

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icmpInErrors The number of ICMP messages which the entity (the switch) received but determined as having ICMP-specific errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, and so forth).

icmpInDestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.

icmpInTimeExcds The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.

icmpInParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.

icmpInSrcQuenchs The number of ICMP Source Quench (buffer almost full, stop send-ing data) messages received.

icmpInRedirects The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.

icmpInEchos The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.

icmpInEchoReps The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.

icmpInTimestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.

icmpInTimestampReps The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.

icmpInAddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.

icmpInAddrMaskReps The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.

icmpOutMsgs The total number of ICMP messages which this entity (the switch) attempted to send. Note that this counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors.

icmpOutErrors The number of ICMP messages which this entity (the switch) did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP such as a lack of buffer. This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such as the inability of IP to route the resultant data-gram. In some implementations there may be no types of errors that contribute to this counter’s value.

icmpOutDestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.

icmpOutTimeExcds The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.

icmpOutParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.

icmpOutSrcQuenchs The number of ICMP Source Quench (buffer almost full, stop send-ing data) messages sent.

icmpOutRedirects The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this object will always be zero, since hosts do not send redirects.

Table 5-18 ICMP Statistics (/stats/l3/icmp)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/if <interface number>Interface Statistics

icmpOutEchos The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.

icmpOutEchoReps The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.

icmpOutTimestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.

icmpOutTimestampReps The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.

icmpOutAddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.

icmpOutAddrMaskReps The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.

IP interface 1 statistics:ifInOctets: 48948386 ifInUcastPkts: 220553ifInNUCastPkts: 167895 ifInDiscards: 0ifInErrors: 0 ifInUnknownProtos: 0ifOutOctets: 27100789 ifOutUcastPkts: 441938ifOutNUcastPkts: 218652 ifOutDiscards: 0ifOutErrors: 0 ifStateChanges 1

Table 5-19 Interface Statistics (/stats/if)

Statistics Description

ifInOctets The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.

ifInUcastPkts The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub- layer), which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer.

ifInNUCastPkts The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub- layer), which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. This object is deprecated in favor of ifInMulticastPkts and ifInBroadcastPkts.

ifInDiscards The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Table 5-18 ICMP Statistics (/stats/l3/icmp)

Statistics Description

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ifInErrors For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that con-tained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer pro-tocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.

ifInUnknownProtos For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces which support protocol multiplexing the number of transmission units received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface which does not support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.

ifOutOctets The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

ifOutUcastPkts The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

ifOutNUcastPkts The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.This object is deprecated in favor of ifOutMulticastPkts and ifOutBroadcastPkts.

ifOutDiscards The number of outbound packets, which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmit-ted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

ifOutErrors For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that could not be transmitted because of errors.

ifStateChanges The number of times an interface has transitioned from either down to up or from up to down.

Table 5-19 Interface Statistics (/stats/if)

Statistics Description

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/stats/l3/tcpTCP Statistics

TCP statistics:tcpRtoAlgorithm: 4 tcpRtoMin: 0tcpRtoMax: 240000 tcpMaxConn: 512tcpActiveOpens: 252214 tcpPassiveOpens: 7tcpAttemptFails: 528 tcpEstabResets: 4tcpInSegs: 756401 tcpOutSegs: 756655tcpRetransSegs: 0 tcpInErrs: 0tcpCurBuff: 0 tcpCurConn: 3tcpOutRsts: 417

Table 5-20 TCP Statistics (/stats/l3/tcp)

Statistics Description

tcpRtoAlgorithm The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for retransmit-ting unacknowledged octets.

tcpRtoMin The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retrans-mission timeout, measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type has the semantics of the LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.

tcpRtoMax The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retrans-mission timeout, measured in milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type has the semantics of the UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.

tcpMaxConn The limit on the total number of TCP connections the entity (the switch) can support. In entities where the maximum number of connections is dynamic, this object should contain the value -1.

tcpActiveOpens The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.

tcpPassiveOpens The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.

tcpAttemptFails The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct tran-sition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.

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/stats/l3/udpUDP Statistics

tcpEstabResets The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.

tcpInSegs The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connec-tions.

tcpOutSegs The total number of segments sent, including those on current connec-tions but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets.

tcpRetransSegs The total number of segments retransmitted - that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets.

tcpInErrs The total number of segments received in error (for example, bad TCP checksums).

tcpCurBuff The total number of outstanding memory allocations from heap by TCP protocol stack.

tcpCurConn The total number of outstanding TCP sessions that are currently opened.

tcpOutRsts The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.

UDP statistics:udpInDatagrams: 54 udpOutDatagrams: 43udpInErrors: 0 udpNoPorts: 1578077

Table 5-21 UDP Statistics (/stats/l3/udp)

Statistics Description

udpInDatagrams The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to the switch.

udpOutDatagrams The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity (the switch).

udpInErrors The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.

udpNoPorts The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.

Table 5-20 TCP Statistics (/stats/l3/tcp)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slbLoad Balancing Statistics Menu

[Server Load Balancing Statistics Menu] sp - SLB Switch SP Stats Menu real - Show real server stats group - Show real server group stats virt - Show virtual server stats filt - Show filter stats gslb - Show Global SLB stats layer7 - Show Layer 7 stats ssl - Show SSL SLB stats ftp - Show FTP SLB parsing and NAT stats rtsp - Show RTSP SLB stats dns - Show DNS SLB stats wap - Show WAP SLB stats maint - Show maintenance stats clear - Clear non-operational Server Load Balancing stats aux - Show auxiliary session table stats dump - Dump all SLB statistics

Table 5-22 SLB Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

sp <SP number (1-4)>Displays the server load balancing statistics menu. To view menu options, see page 129.

real <real server number (1-1023)>Displays the following real server statistics:

� Number of times the real server has failed its health checks� Number of sessions currently open on the real server� Total sessions the real server was assigned� Highest number of simultaneous sessions recorded for each real server� Real server transmit/receive octetsSee page 129 for sample output.

group <real server group number (1-256)>Displays the following real server group statistics:

� Current and total sessions for each real server in the real server group.� Current and total sessions for all real servers associated with the real server group.� Highest number of simultaneous sessions recorded for each real server.� Real server transmit/receive octets. For per-service octet counters, see page 132.See page 133 for sample output.

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virt <virtual server number (1-1024)>Displays the following virtual server statistics:

� Current and total sessions for each real server associated with the virtual server.� Current and total sessions for all real servers associated with the virtual server.� Highest number of simultaneous sessions recorded for each real server.� Real server transmit/receive octets. For per-service octet counters, see page 133.See page 133 for sample output.

filt <filter ID (1-2048)>Displays the total number of times any filter has been used. See page 134 for sample output.


Displays the Global SLB Statistics Menu. For more information, see page 134.


Displays Layer 7 statistics. See page 137 for sample output.


Displays SSL server load balancing statistics. See page 141 for sample output.


Displays FTP SLB parsing and NAT statistics. See page 142 for sample output.


Displays RTSP SLB statistics. See page 145 for sample output.


Displays DNS SLB statistics. See page 145 for sample output.


Displays WAP SLB statistics. See page 147 for sample output.


Displays SLB maintenance statistics. See page 149 for sample output.

clear [y|n]Clears all non-operating SLB statistics on the Alteon Application Switch, resetting them to zero. This command does not reset the switch and does not affect the following counters:

� Counters required for Layer 4 and Layer 7 operation (such as current real server sessions).� All related SNMP counters.To view the statistics reset by this command, refer to Table 5-40 on page 150.


Displays auxiliary session table statistics.

Table 5-22 SLB Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/stats/slb/spServer Load Balancing SP statistics Menu


Dumps all switch SLB statistics. Use this command to gather data for tuning and debugging switch performance. To save dump data to a file, set your communication software on your workstation to capture session data prior to issuing the dump command.

[Server Load Balancing SP Statistics Menu] real - Show real server stats group - Show real server group stats virt - Show virtual server stats filt - Show filter stats maint - Show maintenance stats aux - Show auxiliary session table stats clear - Clear SP stats

Table 5-23 SP Statistics Menu options (/stats/slb/sp)

Command Syntax and Usage

real <real server number (1-1023)>Displays real server statistics of the switch port. See page 130 for a sample output.

group <real server group number (1-1024)>Displays real server group statistics of the switch port. See page 130 for a sample output.

virt <virtual server number (1-1024)>Displays statistics of the virtual server. See page 130 for a sample output.

filt <filter ID (1-2048)>Displays statistics of the filter. See page 131 for a sample output.


Displays the SP maintenance statistics. See page 131 for a sample output.


Displays the statistics of the auxiliary session table.


Deletes all the SP statistics.

Table 5-22 SLB Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/stats/slb/sp/real <real server number>SP Real Server Statistics

/stats/slb/sp <sp number>/group <real group server number>

SP Real Group Server Statistics

/stats/slb/sp <sp number>/virt <virtual server number>

SP Virtual Server Statistics

Port 1 Real server 1 stats:Current sessions: 3Total sessions: 3Octets: 24

Real server group 1 stats: Current Total HighestReal IP address Sessions Sessions Sessions Octets---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 1 20 60 9 480000 2 20 77 12 616000---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 40 137 21 1096000

Real server group 1 stats: Current Total HighestReal IP address Sessions Sessions Sessions Octets---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 1 20 60 9 480000 2 20 77 12 616000---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 40 137 21 1096000

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Chapter 5: The Statistics Menu � 131315393-E, October 2003

/stats/slb/sp <sp number>/filt <filter number>

SP Filter Statistics

/stats/slb/sp <sp number>/maint

SP Maintenance Statistics

/stats/slb/real <real server number>Real Server SLB Statistics

Poet 1 Filter 30 stats:Total Firings: 2

SP 1 SLB Maintenance stats:Maximum sessions: 523264Current sessions: 0 4 second average: 0 64 second average: 0Terminated sessions: 0Allocation failures: 0Non TCP/IP frames: 0TCP fragments: 0UDP datagrams: 0Incorrect VIPs: 0Incorrect Vports: 0No available real server: 0Filtered (denied) frames: 0LAND attacks: 0Total IP fragment sessions: 0IP fragment sessions: 0IP fragment discards: 0IP fragment table full: 0

Real server 1 stats:Current sessions: 129Total sessions: 65478Highest sessions: 4343Octets 523824000

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NOTE – Octets are provided per server, not per service, unless configured as described in “Per Service Octet Counters” on page 132.

Per Service Octet Counters

For each load-balanced real server, the octet counters represent the combined number of trans-mit and receive bytes (octets). These counters are then added to report the total octets for each virtual server.

The octet counters are provided per server–not per service. If you need octet counters on a per-service basis, you can accomplish this through the following configuration:

1. Configure a separate IP address for each service on each server being load balanced.

For instance, you can configure IP address for HTTP services, and for FTP services on the same physical server.

2. On the Alteon Application Switch, configure a real server with a real IP address for each service above.

Continuing the example above, two real servers would be configured for the physical server (representing each real service). If there were five physical servers providing the two services (HTTP and FTP), 10 real servers would have to be configured: five for the HTTP services on each physical server, and five for the FTP services on each physical server.

3. On the Alteon Application Switch, configure one real server group for each type of ser-vice, and group each appropriate real server IP address into the group that handles the specific service.

Thus, in keeping with our example, two groups would be configured: one for handling HTTP and one for handling FTP.

Table 5-24 Real Server SLB Statistics (/stats/slb/real)

Statistics Description

Current sessions The total number of outstanding sessions that are established to the par-ticular real server.

Total sessions The total number of sessions that have been established to the particular real server.

Highest sessions The highest number of sessions ever recorded for the particular real server.

Octets The total number of octets sent by the particular real server.

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4. Configure a virtual server and add the appropriate services to that virtual server.

/stats/slb/group <real server group number>Real Server Group Statistics

Real server group statistics include the following:

� Current and total sessions for each real server in the real server group.

� Current and total sessions for all real servers associated with the real server group.

� Highest number of simultaneous sessions recorded for each real server.

� Real server transmit/receive octets. For per-service octet counters, see the procedure on “Per Service Octet Counters” on page 132.

/stats/slb/virt <virtual server number>Virtual Server SLB Statistics

NOTE – The virtual server IP address is shown on the last line, below the real server IP addresses.

Virtual server statistics include the following:

Real server group 1 stats: Current Total HighestReal IP address Sessions Sessions Sessions Octets---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 1 20 60 9 480000 2 20 77 12 616000---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 40 137 21 1096000

Virtual server 1 stats: Current Total HighestReal IP address Sessions Sessions Sessions Octets---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 1 20 60 9 480000 2 20 77 12 616000---- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------- 40 309 21 1096000

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� Current and total sessions for each real server associated with the virtual server.

� Current and total sessions for all real servers associated with the virtual server.

� Highest number of simultaneous sessions recorded for each real server.

� Real server transmit/receive octets. For per-service octet counters, see “Per Service Octet Counters” on page 132.

/stats/slb/filt <filter number>Filter SLB Statistics

You can obtain the total number of times any filter has been used.

/stats/slb/gslbGlobal SLB Statistics Menu

Filter 1 stats:Total firings: 1011

[Global SLB Statistics Menu] real - Show Real server Global SLB stats group - Show Real server group Global SLB stats virt - Show Virtual server Global SLB stats maint - Show Global SLB maintenance stats

Table 5-25 Global SLB Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb/gslb)

Command Syntax and Usage

real <real server number (1-1023)>Where the real server number represents the real server ID on this switch, under which the remote server is configured.

To view an example and description of what is displayed on-screen, see page 135.

group <real server group number (1-1024)>To view an example and description of what is displayed on-screen, see page 135.

virt <virtual server number (1-1024)>To view an example and description of what is displayed on-screen, see page 135.


To view an example and description of what is displayed on-screen, see page 136.

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/stats/slb/gslb/real <real server number>Real Server Global SLB Statistics

For any remote real server configured for Global Server Load Balancing, the following statis-tics can be viewed:

� Number of DNS hand-offs sent by the remote real server/real server group

� Number of HTTP redirects sent by the remote real server/real server group

/stats/slb/gslb/group <group number>Real Server Group Global SLB Statistics

Real server group global statistics include the following:

� Number of DNS hand-offs to each remote real server in the group

� Number of HTTP redirects to each remote real server in the group

� Total DNS hand-offs and HTTP redirects to the remote real servers in the group

/stats/slb/gslb/virt <virtual server number>Virtual Server Global SLB Statistics

Real server 1 global stats:DNS handoffs: 3210HTTP redirects: 12

Real server group 1 Global SLB stats: Real server IP address DNS Handoffs HTTP Redirects ----------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- 1 1240 30 2 608 12 ----------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- Totals 1848 42

Virtual server 1 Global SLB stats: Service Server IP address Response time Min sessions avail ------- ------ --------------- ------------- ------------------ http v1 16 21190 http r1 10 24120

telnet v1 4 31032

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Virtual server global statistics include the following:

� Service: type of service running on the virtual server

� Server: type of server configuration and server ID number.

� v# represents a local virtual server number

� r# represents a remote site. Since each remote sites is configured on its peers as if it were a real server (with certain special properties), the number represents the real server ID on this switch, under which the remote server is configured.

� IP address of the server

� Response time: the average time (current weight) that each service takes to respond to information exchanges with its peers. The time is specified in ticks of 65 milliseconds.

� Minimum sessions available: the current number of sessions available for serving client requests. This number will change as client traffic loads change, or as real servers under the virtual server or remote sites go in or out of service.

/stats/slb/gslb/maintGlobal SLB Maintenance Statistics

Global SLB maintenance statistics include the following:

� The number of Distributed Site State Protocol (DSSP) updates/packets received from remote sites.

� The number of bad/dropped DSSP updates/packets received from remote sites. Bad updates or dropped packets usually indicate that there is a GSLB switch configuration problem. If bad updates or dropped packets occur, check your syslog for configuration error messages.

� The number of bad/dropped client HTTP requests. Client HTTP GET request packets that do not contain the entire URL are considered bad and are dropped.

Global SLB maintenance stats:Updates received: 0Bad updates received: 0Bad requests received: 0

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/stats/slb/layer7SLB Layer7 Statistics Menu

/stats/slb/layer7/redirLayer7 Redirection Statistics

[Layer 7 Statistics Menu] redir - Show URL Redirection stats str - Show SLB String stats maint - Show Layer 7 Maintenance stats

Table 5-26 SLB Layer 7 Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb/layer7)

Command Syntax & Usage


Displays URL Redirection statistics. See page 137 for a sample output.


Displays SLB string statistics. See page 138 for a sample output.


Displays Layer 7 maintenance statistics. See page 139 for a sample output.

Total URL based web cache redirection stats:Total cache server hits: 0Total origin server hits: 0Total straight to origin server hits: 0Total none-GETs hits: 0Total ’Cookie: ’ hits: 0Total no-cache hits: 0Total RTSP cache server hits: 0Total RTSP origin server hits: 0Total HTTP redirection hits: 0

Table 5-27 Layer 7 Redirection Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/redir)

Statistics Description

Total cache server hits The total number of HTTP requests redirected to the cache server.

Total origin server hits The total number of HTTP requests forwarded to the origin server.

Total straight to ori-gin server hits

The total number of HTTP requests forwarded from straight to the origin server.

Total none-GETs hits The total number of none GET requests forwarded to the origin server.

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/stats/slb/layer7/strLayer 7 SLB String Statistics

Total ’Cookie:’ hits The total number of cookie requests forwarded to the origin server.

Total no-cache hits The total number of requests containing no-cache header forwarded to the origin server.

Total RTSP cache server hits

The total number of RTSP requests redirected to the cache server.

Total RTSP origin server hits

The total number of RTSP requests forwarded to the origin server.

Total HTTP redirec-tion hits

The total number of HTTP requests that were redirected by redirec-tion filter.

SLB String stats: ID SLB String Hits 1 any 1527115 2 www.[abcdefghijklm]*.com 0 3 www.[nopqrstuvwxyz]*.com 0 4 0 5 0 6 www.[abcdefjhijklm]*.org 0 7 www.[nopqrstuvwxyz]*.org 0

Table 5-28 Layer 7 SLB String Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/str)

Statistics Description

ID SLB String The user-defined strings being used in URL matching.

Hits The total number of instances that are load-balanced due to matching of the particular URL ID.

Table 5-27 Layer 7 Redirection Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/redir)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/layer7/maintLayer 7 SLB Maintenance Statistics

Layer 7 maintenance stats:Clients reset by switch on client side: 0Clients reset by switch on server side: 0Connection Splicing to support HTTP/1.1: 0Invalid HTTP methods: 0Aged delayed binding sessions: 0Half open connections: 0Switch retries: 0Random early drops: 0Requests exceeded 4500 bytes: 0Invalid 3-way handshakes: 0Exceeded max frame size: 0Current SP[1] memory units: 1310 Lowest: 1310Current SP[2] memory units: 1310 Lowest: 1310Current SP[3] memory units: 1310 Lowest: 1310Current SP[4] memory units: 1310 Lowest: 1310Current SP memory units: 5240Current SEQ buffer entries: 0 Highest: 0Current Data buffer use: 0 Highest: 0Current SP buffer entries: 0 Highest: 0Total Nonzero SEQ Alloc: 0Total SEQ Buffer Allocs: 0 Total SEQ Frees: 0Total Data Buffer Allocs: 0 Total Data Frees: 0Alloc Fails - Seq buffers: 0 Alloc Fails - Ubufs: 0Max sessions per bucket: 0 Max frames per session: 0Max bytes buffered (sess): 0

Table 5-29 SLB Layer 7 Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/maint)

Statistics Description

Clients reset by switch on client side

The number of reset frames sent to the client by the switch during server connection termination. This means that when the switch could not connect to the real sever and the client’s retries exceeded the threshold due to delayed binding, the switch will send a reset frame to the client to terminate the connection.

Clients reset by switch on server side

The number of reset frames sent to the server by the switch during server connection termination due to delayed binding.

Connection Splicing to support HTTP/1.1

The total number of connection swapping between different real servers in supporting multiple HTTP/1.1 client requests.0

Invalid HTTP methods The total number of HTTP requests that contain invalid methods sent by the client.

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Aged delayed binding sessions

The total number of aged delayed binding sessions caused by failed connection initialization between the switch and the server.

Half open connections The total numbers of outstanding TCP connections that are half opened. It is incremented when the switch responds to TCP SYN packet and decremented upon receiving TCP SYN ACK packet from the requester.

Switch retries The total number of switch retries to connect to the real server.

Random early drops The total number of SYN frames dropped when the buffer is low.

Requests exceeded 4500 bytes

The total number of GET requests that exceeded 4500 bytes.

Invalid 3-way hand-shakes

The total number of dropped frames because of invalid 3-way hand shakes.

Exceeded max frame size

The total number of switch-generated frames that exceeded the max-imum allowed frame size.

Current SP memory units

The current available SP memory units.

Current SEQ buffer entries

The number of outstanding sequence buffers used.

Highest SEQ buffer entries

The highest number of sequence buffers ever used.

Current Data buffer use

The number of outstanding data buffers used.

Highest Data buffer use

The highest number of data buffers ever used.

Total Nonzero SEQ Alloc

The total number of sequence buffer allocated.2

Total SEQ Buffer Allocs

The total number of sequence buffer allocations.

Total SEQ Frees The total number of sequence buffer is freed.

Total Data Buffer Allocs

The total number of buffers allocated to store client request.2

Total Data Frees The total of number buffers freed.

Table 5-29 SLB Layer 7 Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/maint)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/sslSLB Secure Socket Layer Statistics

Alloc Fails - Seq buffers

The number of times sequence buffer allocation failed.

Alloc Fails - Ubufs The number of times the URL data buffer allocation failed.

Max sessions per bucket

The maximum number of items (sessions) allowed in the session table hash bucket chain.

Max frames per session The maximum number of frames to be buffered per session.

Max bytes buffered (sess)

The maximum number of bytes to be buffered per session.

SSL SLB maintenance stats:SessionId allocation fails: 0 Current Total Highest Sessions Sessions Sessions------------------------- -------- ---------- --------Unique SessionIds 0 0 0SSL connections 0 0 0Persistent Port Sessions 0 0 0

Table 5-30 SLB Secure Socket Layer Statistics (/stats/slb/ssl)

Statistics Description

SSL SLB maintenance stats

Debug stats for SSL SessionId based persistence.

SessionId allocation fails

The number of times allocation of a session table entry failed when attempting to store a SessionId in the table.

The table shows the Current Sessions, the total sessions seen on the switch since last reset and the high water mark of current sessions for the following:

Unique SessionIds Many SSL sessions can use the same SessionId, these should all bind to the same server. This number shows the number of unique SSL sessions seen on the switch.

SSL connections The number of different TCP connections using SSL service.

Table 5-29 SLB Layer 7 Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/layer7/maint)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/ftpFile Transfer Protocol SLB and Filter Statistics Menu

/stats/slb/ftp/activeActive FTP SLB Parsing and Filter Statistics

Persistent PortSessions

The number of SessionIds maintained to allow for persistence across different client ports.

[FTP SLB parsing and Filter Statistics Menu] active - Show active FTP NAT filter stats parsing - Show FTP SLB parsing server stats maint - Show FTP maintenance stats dump - Dump all FTP SLB/NAT stats

Table 5-31 FTP SLB Parsing and Filter Statistics Menu Options (/stats/slb/ftp)

Command Syntax and Usage


Shows active FTP SLB parsing and filter statistics. See page 142 for sample output.


Shows parsing statistics. See page 143 for sample output.


Shows maintenance statistics. See page 143 for sample output.


Shows all FTP SLB/NAT statistics. See page 144.

Total Active FTP NAT stats(PORT):Total FTP: 0Total New Active FTP Index: 0Active FTP NAT ACK/SEQ diff: 0

Table 5-32 Active FTP Slb Parsing and Filter statistics (/stats/slb/ftp/active)

Statistics Description

Total Active FTP NAT stats (PORT)

The number of times the switch receives the port command from the client.

Table 5-30 SLB Secure Socket Layer Statistics (/stats/slb/ssl)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/ftp/parsingPassive FTP SLB Parsing Statistics

/stats/slb/ftp/maintFTP SLB Maintenance Statistics

Total FTP The number of times the switch receives both active and passive FTP connections.

Total New Active FTP Index

The number of times the switch creates a new index due to port command from the client.

Active FTP NAT ACK/SEQ diff

The difference in the numbers of ACK and SEQ that the Switch needs for packet adjustment.

Total FTP SLB Parsing Stats(PASV):Total FTP: 0Total New FTP SLB parsing Index: 0FTP SLB parsing ACK/SEQ diff: 0

Table 5-33 Passive FTP SLB Parsing Statistics (/stats/slb/ftp/parsing)

Statistics Description

Total FTP The number of times the switch receives both active and passive FTP connections.

Total New FTP SLB parsing Index

The number of times the switch creates a new index in response to the pasv command from the client.

FTP SLB parsing ACK/SEQ diff

The difference in the numbers of ACK and SEQ that the switch needs FTP SLB parsing.

FTP mode switch error: 0

Table 5-34 FTP SLB Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/ftp/maint)

Statistics Description

FTP mode switch error The number of times the switch is not able to switch modes from active to passive and vice versa.

Table 5-32 Active FTP Slb Parsing and Filter statistics (/stats/slb/ftp/active)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/ftp/dumpFTP SLB Statistics Dump

Total FTP : 0Total FTP NAT Filtered: 0Total new active FTP NAT Index: 0Total new FTP SLB parsing Index: 0FTP Active FTP NAT ACK/SEQ diff: 0FTP SLB parsing ACK/SEQ diff: 0FTP mode switch error: 0

Table 5-35 FTP SLB Statistics Dump (/stats/slb/ftp/dump)

Statistics Description

Total FTP The total number of FTP sessions that occurred.

Total FTP NAT Filtered The total number of FTP NAT filter sessions that occurred.

Total new active FTP NAT Index

The total number of new data sessions created for FTP NAT filter in active mode.

Total new FTP SLB parsing Index

The number of times the switch creates a new index in response to the pasv command from the client.


The total number of times the adjustment between ACK and SEQ occurred on the filter.

FTP SLB parsing ACK/SEQ diff

The difference in the numbers of ACK and SEQ that the switch needs for FTP SLB parsing.

FTP mode switch error The number of times the switch could not switch mode from active to passive and vice versa.

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/stats/slb/rtspRTSP SLB Statistics

/stats/slb/dnsDNS SLB Statistics

Control UDP Connection Buffer AllocSP Connection Streams Redirect Denied Allocs Failures-- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 5-36 RTSP SLB Statistics (/stats/slb/rtsp)

Statistics Description

ControlConnection The total number of TCP connections for RTSP control connection.

UDP Streams The total number of UDP connections for data channels. The number depends upon the type of media player being used.

Redirect The total number of times the connection got redirected.

ConnectionDenied The total number of times the connections got denied due to shortage of resources or the real server being down.

BufferAllocs The total number of buffer allocations used.

AllocFailures The total number of times the buffer allocation failed.

Total number of TCP DNS queries: 0Total number of UDP DNS queries: 0Total number of invalid DNS queries: 0Total number of multiple DNS queries: 0Total number of domain name parse errors: 0Total number of failed real server name matches: 0Total number of DNS parsing internal errors: 0

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Table 5-37 DNS SLB Statistics (/stats/slb/dns)

Statistics Description

Total number of TCP DNS queries

The total number of DNS queries that received through TCP connections.

Total number of UDP DNS queries

The total number of DNS queries received through UDP requests.

Total number of invalid DNS queries

The total number of malformed DNS queries received.

Total number of multiple DNS queries

The total number of DNS queries that contain more than one domain name to be resolved. Currently only one domain name resolution per request is supported.

Total number of domain name parse errors

The total number of DNS queries that have short or invalid domain names to be resolved.

Total number of failed real server name matches

The total number of times the user failed to find a real server which has the same layer 7 strings that match the domain name to be resolved.

Total number of DNS parsing internal errors

The total number of out of memory and other unexpected errors the user gets while processing the DNS query.

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/stats/slb/WapWAP SLB Statistics

WAP Maintenance stats: current sessions: 0 allocation failures: 0 incorrect VIPs: 0 incorrect Vports: 0 no available real server: 0 requests to wrong SP: 0------------------------------------------------------------------TPCP External Notification stats: add session reqs: 0 del session reqs: 0 req fails- SP dead: 0 req fails- SP dead: 0------------------------------------------------------------------RADIUS Snooping stats: acct reqs: 0 acct wrap reqs: 0 acct start reqs: 0 acct update reqs: 0 acct stop reqs: 0 acct bad reqs: 0 acct reqs(FIP): 0 acct reqs(no FIP): 0 add session reqs: 0 del session reqs: 0 req fails- SP dead: 0 req fails- DMA: 0

Table 5-38 WAP SLB Statistics (/stats/slb/wap)

Statistics Description

WAP Maintenance stats:

current sessions The number of session bindings currently in use.

allocation failures Indicates instances where the switch ran out of available bindings for a port.

incorrect VIPs Indicates the number of times the switch received a Layer 4 request for a virtual server which was not configured.

incorrect Vports This dropped frames counter indicates that the virtual server has received frames for TCP/UDP services that have not been configured. Normally this indicates a mis-configuration on the virtual server or the client.

no available real server

This dropped frames counter indicates that all real servers are either out of service or at their maxcon limit.

requests to wrong SP The number of session add/delete requests sent to the wrong SP.

TPCP External Notification stats:

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add session reqs The number of WAP session add requests via TPCP.

req fails- SP dead The number of add-request failures due to dead target SP.

RADIUS Snooping stats:

acct reqs The number of RADIUS Accounting frames received.

acct wrap reqs The number of wrapped RADIUS Accounting frames received.

acct start reqs The number of RADIUS Accounting Start frames received.

acct update reqs The number of RADIUS Accounting Update frames.

acct stop reqs The number of RADIUS Accounting Stop frames received.

acct bad reqs The number of bad RADIUS Accounting frames received.

add session reqs The number of WAP session add requests via RADIUS snooping.

del session reqs The number of WAP session delete requests via RADIUS snooping.

req fails- SP dead The number of add/delete request failures due to dead target SP.

req fails- DMA The number of add/delete requests failed due to DMA write failure.

Table 5-38 WAP SLB Statistics (/stats/slb/wap)

Statistics Description

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/stats/slb/maintSLB Maintenance Statistics

SLB Maintenance statistics are described in the following table.

SLB Maintenance stats:Maximum sessions: 2097104Current sessions: 0 4 second average: 0 64 second average: 0Terminated sessions: 0Allocation failures: 0TCP fragments: 0UDP datagrams: 0Non TCP/IP frames: 0Incorrect VIPs: 0Incorrect Vports: 0No available real server: 0Backup server activations: 0Overflow server activations: 0Filtered (denied) frames: 0LAND attacks: 0Total IP fragment sessions: 0Current IP fragment sessions 0IP fragment discards: 0IP fragment table full: 0

Table 5-39 Server Load Balancing Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/maint)

Statistic Description

Maximum sessions The maximum number of simultaneous sessions supported.

Current Sessions Number of session bindings currently in use (the last 4 and 64 seconds).

Terminated Sessions Number of sessions removed from the session table because the server assigned to them failed and graceful server failure was not enabled.

Allocation Failures Indicates instances where the Switch ran out of available sessions for a port.

TCP Fragments Indicates the number of TCP fragments encountered by the switch. Layer 4 processing might not handle TCP fragments, depending on configuration.

UDP Datagrams Indicates that the virtual server IP address and MAC are receiving UDP frames when UDP balancing is not turned on.

Non TCP/IP Frames Indicates the number of non-IP based frames received by the virtual server.

Incorrect VIPs Indicates the number of times the switch received a Layer 4 request for a virtual server which was not configured.

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/stats/slb/clearClearing the SLB StatisticsThe following statistics are reset to zero when the clear command is given and confirmed:

Incorrect Vports This dropped frames counter indicates that the virtual server has received frames for TCP/UDP services that have not been configured. Normally this indicates a mis-configuration on the virtual server or the client, but it may be an indication of a potential security probing application like SATAN.

No Server Available This dropped frames counter indicates that all real servers are either out of service or at their maxcon limit.

Backup Server Activations

This indicates the number of times a real server failure has occurred and caused a backup server to be brought online.

Overflow Server Activations

This indicates the number of times a real server has reached the maxcon limit and caused an overflow server to be brought online.

Filtered (Denied) Frames

This indicates the number of frames that were dropped because they matched an active filter with the deny action set.

LAND attacks This counter increases whenever a packet has the same source and desti-nation IP addresses and ports.

Total IP fragment sessions

This represents the total number of fragment sessions the switch has pro-cessed so far.

Current IP fragment sessions

This represents the current number of fragment sessions.

IP fragment dis-cards

The number of fragmented packets that are discarded due to lack of resources.

IP fragment table full

This counter indicates how many times session table is full.

Table 5-40 SLB Statistics Reset (/stats/slb/clear)

Statistics Description

Real server stats: Health check failuresTotal sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

Table 5-39 Server Load Balancing Maintenance Statistics (/stats/slb/maint)

Statistic Description

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Real server group stats:

Total sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

Virtual server stats

Total sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

Filter stats Total firings

SLB switch port stats, per port

Real server stats: Octets, Total sessionsReal server group: Octets, Total sessionsVirtual server: Octets, Total sessionsTotal firings: Octets

Global SLB stats Per real server:DNS handoffsHTTP redirects

Per server group:DNS handoffsHTTP redirects

URL SLB and Redi-rection stats

Redir:Total cache server hitsTotal origin server hitsTotal none-GETs hitsTotal ’Cookie: ’ hitsTotal no-cache hits

LB:ID SLB String hits

SSL SLB stats Total SessionsHighest Sessions

FTP SLB parsing and NAT stats

Total FTPTotal FTP NAT FilteredTotal new active FTP NAT IndexTotal new FTP SLB parsing IndexFTP Active FTP NAT ACK/SEQ diffFTP SLB parsing ACK/SEQ diff

Real server stats Health check failuresTotal sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

Table 5-40 SLB Statistics Reset (/stats/slb/clear)

Statistics Description

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/stats/bwmBWM Statistics Menu

Real server group stats

Total sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

Virtual server stats

Total sessionsHighest sessionsOctets

[Bandwidth Management Statistics Menu] port - Switch Port Contract Stats Menu cont - BW Contract stats rcont - BW Contract rate stats hist - BW History stats maint - Show BWM maint statistics dump - Dump all BWM statistics clear - Clear BWM statistics

Table 5-41 Bandwidth Management Statistics Menu Options (/stats/bwm)

Command Syntax and Usage

port <port number>Displays Switch Port Contract Statistics Menu. To view menu options, see page 153.

cont <BW Contract number (1-256)>Displays bandwidth management contract statistics. See page 154 for details.

rcont <BW Contract number (1-256)>Displays bandwidth management contract rate statistics. See page 155 for details.


Displays bandwidth management history statistics. See page 156 for sample output.


Displays bandwidth management maintenance statistics. See page 158 for sample output.


Displays all bandwidth management statistics.

Table 5-40 SLB Statistics Reset (/stats/slb/clear)

Statistics Description

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/stats/bwm/port <port number>BWM Switch Processor Statistics

/stats/bwm/port <port number>/contBWM Switch Processor Contract Statistics Menu


Clears all bandwidth management statistics.

[Bandwidth Management Port Statistics Menu] cont - BW Contract stats rcont - BW Contract rate stats

Table 5-42 Management Port Statistics Menu Options (/stats/bwm/sp)

Command Syntax and Usage

cont <BW Contract number (1-256)>Displays bandwidth management contract statistics. See for a sample output.

rcont <BW Contract number (1-256)>Displays bandwidth management contract rate statistics.

BW Contract statisticsContract Name Octets Discards BufUsed BufMax-------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------ 1 cont1 40465360 262049256 0 16320 2 cont2 0 0 0 16320 20 cont20 674252832 1798583472 16384 16320 26 cont26 0 0 0 16320 256 Default 772710 0 0 16320

Table 5-41 Bandwidth Management Statistics Menu Options (/stats/bwm)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/stats/bwm/port <port number>/rcontBWM Switch Processor Rate Contract Statistics

/stats/bwm/cont <contract number>BWM Contract Statistics

The following description of statistics applies on a specific SP (switch processor-equivalent to switch port) for all contracts irrespective of whether the contract is enabled or disabled.

BW Contract statisticsContract Name Rate(Kbps) Octets Discards BufUsed BufMax-------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----- 1 cont1 0 40465360 262049256 0 16320 2 cont2 0 0 0 0 16320 20 cont20 5230 682947936 1822133376 16384 16320 26 cont26 0 0 0 0 16320 256 Default 0 773974 0 0 16320 1 cont1 0 40465360 262049256 0 16320 2 cont2 0 0 0 0 16320 20 cont20 5238 684289056 1825753104 16384 16320 26 cont26 0 0 0 0 16320 256 Default 0 774114 0 0 16320

BW Contract statisticsContract Name Octets Discards BufUsed BufMax-------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------ 1 cont1 223868832 568900584 16384 456960 2 cont2 0 0 0 456960 20 cont20 224149728 568632456 16384 456960 25 cont25 0 0 0 456960 26 cont26 0 0 0 456960 256 Default 401270 0 0 456960

Table 5-43 Bandwidth Management Contract Statistics (/stats/bwm/cont)

Statistics Description

Contract The contract number.

Name The contract name.

Octets The number of octets that are being transmitted through a particular con-tract since the switch is booted.

Discards The number of octets that are being discarded because of seeing more traffic than the bandwidth contract limit permits.

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/stats/bwm/rcontBWM Contract Rate StatisticsUse this command to show the rate statistics of all the enabled contracts.

BufUsed The current amount of buffer space used to store the packets that is wait-ing to be transmitted.

BufMax Maximum buffer space that can be used to store the packets before they can be transmitted. The switch starts dropping the packets of a particular contract after the maximum buffer space allocated for that contract is being occupied.

BW Contract statisticsContract Name Rate(Kbps) Octets Discards BufUsed BufMax-------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----- 1 cont1 5222 285408288 735607152 16384 456960 2 cont2 0 0 0 0 456960 20 cont20 5238 285720864 735308784 16384 456960 26 cont26 0 0 0 0 456960 256 Default 4 517182 0 0 456960 1 cont1 5230 286747296 739228896 16384 456960 2 cont2 0 0 0 0 456960 20 cont20 5230 287059872 738930528 16384 456960 26 cont26 0 0 0 0 456960 256 Default 8 519400 0 0 456960 1 cont1 5222 288084192 742853160 16384 456960 2 cont2 0 0 0 0 456960 20 cont20 5238 288400992 742550760 16384 456960 26 cont26 0 0 0 0 456960 256 Default 8 521578 0 0 456960

Table 5-44 Bandwidth Management Contract Rate Statistics (/stats/bwm/rcont)

Statistics Description

Contract The contract number.

Name The contract name.

Rate (in Kbps) Rate at which the packets are going out of the switch on a particular con-tract.

Table 5-43 Bandwidth Management Contract Statistics (/stats/bwm/cont)

Statistics Description

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/stats/bwm/histBWM History Statistics

You can dump the stats kept in the SMTP history buffer that get dumped periodically when an E-mail is sent. This command is used to keep long term history only for the contracts that are enabled and have history command turned on.

Octets The number of octets that are being transmitted through a particular con-tract since the switch is booted.

Discards The number of octets that are being discarded because of seeing more traffic than the bandwidth contract limits.

BufUsed The current amount of buffer space used to store the packets that is wait-ing to be transmitted.

BufMax Maximum buffer space that can be used to store the packets before they can be transmitted. The switch starts dropping the packets of a particular contract after the maximum buffer space allocated for that contract is being occupied.

Switch IP Cont Name Octets Discards TimeStamp YyyyMmDd:Hr:Mi/TmZone--------------- ---- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 filter_number01 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 2 filter_number02 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 3 filter_number03 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 4 filter_number04 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 5 filter_number05 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 6 filter_number06 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 7 filter_number07 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 8 filter_number08 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 9 filter_number09 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 10 filter_number10 0 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00 256 Default 608 0 20030910:15:11/ -8:00

Table 5-44 Bandwidth Management Contract Rate Statistics (/stats/bwm/rcont)

Statistics Description

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Use this command to show the history of all the contracts for which history command is enabled. The sampling is done at one-minute intervals.

Table 5-45 Bandwidth Management History Statistics (/stats/bwm/hist)

Statistics Description

Contract The contract number for which history is enabled.

Octets The number of octets sent out on a particular contract.

Discards The number of octets discarded because of seeing more traffic than the bandwidth contract limit permits.

TimeStamp Indicates the time the packets were received or discarded.

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/stats/bwm/maintBWM Maintenance Statistics

/stats/mpManagement Processor Statistics

BWM Maint statistics------------------------------------------------------------------Maint Stats for rate limiting contracts Discard pkts 0 Discard octets 0 Out pkts 35932 Out octets 4015993 Transmit failed 0------------------------------------------------------------------Maint Stats for traffic shaping contracts QFull Discard pkts 0 QFull Discard octets 0 Out of buffers pkts 0 Out of buffers pkts 0 Transmit failed 0 TDT set when qfull 0 TDT set between soft and hard 0 TDT set at soft 0

[MP-specific Statistics Menu] pkt - Show Packet stats tcb - Show All TCP control blocks in use ucb - Show All UDP control blocks in use sfd - Show All Socket FD in use cpu - Show CPU utilization

Table 5-46 Management Processor Statistics Menu Options (/stats/mp)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays packet statistics, to check for leads and load. To view a sample output and a description of the stats, see page 159.


Displays all TCP control blocks that are in use. To view a sample output and a description of the stats, see page 161.

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/stats/mp/pktMP Packet Statistics


Displays all UDP control blocks that are in use. To view a sample output, see page 161.


Displays all Socket File Descriptors that are in use. To view a sample output, see page 162.


Displays CPU utilization for periods of up to 1, 4, and 64 seconds. To view a sample output and a description of the stats, see page 162.

Packet counts: allocs: 89262 frees: 89262 mediums: 0 mediums hi-watermark: 4 jumbos: 0 jumbos hi-watermark: 0 smalls: 0 smalls hi-watermark: 4 alloc fails: 0 packet discards: 0TCP counts: allocs: 4866 frees: 4827 current: 46 current hi-watermark: 146 alloc fails: 0 alloc discards: 0

Table 5-47 Packet Statistics (/stats/mp/pkt)

Statistics Description

Packet counts:

allocs Total number of packet allocations from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

frees Total number of times the packet buffers are freed (released) to the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

mediums Total number of packet allocations with size between 128 to 1536 bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

jumbos Total number of packet allocations with size between 1536 bytes to 9K bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

Table 5-46 Management Processor Statistics Menu Options (/stats/mp)

Command Syntax and Usage

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smalls Total number of packet allocations with size less than 128 bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

alloc fails Total number of packet allocation failures from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

frees Total number of packets freed from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

mediums hi-water-mark

The highest number of packet allocation with size between 128 to 1536 bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

jumbos hi-watermark The highest number of packet allocation with size between 1536 bytes to 9K bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

smalls hi-watermark The highest number of packet allocation with size less than 128 bytes from the packet buffer pool by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

packet discards The number of packets that are discarded by the MP. The packets are dis-carded because buffer resources are not available or the buffer threshold is reached and the low priority packets are discarded.

TCP counts:

allocs Total number of TCP packet allocations from MP memory by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

current Total number of TCP packet allocations from MP memory by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

alloc fails Total number of TCP packet allocation failures from MP memory by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

frees Total number of times the TCP packet buffers are freed (released) to MP memory by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

current hi-water-mark

The highest number of TCP packet allocation from MP memory by the TCP/IP protocol stack.

alloc discards The number of TCP packets that are discarded by the MP. The packets are discarded because MP memory resources are not available.

Table 5-47 Packet Statistics (/stats/mp/pkt)

Statistics Description

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/stats/mp/tcbTCP Statistics

/stats/mp/ucbUCB Statistics

All TCP allocated control blocks:10ad41e8: 0 <=> 80 listen10ad5790: 1171 <=> 23 established

Table 5-48 MP Specified TCP Statistics (/stats/mp/tcb)

Statistics Description

10ad41e8/10ad5790 Memory Destination IP address

0/1171 Destination port Source IP

80/23 Source port

listen/established State

All UDP allocated control blocks: 161: listen 1985: listen 3122: listen

Table 5-49 UCB Statistics on MP (/stats/mp/ucb)

Field Description

161/1985/3122 UDP port number

Listen State

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/stats/mp/sfdMP-Specific SFD Statistics

/stats/mp/cpuCPU StatisticsThis menu option enables you to display the CPU utilization statistics.

/stats/sp <SP Number>SP Specific Statistics

All Socket FD allocated:max_fdi=2 fdi=0 fd=15 pfdi=-110c27fd8: 0<=> 80 listen TCP serverfdi=1 fd=16 pfdi=-110b9564c: 0<=> 23 listen TCP serverfdi=2 fd=17 pfdi=110c27c78: 5341<=> 23 accept TCP server

CPU utilization:cpuUtil1Second: 100%cpuUtil4Seconds: 100%cpuUtil64Seconds: 100%

Table 5-50 CPU Statistics (stats/mp/cpu)

Statistics Description

cpuUtil1Second The percentage of CPU utilization over a one second interval.

cpuUtil4Seconds The percentage of CPU utilization over a four second interval.

cpuUtil64Seconds The percentage of CPU utilization over a 64 second interval.

[SP-specific Statistics Menu] maint - Show maintenance stats clear - Clear maintenance stats cpu - Show CPU utilization

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/stats/sp <SP number>/maintSP-Specific Maintenance Statistics

Table 5-51 SP Specific Statistics (/stats/sp)

Statistics Description

maint Indicates the total number of all the letter statistics received or sent from this SP. See page 163 for a sample output.

clear Deletes all the maintenance statistics.

cpu Displays what percentage of the CPU has been utilized.

Maintenance statistics for SP 1: Receive Letter success from MP: 318730 Receive Letter success from SP 2: 0 Receive Letter success from SP 3: 0 Receive Letter success from SP 4: 0 Receive Letter errors from MP: 0 Receive Letter errors from SP 2: 0 Receive Letter errors from SP 3: 0 Receive Letter errors from SP 4: 0 Send Letter success to MP: 224822 Send Letter success to SP 2: 0 Send Letter success to SP 3: 0 Send Letter success to SP 4: 0 Send Letter failures to MP: 0 Send Letter failures to SP 2: 0 Send Letter failures to SP 3: 0 Send Letter failures to SP 4: 0 learnErrNoddw: 0 resolveErrNoddw: 0 ageMPNoddw: 0 deleteMiss: 0 pfdbFreeEmpty: 0 arpDiscards: 0 icmpDiscards: 0 tcpDiscards: 0 udpDiscards: 0

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/stats/securitySecurity Statistics

[Security Statistics Menu] dos - DoS Attack Statistics Menu ipacl - IP Address ACL Statistics Menu udpblast - UDP Blast Statistics Menu pgroup - Show pattern match group statistics ratelim - Show rate limiting statistics dump - Dump all security statistics

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the DOS Attack statistics menu. To view a sample output and a description of the stats, see page 165.


Displays the IP Address Access Control List statistics menu. To view a sample output and a description of the statistics, see page 166.


Displays the UDP Blast statistics menu. To view a sample output and a description of the statistics, see page 166.


Displays the Pattern Match Group statistics menu. To view a sample output and a description of the statistics, see page 167.


Displays the Rate Limiting statistics menu. To view a sample output and a description of the stats, see page 168.


Displays all security statistics.

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/stats/security/dosDOS Attack Statistics Menu

Types of DOS AttacksAlteon OS can protect switch ports against a variety of Denial of Service (DOS) attacks includ-ing Port Smurf, LandAttack, Fraggle, Nullscan, Xmascan, PortZero, and ScanSynFin. Enable DOS protection on ports connected to any network that could be the source of an attack.

You can use the help command to obtain a brief explanation of each type of DOS attack detected by the switch.

Refer to your Alteon OS Application Guide for a detailed description of DOS attacks.

[DoS Attack Statistics Menu] port - Port DoS attack statistics dump - Dump all DoS attack statistics clear - Clear all DoS attack statistics help - DoS attack statistics description

Table 5-52 DOS Attacks Statistics Menu Options (/stats/security/dos)

Command Syntax and Usage

port <port number>

Displays the number of times the packets were dropped for each of the following types of DOS attacks, on the selected port only.


Displays the number of times the packets were dropped on the switch, for each of the following types of DOS attacks:

Smurf, LandAttack, Fraggle, Nullscan, Xmascan, ScanSynFin, PortZero, Blat

For a description of these different types of DOS attacks, see “Types of DOS Attacks” on page 165.


Deletes all DOS attack statistics.


Displays a description of each type of DOS attack by name and how it works.

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/stats/security/ipaclIP Access Control List StatisticsThe following IP Access Control List statistics can be viewed with this command:

/stats/security/udpblastUDP Blast Statistics

>> /stats/security/dos help

Smurf: The ICMP ping request to a broadcast destination IP(x.x.x.255).LandAttack: Packets with source IP equal destination IP.Fraggle: The UDP packet to a broadcast destination IP(x.x.x.255).Nullscan: TCP sequence number is zero and all control bits are zeros.Xmascan: TCP sequence number is zero and the FIN, URG and PSH bits are set.ScanSynFin: SYN and FIN bits are set in the packet.PortZero: TCP/UDP Packets with either source/destination port is zero.Blat: TCP packets with SIP!=DIP and SPORT=DPORT.

[IP ACL Statistics Menu] dump - IP address access control Stats clear - Clear all access control Stats

Table 5-53 IPACL Security Statistics Menu Options (/stats/security/ipacl)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the accumulated blocked packets for each IP address and mask pair.


Deletes all the statistics of accumulated blocked packets.

[UDP Blast Statistics Menu] dump - UDP Blast Stats clear - Clear all UDP Blast Stats

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/stats/security/udpblast/dumpUDP Blast Dump Statistics

/stats/security/pgroupUDP Pattern Match Statistics

This menu displays how many times each configured pattern group has been matched and a subsequent filtering action performed. Pattern groups are configured in the “Pattern Matching Menu” on page 278.

Table 5-54 UDP Blast Statistics Menu Options (/stats/security/udpblast)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays all the accumulated blocked packets for each port, and the current packet rate per second. See page 167 for a sample output and a description of the statistics.


Deletes all the accumulated blocked packets.

UDP blast protection stats:UDP Port Blocked Packets Current Packet Rate/Second---------- ---------------- --------------------------

Table 5-55 UDP Blast Dump Statistics Parameters (/stats/security/udpblast/dump)

Field Description

UDP Port UDP ports that experienced UDP blast attacks.

Blocked Packets The number of blocked packets.

Current Packet Rate/ Second

Displays the current rate of packet to the UDP port.

Pattern Match Group stats: ID Name Hits 1 0

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/stats/security/ratelimRate Limiting Statistics

Rate limiting stats:

TCP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

UDP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

ICMP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

Table 5-56 Rate Limiting Statistics (/stats/security/ratelim)

Field Description

Total holds down triggered

The total number of packets dropped after the hold-down period expired.

Current per-client state entries

The total number of per-client state entries for TCP/UDP/ICMP rate limiting.

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/stats/security/dumpDump Statistics for Security

IP ACL stats:

Address Blocked Packets--------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------UDP blast protection stats:UDP Port Blocked Packets Current Packet Rate/Second---------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pattern Match Group stats: ID Name Hits 1 0 100 0 101 0------------------------------------------------------------------Rate limiting stats:

TCP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

UDP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

ICMP: Total hold downs triggered: 0 Current per-client state entries: 0

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/stats/snmpSNMP Statistics

SNMP statistics:snmpInPkts: 9592 snmpInBadVersions: 0snmpInBadC’tyNames: 0 snmpInBadC’tyUses: 0snmpInASNParseErrs: 0 snmpEnableAuthTraps: 0snmpOutPkts: 9592 snmpInBadTypes: 0snmpInTooBigs: 0 snmpInNoSuchNames: 0snmpInBadValues: 0 snmpInReadOnlys: 0snmpInGenErrs: 0 snmpInTotalReqVars: 15268snmpInTotalSetVars: 0 snmpInGetRequests: 3916snmpInGetNexts: 5676 snmpInSetRequests: 0snmpInGetResponses: 0 snmpInTraps: 0snmpOutTooBigs: 0 snmpOutNoSuchNames: 0snmpOutBadValues: 0 snmpOutReadOnlys: 0snmpOutGenErrs: 0 snmpOutGetRequests: 81814snmpOutGetNexts: 0 snmpOutSetRequests: 0snmpOutGetResponses: 9592 snmpOutTraps: 0

Table 5-57 SNMP Statistics (/stats/snmp)

Statistics Description

snmpInPkts The total number of Messages delivered to the SNMP entity from the transport service.

snmpInBadVersions The total number of SNMP Messages, which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for an unsupported SNMP version.

snmpInBadC’tyNames The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP entity which used an SNMP community name not known to the said entity (the switch).

snmpInBadC’tyUses The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which represented an SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the Message.

snmpInASNParseErrs The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP pro-tocol entity when decoding SNMP Messages received.Note: OSI’s method of specifying abstract objects is called ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One, defined in X.208), and one set of rules for representing such objects as strings of ones and zeros is called the BER (Basic Encoding Rules, defined in X.209). ASN.1 is a flexible nota-tion that allows one to define a variety of data types, from simple types such as integers and bit strings to structured types such as sets and sequences. BER describes how to represent or encode values of each ASN.1 type as a string of eight-bit octets.

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An object to enable or disable the authentication traps generated by this entity (the switch).

snmpOutPkts The total number of SNMP Messages which were passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport service.

snmpInBadTypes The total number of SNMP Messages which failed ASN parsing.

snmpInTooBigs The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs) which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is too big.

snmpInNoSuchNames The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs) which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.

snmpInBadValues The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs) which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.

snmpInReadOnlys The total number of valid SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is ‘read-Only’. It should be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU, which contains the value ‘read-Only’ in the error-status field. As such, this object is provided as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of the SNMP.

snmpInGenErrs The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.

snmpInTotalReqVars The total number of MIB objects which have been retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as a result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next Protocol Data Units (PDUs).

snmpInTotalSetVars The total number of MIB objects, which have been altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as a result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs).

snmpInGetRequests The total number of SNMP Get-Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpInGetNexts The total number of SNMP Get-Next Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpInSetRequests The total number of SNMP Set-Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.

Table 5-57 SNMP Statistics (/stats/snmp)

Statistics Description

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snmpInGetResponses The total number of SNMP Get-Response Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpInTraps The total number of SNMP Trap Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpOutTooBigs The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were gen-erated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is too big.

snmpOutNoSuchNames The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were gen-erated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status is noSuchName.

snmpOutBadValues The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were gen-erated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.

snmpOutReadOnlys Not in use.

snmpOutGenErrs The total number of SNMP Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which were gen-erated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.

snmpOutGetRequests The total number of SNMP Get-Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpOutGetNexts The total number of SNMP Get-Next Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpOutSetRequests The total number of SNMP Set-Request Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.


The total number of SNMP Get-Response Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.

snmpOutTraps The total number of SNMP Trap Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.

Table 5-57 SNMP Statistics (/stats/snmp)

Statistics Description

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/stats/mgmtManagement Port Statistics

Management port interface statistics:RX bytes: 0 TX bytes: 0RX packets: 0 TX packets: 0RX errors: 0 TX errors: 0RX dropped: 0 TX dropped: 0RX overruns: 0 TX overruns: 0RX frame errors: 0 TX carrier errors: 0RX multicast: 0 TX collisions: 0

Table 5-58 Management Port Statistics (/stats/mgmt)

Statistics Description

RX bytes The total number of incoming bytes successfully transferred by the interface.

RX packets The total number of incoming packets successfully transferred by the interface.

RX errors The number of bad packets received.

RX dropped The number of incoming packets that were dropped due to lack of receive buffers.

RX overruns The number of received packets that were dropped because their size exceeded that of the receive queue.

RX frame errors The number of incoming packets dropped due to IP framing errors.

RX multicast The number of multicast packets received.

TX bytes The total number of outgoing bytes successfully transferred by the interface.

TX packets The total number of outgoing packets successfully transferred by the interface.

TX errors The number of packets dropped due to transmission problems.

TX dropped The number of packets dropped due to lack of transmit buffers.

TX overruns The number of packets dropped because size exceeded that of the transmit queue.

TX carrier errors Not applicable.

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/stats/dumpDump Statistics

Use the dump command to dump all switch statistics available from the Statistics Menu (40K or more,

depending on your configuration). This data can be used to tune or debug switch performance.

If you want to capture dump data to a file, set your communication software on your worksta-tion to capture session data prior to issuing the dump commands.

TX collisions The number of collisions due to congestion on the medium. Colli-sions occur when two or more stations are transmitting signals at the same time.

Table 5-58 Management Port Statistics (/stats/mgmt)

Statistics Description

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CHAPTER 6The Configuration Menu

This chapter discusses how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for making, viewing, and saving switch configuration changes. Many of the commands, although not new, display more or different information than in the previous version. Important difference are called out in the text.

To make finding information easier, the menu options under the Server Load Balancing Menu (/cfg/slb) are in Chapter 7.

/cfgConfiguration Menu

[Configuration Menu] sys - System-wide Parameter Menu port - Port Menu pmirr - Port Mirroring Menu bwm - Bandwidth Management Menu l2 - Layer 2 Menu l3 - Layer 3 Menu slb - Server Load Balancing (Layer 4-7) Menu security - Security Menu setup - Step by step configuration set up dump - Dump current configuration to script file ptcfg - Backup current configuration to tftp server gtcfg - Restore current configuration from tftp server

Table 6-1 Configuration Menu Options (/cfg)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the System Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 179.

port <port number>Displays the Port Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 197.

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Viewing, Applying, and Saving Changes

As you use the configuration menus to set switch parameters, the changes you make do not take effect immediately. All changes are considered “pending” until you explicitly apply them. Also, any changes are lost the next time the switch boots unless the changes are explicitly saved.

While configuration changes are in the pending state, you can do the following:

� View the pending changes

� Apply the pending changes

� Save the changes to flash memory


Displays the Mirroring Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 211.


Displays the Bandwidth Management Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 212.


Displays Layer 2 Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 217.


Displays Layer 3 Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 226.


Displays the Server Load Balancing Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see Chapter 7, “The SLB Configuration Menu”.


Displays security menu. To view menu options, see page 276.


Step-by-step configuration set-up of the switch. For details, see page 281.


Dumps current configuration to a script file. For details, see page 281.

ptcfg <host name or IP address of TFTP server> <filename on host>Backs up current configuration to TFTP server. For details, see page 282.

gtcfg <host name or IP address of TFTP server> <filename on host>Restores current configuration from TFTP server. For details, see page 282.

Table 6-1 Configuration Menu Options (/cfg)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Viewing Pending ChangesYou can view all pending configuration changes by entering diff at the menu prompt.

NOTE – The diff command is a global command. Therefore, you can enter diff at any prompt in the CLI.

Applying Pending ChangesTo make your configuration changes active, you must apply them. To apply configuration changes, enter apply at any prompt in the CLI.

NOTE – The apply command is a global command. Therefore, you can enter apply at any prompt in the administrative interface.

NOTE – All configuration changes take effect immediately when applied, except for starting Spanning Tree Protocol. To turn STP on or off, you must apply the changes, save them (see below), and then reset the switch (see “Resetting the Switch” on page 360).

Saving the ConfigurationIn addition to applying the configuration changes, you can save them to flash memory on the Alteon Application Switch.

NOTE – If you do not save the changes, they will be lost the next time the system is rebooted.

To save the new configuration, enter the following command at any CLI prompt:

# apply

# save

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When you save configuration changes, the changes are saved to the active configuration block. The configuration being replaced by the save is first copied to the backup configuration block. If you do not want the previous configuration block copied to the backup configuration block, enter the following instead:

You can decide which configuration you want to run the next time you reset the switch. Your options include:

� The active configuration block

� The backup configuration block

� Factory default configuration

You can view all pending configuration changes that have been applied but not saved to flash memory using the diff flash command. It is a global command that can be executed from any menu.

For instructions on selecting the configuration to run at the next system reset, see “Selecting a Configuration Block” on page 359.

# save n

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/cfg/sysSystem Configuration

This menu provides configuration of switch management parameters such as user and administrator privilege mode passwords, Web-based management settings, and management access list.

[System Menu] syslog - Syslog Menu mmgmt - Management Port Menu sshd - SSH Server Menu radius - RADIUS Authentication Menu ntp - NTP Server Menu sonmp - SONMP Menu ssnmp - System SNMP Menu health - System Health Check Menu access - System Access Menu date - Set system date time - Set system time idle - Set timeout for idle CLI sessions notice - Set login notice bannr - Set login banner smtp - Set SMTP host hprompt - Enable/disable display hostname (sysName) in CLI prompt bootp - Enable/disable use of BOOTP cur - Display current system-wide parameters

Table 6-2 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Syslog Menu. To view menu options, see page 181.


Displays Management Port Menu. To view menu options, see page 182.


Displays the SSH Server Menu. To view menu options, see page 185.


Displays the RADIUS Authentication Menu. To view menu options, see page 187.


Displays the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Menu. To view menu options, see page 188.

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Displays the SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP) menu. To view menu options, see page 189.


Displays the System SNMP Menu. To view menu options, see page 190.


Displays system health check menu. To view menu options, see page 192.


Displays System Access Menu. To view menu options, see page 193.


Prompts the user for the system date.


Configures the system time using a 24-hour clock format.

idle <idle timeout in minutes; affects both console and Telnet>Sets the idle timeout for CLI sessions, from 1 to 60 minutes. The default is 5 minutes.

notice <max 1024 char multi-line login notice> <’-’ to end>Displays login notice immediately before the “Enter password:” prompt. This notice can contain up to 1024 characters and new lines.

bannr <string, maximum 80 characters>Configures a login banner of up to 80 characters. When a user or administrator logs into the switch, the login banner is displayed. It is also displayed as part of the output from the /info/sys com-mand.

smtp <SMTP host name or IP address>Sets the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) host, which is used for sending bandwidth man-agement history information.

hprompt disable|enable

Enables or disables displaying of the host name (system administrator’s name) in the Command Line Interface (CLI).

bootp disable|enable

Enables or disables the use of BOOTP. If you enable BOOTP, the switch will query its BOOTP server for all of the switch IP parameters. This command is disabled by default.


Displays the current system parameters.

Table 6-2 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/syslogSystem Host Log Configuration

[Syslog Menu] host - Set IP address of first syslog host host2 - Set IP address of second syslog host sever - Set the severity of first syslog host sever2 - Set the severity of second syslog host facil - Set facility of first syslog host facil2 - Set facility of second syslog host console - Enable/disable console output of syslog messages log - Enable/disable syslogging of features cur - Display current syslog settings

Table 6-3 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/syslog)

Command Syntax and Usage

host <new syslog host IP address (such as,>Sets the IP address of the first syslog host.

host2 <new syslog host IP address (such as,>Sets the IP address of the second syslog host.

sever <syslog host local severity (0–7)>This option sets the severity level of the first syslog host displayed. The default is 7, which means log all the seven severity levels. For a detailed description of the seven levels of severity, see page 182.

sever2 <syslog host local severity (0–7)>This option sets the severity level of the second syslog host displayed. The default is 7, which means, log all the seven severity levels. For a detailed description of the seven levels of severity, see page 182.

facil <syslog host local facility (0-7)>This option sets the facility level of the first syslog host displayed. The default is 0.

facil2 <syslog host local facility (0-7)>This option sets the facility level of the second syslog host displayed. The default is 0.

console disable|enable

Enables or disables delivering syslog messages to the console. When necessary, disabling con-sole ensures the switch is not affected by syslog messages. It is enabled by default.

log <feature|all> <enable|disable>Displays a list of features for which syslog messages can be generated. You can choose to enable/disable specific features (such as vlans, gslb, filter), or enable/disable syslog on all available features.


Displays the current syslog settings.

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Seven Levels of Severity

Following is the description of the seven levels of severity:

0: Emergency. This means that the system is unusable.

1: Alert. This means that corrective action must be taken immediately.

2: Critical. This means the condition of the system is critical.

3: Error. This means that the system has errors that should be corrected.

4: Warning. This means that the system is giving a warning.

5: Notice. This means that the condition of the system is normal but with significant conditions that need attention.

6: Informational. This means that the system is working but giving out information about cer-tain unfavorable conditions.

7. Debug. This means that the system is giving out debug-level messages.

/cfg/sys/mmgmtManagement Port Configuration MenuThe Management port is a Fast Ethernet port that is used exclusively to manage the switch. While the switch can be managed from any network port, the Management port saves consum-ing a port that could otherwise be used for processing data and traffic. This port manages the switch using either telnet CLI, SNMP, or HTTP. This port is isolated from and does not partic-ipate in the networking protocols that run on the network ports.

The Management port must be configured with a static IP address, subnet mask, broadcast address, and default gateway, and must be enabled before it can be used. If this port is disabled, the network ports have to perform all switch management (other than the switch management using the console). If this port is enabled, the factory default settings for some of the manage-ment features remain with the network ports. You can change the defaults by configuring these features to permanently use the management port, or in some cases, by using the operational commands to set these options on a one-time basis.

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NOTE – This port does not support BOOTP.

[Management Port Menu] port - Management Port Phy Menu addr - Set IP address mask - Set subnet mask gw - Set default gateway address intr - Set interval between gateway ping attempts retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare gateway DOWN dns - Set default port for DNS ntp - Set default port for NTP radius - Set default port for RADIUS smtp - Set default port for SMTP snmp - Set default port for SNMP traps syslog - Set default port for SYSLOG sonmp - Set default IP for SONMP hello packets tftp - Set default port for TFTP ena - Enable management port dis - Disable management port cur - Display current configuration

Table 6-4 Management Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/mmgmt)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the management port link menu. To view the menu options, see page 185.

addr <IP address (such as,>Sets the IP address.

mask <subnet mask (such as,>Sets the subnet mask.

gw <gateway address (such as,>Sets the IP address for the default gateway.

intr <interval (0 - 60 seconds)>Sets the interval between gateway ping attempts.

retry <number of attempts (1-120>Sets the number of failed ping attempts before a gateway is declared DOWN.

dns default port mgmt|data

Sets DNS over management or data port. Default is data port.

ntp default port mgmt|data

Sets NTP over management or data ports. The default is data port.

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radius default port mgmt|data

Sets RADIUS over management or data ports. Default is data port.

smtp default port mgmt|data

Sets SMTP over management or data ports. Default is data port.

snmp default port mgmt|data

Sets SNMP trap host over management or data ports. Default is data port.

syslog default port mgmt|data

Sets syslog host access over management or data ports. Default is data port.

sonmp default port mgmt|data

Sets default IP address for SONMP hello packets.

When this option is set to mgmt then the Management Port IP address is used in the SONMP hello packets transmitted by the switch. But if it is set to data, then the IP address of the data port interface specified by srcif (/cfg/sys/sonmp/srcif) command is used in the hello packets.

tftp default port mgmt|data

Sets TFTP over management or data port. Default is data port.


Enables the Management port.


Disables the Management port.


Displays the current configuration.

Table 6-4 Management Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/mmgmt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/mmgmt/portManagement Port Link Menu

/cfg/sys/sshdSSH Server Configuration MenuSecure Shell (SSH), sometimes known as Secure Socket Shell, is a UNIX-based command interface and protocol for securely getting access to a remote computer. It is widely used by network administrators to control Web and other kinds of servers remotely. SSH is actually a suite of three utilities - slogin, ssh, and scp - that are secure versions of the earlier UNIX utilities, rlogin, rsh, and rcp. SSH commands are encrypted and secure in several ways. Both ends of the client/server connection are authenticated using a digital certificate, and passwords are protected by being encrypted.

SSH uses RSA public key cryptography for both connection and authentication.

[Management Port Link Menu] speed - Set link speed mode - Set full or half duplex mode auto - Set autonegotiation cur - Display current link configuration

Table 6-5 Management Port Link Menu Options (/cfg/sys/mgmt/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

speed 10|100|any

Sets the speed of the link with the Management port. Default is any.

mode full|half|any

Sets half or full duplex mode. Default is any.

auto on|off

Sets auto negotiation for the port. By default this command is turned on.


Displays the current link configuration.

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For the Alteon Application Switch, this menu enables Secure Shell access from any SSH cli-ent. SSH scripts can be viewed by using the /cfg/dump command (see page 281).

[SSHD Menu] intrval - Set Interval for generating the RSA server key scpadm - Set SCP-only admin password hkeygen - Generate the RSA host key skeygen - Generate the RSA server key sshport - Set SSH server port number ena - Enable the SCP apply and save dis - Disable the SCP apply and save on - Turn SSH server ON off - Turn SSH server OFF cur - Display current SSH server configuration

Table 6-6 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/sshd)

Command Syntax and Usage

intrval <interval (0-24)>Sets the interval for generating the RSA server key.


Sets the Secure Copy (SCP)-only admin password.


Generates the RSA host key. When you enter this command, RSA host key generation starts imme-diately.


Generates the RSA server key. When you enter this command, RSA server key generation starts immediately.

sshport <TCP port number>Sets the SSH server port number.


Enables SCP.


Disables SCP.


Enables the SSH server.


Displays the current SSH server configuration.

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NOTE – The top four commands are only accessible at the serial port

/cfg/sys/radiusRADIUS Server Configuration[RADIUS Server Menu] prisrv - Set primary RADIUS server address secsrv - Set secondary RADIUS server address secret - Set RADIUS secret port - Set RADIUS port retries - Set RADIUS server retries timeout - Set RADIUS server timeout telnet - Enable or disable RADIUS backdoor for telnet on - Turn RADIUS authentication ON off - Turn RADIUS authentication OFF cur - Display current RADIUS configuration

Table 6-7 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/radius)

Command Syntax and Usage

prisrv <IP address>Sets the primary RADIUS server address.

secsrv <IP address>Sets the secondary RADIUS server address.

secret <1-32 character secret>This is the shared secret between the switch and the RADIUS server(s).

port <RADIUS port to configure, default 1645>Enter the number of the UDP port to be configured, between 1500 - 3000. The default is 1645.

retries <RADIUS server retries (1-3)>Sets the number of failed authentication requests before switching to a different RADIUS server. The default is 3 requests.

timeout <RADIUS server timeout seconds (1-10)>Sets the amount of time, in seconds, before a RADIUS server authentication attempt is considered to have failed. The default is 3 seconds.

telnet disable|enable

Enables or disables the RADIUS back door for telnet. Telnet also applies to SSH/SCP connec-tions.


Enables the RADIUS server.

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/cfg/sys/ntpNTP Server Configuration

This menu enables you to synchronize the switch clock to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. By default, this option is disabled.


Disables the RADIUS server.


Displays the current RADIUS server parameters.

[NTP Server Menu] server - Set NTP server address intrval - Set NTP server resync interval tzone - Set NTP timezone offset from GMT dlight - Enable or disable NTP daylight savings time on - Turn NTP service ON off - Turn NTP service OFF cur - Display current NTP configuration

Table 6-8 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/ntp)

Command Syntax and Usage

server <NTP Server IP address>Prompts for the IP addresses of the NTP server to which you want to synchronize the switch clock.

intrval <resync interval in minutes>Specifies the interval, that is, how often, in minutes (1-2880), to re synchronize the switch clock with the NTP server.

tzone <offset from GMT, in HH:MM>Prompts for the NTP time zone offset, in hours and minutes, of the switch you are synchronizing from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

dlight disable|enable

Disables or enables daylight savings time in the system clock. When enabled, the switch will add an extra hour to the system clock so that it is consistent with the local clock. By default, this option is disabled.

Table 6-7 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/radius)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/sonmpSynOptics Network Management Protocol Configuration

SynOptics Network Management Protocol (SONMP) is a proprietary network management protocol that is used by Nortel Networks Optivitiy Switch Manager (OSM) to discover Alteon Application Switches on the network. The following commands add support for the Ethernet Autotopology alogrithm and the Bay Topology MIB. The topology algorithm is executed by each Alteon switch on which SONMP is enabled.

on Enables the NTP synchronization service.


Disables the NTP synchronization service.


Displays the current NTP service settings.

[SONMP Menu] srcif - Set source interface to be used in hello packets on - Turn Ethernet Autotopology ON off - Turn Ethernet Autotopology OFF cur - Display current SONMP configuration

Table 6-9 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/sonmp)

Command Syntax and Usage

srcif <interface number (1-256)>This command specifies the IP address to be used in the hello packets. If the interface specified by this command is not up, then the first interface which is up and running is used in the hello packets.

on This command enables the SONMP protocol, and turns Ethernet Autotopology on.


This command disables the SONMP protocol, and turns Ethernet Autotopology off.


This command displays the current SONMP configuration.

Table 6-8 System Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/ntp)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/ssnmpSystem SNMP Configuration

The Alteon OS software supports SNMP-based network management. If you are running an SNMP network management station on your network, you can manage the switch using the following standard SNMP MIBs:

� MIB II (RFC 1213)

� Ethernet MIB (RFC 1643)

� Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)

SNMP parameters that can be modified include:

� System name

� System location

� System contact

� Use of the SNMP system authentication trap function

� Read community string

� Write community string

� Trap hosts

� Trap community strings

[System SNMP Menu] name - Set SNMP "sysName" locn - Set SNMP "sysLocation" cont - Set SNMP "sysContact" rcomm - Set SNMP read community string wcomm - Set SNMP write community string trap1 - Set first SNMP trap host address trap2 - Set second SNMP trap host address t1comm - Set community string for first trap host t2comm - Set community string for second trap host timeout - Set timeout for the SNMP state machine auth - Enable/disable SNMP "sysAuthenTrap" linkt - Enable/disable SNMP link up/down trap cur - Display current system SNMP configuration

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Table 6-10 SNMP Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/ssnmp)

Command Syntax and Usage

name <new string (maximum 64 characters)>Configures the name for the system. The name can have a maximum of 64 characters.

locn <new string (maximum 64 characters)>Configures the name of the system location. The location can have a maximum of 64 characters.

cont <new string (maximum 64 characters)>Configures the name of the system contact. The contact can have a maximum of 64 characters.

rcomm <new SNMP read community string (maximum 32 characters)>Configures the SNMP read community string. The read community string controls SNMP “get” access to the switch. It can have a maximum of 32 characters. The default read community string is public.

wcomm <new SNMP write community string (maximum 32 characters)>Configures the SNMP write community string. The write community string controls SNMP “set” and “get” access to the switch. It can have a maximum of 32 characters. The default write commu-nity string is private.

trap1 <new SNMP trap host IP address (such as,>Configures the IP address of the first SNMP trap host using dotted decimal notation. The SNMP trap host is the device that receives SNMP trap messages from the switch.

trap2 <new SNMP trap host IP address (such as,>Configures the IP address of the second SNMP trap host using dotted decimal notation.

t1comm <new trap host community string (maximum 32 characters)>Configures the community string for the first trap host. The default community string for the first trap host is public.

t2comm <new trap host community string (maximum 32 characters)>Configures the community string for the second trap host. The default community string for the second trap host is public.

timeout <SNMP state machine timeout minutes, 1-30>Defines the timeout period for SNMP state machine. When you use diff and apply, memory is allocated to store the output of the command. The timeout period determines when the resources/memory allocated for the output will be freed.

auth disable|enable

Enables or disables the use of the system authentication trap facility. The default setting is dis-abled.

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/cfg/sys/healthSystem Health Check Configuration Menu

linkt <port> <disable|enable>Enables or disables the sending of SNMP link up and link down traps. The default setting is enabled.


Displays the current STP port parameters.

[System TCP Health Menu] add - Add TCP services to listen for health check rem - Remove TCP services from listening on - Turn system TCP health services ON off - Turn system TCP health services OFF cur - Display current TCP health services configuration

Table 6-11 System Health Check Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/health)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <TCP port (2-65534)>Adds TCP services to listen to the health checks. Specify a TCP service port number, such as 80 for HTTP.

rem <TCP port (2-65534)>Removes TCP services that were added for listening to health checks. Specify a TCP service port number, such as 80 for HTTP.


Turns on the TCP health check services.


Turns off the TCP health check services.


Displays the current TCP health check services configuration.

Table 6-10 SNMP Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/ssnmp)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/accessSystem Access Control Configuration

[System Access Menu] mgmt - Management Network Definition Menu user - User Access Control Menu (passwords) http - Enable/disable HTTP (Web) access wport - Set HTTP (Web) server port number snmp - Set SNMP access control tnet - Enable/disable Telnet access tnport - Set Telnet server port number rlimit - Set max rate of ARP, ICMP, TCP, or UDP packets to MP cur - Display current system access configuration

Table 6-12 System Access Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Management Configuration Menu. To view menu options, see page 194.


Displays the User Access Control Menu. To view menu options, see page 195.

http disable|enable

Enables or disables HTTP (Web) access to the browser-based interface. It is disabled by default.

wport <TCP port number (1-65535)>Sets the switch port used for serving switch Web content. The default is HTTP port 80. If Global Server Load Balancing is to be used, set this to a different port (such as 8080).

snmp disable|read-only|read-write

Sets the snmp user access level to either disabled, read-only, or read-write.


Enables or disables Telnet access to the switch. This command is disabled by default. You will see this command only if you are connected to the switch through the console port.

tnport <TCP port number>Sets an optional telnet server port number for cases where the server listens for telnet sessions on a non-standard port.

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/cfg/sys/access/mgmtManagement Networks Menu

This menu is used to define IP address ranges which are allowed to access the switch for man-agement purposes.

NOTE – The add and rem commands below replace the /cfg/sys/mnet and /cfg/sys/mmask commands found in earlier releases of Alteon OS.

rlimit <arp|icmp|tcp|udp> <max rate, 0-65535>Sets switch-wide rate limiting on traffic entering the switch over ARP, ICMP, TCP, or UDP proto-cols. Specify which protocol you wish to limit. Then specify the maximum rate, which the maxi-mum number of packets per second that is allowed to enter the switch.


Displays the current configuration.

[Management Networks Menu] add - Add mgmt network definition rem - Remove mgmt network definition cur - Display current mgmt network definitions

Table 6-13 Management Network Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access/mgmt)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <mgmt network address> <mgmt network mask>Adds a defined network through which switch access is allowed through Telnet, SNMP, RIP, or the Alteon OS browser-based interface. A range of IP addresses is produced when used with a network mask address. Specify an IP address and mask address in dotted-decimal notation.

NOTE – If you configure the management network without including the switch interfaces, it will cause the Firewall Load Balancing health checks to fail and will create a “Network Down” state on the network.

Table 6-12 System Access Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/sys/access/userUser Access Control Menu

NOTE – Passwords can be a maximum of 15 characters.

rem <mgmt network address> <mgmt network mask>Removes a defined network, which consists of a management network address and a management network mask address.


Displays the current configuration.

[User Access Control Menu] usrpw - Set user password (user) sopw - Set SLB operator password (slboper) l4opw - Set L4 operator password (l4oper) opw - Set operator password (oper) sapw - Set Slb administrator password (slbadmin) l4apw - Set L4 administrator password (l4admin) admpw - Set administrator password (admin) cur - Display current user statistics

Table 6-14 User Access Control Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access/user)

Command Syntax and Usage


Sets the user (user) password. The user has no direct responsibility for switch management. He or she can view switch status information and statistics, but cannot make any configuration changes.


Sets the SLB operator (slboper)password. The SLB operator manages Web servers and other Internet services and their loads. He or she can view all switch information and statistics and can enable/disable servers using the Server Load Balancing configuration menus.

Access includes “user” functions.


Sets the Layer 4 operator (l4oper)password. The Layer 4 operator manages traffic on the lines leading to the shared Internet services. He or she can view all switch information and statistics.

Access includes “slboper” functions.

Table 6-13 Management Network Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access/mgmt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Sets the operator (oper)password. The operator password can have a maximum of 15 characters. The operator manages all functions of the switch. He or she can view all switch information and statistics and can reset ports or the entire switch.

Access includes “l4oper” functions.


Sets the SLB administrator (slbadmin) password. Administrator who configures and manages Web servers and other Internet services and their loads. He or she can view all switch information and statistics, but can configure changes only on the Server Load Balancing menus. Note that the Filter Menu options are not accessible to the SLB administrator.

Access includes “l4oper” functions.


Sets the Layer 4 administrator (l4admin) password. The Layer 4 administrator configures and manages traffic on the lines leading to the shared Internet services. He or she can view all switch information and statistics and can configure parameters on the Server Load Balancing menus, with the exception of not being able to configure filters.

Access includes “slbadmin” functions.


Sets the administrator (admin) password. The super user administrator has complete access to all menus, information, and configuration commands on the Alteon Application Switch, including the ability to change both the user and administrator passwords.

Access includes “oper” and “l4admin” functions.


Displays the current user status.

Table 6-14 User Access Control Menu Options (/cfg/sys/access/user)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/port <port number>Port Configuration

The Port Menu enables you to configure settings for individual switch ports. This command is enabled by default.

Port configuration is different on Alteon Application Switch 2000 series and 3000 series.

Alteon Application Switch 2000 SeriesThe following table displays the number of Fast Ethernet ports and SFP GBIC ports with the numbering of the ports on Alteon Application Switch 2000 series:

Fast Ethernet Ports

The RJ-45 jack is used for connecting 10/100 Mbps Ethernet segments to the port. The ports are auto-sensing, auto-negotiating, and support half or full-duplex operation.


The following figure displays the LC jack connector and the SFP that fits into the port socket.

The LC jack is used for connecting Gigabit Ethernet fiber optic segments. The SFP modules are not shipped with the product. You may order the SFP modules from Nortel Networks.

For more information on connectors, please refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for Alteon Application Switch.

The commands on Alteon Application Switch 2000 series and their description are as follows:

Table 6-15 Port Configuration and Numbering on Alteon Application Switch 2000 Series

Model 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet Port Numbers

1000 Mbps SFP GBIC Port Numbers

Alteon 2208 (1U) 1–8 9–10

Alteon 2216 (1U) 1–16 17–18

Alteon 2224 (1U) 1–24 25–26

Alteon 2424 (1U) 1–24 25–28

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[Port 1 Menu] fast - Fast Phy Menu gig - Gig Phy Menu pvid - Set default port VLAN id name - Set port name cont - Set default port BW Contract rmon - Enable/Disable RMON for port tag - Enable/disable VLAN tagging for port iponly - Enable/disable allowing only IP related frames ena - Enable port dis - Disable port cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-16 Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port)

Command Syntax and Usage


If a port is configured to support Fast Ethernet, this option displays the Fast Ethernet Physical Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 208.


If a port is configured to support Gigabit Ethernet, this option displays the Gigabit Ethernet Physi-cal Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 208.

pvid <VLAN number, 1-4090>Sets the default VLAN number which will be used to forward frames which are not VLAN tagged. The default number is 1.

name <64 character string>|noneSets a name for the port. The assigned port name appears next to the port number on some infor-mation and statistics screens. The default is set to none.

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the default Bandwidth Management Contract for this port.

rmon disable|enable

Disables or enables RMON for this port. It is disabled by default.

tag disable|enable

Disables or enables VLAN tagging for this port. It is disabled by default.

iponly disable|enable

Disables or enables allowing only IP-related frames. It is disabled by default.


Enables the port.

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/cfg/port <port number> fast|gigPort Link Configuration

Use these menu options to set port parameters for the port link.

NOTE – Since the speed and mode parameters cannot be set for Gigabit Ethernet ports, these options do not appear on the Gigabit Link Menu.

Link menu options are described in Table 6-24 and appear on the fast and gig port configu-ration menus for the Alteon Application Switch. Using these configuration menus, you can set port parameters such as speed, flow control, and negotiation mode for the port link.


Disables the port. (To temporarily disable a port without changing its configuration attributes, refer to “Temporarily Disabling a Port” on page 210.)


Displays the current port parameters.

[Fast Link Menu] speed - Set link speed mode - Set full or half duplex mode fctl - Set flow control auto - Set auto negotiation cur - Display current fast link configuration

Table 6-17 Port Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port/fast|gig)

Command Syntax and Usage

speed 10|100|any Sets the link speed. Not all options are valid on all ports. The choices include:

� Any for automatic detection (default)� 10 Mbps� 100 MbpsThis menu appears only if a Fast Ethernet port is selected.

Table 6-16 Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

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mode full|half|any

Sets the operating mode. This command is available only in the Fast Link Menu.The choices include:

� Any for auto negotiation (default)� Full-duplex� Half-duplexThis menu appears only if a Fast Ethernet port is selected.

fctl rx|tx|both|none

Sets the flow control. This command is available only in the Fast Link Menu.The choices include:

� Receive flow control� Transmit flow control� Both receive and transmit flow control (default)� No flow control

auto on|off

Enables or disables auto negotiation for the port.


Displays the current port parameters.

Table 6-17 Port Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port/fast|gig)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Alteon Application Switch 3000 SeriesThe following table displays the port configuration and numbering on Alteon Application Switch 3408:

Port Configuration on Alteon Application Switch 3408The Alteon Application Switch 3408 contains 12 ports. Their description is as follows:

� Four 1000BaseT ports (1, 2, 7, and 8) with RJ-45 connectors. The ports are autonegotiat-ing and support half or full duplex operation.

� Four dual-mode ports (3, 4, 5, and 6). These ports have two interfaces each: 1000 Mbps SFP GBIC and 10/100/1000Base-T Copper. When the 1000 Mbps SFP GBIC port is selected as the preferred link, it is fixed at 1000 Mbps, full-duplex with autonegotiation turned on. When the 10/100/1000Base-T copper port is selected as the preferred link, it can be configured at any speed. However, if 1000 Mbps is selected, autonegotiation must be turned on. You can set either interface as the preferred or backup link. See “Dual-Mode Ports” on page 207 for more details.

� Four Small Form Pluggable (SFP) GBIC Fiber Optic ports (9–12). These ports are designed to operate at 1000 Mbps and full duplex mode only.

NOTE – For more information on connectors, refer to the Alteon Application Switch Hardware Installation Guide Part Number 315393-E.

Table 6-18 Port configuration on Alteon Application Switch 3408

Model 10/100/1000Base-T Copper Port Numbers

Dual-Mode Port Numbers

1000 Mbps SFP GBIC Port Numbers

Alteon 3408 (1U) 1, 2, 7, 8 3–6 9–12

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Single-Mode ports

10/100/1000Base-T Copper Ports

When you select a single-mode copper port (1, 2, 7, or 8), you see the menu below:

[Port 1 Menu] gig - Copper Gig Phy Menu pvid - Set default port VLAN id name - Set port name cont - Set default port BW Contract rmon - Enable/Disable RMON for port tag - Enable/disable VLAN tagging for port iponly - Enable/disable allowing only IP related frames ena - Enable port dis - Disable port cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-19 Single-Mode Copper Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <1, 2, 7, or 8>)

Command Syntax and Usage


If a port is configured to support Gigabit Ethernet, this option displays the Copper Gigabit Ethernet Physical Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 203.

pvid <VLAN number (1-4090)>Sets the default VLAN number which will be used to forward frames which are not VLAN tagged. The default number is 1.

name <64 character string>|noneSets a name for the port. The assigned port name appears next to the port number on some infor-mation and statistics screens. The default is set to None.

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the default Bandwidth Management Contract for this port.

rmon disable|enable

Disables or enables RMON for this port. It is disabled by default.

tag disable|enable

Disables or enables VLAN tagging for this port. It is disabled by default.

iponly disable|enable

Disables or enables allowing only IP-related frames. It is disabled by default.


Enables the port.


Disables the port. (To temporarily disable a port without changing its configuration attributes, refer to “Temporarily Disabling a Port” on page 210.)

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/cfg/port <port number> gigSingle-Mode Copper Port Gigabit Ethernet Link Configuration Menu

Use these menu options to set port parameters for the port link. Link menu options are described in Table 6-24 and appear on the gig port configuration menus for the Alteon Application Switch. Using these configuration menus, you can set port parameters such as speed, flow control, and negotiation mode for the port link.


Displays the current port parameters.

[GE Copper Link Menu] speed - Set link speed mode - Set duplex mode fctl - Set flow control auto - Set auto negotiate cur - Display current ge copper link configuration

Table 6-20 Single-Mode Copper Port Gigabit Ethernet Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <1, 2, 7, or 8>/gig)

Command Syntax and Usage

speed 10|100|1000|any Sets the link speed. Not all options are valid on all ports. The choices include:

� Any for automatic detection (default)� 10 Mbps� 100 Mbps� 1000 Mbps

mode full|half|any

Sets the operating mode. The choices include:

� Any for auto negotiation (default)� Full-duplex� Half-duplex

fctl rx|tx|both|none

Sets the flow control. This command is available only in the Fast Link Menu.The choices include:

� Receive flow control� Transmit flow control� Both receive and transmit flow control (default)� No flow control

Table 6-19 Single-Mode Copper Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <1, 2, 7, or 8>)

Command Syntax and Usage

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1000 Mbps SFP GBIC Fiber Optic Ports

When you select a single-mode fiber optic port (9–12), you see a slightly different menu as below:

auto on|off

Enables or disables autonegotiation for the port.


Displays the current Gigabit Ethernet copper link port parameters.

[Port 9 Menu] gig - Optical Gig Phy Menu pvid - Set default port VLAN id name - Set port name cont - Set default port BW Contract rmon - Enable/Disable RMON for port tag - Enable/disable VLAN tagging for port iponly - Enable/disable allowing only IP related frames ena - Enable port dis - Disable port cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-21 Single-Mode Fiber Optic Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <9–12>)

Command Syntax and Usage


If a port is configured to support Gigabit Ethernet, this option displays the Optical Gigabit Ethernet Physical Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 206.

pvid <VLAN number (1-4090)>Sets the default VLAN number which will be used to forward frames which are not VLAN tagged. The default number is 1.

name <64 character string>|noneSets a name for the port. The assigned port name appears next to the port number on some infor-mation and statistics screens. The default is set to None.

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the default Bandwidth Management Contract for this port.

rmon disable|enable

Disables or enables RMON for this port. It is disabled by default.

Table 6-20 Single-Mode Copper Port Gigabit Ethernet Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <1, 2, 7, or 8>/gig)

Command Syntax and Usage

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tag disable|enable

Disables or enables VLAN tagging for this port. It is disabled by default.

iponly disable|enable

Disables or enables allowing only IP-related frames. It is disabled by default.


Enables the port.


Disables the port. (To temporarily disable a port without changing its configuration attributes, refer to “Temporarily Disabling a Port” on page 210.)


Displays the current port parameters.

Table 6-21 Single-Mode Fiber Optic Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <9–12>)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/port <port number> gigSingle-Mode Fiber Optic Gigabit Ethernet Port Link Configuration Menu

Use these menu options to set port parameters for the port link. Link menu options are described in Table 6-24 and appear on the gig port configuration menus for the Alteon Application Switch. Using these configuration menus, you can set port parameters such as flow control, and negotiation mode for the port link.

[GE Optical Link Menu] fctl - Set flow control auto - Set auto negotiate cur - Display current optical gig link configuration

Table 6-22 Single-Mode Fiber Optic Port Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <9-12>/gig)

Command Syntax and Usage

fctl rx|tx|both|none

Sets the flow control. The choices include:

� Receive flow control� Transmit flow control� Both receive and transmit flow control (default)� No flow control

auto on|off

Enables or disables autonegotiation for the port.


Displays the current Gigabit Ethernet Fiber Optic link port parameters.

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Dual-Mode Ports

When you select any one of the dual-mode ports (3–6), you see the menu below:

[Port 4 Menu] cop - Copper Gig Phy Menu opt - Optical Gig Phy Menu pref - Set preferred link back - Set backup link pvid - Set default port VLAN id name - Set port name cont - Set default port BW Contract rmon - Enable/Disable RMON for port tag - Enable/disable VLAN tagging for port iponly - Enable/disable allowing only IP related frames ena - Enable port dis - Disable port cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-23 Dual-Mode Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <3–6>)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays Copper Gigabit Physical Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 208.


Displays Gigabit Fiber Optic Physical Link Menu. To view menu options, see page 210.

pref copper|optical

Sets the port preference between copper or optical mode. The selected port will be used as the pre-ferred port if both the ports are available.

back copper|optical|none

Sets the preference for the backup link if the preferred port is not available. You cannot set the pre-ferred port as the backup port. If you choose none, the port will not switch automatically to the backup port if the preferred port goes down.

pvid <VLAN number (1-4090)>Sets the default VLAN number which will be used to forward frames which are not VLAN tagged. The default number is 1.

name <64 character string>|noneSets a name for the port. The assigned port name appears next to the port number on some infor-mation and statistics screens. The default is set to None.

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the default Bandwidth Management Contract for this port.

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/cfg/port <port number (3–6)> copDual-Mode Copper Port Link Configuration

Use these menu options to set port parameters for the port link.

Link menu options are described in Table 6-24 and appear on the cop port configuration menus for the Alteon Application Switch. Using these configuration menus, you can set port parameters such as speed, flow control, and negotiation mode for the port link.

rmon disable|enable

Disables or enables RMON for this port. It is disabled by default.

tag disable|enable

Disables or enables VLAN tagging for this port. It is disabled by default.

iponly disable|enable

Disables or enables allowing only IP-related frames. It is disabled by default.


Enables the port.


Disables the port. (To temporarily disable a port without changing its configuration attributes, refer to “Temporarily Disabling a Port” on page 210.)


Displays the current port parameters.

[GE Copper Link Menu] speed - Set link speed mode - Set duplex mode fctl - Set flow control auto - Set auto negotiate cur - Display current ge copper link configuration

Table 6-23 Dual-Mode Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <3–6>)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Table 6-24 Dual-Mode Copper Port Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <3–6>/cop)

Command Syntax and Usage

speed 10|100|1000|any Sets the link speed. Not all options are valid on all ports. The choices include:

� Any for automatic detection (default)� 10 Mbps� 100 Mbps� 1000 Mbps

mode full|half|any

Sets the operating mode. The choices include:

� Any for autonegotiation (default)� Full-duplex� Half-duplex

fctl rx|tx|both|none

Sets the flow control. The choices include:

� Receive flow control� Transmit flow control� Both receive and transmit flow control (default)� No flow control

auto on|off

Enables or disables auto negotiation for the port.


Displays the current Gigabit Ethernet copper link port parameters.

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/cfg/port <port number (3–6)> optDual-Mode Fiber Optic Port Link Configuration Menu

Temporarily Disabling a PortTo temporarily disable a port without changing its stored configuration attributes, enter the fol-lowing command at any prompt:

Because this configuration sets a temporary state for the port, you do not need to use apply or save. The port state will revert to its original configuration when the Alteon Application Switch is reset. See the “Operations Menu” on page 347 for other operations-level commands.

[GE Optical Link Menu] fctl - Set flow control cur - Display current optical gig link configuration

Table 6-25 Dual-Mode Fiber Optic Port Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/port <3-6>/opt)

Command Syntax and Usage

fctl rx|tx|both|none

Sets the flow control. The choices include:

� Receive flow control� Transmit flow control� Both receive and transmit flow control (default)� No flow control


Displays the current Optical Gigabit link port configuration.

Main# /oper/port <port number>/dis

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/cfg/pmirrPort Mirroring Menu

Port mirroring is disabled by default.

The Port Mirroring Menu is used to configure, enable, and disable the monitored port. When enabled, network packets being sent and/or received on a target port are duplicated and sent to a monitor port. By attaching a network analyzer to the monitor port, you can collect detailed information about your network performance and usage.

/cfg/pmirr/monportPort-Mirroring Menu

[Port Mirroring Menu] mirror - Enable/Disable Mirroring monport - Monitoring Port based PM Menu cur - Display All Mirrored and Monitoring Ports

Table 6-26 Port Mirroring menu options (/cfg/pmirr)

Command Syntax and Usage

mirror disable|enable

Enables or disables port mirroring

monport <monitoring port (port to mirror to)>Displays port-mirroring menu. To view menu options, see page 211.


Displays the current settings of the mirrored and monitoring ports.

[Port 1 Menu] add - Add "Mirrored" port and VLANs rem - Rem "Mirrored" port and VLANs cur - Display current Port-based Port Mirroring configuration

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/cfg/bwmBandwidth Management Configuration

Bandwidth Management (BWM) enables Web site managers to allocate a portion of the avail-able bandwidth for specific users or applications. It allows companies to guarantee that critical business traffic, such as e-commerce transactions, receive higher priority versus non-critical traffic. Traffic classification can be based on user or application information. BWM policies can be configured to set lower and upper bounds on the bandwidth allocation.

Refer to your Application Guide for more information.

By default, BWM is turned off

Table 6-27 Port-Based Port-Mirroring Menu Options (/cfg/pmirr/monport)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <mirrored port (port to mirror from)> <direction (in, out, or both)> <vlan index or Carriage Return for all vlans>

Adds the port to be mirrored. This command also allows you to enter the direction of the traffic. It is necessary to specify the direction because:

If the source port of the frame matches the mirrored port and the mirrored direction is ingress or both (ingress and egress), the frame is sent to the mirrored port.

If the destination port of the frame matches the mirrored port and the mirrored direction is egress or both, the frame is sent to the monitoring port.

VLAN-based port mirroring allows the user to monitor traffic based on VLANs associated with a port. You can add specific VLAN(s) to a be monitored even if there are multiple VLANs associated with that port. If you do not specify a VLAN, all traffic on that port will be mirrored.

rem <mirrored port (port to mirror from)> <vlan index or Carriage Return for all vlans>Removes the mirrored port.


Displays the current settings of the monitoring port.

[Bandwidth Management Menu] cont - Contract Menu policy - Policy Menu user - Set SMTP server user name force - Enable or disable enforce policies on - Globally turn Bandwidth Management processing ON off - Globally turn Bandwidth Management processing OFF cur - Display current Bandwidth Management configuration

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NOTE – Up to 256 bandwidth management contracts can be configured on Alteon OS.

Table 6-28 Bandwidth Management Menu Options (/cfg/bwm)

Command Syntax and Usage

cont <BW contract number (1-256)>

Displays the Bandwidth Management Contract Menu. To manage bandwidth on an Alteon Application Switch, you must create one or more bandwidth management contracts. The switch uses these contracts to limit individual traffic flows. For further details, see the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

By default, this option is disabled. To view menu options, see page 214.

policy <BW policy number (1-64)>

Displays the Bandwidth Management Policy Menu. Bandwidth policies are bandwidth limita-tions defined for any set of frames, specifying the guaranteed bandwidth rates. A band-width policy is often based on a rate structure whereby a Web host could charge a customer for bandwidth utilization. For further details, see the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

To view menu options, see page 215.

user <user name>Sets the SMTP user name to whom the history statistics will be mailed. The default is set to None.

force disable|enable

Enables or disables the enforcement of bandwidth policy on the traffic. When disabled, the reor-dering of the packets does not occur. The packets will exit in the order they came in. This means that no bandwidth limit is applied on the queues. By default, this option is enabled.


Globally enables Bandwidth Management on this switch.


Globally disables Bandwidth Management on this switch.


Displays the current Bandwidth Management configuration.

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/cfg/bwm/cont <contract number>Bandwidth Management Contract Configuration

[BW Contract 1 Menu] name - Set Contract name policy - Set Contract Policy prec - Set Contract Precedence history - Enable/disable Saving Contract stats history wtos - Enable/disable overwriting IP TOS for this Contract shaping - Enable/disable traffic shaping for this contract ena - Enable BW Contract dis - Disable BW Contract del - Delete BW Contract cur - Display current BW Contract configuration

Table 6-29 Bandwidth Management Policy Menu Options (/cfg/bwm/cont)

Command Syntax and Usage

name <15 character name>Sets the name for this Bandwidth Management contract.

policy <Bandwidth policy number (1-64)>Sets the policy number for this Bandwidth Management contract. The default policy number is 64.

prec <Bandwidth precedence value (1-255)>Sets the precedence value for this Bandwidth Management contract. The default value is 1.

history disable|enable

Disables or enables saving statistics for this contract on the server. By default, it is enabled.

wtos disable|enable

Disables or enables overwriting the IP Type of Service (TOS) for this contract. By default, it is dis-abled.

shaping disable|enable

Disables or enables shaping of the traffic for this contract. In this context, shaping means buffering a packet and keeping it ready to be sent.


Enables this Bandwidth Management contract.


Disables this Bandwidth Management contract.


Removes this contract from the switch.


Displays the current Bandwidth Management contract configuration.

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/cfg/bwm/policy <policy number>Bandwidth Management Policy Configuration

[Policy 1 Menu] hard - Set hard Limit soft - Set soft Limit resv - Set Reservation Limit utos - Set underlimit (soft limit) TOS otos - Set overlimit (soft limit) TOS buffer - Set Buffer Limit del - Delete BW Policy cur - Display current Policy configuration

Table 6-30 Bandwidth Management Policy Menu Options (/cfg/bwm/pol)

Command Syntax and Usage

hard <0k-5000k|1m-1000m>Sets the hard bandwidth limit for this policy. This is the highest amount of bandwidth available to this policy. The default value is 2000 kbps.

soft <0k-5000k|1m-1000m>Sets the soft bandwidth limit for this policy. The default value is 1000 kbps.

resv <0k-5000k|1m-1000m>Sets the reserve limit for this policy. This is the amount of bandwidth always available to this pol-icy. The default value is 500Kbytes.

utos <BW Policy TOS (0-255)>Sets the new utos (underlimit TOS) value to overwrite the original TOS value if the traffic for this contract is under the soft limit. With this option set to the default value of “0,” the switch will not overwrite the TOS value.

otos <BW Policy TOS (0-255)>Sets the new otos (over the limit TOS) value to overwrite the original TOS value if the traffic for this contract is over the soft limit. With this option set to the default value of “0,” the switch will not overwrite the TOS value.

buffer <Maximum buffer space (bytes) (8192-128000)>Sets the buffer limit for this policy. The default value is 8192 bytes.


Deletes the bandwidth management policy.


Displays the current value of the bandwidth policy configuration.

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/cfg/bwm/curBandwidth Management Current Configuration

Current Bandwidth Management setting: ON Policy Enforcement: enabled SMTP server user name:

Contract Name Policy Prec Hist TOS State Shaping 1 cont_1 1 1 E E E E 2 cont_2 2 1 E D D D 256 Default -- 0 E D E D*Default contract gets all the BW that is available on a port after the active contracts reserved BW is taken.

Policy Hard Soft Resv oTOS uTOS Buffer 1 25M 20M 500K 150 100 16320 2 10M 8M 500K 0 0 16320 3 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 4 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 5 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 6 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 7 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 8 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 9 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 10 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 11 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 12 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 13 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 14 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 15 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 16 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 17 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 18 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 19 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 20 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 21 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 22 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 23 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 24 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 25 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 26 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 27 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 28 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 29 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320 30 2M 1M 500K 0 0 16320

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/cfg/l2Layer 2 Configuration Menu

[Layer 2 Menu] stg - Spanning Tree Menu trunk - Trunk Group Menu vlan - VLAN Menu ntmstg - Enable/disable Nortel multiple STG mode cur - Display current layer 2 parameters

Table 6-31 Layer 2 Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l2)

Command Syntax and Usage

stg <group number [1-16]>Displays Spanning Tree Group Menu. To view menu options, see page 218.

trunk <trunk group number (1-12)>Displays Trunk Group Menu. To view menu options, see page 222.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)> Displays VLAN Menu. To view menu options, see page 224.

ntmstg disable|enable

Enables or disables Nortel Multiple Spanning Tree Group mode. When Nortel multiple STG mode is enabled, the Nortel implementation of multiple STGs will be followed. When Nortel multiple STG mode is disabled, the Cisco implementation of multiple STGs will be followed. The ntm-stg enabled device will not work with the device configured for Cisco implementation of Span-ning Tree BPDUs. The factory default value of this command is Nortel multiple STG mode disabled.

You need to reset the switch with the command /boot/reset for the Spanning Tree Group con-figuration to change to ntmstg enabled.


Displays the current Layer 2 parameters.

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/cfg/l2/stgSpanning Tree Group Configuration

When multiple paths exist on a network, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) configures the network so that a switch uses only the most efficient path. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) detects and eliminates logical loops in a bridged or switched network. STP forces redundant data paths into a standby (blocked) state. When multiple paths exist, Spanning Tree configures the net-work so that a switch uses only the most efficient path. If that path fails, Spanning Tree auto-matically sets up another active path on the network to sustain network operations. Thus, STP is used to prevent loops in the network topology.

Alteon OS supports the IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Alteon OS supports up to 16 instances of Spanning Trees or Spanning Tree groups. Each VLAN can be placed in only one Spanning Tree group per switch except for the default Spanning Tree group (STG 1). The default Spanning Tree group (1) can have more than one VLAN. All other Spanning Tree groups (2-16) can have only one VLAN associated with it. Spanning Tree can be enabled or disabled for each port. Multiple Spanning Trees can be enabled on tagged or untagged ports. See your Application Guide for a detailed description of this feature and how to configure Spanning Tree Groups on the switch.

This command is turned on by default.

[Spanning Tree Group 1 Menu] brg - Bridge parameter menu port - Port parameter menu add - Add VLAN(s) to Spanning Tree Group remove - Remove VLAN(s) from Spanning Tree Group clear - Remove all VLANs from Spanning Tree Group on - Globally turn Spanning Tree ON off - Globally turn Spanning Tree OFF default - Default Spanning Tree and Member parameters cur - Display current bridge parameters

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NOTE – When VRRP is used for active/active redundancy, STP must be enabled.

Table 6-32 Spanning Tree Configuration Menu (/cfg/l2/stp)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Bridge Spanning Tree Menu. To view menu options, see page 220.

port <port number>Displays the Spanning Tree Port Menu. To view menu options, see page 221.

add <VLAN numbers (1-4090)>Associates a VLAN with a spanning tree and requires an external VLAN ID as a parameter.

remove <VLAN numbers (1-4090)>Breaks the association between a VLAN and a spanning tree and requires an external VLAN ID as a parameter.


Removes all VLANs from a spanning tree.


Globally enables Spanning Tree Protocol.


Globally disables Spanning Tree Protocol.


Resets STG and Group member parameters to factory default.


Displays the current Spanning Tree Protocol parameters.

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/cfg/l2/stg/brgBridge Spanning Tree Configuration

Spanning Tree bridge parameters affect the global STP operation of the switch. STP bridge parameters include:

� Bridge priority

� Bridge hello time

� Bridge maximum age

� Forwarding delay

� Bridge aging time

[Bridge Spanning Tree Menu] prior - Set bridge Priority [0-65535] hello - Set bridge Hello Time [1-10 secs] mxage - Set bridge Max Age (6-40 secs) fwd - Set bridge Forward Delay (4-30 secs) aging - Set bridge Aging Time (1-65535 secs, 0 to disable) cur - Display current bridge parameters

Table 6-33 Bridge Spanning Tree Menu Options (/cfg/l2/stp/brg)

Command Syntax and Usage

prior <new bridge priority (0-65535)>Configures the bridge priority. The bridge priority parameter controls which bridge on the network is the STP root bridge. To make this switch the root bridge, configure the bridge priority lower than all other switches and bridges on your network. The lower the value, the higher the bridge priority. The range is 0 to 65535, and the default is 32768.

hello <new bridge hello time (1-10 secs)>Configures the bridge hello time.The hello time specifies how often the root bridge transmits a configuration bridge protocol data unit (BPDU). Any bridge that is not the root bridge uses the root bridge hello value. The range is 1 to 10 seconds, and the default is 2 seconds.

mxage <new bridge max age (6-40 secs)>Configures the bridge maximum age. The maximum age parameter specifies the maximum time the bridge waits without receiving a configuration bridge protocol data unit before it re configures the STP network. The range is 6 to 40 seconds, and the default is 20 seconds.

fwd <new bridge Forward Delay (4-30 secs)>Configures the bridge forward delay parameter. The forward delay parameter specifies the amount of time that a bridge port has to wait before it changes from the listening state to the learning state and from the learning state to the forwarding state. The range is 4 to 30 seconds, and the default is 15 seconds.

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When configuring STP bridge parameters, the following formulas must be used:

� 2*(fwd-1) > mxage

� 2*(hello+1) < mxage

/cfg/l2/stg <STG Group Index>/port <port #>Spanning Tree Port Configuration

Spanning Tree port parameters are used to modify STP operation on an individual port basis. STP port parameters include:

� Port priority

� Port path cost

aging <new bridge Aging Time (1-65535 secs, 0 to disable)>Configures the forwarding database aging time. The aging time specifies the amount of time the bridge waits without receiving a packet from a station before removing the station from the for-warding database. The range is 1 to 65535 seconds, and the default is 300 seconds. To disable aging, set this parameter to 0.


Displays the current bridge STP parameters.

[Spanning Tree Port 1 Menu] prior - Set port Priority (0-255) cost - Set port Path Cost (1-65535, 0 for default) on - Turn port’s Spanning Tree ON off - Turn port’s Spanning Tree OFF cur - Display current port Spanning Tree parameters

Table 6-33 Bridge Spanning Tree Menu Options (/cfg/l2/stp/brg)

Command Syntax and Usage

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The port option of STP is turned on by default.

/cfg/l2/trunk <trunk group number>Trunk Configuration

Trunk groups can provide super-bandwidth connections between Alteon Application Switches or other trunk capable devices.Trunk groups can provide super-bandwidth, multi-link connec-tions between Alteon Application Switches or other trunk-capable devices. A trunk group is a group of ports that act together, combining their bandwidth to create a single, larger virtual link. When trunk groups are configured, you can view the state of each port in the various trunk groups. Up to 12 trunk groups can be configured on the Alteon Application Switch, with the following restrictions:

� Any physical switch port can belong to no more than one trunk group.

� Up to eight ports/trunks can belong to the same trunk group.

� Best performance is achieved when all ports in a trunk are configured for the same speed.

� Trunking from non-Alteon devices must comply with Cisco® EtherChannel® technology.

Table 6-34 Spanning Tree Port Menu (/cfg/l2/stp/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

prior <new port Priority (0-255)>Configures the port priority. The port priority helps determine which bridge port becomes the des-ignated port. In a network topology that has multiple bridge ports connected to a single segment, the port with the lowest port priority becomes the designated port for the segment. The range is 0 to 255, and the default is 128.

cost <new port Path Cost (1-65535, 0 for default)>Configures the port path cost. The port path cost is used to help determine the designated port for a segment. Generally speaking, the faster the port, the lower the path cost. The range is 1 to 65535. The default is 10 for 100Mbps ports, and 1 for Gigabit ports. A value of 0 indicates that the default cost will be computed for an auto negotiated link speed.


Enables STP on the port.


Disables STP on the port.


Displays the current STP port parameters.

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By default, the trunk group is empty and disabled.

[Trunk group 1 Menu] cont - Set BW contract for this trunk group add - Add port to trunk group rem - Remove port from trunk group ena - Enable trunk group dis - Disable trunk group del - Delete trunk group cur - Display current Trunk Group configuration

Table 6-35 Trunk Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l2/trunk)

Command Syntax and Usage

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the default Bandwidth Management Contract for this trunk group. By default, the contract number is 256 for AD3 and 1024 for AD4.

add <port number>Adds a physical port to the current trunk group.

rem <port number>Removes a physical port from the current trunk group.


Enables the current trunk group.


Turns the current trunk group off.


Removes the current trunk group configuration.


Displays the current trunk group parameters.

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/cfg/l2/vlan <VLAN number>VLAN Configuration

VLANs are commonly used to split up groups of network users into manageable broadcast domains, to create logical segmentation of workgroups, and to enforce security policies among logical segments. The commands in this menu configure VLAN attributes, change the status of the VLAN, delete the VLAN, and change the port membership of the VLAN. For more infor-mation on configuring VLANs, see “Setup Part 3: VLANs” on page 33.

By default, the VLAN menu option is disabled except VLAN 1, which is enabled all the time.

[VLAN 1 Menu] name - Set VLAN name stg - Assign VLAN to a Spanning Tree Group cont - Set BW contract add - Add port to VLAN rem - Remove port from VLAN def - Define VLAN as list of ports jumbo - Enable/disable Jumbo Frame support learn - Enable/disable smac learning ena - Enable VLAN dis - Disable VLAN del - Delete VLAN cur - Display current VLAN configuration

Table 6-36 VLAN Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l2/vlan)

Command Syntax and Usage


Assigns a name to the VLAN or changes the existing name. The default VLAN name is the first one.

stg <Spanning Tree Group index (1-16)>Assigns a VLAN to a Spanning Tree Group.

cont <BW Contract number, (1-256)>Sets the Bandwidth Management contract for this VLAN. The default contract number is 256 on AD3 and 1024 on AD4.

add <port number>Adds port(s) or trunk group(s) to the VLAN membership.

rem <port number>Removes port(s) or trunk group(s) from this VLAN.

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NOTE – All ports must belong to at least one VLAN. Any port which is removed from a VLAN and which is not a member of any other VLAN is automatically added to default VLAN #1. You cannot remove a port from VLAN #1 if the port has no membership in any other VLAN. Also, you cannot add a port to more than one VLAN unless the port has VLAN tagging turned on (see the tag command on page 202).

def <list of port numbers>Defines which ports are members of this VLAN. Every port must be a member of at least one VLAN. By default, it defines ports between 1-28 for VLAN 1.

jumbo disable|enable

Enables or disables jumbo frame support on this VLAN. You need to reset the switch using /boot/reset command to enable jumbo frames on the switch.

learn disable|enable

Enables or disables source MAC address learning on this VLAN.


Enables this VLAN.


Disables this VLAN without removing it from the configuration.


Deletes this VLAN.


Displays the current VLAN configuration.

Table 6-36 VLAN Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l2/vlan)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3Layer 3 Configuration Menu

[Layer 3 Menu] if - Interface Menu gw - Default Gateway Menu route - Static Route Menu arp - ARP Menu frwd - Forwarding Menu nwf - Network Filters Menu rmap - Route Map Menu rip1 - Routing Information Protocol Menu ospf - Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Menu bgp - Border Gateway Protocol Menu port - IP Port Menu dns - Domain Name System Menu bootp - Bootstrap Protocol Relay Menu vrrp - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Menu rtrid - Set router ID metrc - Set default gateway metric cur - Display current IP configuration

Table 6-37 Layer 3 Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3)

Command Syntax and Usage

if <interface number (1-256)>Displays the IP Interface Menu. To view menu options, see page 228.

gw <default gateway number (1-259)>Displays the IP Default Gateway Menu. To view menu options, see page 229.


Displays the IP Static Route Menu. To view menu options, see page 230.


Displays Address Resolution Protocol menu. To view menu options, see page 231.


Displays the IP Forwarding Menu. To view menu options, see page 233.

nwf <Network filter number (1-256)>Displays the Network Filter Configuration Menu. To view menu options see page 235.

rmap <route map number (1-32)>Displays the Route Map Menu. To view menu options see page 236.


Displays the Routing Interface Protocol version 1 Menu. To view menu options, see page 240.

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Displays the OSPF Menu. To view menu options, see page 241.


Displays the Border Gateway Protocol Menu. To view menu options, see page 251.

port <port number>Displays the IP Port Menu. To view menu options, see page 257.


Displays the IP Domain Name System Menu. To view menu options, see page 258.


Displays the Bootstrap Protocol Menu. To view menu options, see page 259.


Displays Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Menu. To view menu options, see page 260

rtrid <IP address (such as,>Defines the router ID.

metrc strict|roundrobin

Sets the default gateway metric for strict or roundrobin. The default gateway metric is strict. For more information on gateway metrics, see page 275.


Displays the current IP configuration.

Table 6-37 Layer 3 Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/if <interface number>IP Interface Configuration

The Alteon Application Switch can be configured with up to 256 IP interfaces. Each IP inter-face represents the Alteon Application Switch on an IP subnet on your network. The Interface option is disabled by default.

[IP Interface 1 Menu] addr - Set IP address mask - Set subnet mask vlan - Set VLAN number relay - Enable/disable BOOTP relay ena - Enable IP interface dis - Disable IP interface del - Delete IP interface cur - Display current interface configuration

Table 6-38 IP Interface Menu Options (/cfg/l3/if)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address (such as>Configures the IP address of the switch interface using dotted decimal notation.

mask <IP subnet mask (such as>Configures the IP subnet address mask for the interface using dotted decimal notation.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Configures the VLAN number for this interface. Each interface can belong to one VLAN, though any VLAN can have multiple IP interfaces in it.

relay disable|enable

Enables or disables the BOOTP relay on this interface. It is enabled by default.


Enables this IP interface.


Disables this IP interface.


Removes this IP interface.


Displays the current interface settings.

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/cfg/l3/gw <gateway number>Default IP Gateway Configuration

NOTE – The switch can be configured with up to 255 gateways. Gateways one to four are reserved for default gateway load balancing. Gateways five to 259 are used for load-balancing of VLAN-based gateways.

This option is disabled by default.

[Default gateway 1 Menu] addr - Set IP address intr - Set interval between ping attempts retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare gateway DOWN arp - Enable/disable ARP only health checks vlan - Set VLAN number ena - Enable default gateway dis - Disable default gateway del - Delete default gateway cur - Display current default gateway configuration

Table 6-39 Default Gateway Options (/cfg/l3/gw)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <default gateway address (such as,>Configures the IP address of the default IP gateway using dotted decimal notation.

intr <0-60 seconds>The switch pings the default gateway to verify that it’s up. The intr option sets the time between health checks. The range is from 1 to 120 seconds. The default is 2 seconds.

retry <number of attempts (1-120)>Sets the number of failed health check attempts required before declaring this default gateway inoperative. The range is from 1 to 120 attempts. The default is 8 attempts.

arp disable|enable

Enables or disables Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) health checks. This command is disabled by default.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Sets the VLAN to be assigned to this default IP gateway.


Enables the gateway for use.

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Default Gateway Metrics

For information about configuring which gateway is selected when multiple default gateways are enabled, see page 275.

/cfg/l3/routeIP Static Route Configuration

Up to 128 static routes can be configured.


Disables the gateway.


Deletes the gateway from the configuration.


Displays the current gateway settings.

[IP Static Route Menu] add - Add static route rem - Remove static route cur - Display current static routes

Table 6-40 IP Static Route Configuration Menu Options (cfg/l3/route)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <destination> <mask> <gateway> <interface number>Adds a static route. You will be prompted to enter a destination IP address, destination subnet mask, and gateway address. Enter all addresses using dotted decimal notation.

rem <destination> <mask>Removes a static route. The destination address of the route to remove must be specified using dot-ted decimal notation.


Displays the current IP static routes.

Table 6-39 Default Gateway Options (/cfg/l3/gw)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/arpARP Configuration MenuAddress Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the TCP/IP protocol that resides within the Internet layer. ARP resolves a physical address from an IP address. ARP queries machines on the local network for their physical addresses. ARP also maintains IP to physical address pairs in its cache memory. In any IP communication, the ARP cache is consulted to see if the IP address of the computer or the router is present in the ARP cache. Then the corresponding physical address is used to send a packet.

/cfg/l3/arp/staticARP Static Configuration Menu

Static ARP entries are permanent in the ARP cache and do not age out like the ARP entries that are learnt dynamically. Static ARP entries enable the switch to reach the hosts without sending an ARP broadcast request to the network. Static ARPs are also useful to communicate with devices that do not respond to ARP requests. Static ARPs can also be configured on some gate-ways as a protection against malicious ARP Cache corruption and possible DOS attacks.

[ARP Menu] static - Static ARP Menu rearp - Set re-ARP period in minutes cur - Display current ARP configuration

Table 6-41 ARP Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/arp)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays Static ARP menu. To view options, see page 231.

rearp <2-120 minutes>Defines re-ARP period in minutes. You can set this duration between two and 120 minutes.


Displays the current ARP configurations.

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NOTE – Alteon OS 21.0 allows the static ARP configuration to retain over reboots. Alteon OS 20.x and below allow the user to configure the ARP information but that information can-not be retained over the switch reboot.

[Static ARP Menu] add - Add a permanent ARP entry del - Delete an ARP entry cur - Display current static ARP configuration

Table 6-42 ARP Static Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/arp/static)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <IP address> <MAC address> <VLAN number> <port number>Adds a permanent ARP entry.

del <IP address (such as,>Deletes a permanent ARP entry.


Displays current static ARP configuration.

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/cfg/l3/frwdIP Forwarding Configuration

/cfg/l3/frwd/localLocal Network Route Caching Definition

This menu is used for adding local networks by setting the local network address and netmask for the route cache, and to remove local networks.

[IP Forwarding Menu] local - Local network definition for route caching menu dirbr - Enable or disable forwarding directed broadcasts on - Globally turn IP Forwarding ON off - Globally turn IP Forwarding OFF cur - Display current IP Forwarding configuration

Table 6-43 IP Forwarding Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/frwd)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the menu used to define local network for route caching. Up to five local networks (lnets) can be configured. To view menu options, see page 233.

dirbr disable|enable

Enables or disables forwarding directed broadcasts. This command is disabled by default.


Enables IP forwarding (routing) on the Alteon Application Switch.


Disables IP forwarding (routing) on the Alteon Application Switch. Forwarding is turned off by default.


Displays the current IP forwarding settings.

[IP Local Networks Menu] add - Add local network definition rem - Remove local network definition cur - Display current local network definitions

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Defining IP Address Ranges for the Local Route CacheThe Local Route Cache lets you use switch resources more efficiently, by reducing the size of the ARP table on the Alteon Application Switch. The /cfg/l3/frwd/local/add param-eters define a range of addresses that will be cached on the Alteon Application Switch. The local network address is used to define the base IP address in the range which will be cached, and the local network mask is the mask which is applied to produce the range. To determine if a route should be added to the memory cache, the destination address is masked (bitwise and) with the local network mask and checked against the local network address.

By default, the local network address and mask are both set to This produces a range that includes all Internet addresses for route caching: through

Addresses to be cached are subnets that are directly connected and for which there is an inter-face configured on the Alteon Application Switch. To limit the route cache to your local hosts, you could configure the parameters as shown in the examples in the following table.

NOTE – All addresses that fall outside the defined range are forwarded to the default gateway. The default gateways must be within range.

Table 2 IP Local Networks Menu Options (/cfg/l3/frwd/local)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <local network address> <local network mask>Adds a definition for a local network. For details, see “Defining IP Address Ranges for the Local Route Cache” on page 234.

rem <local network address> <local network mask>Removes a definition for a local network.


Displays the current local network definitions.

Table 6-44 Local Routing Cache Address Ranges

Local Host Address Range Address Mask - - -

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/cfg/l3/nwfNetwork Filter Configuration

[IP Network Filter 1 Menu] addr - IP Address mask - IP Subnet mask enable - Enable Network Filter disable - Disable Network Filter delete - Delete Network Filter cur - Display current Network Filter configuration

Table 6-45 IP Network Filter Menu Options (/cfg/l3/nwf)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address (such as,>Sets the starting IP address for this filter. The default address is

mask <subnet mask (such as,>Sets the IP subnet mask that is used with /cfg/l3/nwf/addr to define the range of IP addresses that will be accepted by the peer when the filter is enabled. The default value is

For Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), assign the network filter to a route map, then assign the route map to the peer.


Enables the Network Filter configuration.


Disables the Network Filter configuration.


Deletes the Network Filter configuration.


Displays the current the Network Filter configuration.

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/cfg/l3/rmap <route map number>Routing Map Configuration Menu

NOTE – The map number (1-32) represents the routing map you wish to configure.

Routing maps control and modify routing information.

[IP Route Map 1 Menu] alist - Access List number aspath - AS Filter Menu ap - Set as-path prepend of the matched route lp - Set local-preference of the matched route metric - Set metric of the matched route type - Set OSPF metric-type of the matched route prec - Set the precedence of this route map weight - Set weight of the matched route enable - Enable route map disable - Disable route map delete - Delete route map cur - Display current route map configuration

Table 6-46 Routing Map Menu Options (/cfg/l3/rmap)

Command Syntax and Usage

alist <number (1-8)>Displays the Access List menu. For more information, see page 238.

aspath <number (1-8)>Displays the Autonomous System (AS) Filter menu. For more information, see page 239.

ap <AS number> [<AS number>] [<AS number>]|noneSets the AS path preference of the matched route. One to three path preferences can be configured.

lp <(value 0-4294967294)>|noneSets the local preference of the matched route, which affects both inbound and outbound direc-tions. The path with the higher preference is preferred.

metric <(value 0-4294967294)>|noneSets the metric of the matched route.

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type <value (1|2)>|noneAssigns the type of OSPF metric. The default is type 1.

� Type 1—External routes are calculated using both internal and external metrics. � Type 2—External routes are calculated using only the external metrics. Type 2 routes have

more cost than Type 2. � none—Removes the OSPF metric.

prec <value (1-255)>Sets the precedence of the route map. The smaller the value, the higher the precedence. Default value is 10.

weight <value (0-65534)>|noneSets the weight of the route map.


Enables the route map.


Disables the route map.


Deletes the route map.


Displays the current route configuration.

Table 6-46 Routing Map Menu Options (/cfg/l3/rmap) (Continued)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/rmap <route map number/alist <access list number>

IP Access List Configuration Menu

NOTE – The route map number (1-32) and the access list number (1-8) represent the IP access list you wish to configure.

[IP Access List 1 Menu] nwf - Network Filter number metric - Metric action - Set Network Filter action enable - Enable Access List disable - Disable Access List delete - Delete Access List cur - Display current Access List configuration

Table 6-47 IP Access List Menu Options (/cfg/l3/rmap/alist)

Command Syntax and Usage

nwf <network filter number (1-256)> Sets the network filter number. See “/cfg/l3/nwf” on page 235 for details.

metric <(1-4294967294)>|noneSets the metric value in the AS-External (ASE) LSA.

action permit|deny or p|dPermits or denies action for the access list.


Enables the access list.


Disables the access list.


Deletes the access list.


Displays the current Access List configuration.

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/cfg/l3/rmap <route map number> aspath <autonomous system path>

Autonomous System Filter Path

NOTE – The rmap number (1-32) and the path number (1-8) represent the AS path you wish to configure.

[AS Filter 1 Menu] as - AS number action - Set AS Filter action enable - Enable AS Filter disable - Disable AS Filter delete - Delete AS Filter cur - Display current AS Filter configuration

Table 6-48 AS Filter Menu Options (/cfg/l3/rmap/aspath)

Command Syntax and Usage

as <AS number (1-65535)> Sets the Autonomous System filter’s path number.

action permit|deny or p|dPermits or denies Autonomous System filter action.


Enables the Autonomous System filter.


Disables the Autonomous System filter.


Deletes the Autonomous System filter.


Displays the current Autonomous System filter configuration.

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/cfg/l3/rip1Routing Information Protocol Configuration

The RIP1 Menu is used for configuring Routing Information Protocol, version 1 (RIP1) parameters. This option is turned off by default.

NOTE – Do not configure RIP1 parameters if your routing equipment uses RIP version 2.

[Routing Information Protocol Menu] updat - Set update period in seconds spply - Enable/disable supplying route updates lsten - Enable/disable listening to route updates deflt - Enable/disable listening to default routes statc - Enable/disable supplying static routes poisn - Enable/disable poisoned reverse vip - Enable/disable vip advertisem*nt on - Globally turn RIP ON off - Globally turn RIP OFF cur - Display current RIP configuration

Table 6-49 Routing Information Protocol Menu (/cfg/l3/rip1)

Command Syntax and Usage

updat <update period (1-120 seconds)>Sets the RIP update period in seconds. It is set at 30 seconds by default.

spply disable|enable

This command is disabled by default. When enabled, the switch supplies routes to other routers.

lsten disable|enable

This command is disabled by default. When enabled, the switch learns routes from other routers.

deflt disable|enable

When enabled, the switch accepts RIP default routes from other routers, but gives them lower pri-ority than configured gateways. When disabled, the switch rejects RIP default routes. This com-mand is disabled by default.

statc disable|enable

This command is disabled by default. When enabled, the switch supplies static routes.

poisn disable|enableThis command is disabled by default. When enabled, the switch uses split horizon with poisoned reverse. When disabled, the switch uses only split horizon.

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/cfg/l3/ospfOpen Shortest Path First ConfigurationAlteon OS supports the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol. The Alteon OS implementation conforms to the OSPF version 2 specifications detailed in Internet RFC 1583.

OSPF is designed for routing traffic within a single IP domain called an Autonomous System (AS). The AS can be divided into smaller logical units known as areas. In any AS with multi-ple areas, one area must be designated as area 0, known as the backbone. The backbone acts as the central OSPF area. All other areas in the AS must be connected to the backbone. Areas inject summary routing information into the backbone, which then distributes it to other areas as needed. For more information on how to configure OSPF on the switch, refer to your Alteon OS Application Guide.

vip disable|enable

Enables or disables the advertisem*nt of virtual IP addresses as Host Routes. If a VIP route exists in a routing table, it will always be advertised except when it is included in another network route that is already being advertised.

Note: If all real servers behind a VIP go down, the route gets removed from the routing table, and will not be advertised. If we disable all the real servers using operation command, the VIP route does not get eliminated from the routing table, and the switch will continue to advertise the route.


Globally turns RIP ON.


Globally turns RIP OFF.


Displays the current RIP configuration.

Table 6-49 Routing Information Protocol Menu (/cfg/l3/rip1)

Command Syntax and Usage

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[Open Shortest Path First Menu] aindex - OSPF Area (index) menu range - OSPF Summary Range menu if - OSPF Interface menu virt - OSPF Virtual Links menu host - OSPF Host Entry menu redist - OSPF Route Redistribute menu lsdb - Set the LSDB limit default - Originate default route information md5key - OSPF MD5 Key menu on - Globally turn OSPF ON off - Globally turn OSPF OFF cur - Display current OSPF configuration

Table 6-50 OSPF Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf)

Command Syntax and Usage

aindex <area index (0-2)>Displays the area index menu. This area index does not represent the actual OSPF area number. See page 243 to view menu options.

range <range number (1-16)>Displays summary routes menu for up to 16 IP addresses. See page 245 to view menu options.

if <interface number (1-256)>Displays the OSPF interface configuration menu. See page 246 to view menu options.

virt <virtual link (1-3)>Displays the Virtual Links menu used to configure OSPF for a Virtual Link. See page 247 to view menu options.

host <host entry number (1-128)>Displays the menu for configuring OSPF for the host routes. Up to 128 host routes can be config-ured. Host routes are used for advertising network device IP addresses to external networks to per-form server load balancing within OSPF. It also makes Area Border Route (ABR) load sharing and ABR failover possible. See page 249 to view menu options.

redist <fixed|static|rip|ebgp|ibgp>Displays Route Distribution Menu See page 250 to view menu options.

lsdb <LSDB limit (0-2000, 0 for no limit)>Sets the link state database limit.

default <metric (1-16777215)> <metric-type 1|2>|noneSets one default route among multiple choices in an area. Use none for no default.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/aindexArea Index Configuration Menu

md5key <key ID (1-255)>Assigns a string to MD5 authentication key. See


Enables OSPF on the Alteon Application Switch.


Disables OSPF on the Alteon Application Switch.


Displays the current OSPF configuration settings.

[OSPF Area (index) 1 Menu] areaid - Set area ID type - Set area type metric - Set stub area metric auth - Set authentication type spf - Set time interval between two SPF calculations enable - Enable area disable - Disable area delete - Delete area cur - Display current OSPF area configuration

Table 6-50 OSPF Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Table 6-51 Area Index Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/aindex)

Command Syntax and Usage

areaid <IP address (such as,>Defines the IP address of the OSPF area number.

type transit|stub|nssa

Defines the type of area. For example, when a virtual link has to be established with the backbone, the area type must be defined as transit.

Transit area: allows area summary information to be exchanged between routing devices. Any area that is not a stub area or NSSA is considered to be transit area.

Stub area: is an area where external routing information is not distributed. Typically, a stub area is connected to only one other area.

NSSA: Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) is similar to stub area with additional capabilities. For exam-ple, routes originating from within the NSSA can be propagated to adjacent transit and backbone areas. External routes from outside the Autonomous System (AS) can be advertised within the NSSA but are not distributed into other areas.

metric <metric value (1-65535)>Configures a stub area to send a numeric metric value. All routes received via that stub area carry the configured metric to potentially influencing routing decisions.

Metric value assigns the priority for choosing the switch for default route. Metric type determines the method for influencing routing decisions for external routes.

auth none|password|md5

None: No authentication required.

Password: Authenticates simple passwords so that only trusted routing devices can participate.

MD5: This parameter is used when MD5 cryptographic authentication is required.

spf <interval (0-255)>Sets time interval between two successive SPF (shortest path first) calculations of the shortest path tree using the Dijkstra’s algorithm.


Enables the OSPF area.


Disables the OSPF area.


Deletes the OSPF area.


Displays the current OSPF configuration.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/rangeOSPF Summary Range Configuration Menu

[OSPF Summary Range 1 Menu] addr - Set IP address mask - Set IP mask aindex - Set area index hide - Enable/disable hide range enable - Enable range disable - Disable range delete - Delete range cur - Display current OSPF summary range configuration

Table 6-52 OSPF Summary Range Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/range)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP Address (such as,>Displays the base IP address for the range.

mask <IP address (such as,>Displays the IP address mask for the range.

aindex <area index [0-2]>Displays the area index used by the Alteon Application Switch.

hide disable|enable

Hides the OSPF summary range.


Enables the OSPF summary range.


Disables the OSPF summary range.


Deletes the OSPF summary range.


Displays the current OSPF summary range.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/ifOSPF Interface Configuration Menu

[OSPF Interface 1 Menu] aindex - Set area index prio - Set interface router priority cost - Set interface cost hello - Set hello interval in seconds dead - Set dead interval in seconds trans - Set transit delay in seconds retra - Set retransmit interval in seconds key - Set authentication key mdkey - Set MD5 key ID enable - Enable interface disable - Disable interface delete - Delete interface cur - Display current OSPF interface configuration

Table 6-53 OSPF Interface Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/if)

Command Syntax and Usage

aindex <area index (0-2)>Displays the OSPF area index.

prio <priority value (0-255)>Displays the assigned priority value to the Alteon Application Switch’s OSPF interfaces.

(A priority value of 127 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. A priority value of 0 specifies that the interface cannot be used as Designated Router (DR) or Backup Designated Router (BDR).)

cost <cost value (1-65535)>Displays cost set for the selected path—preferred or backup. Usually the cost is inversely propor-tional to the bandwidth of the interface. Low cost indicates high bandwidth.

hello <value (1-65535)>Displays the interval in seconds between the hello packets for the interfaces.

dead <value (1-65535)>Displays the health parameters of a hello packet, which is set for an interval of seconds before declaring a silent router to be down.

trans <value (0-3600)>Displays the transit delay in seconds.

retra <value (0-3600)>Displays the retransmit interval in seconds.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/virtOSPF Virtual Link Configuration Menu

key <key>|noneSets the authentication key to clear the password.

mdkey <key ID (1-255)>|noneAssigns an MD5 key to the interface.


Enables OSPF interface.


Disables OSPF interface.


Deletes OSPF interface.


Displays the current settings for OSPF interface.

[OSPF Virtual Link 1 Menu] aindex - Set area index hello - Set hello interval in seconds dead - Set dead interval in seconds trans - Set transit delay in seconds retra - Set retransmit interval in seconds nbr - Set router ID of virtual neighbor key - Set authentication key mdkey - Set MD5 key ID enable - Enable interface disable - Disable interface delete - Delete interface cur - Display current OSPF interface configuration

Table 6-53 OSPF Interface Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/if)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Table 6-54 OSPF Virtual Link Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/virt)

Command Syntax and Usage

aindex <area index (0-2)>Displays the OSPF area index.

hello <value (1-65535)>Displays the authentication parameters of a hello packet, which is set to be in an interval of seconds.

dead <value (1-65535)>Displays the health parameters of a hello packet, which is set to be in an interval of seconds. Default is 40 seconds.

trans <value (1-3600)>Displays the delay in transit in seconds. Default is one seconds.

retra <value (1-3600)>Displays the retransmit interval in seconds. Default is five seconds.

nbr <nbr router ID (IP address)>Displays the router ID of the virtual neighbor. Default is

key <key>|noneDisplays the password (up to eight characters) for each virtual link. Default is none.

mdkey <key ID (1-255)>|noneSets MD5 key ID for each virtual link. Default is none.


Enables OSPF virtual link.


Disables OSPF virtual link.


Deletes OSPF virtual link.


Displays the current OSPF virtual link settings.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/hostOSPF Host Entry Configuration Menu

[OSPF Host Entry 1 Menu] addr - Set host entry IP address aindex - Set area index cost - Set cost of this host entry enable - Enable host entry disable - Disable host entry delete - Delete host entry cur - Display current OSPF host entry configuration

Table 6-55 OSPF Host Entry Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/host)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address (such as,>Displays the base IP address for the host entry.

aindex <area index [0-2]>Displays the area index of the host.

cost <cost value [1-65535]>Displays the cost value of the host.


Enables OSPF host entry.


Disables OSPF host entry.


Deletes OSPF host entry.


Displays the current OSPF host entries.

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/cfg/l3/ospf/redist <fixed|static|rip|ebgp|ibgp>

OSPF Route Redistribution Configuration Menu.

/cfg/l3/ospf/md5keyOSPF MD5 Key Configuration Menu

[OSPF Redistribute Fixed Menu] add - Add rmap into route redistribution list rem - Remove rmap from route redistribution list export - Export all routes of this protocol cur - Display current route-maps added

Table 6-56 OSPF Route Redistribution Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/redist)

Command Syntax and Usage

add (<route map (1-32)> <route map (1-32)>)|allAdds selected routing maps to the rmap list.To add all the 32 route maps, enter all. To add spe-cific route maps, enter routing map numbers one per line, NULL at the end.

This option adds a route map to the route redistribution list. The routes of the redistribution proto-col matched by the route maps in the route redistribution list will be redistributed.

rem (<route map (1-32)> <route map (1-32)>) ... |allRemoves the route map from the route redistribution list.

Removes routing maps from the rmap list. To remove all 32 route maps, enter all. To remove specific route maps, enter routing map numbers one per line, NULL at end.

export <metric (1-16777215)><metric type (1|2)> |none Exports the routes of this protocol as external OSPF AS-external LSAs in which the metric and metric type are specified. To remove a previous configuration and stop exporting the routes of the protocol, enter none.


Displays the current route map settings.

[OSPF MD5 Key 1 Menu] key - Set authentication key delete - Delete key cur - Display current MD5 key configuration

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/cfg/l3/bgpBorder Gateway Protocol ConfigurationBorder Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an Internet protocol that enables routers on a network to share routing information with each other and advertise information about the segments of the IP address space they can access within their network with routers on external networks. BGP allows you to decide what is the “best” route for a packet to take from your network to a desti-nation on another network, rather than simply setting a default route from your border router(s) to your upstream provider(s). You can configure BGP either within an autonomous system or between different autonomous systems. When run within an autonomous system, it's called internal BGP (iBGP). When run between different autonomous systems, it's called external BGP (eBGP). BGP is defined in RFC 1771.

The BGP Menu enables you to configure the switch to receive routes and to advertise static routes, fixed routes and virtual server IP addresses with other internal and external routers.

The BGP menu option is turned off by default.

Table 6-57 OSPF MD5 Key Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ospf/md5key)

Command Syntax and Usage

key <key, up to 16 chars>Sets the authentication key up to 16 characters for this OSPF packet.


Deletes the authentication key for this OSPF packet.


Displays the current MD5 key configuration.

[Border Gateway Protocol Menu] peer - Peer menu aggr - Aggregation menu as - Set Autonomous System (AS) number pref - Set Local Preference on - Globally turn BGP ON off - Globally turn BGP OFF cur - Display current BGP configuration

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NOTE – Fixed routes are subnet routes. There is one fixed route per IP interface.

Table 6-58 Border Gateway Protocol Menu (/cfg/l3/bgp)

Command Syntax and Usage

peer <peer number (1-16)>Displays the menu used to configure each BGP peer. Each border router, within an autonomous system, exchanges routing information with routers on other external networks. To view menu options, see page 253.

aggr <aggregate number (1-16)>Displays the Aggregation Menu. To view menu options, see page 256.

as <autonomous system number (1-65535)>Sets Autonomous System Number for this autonomous system.

An autonomous system (AS) is the unit of router policy, either a single network or a group of net-works that is controlled by a common network administrator on behalf of an administrative entity (such as a university, a business enterprise, or a business division). An autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an Autonomous System Number (ASN). An autono-mous system shares routing information with other autonomous systems using the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

pref <local preference (0-4294967294)>Sets the local preference. The path with the higher value is preferred.

When multiple peers advertise the same route, use the route with the shortest AS path as the preferred route if you are using eBGP, or use the local preference if you are using iBGP.


Globally turns BGP on.


Globally turns BGP off.


Displays the current BGP configuration.

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/cfg/l3/bgp/peer <peer number>BGP Peer Configuration Menu

This menu is used to configure BGP peers, which are border routers that exchange routing information with routers on internal and external networks. The peer option is disabled by default.

[BGP Peer 1 Menu] redist - Redistribution menu addr - Set remote IP address ras - Set remote autonomous system number hold - Set hold time alive - Set keep alive time advert - Set min time between advertisem*nts retry - Set connect retry interval orig - Set min time between route originations ttl - Set time-to-live of IP datagrams addi - Add rmap into in-rmap list addo - Add rmap into out-rmap list remi - Remove rmap from in-rmap list remo - Remove rmap from out-rmap list enable - Enable peer disable - Disable peer delete - Delete peer cur - Display current peer configuration

Table 6-59 BGP Peer Configuration Options (/cfg/l3/bgp/peer)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays BGP Redistribution Menu. To view the menu options, see page 255.

addr <IP address (such as,>Defines the IP address for the specified peer (border router), using dotted decimal notation. The default address is

ras <AS number (0-65535)>Sets the remote autonomous system number for the specified peer.

hold <hold time (0, 3-65535)>Sets the period of time, in seconds, that will elapse before the peer session is torn down because the switch hasn’t received a “keep alive” message from the peer. It is set at 90 seconds by default.

alive <keepalive time (0, 1-21845)>Sets the keep-alive time for the specified peer in seconds. It is set at 0 by default.

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advert <min adv time (1-65535)>Sets time in seconds between advertisem*nts.

retry <connect retry interval (1-65535)>Sets connection retry interval in seconds.

orig <min orig time (1-65535)>Sets the minimum time between route originations in seconds.

ttl <number of router hops (1-255)>Time-to-live (TTL) is a value in an IP packet that tells a network router whether or not the packet has been in the network too long and should be discarded. TTL specifies a certain time span in sec-onds that, when exhausted, would cause the packet to be discarded. The TTL is determined by the number of router hops the packet is allowed before it must be discarded.

This command specifies the number of router hops that the IP packet can make. This value is used to restrict the number of “hops” the advertisem*nt makes. It is also used to support multi-hops, which allow BGP peers to talk across a routed network. The default number is set at 1.

addi <route map ID (1-32)>Adds route map into in-route map list.

addo <route map ID (1-32)>Adds route map into out-route map list.

remi <route map ID (1-32)>Removes route map from in-route map list.

remo <route map ID (1-32)>Removes route map from out-route map list.


Enables this peer configuration.


Disables this peer configuration.


Deletes this peer configuration.


Displays the current BGP peer configuration.

Table 6-59 BGP Peer Configuration Options (/cfg/l3/bgp/peer)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/bgp/peer/redist BGP Redistribution Configuration Menu

[Redistribution Menu] metric - Set default-metric of advertised routes default - Set default route action rip - Enable/disable advertising RIP routes ospf - Enable/disable advertising OSPF routes fixed - Enable/disable advertising fixed routes static - Enable/disable advertising static routes vip - Enable/disable advertising VIP routes cur - Display current redistribution configuration

Table 6-60 BGP Redistribution Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/bgp/peer/redist)

Command Syntax and Usage

metric <metric (1-4294967294)>|noneSets default metric of advertised routes.

default none|import|originate|redistribute

Sets default route action.

Defaults routes can be configured as import, originate, redistribute, or none.

None: No routes are configured

Import: Import these routes.

Originate: The switch sends a default route to peers even though it does not have any default routes in its routing table.

Redistribute: Default routes are either configured through default gateway or learned through other protocols and redistributed to peer. If the routes are learned from default gateway configura-tion, you have to enable static routes since the routes from default gateway are static routes. Simi-larly, if the routes are learned from a certain routing protocol, you have to enable that protocol in this redistribute submenu.

rip disable|enable

Enables or disables advertising RIP routes

ospf disable|enable

Enables or disables advertising OSPF routes.

fixed disable|enable

Enables or disables advertising fixed routes.

static disable|enable

Enables or disables advertising static routes.

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/cfg/l3/bgp/aggr <aggregate number>BGP Aggregate Routing Configuration Menu

NOTE – The aggregate number (1-16) represents the aggregation route you wish to configure.

This menu allows you to configure aggregate routing to condense the number of routes between internal and external peer routers.

vip disable|enable

Enables or disables advertising VIP routes.


Displays the current redistribution configuration.

[BGP Aggr 1 Menu] addr - Set aggregation IP address mask - Set aggregation network mask enable - Enable aggregation disable - Disable aggregation delete - Delete aggregation current - Display current aggregation configuration

Table 6-61 BGP Aggregate Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ip/bgp/aggr)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address, such as>Adds the IP address to the selected aggregate.

mask <IP subnet mask, such as>Sets the IP mask for the selected aggregate.


Enables the selected aggregate.


Disables the selected aggregate.


Deletes the selected aggregate.

Table 6-60 BGP Redistribution Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/bgp/peer/redist)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/port <port number>IP Forwarding Port Configuration Menu

The Layer 3 Port Menu allows you to turn IP forwarding on or off on a port-by-port basis. By default, the port forwarding option is turned on.


Displays the current aggregate configuration.

[IP Forwarding Port 1 Menu] on - Turn Forwarding ON off - Turn Forwarding OFF cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-62 IP Forwarding Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/port)

Command Syntax and Usage


Enables IP forwarding for the current port.


Disables IP forwarding for the current port.


Displays the current IP forwarding settings.

Table 6-61 BGP Aggregate Menu Options (/cfg/l3/ip/bgp/aggr) (Continued)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/dnsDomain Name System Configuration Menu

The Domain Name System (DNS) Menu is used for defining the primary and secondary DNS servers on your local network, and for setting the default domain name served by the switch services. DNS parameters must be configured prior to using hostname parameters with the ping, traceroute, and tftp commands.

[Domain Name System Menu] prima - Set IP address of primary DNS server secon - Set IP address of secondary DNS server dname - Set default domain name cur - Display current DNS configuration

Table 6-63 Domain Name System Menu Options (/cfg/l3/dns)

Command Syntax and Usage

prima <IP address (such as,>You will be prompted to set the IP address for your primary DNS server. Use dotted decimal nota-tion.

secon <IP address (such as,>You will be prompted to set the IP address for your secondary DNS server. If the primary DNS server fails, the configured secondary will be used instead. Enter the IP address using dotted deci-mal notation.

dname <dotted DNS notation>|noneSets the default domain name used by the switch. For example:


Displays the current Domain Name System settings.

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/cfg/l3/bootpBootstrap Protocol Relay Configuration Menu

The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Relay Menu is used to allow hosts to obtain their configura-tions from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. The BOOTP configuration enables the switch to forward a client request for an IP address to two DHCP/BOOTP servers with IP addresses that have been configured on the Alteon Application Switch.

BOOTP relay menu is turned off by default.

[Bootstrap Protocol Relay Menu] addr - Set IP address of BOOTP server addr2 - Set IP address of second BOOTP server on - Globally turn BOOTP relay ON off - Globally turn BOOTP relay OFF cur - Display current BOOTP relay configuration

Table 6-64 Bootstrap Protocol Relay Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/l3/bootp)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address (such as,>Sets the IP address of the BOOTP server.

addr2 <IP address (such as,>Sets the IP address of the second BOOTP server.


Globally turns on BOOTP relay.


Globally turns off BOOTP relay.


Displays the current BOOTP relay configuration.

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/cfg/l3/vrrpVRRP Configuration Menu

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on Alteon Application Switches provides redundancy between routers in a LAN. This is accomplished by configuring the same virtual router IP address and ID number on each participating VRRP-capable routing device. One of the virtual routers is then elected as the master, based on a number of priority criteria, and assumes control of the shared virtual router IP address. If the master fails, one of the backup vir-tual routers will assume routing authority and take control of the virtual router IP address.

By default, VRRP is disabled. Alteon OS has extended VRRP to include virtual servers as well, allowing for full active/active redundancy between its Layer 4 switches. For more infor-mation on VRRP, see the “High Availability” chapter in your Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

[Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Menu] vr - VRRP Virtual Router Menu vrgroup - VRRP Virtual Router Vrgroup Menu group - VRRP Virtual Router Group Menu if - VRRP Interface Menu track - VRRP Priority Tracking Menu hotstan - Enable/disable hot-standby processing on - Globally turn VRRP ON off - Globally turn VRRP OFF holdoff - Globally VRRP hold off time cur - Display current VRRP configuration

Table 6-65 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp)

Command Syntax and Usage

vr <virtual router number (1-256)>

Displays the VRRP Virtual Router Menu. This menu is used for configuring up to 256 virtual rout-ers on this switch. To view menu options, see page 262.

vrgroup <virtual router vrgroup number (1-16)>

Displays VR Group Menu. To view menu options, see page 265.


Displays the VRRP virtual router group menu, used to combine all virtual routers together as one logical entity. Group options must be configured when using two or more Alteon switches in a hot-standby failover configuration where only one switch is active at any given time. To view menu options, see page 269.

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if <interface number (1-256)>

Displays the VRRP Virtual Router Interface Menu. To view menu options, see page 273.


Displays the VRRP Tracking Menu. This menu is used for weighting the criteria used when modi-fying priority levels in the master router election process. To view menu options, see page 274.

hotstan disable|enable

Enables or disables hot standby processing, in which two or more switches provide redundancy for each other. By default, this option is disabled.


Globally enables VRRP on this switch.


Globally disables VRRP on this switch.

holdoff <0-255 seconds>

Globally suspends VRRP operation for the specified interval.


Displays the current VRRP parameters.

Table 6-65 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr <router number>Virtual Router Configuration Menu

This menu is used for configuring up to 256 virtual routers for this switch. A virtual router is defined by its virtual router ID and an IP address. On each VRRP-capable routing device par-ticipating in redundancy for this virtual router, a virtual router will be configured to share the same virtual router ID and IP address.

Virtual routers are disabled by default.

[VRRP Virtual Router 1 Menu] track - Priority Tracking Menu vrid - Set virtual router ID addr - Set IP address if - Set interface number prio - Set renter priority adver - Set advertisem*nt interval preem - Enable or disable preemption share - Enable or disable sharing ena - Enable virtual router dis - Disable virtual router del - Delete virtual router cur - Display current VRRP virtual router configuration

Table 6-66 VRRP Virtual Router Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the VRRP Priority Tracking Menu for this virtual router. Tracking is Alteon’s proprietary extension to VRRP, used for modifying the standard priority system used for electing the master router. Tracking is not needed if sharing (share) is enabled. To view menu options, see page 264.

vrid <virtual router ID (1-255)>

Defines the virtual router ID. This is used in conjunction with addr (below) to define a virtual router on this switch. To create a pool of VRRP-enabled routing devices which can provide redun-dancy to each other, each participating VRRP device must be configured with the same virtual router: one that shares the same vrid and addr combination.

The vrid for standard virtual routers (where the virtual router IP address is not the same as any virtual server) can be any integer between 1 and 255. The default value is 1.

All vrid values must be unique within the VLAN to which the virtual router’s IP interface belongs.

addr <IP address (such as,>

Defines the IP address for this virtual router using dotted decimal notation. This is used in conjunc-tion with the vrid (above) to configure the same virtual router on each participating VRRP device. The default address is

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if <interface number (1-256)>

Selects a switch IP interface (between 1 and 256). If the IP interface has the same IP address as the addr option above, this switch is considered the “owner” of the defined virtual router. An owner has a special priority of 255 (highest) and will always assume the role of master router, even if it must preempt another virtual router which has assumed master routing authority. This preemption occurs even if the preem option below is disabled. The default value is 1.

prio <priority (1-254)>

Defines the election priority bias for this virtual server. This can be any integer between 1 and 254. The default value is 100.

During the master router election process, the routing device with the highest virtual router priority number wins. If there is a tie, the device with the highest IP interface address wins. If this virtual router’s IP address (addr) is the same as the one used by the IP interface, the priority for this vir-tual router will automatically be set to 255 (highest).

When priority tracking is used (/cfg/l3/vrrp/track or /cfg/l3/vrrp/vr #/track), this base priority value can be modified according to a number of performance and operational cri-teria.

adver <seconds (1-255)>

Defines the time interval between VRRP master advertisem*nts. This can be any integer between 1 and 255 seconds. The default value is 1.

preem disable|enable

Enables or disables master preemption. When enabled, if this virtual router is in backup mode but has a higher priority than the current master, this virtual router will preempt the lower priority mas-ter and assume control. Note that even when preem is disabled, this virtual router will always pre-empt any other master if this switch is the owner (the IP interface address and virtual router addr are the same). By default, this option is enabled.

share disable|enable

Enables or disables virtual router sharing, an Alteon proprietary extension to VRRP. When enabled, this switch will process any traffic addressed to this virtual router, even when in backup mode. By default, this option is enabled.


Enables this virtual router.


Disables this virtual router.


Deletes this virtual router from the switch configuration.


Displays the current configuration information for this virtual router.

Table 6-66 VRRP Virtual Router Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr <router number>/trackVirtual Router Priority Tracking Configuration

This menu is used for modifying the priority system used when electing the master router from a pool of virtual routers. Various tracking criteria can be used to bias the election results. Each time one of the tracking criteria is met, the priority level for the virtual router is increased by an amount defined through the VRRP Tracking Menu (see page 274).

Criteria are tracked dynamically, continuously updating virtual router priority levels when enabled. If the virtual router preemption option (see preem in Table 6-66 on page 262) is enabled, this virtual router can assume master routing authority when its priority level rises above that of the current master.

Some tracking criteria (vrs, ifs, and ports below) apply to standard virtual routers, other-wise called “virtual interface routers.” Other tracking criteria (l4pts, reals, and hsrp) apply to “virtual server routers,” which perform Layer 4 Server Load Balancing functions. A virtual server router is defined as any virtual router whose IP address (addr) is the same as any configured virtual server IP address.

[VRRP Virtual Router 1 Priority Tracking Menu] vrs - Enable/disable tracking master virtual routers ifs - Enable/disable tracking other interfaces ports - Enable/disable tracking VLAN switch ports l4pts - Enable/disable tracking L4 switch ports reals - Enable/disable tracking L4 real servers hsrp - Enable/disable tracking HSRP hsrv - Enable/disable tracking HSRP by VLAN cur - Display current VRRP virtual router configuration

Table 6-67 VRRP Priority Tracking Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

vrs disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each virtual router in master mode on this switch. This is useful for making sure that traffic for any particular client/server pair-ing are handled by the same switch, increasing routing and load balancing efficiency. This com-mand is disabled by default.

ifs disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each IP interface active on this switch. An IP interface is considered active when there is at least one active port on the same VLAN. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available routes as the master. This com-mand is disabled by default.

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroupVirtual Router Group Menu

This feature allows the failover of individual groups of VIRs and VSRs. When Web hosting is shared between two or more customers on a single VRRP switch, you can group VIRs and VSRs to serve the high availability of a specific customer. If failover occurs on a customer link, the group of VIRs and VSRs associated with that customer alone will fail over to the backup switch. The VIRs and VSRs configured for the other customers on the master switch are not affected.

ports disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each active port on the same VLAN. A port is considered “active” if it has a link and is forwarding traffic. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available ports as the master. This command is disabled by default.

l4pts disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each physical switch port which has active Layer 4 processing on this switch. This helps elect the main Layer 4 switch as the master. This command is disabled by default.

reals disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each healthy real server behind the virtual server IP address of the same IP address as the virtual router on this switch. This helps elect the switch with the largest server pool as the master, increas-ing Layer 4 efficiency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrp disable|enable <priority (1-254)>Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is used with some types of routers for establishing router failover. In networks where HSRP is used, enable this switch option to increase the priority of this virtual router for each Layer 4 client-only port that receives HSRP advertisem*nts. Enabling HSRP helps elect the switch closest to the master HSRP router as the master, optimizing routing effi-ciency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrv disable|enable

Hot Standby Router on VLAN (HSRV) is used to work in VLAN-tagged environments. Enable this switch option to increment only that vrrp instance that is on the same VLAN as the tagged hsrp master flagged packet. This command is disabled by default.


Displays the current configuration for priority tracking for this virtual router.

Table 6-67 VRRP Priority Tracking Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vr/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Up to 16 virtual router groups can be configured on the switch.

[VRRP Virtual Router Vrgroup 1 Menu] track - Priority Tracking Menu name - Set virtual router group name add - Add virtual router to group rem - Remove virtual router from group prio - Set priority for virtual router group ena - Enable virtual router group dis - Disable virtual router group del - Delete virtual router group cur - Display current VRRP virtual router group configuration

Table 6-68 Virtual Router Group Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays VRRP priority tracking menu for this virtual router group. Tracking is Alteon’s propri-etary extension to VRRP, used for modifying the standard priority system used for electing the master router. To view menu options, see page 267.


Defines virtual router group name up to eight characters.

add <virtual router number (1-256)>Adds a virtual router to the group. Each virtual router group can have up to 16 virtual routers.

rem <virtual router number (1-256)>Removes a virtual router from the group.

prio <1-254>Defines the election priority bias for this virtual router group. This can be any integer between 1 and 254. The default value is 100.

During the master router election process, the routing device with the highest virtual router priority number wins. If there is a tie, the device with the highest IP interface address wins. If this virtual router’s IP address (addr) is the same as the one used by the IP interface, the priority for this vir-tual router will automatically be set to 255 (highest).

When priority tracking is used (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup #/track), this base priority value can be modified according to a number of performance and operational criteria.


Enables the virtual router group.


Disables the virtual router group.

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup <vrgroup number>/track

Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration Menu

This menu is used for modifying the priority system used when electing the master router from a pool of virtual routers. Various tracking criteria can be used to bias the election results. Each time one of the tracking criteria is met, the priority level for the virtual router is increased by an amount defined through the VRRP Tracking Menu (see page 274). Criteria are tracked dynam-ically, continuously updating virtual router priority levels when enabled.


Deletes the virtual router group.


Displays the current VRRP virtual router group configuration.

[VRRP Vrgroup 1 Priority Tracking Menu] ifs - Enable/disable tracking interfaces ports - Enable/disable tracking VLAN switch ports l4pts - Enable/disable tracking L4 switch ports reals - Enable/disable tracking L4 real servers hsrp - Enable/disable tracking HSRP hsrv - Enable/disable tracking HSRP by VLAN cur - Display current VRRP vrgroup tracking configuration

Table 6-69 Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

ifs disable|enable

When enabled, the priority will be increased for each IP interface active on this virtual router group. An IP interface is considered active when there is at least one active port on the same VLAN. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available routes as the master. This com-mand is disabled by default.

ports disable|enable

When enabled, the priority will be increased for each active port on the VLAN on this virtual router group. A port is considered “active” if it has a link and is forwarding traffic. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available ports as the master. This command is disabled by default.

Table 6-68 Virtual Router Group Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup)

Command Syntax and Usage

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l4pts disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority will be increased for each physical switch port which has active Layer 4 processing on this virtual router group. This helps elect the main Layer 4 switch as the master. This command is disabled by default.

reals disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority will be increased for each healthy real server behind the virtual server IP address of the same IP address as the virtual router on this virtual router group. This helps elect the switch with the largest server pool as the master, increasing Layer 4 efficiency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrp disable|enable

Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is used with some types of routers for establishing router failover. In networks where HSRP is used, enable this switch option to increase the priority of this virtual router group for each Layer 4 client-only port that receives HSRP advertisem*nts. Enabling HSRP helps elect the switch closest to the master HSRP router as the master, optimizing routing efficiency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrv disable|enable

Hot Standby Router on VLAN (HSRV) is used to work in VLAN-tagged environments. Enable this switch option to increment only that vrrp instance on the virtual router group that is on the same VLAN as the tagged hsrp master flagged packet. This command is disabled by default.


Displays the current configuration for priority tracking for this virtual router group.

Table 6-69 Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/vrgroup/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/groupVirtual Router Group Configuration

The Virtual Router Group menu is used for associating all virtual routers into a single logical virtual router, which forces all virtual routers on the Alteon Application Switch to either be master or backup as a group. A virtual router is defined by its virtual router ID and an IP address. On each VRRP-capable routing device participating in redundancy for this virtual router, a virtual router will be configured to share the same virtual router ID and IP address.

NOTE – This option is required to be configured only when using at least two Alteon Applica-tion Switches in a hot-standby failover configuration, where only one switch is active at any time.

[VRRP Virtual Router Group Menu] track - Priority Tracking Menu vrid - Set virtual router ID if - Set interface number prio - Set renter priority adver - Set advertisem*nt interval preem - Enable or disable preemption share - Enable or disable sharing ena - Enable virtual router dis - Disable virtual router del - Delete virtual router cur - Display current VRRP virtual router configuration

Table 6-70 VRRP Virtual Router Group Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/group)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the VRRP Priority Tracking Menu for the virtual router group. Tracking is Alteon’s pro-prietary extension to VRRP, used for modifying the standard priority system used for electing the master router. Tracking is not needed if sharing (share) is enabled. To view menu options, see page 274.

vrid <virtual router ID (1-255)>

Defines the virtual router ID.

The vrid for standard virtual routers (where the virtual router IP address is not the same as any virtual server) can be any integer between 1 and 255. All vrid values must be unique within the VLAN to which the virtual router’s IP interface (see if below) belongs. The default virtual router ID is 1.

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if <interface number (1-256)>

Selects a switch IP interface (between 1 and 256). The default switch IP interface number is 1.

prio <priority (1-254)>

Defines the election priority bias for this virtual router group. This can be any integer between 1 and 254. The default value is 100.

During the master router election process, the routing device with the highest virtual router priority number wins. If there is a tie, the device with the highest IP interface address wins. If this virtual router’s IP address (addr) is the same as the one used by the IP interface, the priority for this vir-tual router will automatically be set to 255 (highest).

When priority tracking is used (/cfg/l3/vrrp/track or /cfg/l3/vrrp/vr #/track), this base priority value can be modified according to a number of performance and operational cri-teria.

adver <seconds (1-255)>

Defines the time interval between VRRP master advertisem*nts. This can be any integer between 1 and 255 seconds. The default is 1.

preem disable|enable

Enables or disables master preemption. When enabled, if the virtual router group is in backup mode but has a higher priority than the current master, this virtual router will preempt the lower priority master and assume control. Note that even when preem is disabled, this virtual router will always preempt any other master if this switch is the owner (the IP interface address and virtual router addr are the same). By default, this option is enabled.

share disable|enable

Enables or disables virtual router sharing, Alteon’s proprietary extension to VRRP. When enabled, this switch will process any traffic addressed to this virtual router, even when in backup mode. By default, this option is enabled.


Enables the virtual router group.


Disables the virtual router group.


Deletes the virtual router group from the switch configuration.


Displays the current configuration information for the virtual router group.

Table 6-70 VRRP Virtual Router Group Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/group)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/group/trackVirtual Router Group Priority Tracking Configuration

NOTE – If Virtual Router Group Tracking is enabled, then the tracking option will be available only under group option. The tracking setting for the other individual virtual routers will be ignored.

[Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Menu] vrs - Enable/disable tracking master virtual routers ifs - Enable/disable tracking other interfaces ports - Enable/disable tracking VLAN switch ports l4pts - Enable/disable tracking L4 switch ports reals - Enable/disable tracking L4 real servers hsrp - Enable/disable tracking HSRP hsrv - Enable/disable tracking HSRP by VLAN cur - Display current VRRP Group Tracking configuration

Table 6-71 Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Options (/cfg/l3/vr/group/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

vrs disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each virtual router in master mode on this switch. This is useful for making sure that traffic for any particular client/server pair-ing are handled by the same switch, increasing routing and load balancing efficiency. This com-mand is disabled by default.

ifs disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each other IP interface active on this switch. An IP interface is considered active when there is at least one active port on the same VLAN. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available routes as the master. This command is disabled by default.

ports disable|enable

When enabled, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each active port on the same VLAN. A port is considered “active” if it has a link and is forwarding traffic. This helps elect the virtual routers with the most available ports as the master. This command is disabled by default.

l4pts disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each physical switch port which has active Layer 4 processing on this switch. This helps elect the main Layer 4 switch as the master. This command is disabled by default.

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reals disable|enable

When enabled for virtual server routers, the priority for this virtual router will be increased for each healthy real server. This helps elect the switch with the largest server pool as the master, increasing Layer 4 efficiency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrp disable|enable

Enables Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) for this virtual router group. HSRP is used with some types of routers for establishing router failover. In networks where HSRP is used, enable this switch option to increase the priority of this virtual router for each Layer 4 client-only port that receives HSRP advertisem*nts. This helps elect the switch closest to the master HSRP router as the master, optimizing routing efficiency. This command is disabled by default.

hsrv disable|enable

Hot Standby Router on VLAN (HSRV) is used to work in VLAN-tagged environments. Enable this switch option to increment only that vrrp instance that is on the same VLAN as the tagged hsrp master flagged packet. This command is disabled by default.


Displays the current configuration for priority tracking for this virtual router.

Table 6-71 Virtual Router Group Priority Tracking Options (/cfg/l3/vr/group/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/if <interface number>VRRP Interface Configuration

NOTE – The interface-number (1 to 256) represents the IP interface on which authentication parameters must be configured.

This menu is used for configuring VRRP authentication parameters for the IP interfaces used with the virtual routers.

[VRRP Interface 1 Menu] auth - Set authentication types passw - Set plain-text password del - Delete interface cur - Display current VRRP interface configuration

Table 6-72 VRRP Interface Menu Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/if)

Command Syntax and Usage

auth none|password

Defines the type of authentication that will be used: none (no authentication), or password (password authentication).

passw <password>Defines a plain text password up to eight characters long. This password will be added to each VRRP packet transmitted by this interface when password authentication is chosen (see auth above).


Clears the authentication configuration parameters for this IP interface. The IP interface itself is not deleted.


Displays the current configuration for this IP interface’s authentication parameters.

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/cfg/l3/vrrp/trackVRRP Tracking Configuration

This menu is used for setting weights for the various criteria used to modify priority levels dur-ing the master router election process. Each time one of the tracking criteria is met (see “VRRP Virtual Router Priority Tracking Menu” on page 264), the priority level for the virtual router is increased by an amount defined through this menu.

[VRRP Tracking Menu] vrs - Set priority increment for virtual router tracking ifs - Set priority increment for IP interface tracking ports - Set priority increment for VLAN switch port tracking l4pts - Set priority increment for L4 switch port tracking reals - Set priority increment for L4 real server tracking hsrp - Set priority increment for HSRP tracking hsrv - Set priority increment for HSRP by VLAN tracking cur - Display current VRRP Priority Tracking configuration

Table 6-73 VRRP Tracking Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

vrs <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for virtual routers in master mode detected on this switch. The default value is 2.

ifs <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for active IP interfaces detected on this switch. The default value is 2.

ports <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for active ports on the virtual router’s VLAN. The default value is 2.

l4pts <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for physical switch ports with active Layer 4 processing. The default value is 2.

reals <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for healthy real servers behind the virtual server router. The default value is 2.

hsrp <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for switch ports with Layer 4 client-only pro-cessing that receive HSRP broadcasts. The default value is 10.

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These priority tracking options only define increment values. These options do not affect the VRRP master router election process until options under the VRRP Virtual Router Priority Tracking Menu (see page 264) are enabled.

/cfg/l3/metrc <metric name>Default Gateway MetricsIf multiple default gateways are configured and enabled, a metric can be set to determine which primary gateway is selected. There are two metrics, which are described in the table “Default Gateway Metrics (/cfg/l3/metrc)” on page 275.

hsrv <0-254>Defines the priority increment value (1 through 254) for vrrp instances that are on the same VLAN.

The default value is 10.


Displays the current configuration of priority tracking increment values.

Table 6-74 Default Gateway Metrics (/cfg/l3/metrc)

Option Description

strict The gateway number determines its level of preference. Gateway #1 acts as the preferred default IP gateway until it fails or is disabled, at which point the next in line will take over as the default IP gateway.

roundrobin This provides basic gateway load balancing. The switch sends each new gate-way request to the next healthy, enabled gateway in line. All gateway requests to the same destination IP address are resolved to the same gateway.

Table 6-73 VRRP Tracking Options (/cfg/l3/vrrp/track)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/securitySecurity Configuration Menu

[Security Menu] ipacl - IP Address ACL Menu pgroup - Pattern Match Group Menu port - Port Security Menu udpblast - UDP Blast Menu seclog - Set rate threshold for security logging fragment - Set out of order IP fragments handling in filtering cur - Display current Security configuration

Table 6-75 Security Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/security)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays IP address Access Control Menu. To view options, see page 277.

pgroup <pattern group ID (1-128)>Displays Pattern Match Group Menu. To view menu options, see page 278.

port <port number>Displays Port Security Menu. To view menu options, see page 279.


Displays UDP Blast Menu. To view menu options, see page 280.

seclog <rate threshold (in packets)>Defines the rate threshold for security logging by the number of packets per second. Any packets above the current threshold will be logged.

fragment <allow|deny>Sets the handling of out-of-order IP fragment packets during filtering. When set to allow, the switch will let through all the out-of-order fragments in filtering. When set to deny, the switch will drop these packets. The default is allow.


Displays the current security configuration.

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/cfg/security/ipaclIP Address Access Control List Configuration MenuAlteon OS can be configured with IP access control lists (ACLs) composed of ranges of client IP addresses that are to be denied access to the switch. When traffic ingresses the switch, the client source IP address is checked against this pool of addresses. If a match is found, then the client traffic is blocked.

[IP ACL Menu] add - Add IP Address/Mask for access control rem - Remove IP Address/Mask for access control cur - Display All IP address/mask for access control

Table 6-76 IP Address ACL Menu Options (/cfg/sec/ipacl)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <IP address> <IP mask>Adds range of source IP addresses to be denied, defined by the IP address/mask pair.

rem <IP address> <IP mask>Removes range of source IP addresses to be denied, defined by the IP address/mask pair.


Displays current IP addresses ranges in Access Control List.

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/cfg/security/pgroup <pattern group number>Pattern Matching MenuWhen a virus or other attack contains multiple patterns or strings, it is useful to combine them into one group and give the group a name that is easy to remember. When a pattern group is applied to a deny filter, the switch will match any of the strings or patterns within that group before denying and dropping the packet. Up to five patterns can be combined into a single pat-tern group. Configure the binary or ASCII pattern strings, group them into a pattern group, name the pattern group, and then apply the group to a filter.

The filtering commands in Alteon OS Security Pack allow the administrator to define groups of patterns and place them into groups. By applying the patterns and groups to a deny filter, the packet content can be detected and thus denied access to the network.

[Pattern Match Group 1 Menu] name - Set pattern group name add - Add SLB string to group rem - Remove SLB string from group del - Delete pattern group cur - Display current configuration

Table 6-77 Pattern Matching Group Menu Options (/cfg/sec/pgroup)

Command Syntax and Usage

name <31 character name>|noneSpecifies a descriptive name for this pattern group.

add <string ID>� Adds a pre-configured SLB string to this pattern group by the string ID number.

To configure SLB strings, use the /cfg/slb/layer7/slb/add command described on page 331.

� To view existing strings and their ID numbers, use the /cfg/slb/layer7/slb/cur com-mand, also on page 331.

NOTE – You can only add the binary or ASCII strings to a pattern matching group. Up to five patterns can be combined into a single pattern group.

rem <SLB string ID>Removes an SLB string from this pattern group.


Deletes the pattern group.

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/cfg/security/port <port number>Port Security Configuration MenuAlteon OS can protect switch ports against a variety of Denial of Service (DOS) attacks includ-ing Port Smurf, LandAttack, Fraggle, Nullscan, Xmascan, PortZero, and ScanSynFin. Enable DOS protection on ports connected to any network that could be the source of an attack.


Displays the current configuration of this pattern group.

[Port 1 Menu] dos - Enable/disable DOS attack detection ipacl - Enable/disable IP ACL processing udpblast - Enable/disable UDP Blast processing cur - Display current port configuration

Table 6-78 Port Security Menu Options (/cfg/security/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

dos disable|enable

Enables or disables Denial of Service (DOS) protection on this port. Enabling this command will allow detection of the following DoS attacks:

Smurf: ICMP ping request to a broadcast destination IP (x.x.x.255).

LandAttack: Packets with source IP equal to destination IP.

Fraggle: UDP packet sent to a broadcast destination IP (x.x.x.255).

Nullscan: TCP sequence number is zero and all control bits are zeros.

Xmascan: TCP sequence number is zero and the FIN, URG and PSH bits are set.

ScanSynFin: SYN and FIN bits are set in the packet.

PortZero: TCP/UDP Packets whose source or destination port is zero.

Blat: TCP packets with SIP!=DIP and SPORT=DPORT.

ipacl disable|enable

Enables or disables IP access control List denial on this port.

udpblast disable|enable

Enables or disables UDP blast protection on this port.


Displays the current security configuration on this port.

Table 6-77 Pattern Matching Group Menu Options (/cfg/sec/pgroup)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/security/udpblastUDP Blast Protection Configuration MenuMalicious attacks over UDP protocol ports are becoming a common way to bring down real servers. Alteon OS can be configured to restrict the amount of traffic allowed on any UDP port, thus ensuring that backend servers are not flooded with data and disabled.

You can specify a series of UDP port ranges and the allowed packet limit for that range. When the maximum number of packets/second is reached, UDP traffic is shut down on those ports.

Alteon OS supports up to 5000 UDP port numbers, using any integer from 1 to 65535. The maximum port range is 5000. If the first port number is 300, the last number that can be used is 5300.

While you can configure multiple port ranges, the sum of ranges cannot exceed the maximum of 5000 ports.

[UDP Blast Protection Menu] add - Add UDP port/range for UDP blast protection rem - Remove UDP port/range for UDP blast protection default - Default packet rate for UDP blast protection cur - Display all UDP blast protection Ports

Table 6-79 UDP Blast Protection Menu Options (/cfg/sec/udpblast)

Command Syntax and Usage

add <UDP port number or range (first-last)> [packet rate]Adds UDP port or range for UDP blast protection, as well as the maximum packet rate per second. If the number of packets on this port range exceeds the maximum packet rate per second, UDP traffic will be dropped.

rem <UDP port number or range (first-last)>Removes UDP port or range for UDP blast protection.

default <packet rate>Defines the default packet rate for UDP blast protection.


Displays all UDP blast protection ports.

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The setup program steps you through configuring the system date and time, BOOTP, IP, Span-ning Tree, port speed/mode, VLAN parameters, and IP interfaces. For a complete description of how to use setup, see Chapter 2, “First-Time Configuration.”

To start the setup program, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:


The dump program writes the current switch configuration to the terminal screen. To start the dump program, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:

The configuration is displayed with parameters that have been changed from the default val-ues. The screen display can be captured, edited, and placed in a script file, which can be used to configure other switches through a Telnet connection. When using Telnet to configure a new switch, paste the configuration commands from the script file at the command line prompt of the switch. The active configuration can also be saved or loaded via TFTP, as described on page 282.

Configuration# setup

Configuration# dump

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/cfg/ptcfg <TFTP server> <filename>Saving the Active Switch Configuration

When the ptcfg command is used, the switch’s active configuration commands (as displayed using /cfg/dump) will be uploaded to the specified script configuration file on the TFTP server. To start the switch configuration upload, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:

where server is the TFTP server IP address or hostname, and filename is the name of the target script configuration file.

NOTE – The output file is formatted with line-breaks but no carriage returns—the file cannot be viewed with editors that require carriage returns (such as Microsoft Notepad).

NOTE – If the TFTP server is running SunOS or the Solaris operating system, the specified ptcfg file must exist prior to executing the ptcfg command and must be writable (set with proper permission, and not locked by any application). The contents of the specified file will be replaced with the current configuration data.

/cfg/gtcfg <TFTP server> <filename>Restoring the Active Switch Configuration

When the gtcfg command is used, the active configuration will be replaced with the com-mands found in the specified configuration file. The file can contain a full switch configuration or a partial switch configuration. The configuration loaded using gtcfg is not activated until the apply command is used. If the apply command is found in the configuration script file loaded using this command, the apply action will be performed automatically.

To start the switch configuration download, at the Configuration# prompt, enter:

where server is the TFTP server IP address or hostname, and filename is the name of the target script configuration file.

Configuration# ptcfg <TFTP server> <filename> [-m | -mgmt | -d | -data]

Configuration# gtcfg <TFTP server> <filename> [-m | -mgmt | -d | -data]

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CHAPTER 7The SLB Configuration Menu

Server Load Balancing (SLB) allows you to configure the Alteon Application Switch to bal-ance user session traffic among a pool of available servers that provide shared services. In an average network that employs multiple servers without server load balancing, each server usu-ally specializes in providing one or two unique services. If one of these servers provides access to applications or data that is in high demand, it can become overutilized. Placing this kind of strain on a server can decrease the performance of the entire network as user requests are rejected by the server and then resubmitted by the user stations. With this software feature, the switch is aware of the services provided by each server and can direct user session traffic to an appropriate server, based on a variety of load-balancing algorithms.

This chapter discusses how to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for configuring Server Load Balancing (SLB) on the Alteon Application Switch. Refer to your Alteon OS Application Guide for detailed information on this feature.

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/cfg/slbSLB Configuration

[Layer 4 Menu] real - Real Server Menu group - Real Server Group Menu virt - Virtual Server Menu filt - Filtering Menu port - Layer 4 Port Menu gslb - Global SLB Menu layer7 - Layer 7 Resource Definition Menu wap - WAP Menu sync - Config Synch Menu adv - Layer 4 Advanced Menu advhc - Layer 4 Advanced Health Check Menu pip - Proxy IP Address Menu on - Globally turn Layer 4 processing ON off - Globally turn Layer 4 processing OFF cur - Display current Layer 4 configuration

Table 7-1 Server Load Balancing Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

real <real server number (1-1023)>Displays the menu for configuring real servers. To view menu options, see page 286.

group <real server group number (1-1024)>Displays the menu for placing real servers into real server groups. To view menu options, see page 292.

virt <virtual server number (1-1024)>Displays the menu for defining virtual servers. To view menu options, see page 299.

filt <filter ID (1-2048)>Displays the menu for Filtering and Application Redirection. To view menu options, see page 307.

port <port number>Displays the menu for setting physical switch port states for Layer 4 activity. To view menu options, see page 321.


Displays the menu for configuring Global Server Load Balancing. To view menu options, see page 323.


Displays later 7 Resource Definition Menu. To view menu options, see page 329.

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Filtering and Layer 4 (Server Load Balancing)

Filters configured to allow, deny, or perform Network Address Translation (NAT) on traffic do not require Layer 4 software to be activated. These filters are not affected by the Server Load Balancing on and off commands in this menu.

Application Redirection filters, however, require Layer 4 software services. Layer 4 processing must be turned on before redirection filters will work.


Displays WAP Menu. To view menu options, see page 332.


Displays the Synch Peer Switch Menu. To view menu options, see page 333.


Displays the Layer 4 Advanced Menu. To view menu options, see page 335.


Displays Layer 4 Advanced Health Check Menu. To view menu options, see page 338.


This menu is used to set the switch proxy IP address using dotted decimal notation. When the pip is defined, client address information in Layer 4 requests is replaced with this proxy IP address.To view options, see page 344.


Globally turns on Layer 4 software services for Server Load Balancing and Application Redirec-tion. This option can be performed only after the optional Layer 4 software is enabled (see “Acti-vating Optional Software on page 353). Enabling Layer 4 services is not necessary for using filters only to allow, deny, or NAT traffic.


Globally disables Layer 4 services. All configuration information will remain in place (if applied or saved), but the software processes will no longer be active in the switch


Displays the current Server Load Balancing configuration.

Table 7-1 Server Load Balancing Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/real <server number>Real Server SLB Configuration

[Real server 1 Menu] layer7 - Layer 7 Command Menu ids - IDS Command Menu rip - Set IP addr of real server name - Set server name weight - Set server weight maxcon - Set maximum number of connections tmout - Set minutes inactive connection remains open backup - Set backup real server inter - Set interval between health checks retry - Set number of failed attempts to declare server DOWN restr - Set number of successful attempts to declare server UP addport - Add real port to server remport - Remove real port from server remote - Enable/disable remote site operation proxy - Enable/disable client proxy operation submac - Enable/disable source MAC address substitution ena - Enable real server dis - Disable real server del - Delete real server cur - Display current real server configuration

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This menu is used for configuring information about real servers that participate in a server pool for Server Load Balancing or Application Redirection. The required parameters are:

� Real server IP address

� Real server enabled (disabled by default)

Table 7-2 Real Server Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/real)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Layer 7 Menu. To view menu options, see page 290.


Displays Intrusion Detection Server/system menu. To view menu options, see page 290.

rip <real server IP address>Sets the IP address of the real server in dotted decimal format. When this command is used, the address entered is PINGed to determine if the server is up, and the administrator will be warned if the server does not respond.

name <string, maximum 31 characters>|noneDefines a 15-character alias for each real server. This will enable the network administrator to quickly identify the server by a natural language keyword value.

weight <real server weight (1-48)>Sets the weighting value (1 to 48) that this real server will be given in the load balancing algo-rithms. Higher weighting values force the server to receive more connections than the other servers configured in the same real server group. By default, each real server is given a weight setting of 1. A setting of 10 would assign the server roughly 10 times the number of connections as a server with a weight of 1.

Weights are not applied when using the hash or minmisses metrics (see “Server Load Balanc-ing Metrics” on page 297).

maxcon <maximum connections (0-200000)>Sets the maximum number of connections that this server should simultaneously support. By default, the number of maximum connections is set at 20,000. This option sets a threshold as an artificial barrier, such that new connections will not be issued to this server if the maxcon limit is reached. New connections will be issued again to this server once the number of current connec-tions has decreased below the maxcon setting.

If all servers in a real server group for a virtual server reach their maxcon limit at the same time, client requests will be sent to the backup/overflow server or backup/overflow server group. If no backup servers/server group are configured, client requests will be dropped by the virtual server.

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tmout <even number of minutes (2-32768)>Sets the number of minutes an inactive session remains open (in even numbered increments).

Every client-to-server session being load balanced is recorded in the switch’s Session Table. When a client makes a request, the session is recorded in the table, the data is transferred until the client ends the session, and the session table entry is then removed.

In certain circ*mstances, such as when a client application is abnormally terminated by the client’s system, TCP/UDP connections will remain registered in the switch’s binding table. In order to pre-vent table overflow, these orphaned entries must be aged out of the binding table.

Using the tmout option, you can set the number of minutes to wait before removing orphan table entries. Settings must be specified in even numbered increments between 2 and 30 minutes. The default setting is 10.

This option is also used with the Persistent option (see /cfg/slb/virt/pbind). When persis-tent is activated, this option sets how long an idle client is allowed to remain associated with a par-ticular server.

backup <real server number (1-1023)>|noneSets the real server used as the backup/overflow server for this real server.

To prevent loss of service if a particular real server fails, use this option to assign a backup real server number. Then, if the real server becomes inoperative, the switch will activate the backup real server until the original becomes operative again.

The backup server is also used in overflow situations. If the real server reaches its maxcon (maxi-mum connections) limit, the backup comes online to provide additional processing power until the original server becomes desaturated.

The same backup/overflow server may be assigned to more than one real server at the same time

inter <number of seconds between health checks (0-60)>Sets the interval between real server health verification attempts.

Determining the health of each real server is a necessary function for Layer 4 switching. For TCP services, the switch verifies that real servers and their corresponding services are operational by opening a TCP connection to each service, using the defined service ports configured as part of each virtual service. For UDP services, the switch pings servers to determine their status.

The inter option lets you choose the time between health checks. The range is from 1 to 60 sec-onds. The default interval is 2 seconds. An interval of “0” disables health checking for the server.

retry <number of consecutive health checks (1-63)>Sets the number of failed health check attempts required before declaring this real server inopera-tive. The range is from 1 to 63 attempts. The default is 4 attempts

restr <number of consecutive health checks (1-63)>Sets the number of successful health check attempts required before declaring a UDP service oper-ational. The range is from 1 to 63 attempts. The default is 8 attempts

Table 7-2 Real Server Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/real)

Command Syntax and Usage

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addport <real server port (2–65534)>Add multiple service ports to the server.

remport <real server port (2–65534)>Remove multiple service ports from the server.

remote disable|enable

Enables or disables remote site operation for this server. This option should be enabled when the real IP address supplied above represents a remote server (real or virtual) that this switch will access as part of its Global Server Load Balancing network. By default, this option is disabled.

proxy disable|enable

Enables or disables proxy IP address translation. With this option enabled (default), a client request from any application can be proxied using a load-balancing Proxy IP address (PIP).

submac disable|enable

Enables or disables source MAC address substitution. By default, this option is disabled.


You must perform this command to enable this real server for Layer 4 service. When enabled, the real server can process virtual server requests associated with its real server group. This option, when the apply and save commands are used, enables this real server for operation until explic-itly disabled.

See /oper/slb/ena on page 350 for an operations-level command.


Disables this real server from Layer 4 service. A disabled server will no longer process virtual server requests as part of the real server group to which it is assigned. This option, when the apply and save commands are used, disables this real server until it is explicitly re-enabled.

NOTE – This option does not perform a graceful server shutdown.

See /oper/slb/dis on page 350 for an operations-level command that permits graceful server shutdown.


Deletes this real server from the Layer 4 switching software configuration. This removes the real server from operation within its real server groups. Use this command with caution, as it will delete any configuration options that have been set for this real server. This option does not per-form a graceful server shutdown.


Displays the current configuration information for this real server.

Table 7-2 Real Server Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/real)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/real <server number>/layer7Real Server Layer 7 Configuration

This menu is used for entering commands and strings for Layer 7 processing.

/cfg/slb/real <real server number>/idsReal server IDS Configuration Menu

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a type of security management system for computers and networks. An Intrusion Detection System gathers and analyzes information from various areas within a computer or a network to identify possible security breaches, which include both intrusions (attacks from outside the organization) and misuse (attacks from within the organi-zation). Refer to your Application Guide for more information.

[Layer 7 Commands Menu] addlb - Add URL path for URL load balance remlb - Remove URL path for URL load balance cookser - Enable/disable cookie assignment server exclude - Enable/disable exclusionary string matching cur - Display current real server configuration

Table 7-3 Layer 7 Commands Menu Options (/cfg/slb/real/layer7)

Command Syntax and Usage

addlb <URL path ID [1-128]>Adds the predefined URL loadbalance string ID to the real server.

remlb <URL path ID [1-128]>Removes the predefined URL loadbalance string ID from the real server.

cookser disable|enable

Enables or disables the real server to handle client requests that don’t contain a cookie. This option is used if you want to designate a specific server to assign cookies only. This server gets the client request, assigns the cookie, and embeds the IP address of the real server that will handle the subse-quent requests from the client. By default, this option is disabled.

exclude disable|enable

Enables or disables exclusionary string matching. By default, this option is disabled.


Displays the current real server configuration.

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[Real Server 1 IDS Menu] idsvlan - Set Vlan ID for ID Server idsport - Set Port for ID Server oid - Override OID for SNMP HC comm - Override community string for SNMP HC cur - Display current real server configuration

Table 7-4 IDS Configuration Menu options (/cfg/slb/real/ids)

Command Syntax and Usage

idsvlan <vlan number (1-4090>Defines VLAN ID for Intrusion Detection Server.

idsport <port number>Defines port for Intrusion Detection Server.

NOTE – IDS can only be configured on real servers between 1-62.

oid <SNMP health check object identifier to override group OID>Specifies the object identifier (OID). This OID overrides the OID for SNMP health checks.

comm <SNMP health check community string to override group community string>Overrides community string for SNMP health checks.


Displays the current real server configuration.

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/cfg/slb/group <real server group number>Real Server Group SLB Configuration

This menu is used for combining real servers into real server groups. Each real server group should consist of all the real servers which provide a specific service for load balancing. Each group must consist of at least one real server. Each real server can belong to more than one group. Real server groups are used both for Server Load Balancing and Application Redirection.

[Real server group 1 Menu] metric - Set metric used to select next server in group content - Set health check content health - Set health check type backup - Set backup real server or group name - Set real server group name realthr - Set real server failure threshold viphlth - Enable/disable VIP health checking in DSR mode ids - Enable/disable Intrusion Detection idsrprt - Set Intrusion Detection Port idsfld - Enable/disable Intrusion Detection Group Flood advhlth - Set an advance group health check formula mhash - Set minmisses hash parameter add - Add real server rem - Remove real server del - Delete real server group cur - Display current group configuration

Table 7-5 Real Server Group Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/group)

Command Syntax and Usage

metric leastconns|roundrobin|minmisses|hash|response|bandwidth|phash

Set the load balancing metric used for determining which real server in the group will be the target of the next client request. The default setting is leastconns. See “Server Load Balancing Met-rics” on page 297.

content <filename>|//<host>/<filename>|noneThis option defines the specific content which is examined during health checks. The content depends on the type of health check specified in the health option (see below).

health link|arp|icmp|tcp|http|dns|pop3|smtp|nntp|ftp|imap|sslh |radius-auth|radiusacc|script<n>|udpdns|wsp|wtp|wtls|ldap |snmp<n>|tftp

Sets the type of health checking performed. The default is tcp. See “SLB Health Check Types” on page 294.

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backup r<real server number (1-256)>|g<group number>|noneSets the real server or real server group used as the backup/overflow server/server group for this real server group.

To prevent loss of service if the entire real server group fails, use this option to assign a backup real server/real server group number. Then, if the real server group becomes inoperative, the switch will activate the backup real server /server group until one of the original real servers becomes operative again.

The backup server/server group is also used in overflow situations. If all the servers in the real server group reach their maxcon (maximum connections) limit, the backup server/server group comes online to provide additional processing power until one of the original servers becomes desaturated.

The same backup/overflow server/server group may be assigned to more than one real server group at the same time.

name <maximum 31 characters>|noneDefines a 15-character alias for each Real Server Group. This will enable the network administra-tor to quickly identify the server group by a natural language keyword value.

realthr <real servers (1-15, 0 for disabled)> Specifies a minimum number of real servers available. If any time, the number reaches this mini-mum limit, a SYSLOG ALERT message is sent to the configured SYSLOG servers stating that the real server threshold has been reached for the concerned server load balancing group. The default threshold is 0, which also means the option is disabled

viphlth disable|enable

Enables or disables VIP health checking in a service. This feature is enabled by default. However, it works only when the service has DSR (Direct Server Return) feature enabled. When viphlth is disabled, the switch uses RIP to perform all health checks, whether DSR is enabled or disabled.

ids disable|enable

Enables or disables this group of servers for IDS load balancing. This feature can only be config-ured on real server groups between 1-63.

idsrprt <real server port (2-65534)>|anySets real server port for the Intrusion Detection Server.

idsfld disable|enable

Enables or disables the Intrusion Detection flood.

Table 7-5 Real Server Group Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/group)

Command Syntax and Usage

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SLB Health Check TypesUsing the health command, you can specify the type of health check for the group of real servers. The health check options are described in the following table. Refer to your Applica-tion Guide for their detailed description.

advhlth <(1&2|3..), 128>|none

Defines an advanced health check formula expression for the real servers. This command allows you to create a boolean expression to health check the real server group based on the state of the virtual services. This command supports two boolean operators, AND or OR that are used to manipulate TRUE or FLALSE values. Using parenthesis with the boolean operators, you can cre-ate a boolean expression to state the health of the server group. This command also supports a string expression which is up to 128 characters long, or you can also set the formula expression as none.

mhash 24|32 <number of sip bits used for minmisses hash>Defines the minmisses hash parameter for this real server as either 24 or 32 bits. By default the minmiss algorithm uses the upper 24-bits of the source IP address to calculate the real server that the traffic should be sent to when the minmiss metric is selected.You can also select all 32-bits of the source IP address to hash to the real server.

add <real server number (1-1023)>Adds a real server to this real server group. You will be prompted to enter the number of the real server to add to this group.

rem <real server number (1-1023)>Remove a real server from this real server group. You will be prompted for the ID number for the real server to remove from this group.


Deletes this real server group from the Layer 4 software configuration. This removes the group from operation under all virtual servers it is assigned to. Use this command with caution: if you remove the only group that is assigned to a virtual server, the virtual server will become inopera-tive.


Displays the current configuration parameters for this real server group.

Table 7-6 SLB Health Check Types (/cfg/slb/group/health)

Option and Description


Checks status of port for each server for IDSLB group only.

Table 7-5 Real Server Group Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/group)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Sends an ARP request for Layer 2 health checking.


For Layer 3 health checking, pings the server.


Opens and closes a TCP/IP connection to the server for TCP service.


For HTTP service, use HTTP 1.1 GETS when a HOST: header is required to check that the URL content is specified in content command. Otherwise, an HTTP/1.0 GET occurs. Note: If the content is not specified, the health check will revert back to TCP on the port that is being load balanced.


For Domain Name Service, check that the domain name specified in content can be resolved by the server.


For user mail service, check that the user:password account specified in content exists on the server.


For mail-server services, check that the user specified in content is accessible on the server.


For newsgroup services, check that the newsgroup name specified in content is accessible on the server.


For FTP services, check that the filename specified in content is accessible on the server through anonymous login.


For user mail service, check that the user:password value specified in content exists on the serve


Enables the switch to query the health of the SSL servers by sending an SSL client “Hello” packet and then verify the contents of the server’s “Hello” response. During the handshake, the user and server exchange security certificates, negotiate an encryption and compression method, and estab-lish a session ID for each session.

Table 7-6 SLB Health Check Types (/cfg/slb/group/health)

Option and Description

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radius-auth, radius-acc

For RADIUS remote access server authentication, check that the user:password value specified in content exists on the Alteon Application Switch and the server. To perform application health checking to a RADIUS server, the network administrator must also configure the /cfg/slb/secrt parameter. The secrt value is a field of up to 32 alphanumeric characters that is used by the switch to encrypt a password during the RSA Message Digest Algorithm (MD5) and by the RADIUS server to decrypt the password during verification.

script <n>Enables the use of script-based health checks in send/expect format to check for application and content availability. <n> denotes the health script number (1-8).


Allows the user to perform health checking using UDP DNS queries.


Enables connectionless WSP content health checks for WAP gateways. The content under /cfg/slb/adv/waphc (see page 338) must also be configured.


Enables connection-oriented WTP + WSP content health checks for WAP gateways. The content under /cfg/slb/adv/waphc (see page 338) must also be configured


Provides Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) Hello-based health check for encrypted and connection-oriented WTLS traffic on port 9203.


Sets the health check type to LDAP.

snmp <n>Enables the use of SNMP-based health checks. <n> denotes the health script number (1-5).


Sets the health check type to TFTP. This protocol enables the user to request a file from the server. At regular intervals, the switch transmits TFTP read requests (RRQ) to all servers in the group. The health check is successful if the server responds to the RRQ. The health check fails if the switch receives an error packet from the real server.

Table 7-6 SLB Health Check Types (/cfg/slb/group/health)

Option and Description

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Server Load Balancing MetricsUsing the metric command, you can set a number of metrics for selecting which real server in a group gets the next client request. These metrics are described in the following table:

Table 7-7 Real Server Group Metrics (/cfg/slb/group/metric)

Option and Description


Minimum misses. This metric is optimized for Application Redirection. When minmisses is specified for a real server group performing Application Redirection, all requests for a specific IP destination address will be sent to the same server. This is particularly useful in caching applica-tions, helping to maximize successful cache hits. Best statistical load balancing is achieved when the IP address destinations of load balanced frames are spread across a broad range of IP subnets.

Minmisses can also be used for Server Load Balancing. When specified for a real server group per-forming Server Load Balancing, all requests from a specific client will be sent to the same server. This is useful for applications where client information must be retained on the server between ses-sions. Server load with this metric becomes most evenly balanced as the number of active clients increases.


Like minmisses, the hash metric uses IP address information in the client request to select a server.

For Application Redirection, all requests for a specific IP destination address will be sent to the same server. This is particularly useful for maximizing successful cache hits.

For Server Load Balancing, all requests from a specific client will be sent to the same server. This is useful for applications where client information must be retained between sessions.

The hash metric should be used if the statistical load balancing achieved using minmisses is not as optimal as desired. Although the hash metric can provide more even load balancing at any given instance, it is not as effective as minmisses when servers leave and reenter service.

If the Load Balancing statistics indicate that one server is processing significantly more requests over time than other servers, consider using the hash metric.


Least connections. With this option, the number of connections currently open on each real server is measured in real time. The server with the fewest current connections is considered to be the best choice for the next client connection request.

This option is the most self-regulating, with the fastest servers typically getting the most connec-tions over time, due to their ability to accept, process, and shut down connections faster than slower servers.


Round robin. With this option, new connections are issued to each server in turn: the first real server in this group gets the first connection, the second real server gets the next connection, fol-lowed by the third real server, and so on. When all the real servers in this group have received at least one connection, the issuing process starts over with the first real server.

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NOTE – Under the leastconns and roundrobin metrics, when real servers are config-ured with weights (see the weight option on page 287), a higher proportion of connections are given to servers with higher weights. This can improve load balancing among servers of different performance levels. Weights are not applied when using the hash or minmisses metrics.


Real server response time. With this option, the switch monitors and records the amount of time that each real server takes to reply to a health check. The response time is used to adjust the real server weights. The weights are adjusted so they are inversely proportional to a moving average of response time.


Bandwidth Metric. With this option, the real server weights are adjusted so they are inversely pro-portional to the number of octets that the real server processes during a given interval. The higher the bandwidth used, the smaller is the weight assigned to that server.


The phash metric utilizes the best features of the hash and minmiss metrics. With phash enabled, the switch supports an even load distribution (hash) and stable server assignment (min-miss) even when a server in the group goes down. With the phash metric, the first hash will always be the same even if a real server is down. If the first hash hits a dead server, it will rehash for that request based on the actual number of servers that are up. This results in a request always being sent to a server that is up.

Table 7-7 Real Server Group Metrics (/cfg/slb/group/metric)

Option and Description

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/cfg/slb/virt <virtual server number>Virtual Server SLB Configuration

This menu is used for configuring the virtual servers which will be the target for client requests for Server Load Balancing. Configuring a virtual server requires the following parameters:

� Creating a virtual server IP address

� Adding TCP/UDP port and real server group

� Enabling the virtual server (disabled by default)

[Virtual Server 1 Menu] service - Virtual Service Menu vip - Set IP addr of virtual server dname - Set domain name of virtual server cont - Set BW Contract layr3 - Enable/disable layer 3 only balancing ena - Enable virtual server dis - Disable virtual server del - Delete virtual server cur - Display current virtual configuration

Table 7-8 Virtual Server Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/virt)

Command Syntax and Usage

service <virtual port or name>Displays the Virtual Services Menu. The virtual port name can be a well-known port name, such as http, ftp, the service number, and so on. To get more information about well-known ports, see the sport command on page 309. To view services menu options, see page 301.

vip <virtual server IP address>Sets the IP address of the virtual server using dotted-decimal notation. The virtual server created within the switch will respond to ARPs and PINGs from network ports as if it was a normal server. Client requests directed to the virtual server’s IP address will be balanced among the real servers available to it through real server group assignments.

dname <34 character domain name>|noneSets the domain name for this virtual server. The domain name typically includes the name of the company or organization, and the Internet group code (.com, .edu, .gov, .org, and so forth). An example would be It does not include the hostname portion (www, www2, ftp, and so forth). The maximum number of characters that can be used in a domain name is 34. To define the hostname, see hname below. To clear the dname, specify the name as none.

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cont <BWM contract (1-256)>Enter a new Bandwidth Management Contract for this virtual service. By default, all services under this virtual server are assigned this BW contract. However, the BW contract can be changed for a selected virtual server with /cfg/slb/virt <number>/service <number>/cont.

All the frames that match this virtual server services are assigned this BW contract if the previ-ously assigned contract for the frame has lower or equal precedence of the virtual server contract.

The default number of contracts is set at 256 for Alteon OS.

layr3 disable|enable

Normally, the client IP address is used with the client Layer 4 port number to produce a session identifier. When the layr3 option is enabled (disabled by default), the switch uses only the client IP address as the session identifier. It associates all the connections from the same client with the same real server while any connection exists between them.

This option is necessary for some server applications where state information about the client sys-tem is divided across different simultaneous connections, and also in applications where TCP frag-ments are generated.

If the real server to which the client is assigned becomes unavailable, the Layer 4 software will allow the client to connect to a different server.


Enables this virtual server. This option activates the virtual server within the switch so that it can service client requests sent to its defined IP address.


This option disables the virtual server so that it no longer services client requests.


This command removes this virtual server from operation within the switch and deletes it from the Layer 4 switching software configuration. Use this command with caution, as it will delete the options that have been set for this virtual server.


Displays the current configuration of the specified virtual server.

Table 7-8 Virtual Server Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/virt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/virt <server number>/service <virtual port or name>

Virtual Server Service Configuration This menu is used for configuring services assigned to a virtual server. The following example shows a menu for http (port 80) services.

NOTE – Select virtual service port 554 to configure RTSP traffic. See page 305 to view the menu options for configuring virtual services on port 554 for RTSP.

[Virtual Server 1 http Service Menu] group - Set real server group number rport - Set real port hname - Set hostname httpslb - Set HTTP SLB processing cont - Set BW contract for this virtual service urlcont - Set BW cont of an SLB string specific to this service pbind - Set persistent binding type rcount - Set multi response count dbind - Enable/disable delayed binding udp - Enable/disable UDP balancing frag - Enable/disable remapping UDP server fragments nonat - Enable/disable only substituting MAC addresses dnsslb - Enable/disable DNS query load balancing direct - Enable/disable direct access mode del - Delete virtual service cur - Display current virtual service configuration

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Table 7-9 Virtual Server Service Configuration Options (/cfg/slb/virt/service)

Command Syntax and Usage

group <real server group number (1-1024)>Sets a real server group for this service. The default is set at 1. You will be prompted to enter the number (1 to 256) of the real server group to add to this service.

rport <real server port (0-65534)>Defines the real server TCP or UDP port assigned to this service. By default, this is the same as the virtual port (service virtual port). If rport is configured to be different than the virtual port defined in /cfg/slb/virt <number>/service <virtual port>, the switch will map the virtual port to this real port.

hname <hostname>|noneSets the hostname for a service added. This is used in conjunction with dname (above) to cre-ate a full host/domain name for individual services.

The format for this command is: # hname <hostname>

For example, to add a hostname for Web services, you could specify www as the hostname. If a dname of “” was defined (above), “” would be the full host/domain name for the service.

To clear the hostname for a service, use the command: # hname none

httpslb urlslb|host|cookie|browser|urlhash|headerhash|others

Load balances on the following applications:

� urlslb: Enable or disable URL SLB� host: Enable or disable for virtual hosting� cookie: Enable or disable cookie-based SLB for cookie-based preferential load balanc-

ing. You will be prompted for the following: Cookie name, starting point of the cookie value, number of bytes to be extracted, enable/disable checking for cookie in URI

� browser: Enable or disable SLB, based on browser type� urlhash: Enable or disable URL hashing based on URI� headerhash: Hashes on any HTTP header value.� others: Requires inputs for a particular header fieldYou may choose to combine or select applications to load balance using the commands and and/or or. For example:

� httpslb <application>� httpslb <application> and|or <application>

cont <BWM Contract (0-256), 0 for VIP default>Sets a Bandwidth Management contract for this virtual service. The default number of con-tracts is set at 256 for Alteon OS.

Note: If you enter 0 for the service contract, it will carry the value entered for the Virtual Server IP (vip) contract.

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urlcont <URL path ID> <BW contract>Sets the Bandwidth Management contract of a string specific to this virtual service. Only use this command when a string is shared by multiple virtual services and each service requires a separate bandwidth. The default is set at 1024.

pbind clientip|cookie<p|r|i>|sslid|disableEnables or disables persistent bindings for a real server (disabled by default). This may be necessary for some server applications where state information about the client system is retained on the server over a series of sequential connections, such as with SSL (Secure Socket Layer, HTTPS), Web site search results, or multi-page Web forms.

� The clientip option uses the client IP address as an identifier, and associates all con-nections from the same client with the same real server until the client becomes inactive and the connection is aged out of the binding table. The connection timeout value (set in the Real Server Menu) is used to control how long these inactive but persistent connections remain associated with their real servers. When the client resumes activity after their con-nection has been aged out, they will be connected to the most appropriate real server based on the load balancing metric.An alternative approach may be to use the real server group metrics minmisses or hash (see Server Load Balancing Metrics).In Alteon OS 21.0, with clientip command enabled, HTTP and HTTPs traffic from the same client will map to the same server irrespective of the load balancing metric used, since the services are related. Whereas, different services from the same client may not map to the same server.

� The cookie option uses a cookie defined in the HTTP header or placed in the URI for hashing. For more information on cookie option, see “Cookie-Based Persistence” on page 305. For detailed information on Cookie-Based Persistence, see the Persistence chap-ter in the Alteon OS 20.2 Application Guide.

� The sslid option is for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is a set of protocols built on top of TCP/IP that allow an application server and user to communicate over an encrypted HTTP session. SSL provides authentication, non-repudiation, and security. The session ID is a value comprising 32 random bytes chosen by the SSL server that gets stored in a ses-sion hash table. By enabling the sslid option, all subsequent SSL sessions which present the same session ID will be directed to the same real server.

� The disable option allows you to disable presistent binding, if it has previously been enabled for a particular application.

rcount <response count number (1–16)>Sets the maximum response counter for cookie-based persistence. The Alteon Application Switch will examine each server response until the cookie is found, or until the maximum count is reached. The default number is 1.

dbind disable|enable

Enables or disables Layer 4 Delayed Binding for TCP service and ports. Enabling this com-mand protects the server from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. This option is disabled by default.

Table 7-9 Virtual Server Service Configuration Options (/cfg/slb/virt/service)

Command Syntax and Usage

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udp disable|enable|stateless

Enables or disables UDP load balancing for a virtual port (disabled by default). You can con-figure this option if the service(s) to be load balanced include UDP and TCP: for example, DNS uses UDP and TCP. In those environments, you must activate UDP balancing for the particular virtual servers that clients will communicate with using UDP.

When stateless is enabled, no session table entry is created.

Since no session is created, you have to bind to a new server every time.

Note: If applying a filter to the same virtual server IP address on which UDP load balancing is enabled, disable caching on that filter for optimal performance. For more information, see the cache command in Table 7-14 on page 314.

frag disable|enable

Enables or disables remapping server fragments for virtual port. This option is enabled by default.

nonat disable|enable

Enables or disables substituting only the MAC address of the real server (disabled by default). This option does not substitute IP addresses. This option is used for Direct Server Return (DSR) in an one-armed load balancing setup, so that frames returning from server to the client do not have to pass through the switch.

dnsslb disable|enable

Enables or disables DNS-based Layer 7 content load balancing.

direct disable|enable

Enables or disables Direct Access Mode (DAM) on the selected virtual service. This com-mand takes precedence over the command to globally enable or disable direct access mode on the switch.


This command removes this virtual service from operation within the switch and deletes it from the Layer 4 switching software configuration. Use this command with caution, as it will delete the options that have been set for this virtual service.


Displays the current configuration of services on the specified virtual server.

Table 7-9 Virtual Server Service Configuration Options (/cfg/slb/virt/service)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/virt <server number>/service 554Virtual Server RTSP ConfigurationThis menu displays virtual services configured on service port 554 for RTSP traffic. See “/cfg/slb/virt <server number>/service <virtual port or name>” on page 301 to view the menu options for configuring virtual services on port 80.

Cookie-Based PersistenceThe cookie option is used to establish cookie-based persistence, and has the following com-mand syntax and usage:

pbind cookie <mode> <name> <offset> <length> <URI>

[Virtual Server 1 rtsp Service Menu] group - Set real server group number rtspslb - Set RTSP URL load balancing type del - Delete virtual service cur - Display current virtual service configuration

Table 7-10 Virtual Server Service Configuration Menu Options(/cfg/slb/virt 1/service 554)

Command Syntax and Usage

group <real server group number (1-1024)>Sets real server group number.

rtspslb hash|patternMatch|dis

This Layer 7 load balancing option sets the type of rtspslb (hash|patternMatch, thereby enabling the service), or disables rtspslb service altogether with dis command.

To enable Layer 7 load balancing for RTSP service, group must be configured under the menu /cfg/slb/virt <virtual server number>/service 80. If you don’t configure group, ser-vice 80 and service RTSP will load balance the default group, which is group 1. See “Virtual Server Service Configuration Options (/cfg/slb/virt/service)” on page 302 for details on how to configure group.


Deletes this virtual service.


Displays the current virtual service configuration.

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Each parameter is explained in the following table.

For more information on Cookie-Based Persistence, see the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

Table 7-11 Command Syntax and Usage for pbind cookie Options (/cfg/slb/virt/service/pbind cookie)

Option Description

<mode> Specify the mode for cookie-based persistence. The following three modes are available:

� p: Passive mode. In this mode, the network administrator configures the Web server to embed a cookie in the server response that the switch looks for in sub-sequent requests from the same client.

� r: Rewrite mode. In active cookie mode (or cookie rewrite mode), the switch, and not the network administrator, generates the cookie value on behalf of the server. The switch intercepts this persistence cookie and rewrites the value to include server-specific information before sending it to the client.

� i: Insert mode. When a client sends a request without a cookie, the server responds with the data, and the switch inserts an Alteon persistence cookie into the data packet. The switch uses this cookie to bind to the appropriate server.Insert cookie mode expiration parameters are as follows:

Enter insert-cookie expiration as either:

� ... a date <MM/dd/yy[@hh:mm]> (e.g. 12/31/01@23:59)� ... a duration <days[:hours[:minutes]]> (e.g. 45:30:90)� ... or none <return>

<name> Enter the name of the cookie.

<offset> Enter the starting point of the cookie value (1-64)

<length> Enter number of bytes to extract (1-64). For cookie rewrite, the extracting length must be 8 or 16.

<URI> Look for cookie in the URI. If you want to look for cookie name or value in the URI, enter e to enable this option. To look for cookie in the HTTP header, enter d to disable this option.

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/cfg/slb/filt <filter number>SLB Filter Configuration

The switch supports up to 2048 traffic filters. Each filter can be configured to allow, deny, redi-rect or perform Network Address Translation on traffic according to a variety of address and protocol specifications, and each physical switch port can be configured to use any combina-tion of filters. This command is disabled by default.

There are several options available in the Filter Advanced Menu (/cfg/slb/filt/adv, page 312) that can be used to provide more information through syslog. The types of informa-tion include:

� IP protocol

� TCP/UDP ports

� TCP flags

� ICMP message type

[Filter 1 Menu] adv - Filter Advanced Menu name - Set filter name smac - Set source MAC address dmac - Set destination MAC address sip - Set source IP address smask - Set source IP mask dip - Set destination IP address dmask - Set destination IP mask proto - Set IP protocol sport - Set source TCP/UDP port or range dport - Set destination TCP/UDP port or range action - Set action group - Set real server group for redirection rport - Set real server port for redirection nat - Set which addresses are network address translated vlan - Set vlan id invert - Enable/disable filter inversion ena - Enable filter dis - Disable filter del - Delete filter cur - Display current filter configuration

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The following parameters are required for filtering:

� Set the address, masks, and/or protocol that will be affected by the filter

� Set the filter action (allow, deny, redirect, nat)

� Enable the filter

� Add the filter to a switch port

� Enable filtering on the Alteon Application Switch port

Table 7-12 Filter Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Filter Advanced Menu. To view menu options, see page 312.

name <31 character name>|noneAllows the user to assign a name to a filter.

smac any|<MAC address (such as, 00:60:cf:40:56:00)>Sets the source MAC address. The default is any.

dmac any|<MAC address (such as, 00:60:cf:40:56:00)>Sets the destination MAC address. The default is any.

sip any|<IP address>If defined, traffic with this source IP address will be affected by this filter. Specify an IP address in dotted decimal notation, or any. A range of IP addresses is produced when used with the smask below. The default is any if the source MAC address is any.

smask <IP subnet mask (such as,>This IP address mask is used with the sip to select traffic which this filter will affect. See details below for more information on producing address ranges. For more information, see “Defining IP Address Ranges for Filters” on page 311.

dip any|<IP address>If defined, traffic with this destination IP address will be affected by this filter. Specify an IP address in dotted decimal notation, or any. A range of IP addresses is produced when used with the dmask below. The default is any if the destination MAC address is any. For more information, see “Defining IP Address Ranges for Filters” on page 311.

dmask <IP subnet mask (such as,>This IP address mask is used with the dip to select traffic which this filter will affect.

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proto any|<number>|<name>If defined, traffic from the specified protocol is affected by this filter. Specify the protocol number, name, or “any”. The default is any. Listed below are some of the well-known proto-cols.

Number Name1 icmp2 igmp6 tcp17 udp89 ospf112 vrrp

sport any|<name>|<port>|<port>-<port>If defined, traffic with the specified TCP or UDP source port will be affected by this filter. Specify the port number, range, name, or “any”. The default is any. Listed below are some of the well-known ports:

Number Name20 ftp-data21 ftp22 ssh23 telnet25 smtp37 time42 name43 whois53 domain69 tftp70 gopher79 finger80 http109 pop2110 pop3

dport any|<name>|<port>|<port>-<port>If defined, traffic with the specified real server TCP or UDP destination port will be affected by this filter. Specify the port number, range, name, or “any”, just as with sport above. The default is set at any.

Table 7-12 Filter Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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action allow|deny|redir|nat|goto

Specify the action this filter takes:

allow Allow the frame to pass (by default).

deny Discard frames that fit this filter’s profile. This can be used for building basic secu-rity profiles.

redir Redirect frames that fit this filter’s profile, such as for web cache redirection. In addition, Layer 4 processing must be activated (see the /cfg/slb/on command on page 284).

nat Perform generic Network Address Translation (NAT). This can be used to map the source or destination IP address and port information of a private network scheme to/from the advertised network IP address and ports. This is used in conjunction with the nat option (mentioned in this table) and can also be combined with proxies.

goto Allows the user to specify a target filter ID that the filter search should jump to when a match occurs. The “goto” action causes filter processing to jump to a desig-nated filter, effectively skipping over a block of filter IDs. Filter searching action will then continue from the designated filter ID.

To specify the new filter to goto, use the /cfg.slb/filt/adv/goto com-mand.

group <real server group number (1-1024)>This option applies only when redir is specified at the filter action. Define a real server group (1 to 16) to which redirected traffic will be sent. The default is group 1

rport <real server port (0-65535)>This option applies only when redir is specified at the filter action. This defines the real server TCP or UDP port to which redirected traffic will be sent. For valid Layer 4 health checks, this must be configured whenever TCP protocol traffic is redirected. Also, if transpar-ent proxies are used for Network Address Translation (NAT) on the Alteon Application Switch (see the pip option in Table 7-21 on page 321), rport must be configured for all Application Redirection filters. The default is set at 0.

nat source|dest

When nat is set as the filter action (see above), this command specifies whether Network Address Translation (NAT) is performed on the source or the destination information. Desti-nation (dest) is set as the default filter. If source is specified, the frame’s source IP address (sip) and port number (sport) are replaced with the dip and dport values. If dest is specified, the frame’s destination IP address (dip) and port number (dport) are replaced with the sip and sport values.

Table 7-12 Filter Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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Defining IP Address Ranges for FiltersYou can specify a range of IP address for filtering both the source and/or destination IP address for traffic. When a range of IP addresses is needed, the sip (source) or dip (destination) defines the base IP address in the desired range, and the smask (source) or dmask (destina-tion) is the mask which is applied to produce the range.

For example, to determine if a client request’s destination IP address should be redirected to the cache servers attached to a particular switch, the destination IP address is masked (bitwise AND) with the dmask and then compared to the dip.

vlan any|<VLAN ID (1 - 4090)>Sets the ID of the VLAN that is to be filtered. This option allows you to match the VLAN ID of the switch against the VLAN ID of the incoming packet. The default is any, which means the switch will match any VLAN ID of the incoming packet

This command allows filters to be configured on per VLAN basis, and applies a filter to a VLAN that already has been configured. A VLAN has a set of member ports. But by applying this filter to a VLAN, the filter does not get applied to all the member ports of this VLAN. You have to manually add the filter to the port.

invert disable|enableInverts the filter logic. If the conditions of the filter are met, don’t act. If the conditions for the filter are not met, perform the assigned action. This option is disabled by default.


Enables this filter.


Disables this filter.


Deletes this filter.


Displays the current configuration of the filter.

Table 7-12 Filter Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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As another example, you could configure the switch with two filters so that each would handle traffic filtering for one half of the Internet. To do this, you could define the following parameters:

/cfg/slb/filt <filter number>/advAdvanced Filter Configuration

Table 7-13 Filtering IP Address Ranges

Filter Internet Address Range dip dmask

#1 -

#2 -

[Filter 1 Advanced Menu] tcp - TCP Advanced Menu ip - IP Advanced Menu layer7 - Layer 7 Advanced Menu security - Security Menu icmp - Set ICMP message type cont - Set BW contract tmout - Set NAT or L7 lookup session timeout idshash - Set hash parameter for intrusion detection SLB thash - Set hash parameter for Filter goto - Set GOTO filter ID proxy - Enable/disable client proxy cache - Enable/disable caching sessions that match filter log - Enable/disable logging fwlb - Enable/disable firewall redirect hash method linklb - Enable/disable WAN link load balancing dbind - Enable/disable delayed binding for redirection pbind - Enable/disable persistent binding for redirection cur - Display current advanced filter configuration

Table 7-14 Advanced Filter Menu (/cfg/slb/filt/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the TCP Flags advanced menu. To view menu options, see page 314.


Sets IP advanced menu. To view menu options, see page 315.

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Displays Layer7 advanced menu. To view menu options, see page 317.


Displays the filter Security Menu. To view menu options, see page 319

icmp any|<number>|<type; "icmp list" for list>Sets the ICMP message type. The default is set at any. For a list of ICMP message types, see Table 7-17 on page 316. For a detailed description of filtering and ICMP, see the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

cont <BWM Contract (1-256)>Sets the Bandwidth Management Contract. By default, the contract number is set at 256.

tmout <even number of minutes (4-32768)>Sets the session timeout in an even number of minutes. The default is set at 4 minutes.

idshash sip|dip|both

Sets the hash metric parameter for Intrusion Detection System Server Load Balancing: source IP (sip), destination IP (dip), or both.

thash auto|sip|dip|both|sip+sport

Allows you to choose hash parameter to use for filter redirection. The Default is auto. The sip option allows you to perform tunable hash on source IP address for this filter. The option dip allows you to perform tunable hash on destination IP address for this filter. The option both allows you to perform tunable hash on both source IP address and the destination IP address at the same time. The option sip+sport allows you to perform tunable hash on both source IP address and source port at the same time.

goto <filter ID>Defines ID for the GOTO filter. In order to use this feature, the action on this filter must be set to goto.

proxy disable|enable

Enables or disables client proxy. This option applies only when redir or nat is specified as the filter action. Enable or disable proxy IP address translation for traffic matching the filter criteria. By default, this is enabled. If disabled, any proxy defined for the switch port using the pip com-mand (see page 321) is not performed for traffic meeting the filter criteria. This is useful when cer-tain traffic must retain original IP address information, or when other forms of translation (such as Application Redirection or NAT) are preferred.

Table 7-14 Advanced Filter Menu (/cfg/slb/filt/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/filt <filter number>/adv/tcpAdvanced Filter TCP Configuration

cache disable|enable

Enables or disables caching sessions that match the filter. Exercise caution while applying cache-enabled and cache-disabled filters to the same switch port. A cache-enabled filter creates a session entry in the switch, so that the switch can bypass checking for subsequent frames that match the same criteria. Cache is enabled by default.

Note: Cache should be disabled if applying a filter to virtual server IP address while performing UDP load balancing (see “udp disable|enable|stateless” on page 304).

log disable|enable

Enables or disables logging filter messages. This option is disabled by default.

fwlb disable|enable

To ensure that the stateful inspection behavior of firewalls is maintained, a hashing algorithm is used to ensure that inbound packets and outbound packets for a pair of IPSA/IPDA traverse through the same firewall. If the dport is 80 or 21, enabling this option changes the hash of the fil-ter from a WCR hash to a FWLB hash. By default, this option is disabled.

linklb disable|enable

Enables or disables WAN Link Load Balancing. By default, this option is disabled.

dbind disable|enable

Enables or disables delayed binding for redirection on this filter.

pbind disable|enable

Enables or disables persistent binding for redirection on this filter.


Displays the current advanced filter configuration.

[TCP Advanced Menu] urg - Enable/disable TCP URG matching ack - Enable/disable TCP ACK matching psh - Enable/disable TCP PSH matching rst - Enable/disable TCP RST matching syn - Enable/disable TCP SYN matching fin - Enable/disable TCP FIN matching ackrst - Enable/disable TCP ACK or RST matching cur - Display current TCP configuration

Table 7-14 Advanced Filter Menu (/cfg/slb/filt/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage

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These commands can be used to configure packet filtering for specific TCP flags.

/cfg/slb/filt <filter number> /adv/ipIP Advanced Menu

Table 7-15 Advanced Filter TCP Menu (/cfg/slb/filt/adv/tcp)

Command Syntax and Usage

urg disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP URG (urgent) flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.

ack disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP ACK (acknowledgement) flag matching. By default, this option is dis-abled.

psh disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP PSH (push) flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.

rst disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP RST (reset) flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.

syn disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP SYN (synchronize) flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.

fin disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP FIN (finish) flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.

ackrst disable|enable

Enables or disables TCP acknowledgement or reset flag matching. By default, this option is disabled.


Displays the current Access Control List TCP filter configuration.

[IP Advanced Menu] tos - Set IP Type of Service tmask - Set IP TOS mask newtos - Set new IP TOS length - Set IP maximum packet length option - Enable/disable IP option matching cur - Display current IP configuration

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ICMP Message Types

The following ICMP message types are used with the /cfg/slb/filt/adv/icmp com-mand. You can list all ICMP message types with the /cfg/slb/filt/adv/icmp list command.

Table 7-16 IP Advanced Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt #/adv/ip)

Command Syntax and Usage

tos <0-255>Sets IP type of service (ToS) and the value of the type of service. For more information on ToS, refer to RFC 1340 and 1349.

tmask <0-255>Sets IP type of service mask.

newtos <0-255>Sets new IP type of service.

length <IP packet length (in bytes), 64-65535>|anyDefines the limit of IP packet’s length. Any packet exceeding the maximum length will not match the filter.

option disable|enable

Enables or disables IP option matching.


Displays the current advanced IP settings for the selected filter.

Table 7-17 ICMP Message Types

Type # Message Type Description

0 echorep ICMP echo reply

3 destun ICMP destination unreachable

4 quench ICMP source quench

5 redir ICMP redirect

8 echoreq ICMP echo request

9 rtradv ICMP router advertisem*nt

10 rtrsol ICMP router solicitation

11 timex ICMP time exceeded

12 param ICMP parameter problem

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/cfg/slb/filt <filter number> /adv/layer7Layer 7 Advanced Filter Configuration Menu

13 timereq ICMP timestamp request

14 timerep ICMP timestamp reply

15 inforeq ICMP information request

16 inforep ICMP information reply

17 maskreq ICMP address mask request

18 maskrep ICMP address mask reply

[Layer 7 Advanced Menu] urlcont - Set BW cont of an URL path specific to this filter addrd - Add HTTP redirection mapping remrd - Remove HTTP redirection mapping addstr - Add string for layer 7 filtering remstr - Remove string for layer 7 filtering rdsnp - Enable/disable WAP RADIUS Snooping rdswap - Enable/disable RADIUS/WAP Persistence ftpa - Enable/disable active FTP NAT l7lkup - Enable/disable Layer 7 content lookup parseall - Enable/disable layer 7 lookup (parsing) of all packets cur - Display current layer 7 configuration

Table 7-18 Layer 7 Advanced Filter Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt/adv/layer7)

Command Syntax and Usage

urlcont <URL path ID> <BW contract>Sets the URL path BW contract for this filter. Only use this command when a string is shared by multiple filters and each filter requires a separate bandwidth.

addrd [1>2]

Adds an HTTP redirection mapping. Strings are defined under: /cfg/slb/layer7/slb/add.

This command tells the filter that if it matches on the first string id, then send back an HTTP redi-rection message back to the client that contains information in the second string ID.

Table 7-17 ICMP Message Types

Type # Message Type Description

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remrd <string id to redirect from (1-512)> <string id to redirect to (2-512)>Removes an HTTP redirection mapping that was added using the addrd command described above.

addstr <string id (1-512)>Adds the string ID to this filter for L7 filtering. The string is defined under: /cfg/slb/layer7/slb/add.

remstr <string id (1-512)>Removes the string ID for Layer 7 filtering. The string is defined under: /cfg/slb/layer7/slb/add.

rdsnp disable|enable or just d|eEnables or disables WAP radius snooping on this filter.

rdswap enable|disable or just d|eEnables or disables WAP radius persistence on this filter.

ftpa disable|enable or just d|eEnables or disables active FTP Client Network Address Translation (NAT). When a client in active FTP mode sends a PORT command to a remote FTP server, the switch will look into the data part of the frame and replace the client ’s private IP address with a proxy IP (PIP) address. The real server port (RPORT) will be replaced with a proxy port (PPORT), that is PIP:PPORT. By default, this option is disabled.

l7lkup disable|enable or just d|eEnables or disables layer 7 lookup on this filter. This command replaces the urlp and l7deny com-mands found in earlier releases of Alteon OS. When enabled, the filter performs a lookup on layer 7 content such as HTTP strings or headers. When combined with a filter action (e.g. deny, redir), this feature enables content-intelligent redirection or content-intelligent deny filtering.

parseall disable|enable or just d|eEnables or disables parsing of all packets in a session where layer 7 lookup is being performed. This command is enabled by default, and normally all data packets in a session are examined by the filter.

However, some sessions may contain only one packet containing the layer 7 content. Once this packet is found, subsequent packets can be ignored. When parseall is disabled, layer 7 lookup is turned off for the remaining packets in the session.


Displays the current configuration.

Table 7-18 Layer 7 Advanced Filter Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt/adv/layer7)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/filt <filter number> /adv/securitySLB Filter Advanced Security Menu

[Security Menu] ratelim - Rate Limiting Menu addgrp - Add pattern match group for layer 7 filtering remgrp - Remove pattern match group for layer 7 filtering pmatch - Enable/disable pattern matching matchall - Enable/disable match-all criteria for layer 7 filtering parseall - Enable/disable layer 7 lookup (parsing) of all packets cur - Display current Security configuration

Table 7-19 Layer 7 Advanced Filter Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt/security)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Rate Limiting Menu. The protocol-based rate limiting limits the traffic coming from specific clients based on the IP address of the client. This feature enables the switch to detect and block UDP or ICMP-based DOS attacks that slow down or decapitate the servers. Currently, the switch allows rate limiting to be enabled on TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols. To view menu options see page 320.

addgrp <pattern match group id>Adds a pattern group to this filter. Pattern groups are added using the /cfg/security/pgroup/add command.

remgrp <pattern match group id>Removes a pattern group from this filter.

pmatch disable|enable

Enables or disables pattern matching on this filter.

matchall disable|enable

Enables or disables matching of all configured patterns before the filter can perform the deny action.

parseall disable|enable

Enables or disables pattern string lookup (parsing) of all packets in a session where pattern match-ing is being performed. This command is enabled by default, and normally all data packets in a session are examined by the filter.

However, some sessions may contain only one packet containing the layer 7 content. Once this packet is found, subsequent packets can be ignored. When parseall is disabled, pattern match-ing is turned off for the remaining packets in the session.


Displays the current configuration.

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/cfg/slb/filt <filter number> /adv/security/ratelim

Advanced Security Rate Limiting Configuration Menu

[Rate Limiting Menu] maxconn - Set maximum connections for rate limiting timewin - Set time window for rate limiting holddur - Set hold down duration for rate limiting ena - Enable TCP, UDP, or ICMP rate limiting dis - Disable TCP, UDP, or ICMP rate limiting cur - Display current rate limiting configuration

Table 7-20 Rate Limiting Advanced Menu Options (/cfg/slb/filt/adv/security/ratelim)

Command Syntax and Usage

maxconn <# of connections in units of 10 (0-255)>Defines maximum connections for rate limiting.

timewin <seconds, 1-65535>Defines time window for rate limiting. A time window is a configured period of time (in seconds) during which packets are allowed to be received. The time window can be configured per filter and not globally on all the filters.

holddur <minutes, 2-65535>Defines hold down duration for rate limiting. When the number of new connections or packets exceeds the configured limit, any new TCP connection requests or UDP/ICMP packets from the client are blocked. When blocking occurs, the client is said to be held down. The client is held down for a specified number of minutes, after which new TCP connection requests or packets from the client are allowed once again to pass through. The hold-down duration can be configured per filter and not globally on all the filters.


Enables the protocol for rate limiting. Rate limiting is applied to the protocol configured on the fil-ter. The supported protocols are: TCP, UDP, and ICMP.


Disables TCP, UDP, or ICMP rate limiting.


Displays the current rate limiting configuration.

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/cfg/slb/port <port number>Port SLB Configuration

Alteon OS switch software allows you to enable or disable processing independently for each type of Layer 4 traffic (client and server) on a per port basis, expanding your topology options.

NOTE – When changing the filters on a given port, it may take some time before the port ses-sion information is updated so that the filter changes take effect. To make port filter changes take effect immediately, clear the session binding table for the port (see the clear command in Table 8-3 on page 350).

[SLB port 1 Menu] client - Enable/disable client processing server - Enable/disable server processing rts - Enable/disable RTS processing hotstan - Enable/disable hot-standby processing intersw - Enable/disable inter-switch processing proxy - Enable/disable use of PIP for ingress traffic filt - Enable/disable filtering add - Add filter to port rem - Remove filter from port idslb - Enable/disable intrusion detection server load balancing cur - Display current port configuration

Table 7-21 Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

client disable|enable

For Server Load Balancing, the port can be enabled or disabled to process client Layer 4 traffic. Ports configured to process client request traffic bind servers to clients and provide address translation from the virtual server IP address to the real server IP address, re-mapping virtual server IP addresses and port values to real server IP addresses and ports. Traffic not associated with virtual servers is switched normally. Maximizing the number of these ports on the Layer 4 switch will improve the switch’s potential for effective Server Load Balancing. This option is disabled by default.

server disable|enable

Ports configured to provide real server responses to client requests require real servers to be con-nected to the Layer 4 switch, directly or through a hub, router, or another switch. When server pro-cessing is enabled, the switch port re-maps real server IP addresses and Layer 4 port values to virtual server IP addresses and Layer 4 ports. Traffic not associated with virtual servers is switched normally. This option is disabled by default.

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rts disable|enable

Enables or disables Return to Sender (RTS) load balancing on this port. This option is used for firewall load balancing or VPN load balancing applications. Enable rts on all client-side ports to ensure that traffic ingresses and egresses through the same port. This option is disabled by default.

For more information on using rts, see the “Firewall Load Balancing” and “VPN Load Balanc-ing” chapters in the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide.

hotstan disable|enable

Enables or disables hot-standby processing. Use this option and the intersw option in conjunc-tion with VRRP hot-standby failover. This option is disabled by default.

intersw disable|enable

Enables or disables inter-switch processing. This option is enabled for ports connected to a peer switch and is disabled by default.

proxy disable|enable

Enables or disables a proxy for traffic that ingresses this port. When the PIP is defined, client address information in Layer 4 requests is replaced with this proxy IP address.

In Server Load Balancing applications, this forces response traffic to return through the switch, rather than around it, as is possible in complex routing environments.

Proxies are also useful for Application Redirection and Network Address Translation (NAT). When pip is used with Application Redirection filters, each filter’s rport parameter must also be defined (see rport on page 308). This option is disabled by default.

filt disable|enable

Enables or disables filtering on this port. Enabling the filter sets up the Real Server to look into the VPN session table. This option is disabled by default.

add <filter ID (1 to 2048)|block of IDs (first-last)>Adds a filter or a block of filters for use on this port. Enter filter ID (1 to 2048) or a contiguous block of filter IDs. For example, 1-100.

rem <filter ID (1 to 2048)|block of IDs (first-last)>Removes a filter or a block of filters from use on this port. Enter filter ID (1 to 2048) or a contiguous block of filter IDs. For example, 1-100.

idslb disable|enable

Enables or disables Intrusion Detection System Server Load Balancing for this port. This option is disabled by default.


Displays the current system parameters.

Table 7-21 Port Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/port)

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/cfg/slb/gslbGlobal SLB Configuration

NOTE – The local, one, alway, and geo options have no effect on lookup.

[Global SLB Menu] site - Remote Site Menu lookup - Network Preference Lookup Menu ttl - Set Time To Live of DNS resource records mincon - Set minimum number of site connections inter - Set interval between remote site updates weight - Set local weight dns - Enable/disable DNS handoffs local - Enable/disable DNS responses with only local addresses one - Enable/disable DNS responses with only one address alway - Enable/disable DNS responses at least one address geo - Enable/disable geographic awareness http - Enable/disable HTTP redirects usern - Enable/disable HTTP redirect to real server name norem - Enable/disable no remote real SLB encrypt - Enable/disable encrypting remote site update on - Globally turn Global SLB ON off - Globally turn Global SLB OFF cur - Display current Global SLB configuration

Table 7-22 Global SLB Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb)

Command Syntax and Usage

site <remote site (1-64)>Displays the Remote Site Menu for one of up to 64 remote sites. To view menu options, see page 326. By default, this option is disabled.


Displays the Global SLB Lookup Menu. The options in this menu will overwrite the geographic awareness (IANA table) during DNS queries. To view menu options, see page 327.

ttl <time to live in seconds (0-65535)>Specifies the duration (from 0 to 65535 seconds, with default at 60) that the DNS response from the switch (indicating site of best service) will remain in the cache of DNS servers. A lower value may increase the ability of the GSLB system to adjust to sudden changes in traffic load, but will generate more DNS traffic. Higher numbers may reduce the amount of DNS traffic, but may slow GSLB’s response to sudden traffic changes.

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mincon <minimum connections, 0-65535>Sets the minimum number of available site connections. The default is set at 1024. If the site’s available sessions fall below this value, traffic won’t be redirected to the site. A site is not eligible for more requests (such as DNS or HTTP redirects) once the number of available connections at a site drops below this threshold.

inter <interval in minutes (1-120)>Sets the time between Distributed Site State Protocol (DSSP) updates between this switch and its peers. The range is between 1 and 120 minutes. The default is 1 minute.

weight <server weight (1-48)>Sets the local weight. The higher the weight value, the more connections that will be directed to the local site. The default is 1. The response time of this site is divided by this weight before the best site is assigned to a client. Remote site response times are divided by the real server weight before selection occurs.

dns disable|enable

Enables or disables DNS handoffs to peer sites by this switch. This should be enabled for proper GSLB operation. If disabled, whenever the switch receives a DNS request for a configured service, it will respond only with its own virtual server IP address, regardless of performance or load con-siderations. This option is enabled by default.

local disable|enable

Enables or disables switch responses to DNS queries with local virtual server IP addresses. This option is disabled by default. When enabled, the switch will always respond to DNS queries by providing a local virtual server IP address, as long as the virtual server IP address has healthy real servers with an aggregate number of available connections equal to the total from each server’s configured maxcons value, minus the server’s current number of connections. When the real servers for the local virtual server IP addresses are unavailable or saturated, the switch will respond to DNS requests using normal GSLB rules.

one disable|enable

Enables or disables DNS responses with only one address. At the most one IP address is included in each DNS response. This option is disabled by default.

alway disable|enable

Enables or disables DNS responses (with) at least one address. At least one IP address is included in each DNS response. Even if all remote sites cannot handle another request, the local VIP is returned in DNS response to eliminate long DNS timeouts caused by an empty response. This option is disabled by default.

geo disable|enable

Enables or disables geographic awareness, such as the IANA table. This option is enabled by default. If this option is disabled, all clients and sites will be assumed to exist in the same geo-graphic region, allowing all sites to be eligible for each client.

Table 7-22 Global SLB Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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http disable|enable

Enables or disables HTTP redirects to peer sites by this switch. When enabled (default), this switch will redirect client requests to peer sites if its own real servers fail or have reached their maximum connection limits. If disabled, the switch will not perform HTTP Redirects, but will instead drop requests for new connections and cause the client’s browser to eventually issue a new DNS request.

usern disable|enable

Enables or disables an HTTP redirect to a real server name. When a site redirects a client to another site using an HTTP redirect, the client is redirected to the new site's IP address. This option is disabled by default. If usern is enabled, the client will be redirected to the domain name speci-fied by the remote real server name plus virtual server domain name:

<remote real server name>.<virtual server domain name>

norem disable|enable

This command enables or disables no-remote real server load balancing. If enabled, the switch will not do remote real server load balancing for non-http protocols. For HTTP protocols, if you want to do no-remote-real-server load balancing, you need to disable the http parameter in the same menu.

encrypt disable|enable

This command enables or disables encrypting of DSSP updates. If disabled, the switch will not encrypt the DSSP messages going out of the switch. This option allows the GSLB feature to work with older versions of Web OS that do not encrypt DSSP messages.


Activates Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) for this switch. This option can be performed only once the optional GSLB software is activated (refer to “Activating Optional Software” on page 353).


Turns GSLB off for this switch. Any active remote sites will still perform GSLB services with each other, but will not hand off requests to this switch. By default, GSLB is turned off.


Displays the current Global SLB configuration.

Table 7-22 Global SLB Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/gslb/site <site number>GSLB Remote Site Configuration

Up to 64 remote sites can be configured.

[Remote site 1 Menu] prima - Set primary switch IP address of remote site secon - Set secondary switch IP address of remote site name - Set remote site name update - Enable/disable remote site updates ena - Enable remote site dis - Disable remote site del - Delete remote site cur - Display current remote site configuration

Table 7-23 GSLB Remote Site Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/site)

Command Syntax and Usage

prima <server IP address>Defines the IP interface IP address of the primary switch at the remote site used for Global Server Load Balancing. Use dotted decimal notation.

secon <server IP address>If the remote site is configured with a redundant switch, enter the IP address of the IP interface for the remote secondary switch here. If the remote site primary switch fails, the local switch will address the remote site secondary switch instead.

name <31 character name>|noneSets the name of the remote site. The default is set at none.

update disable|enable

Enables or disables remote site updates. If enabled (default), this switch will send regular Distrib-uted Site State Protocol (DSSP) updates to its remote peers using HTTP port 80. If disabled, the switch will not send state updates. If your local firewall does not permit this traffic, disable the updates.

Note: When update is enabled, Global Server Load Balancing uses service port 80 on the IP inter-face for DSSP updates. By default, the Alteon OS Web-based interface also uses port 80. Both ser-vices cannot use the same port. If both are enabled, configure the Alteon OS Browser-Based Interface (BBI) to use a different service port (see the /cfg/sys/access/wport option on page 193).


Enables this remote site for use with Global Server Load Balancing.

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/cfg/slb/gslb/lookupGSLB Lookup Configuration


Disables this remote site. The switch will no longer use this remote site for Global Server Load Balancing.


Removes this remote site from operation and deletes its configuration.


Displays the current remote site configuration.

[Global SLB Lookup Menu] network - Internet Network Preference Menu dname - Set domain name for internal lookup table lookups - Enable or disable network preference lookups hostlk - Enable or disable hostname matching in lookups cur - Display current lookup configuration

Table 7-24 GSLB Lookup Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/lookup)

Command Syntax and Usage

network <internal static (1-1024)><internet network preference number (1-1024)>Displays the Internet Network Preference Menu. If enabled, the switch responds to DNS requests based on the configured dname and Internet Preference Menu option settings. To view menu options, see page 328.

dname <34 character domain name>|noneSets the domain name for the internal lookup table. The maximum number of characters that a domain name can use is 34. The default is set at none.

lookups disable|enable

Enables or disables network preference lookups. This option is disabled by default.

hostlk disable|enable

Enables or disables lookups based on host or domain name in a GSLB configuration. When enabled, the hostname specified in the Virtual Service configuration in addition to the domain name field (dname command in the CLI) will be used to resolve the IP address for the domain. When disabled, only the domain name will be used to match.

Table 7-23 GSLB Remote Site Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/site)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/gslb/lookup/network <preference number>

GSLB Internet Network Preference Lookup Configuration

Up to 1024 network preference numbers can be set. You can overwrite the IANA table by defining client networks, using the options in this menu. You should use regular GSLB to respond to a DNS request under the following conditions:

� Queried domain is not matched.

� Client IP address doesn’t match address in the Network Preference Menu and no default entry is configured.

� There is an entry match in the Network Preference Menu. However, VIP1 and VIP2 are not healthy—they are down or over the minimum number of connections (mincon).

The default entry is one where the source IP address and mask are not configured (both are and only the VIP1 and VIP 2 are configured. All client networks not in the Network Preference Menu will use this entry to respond to a DNS request.


Displays the current lookup configuration.

[Network 1 Menu] sip - Set Source IP address mask - Set net mask vip1 - Set VIP address vip2 - Set VIP address del - Delete internet network entry cur - Display current internet network entry configuration

Table 7-25 GSLB Internet Network Preference Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/lookup/network)

Command Syntax and Usage

sip <IP address>Sets the source (client) IP address. Specify an IP address in dotted decimal notation. A range of IP addresses is produced when used with the mask option.

Table 7-24 GSLB Lookup Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/lookup)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/layer7Layer 7 SLB Resource Definition Menu

mask <IP address>This IP address mask is used with the source IP SIP address to find a correct virtual server IP address to respond to a DNS request.

vip1 <IP address>Sets the first virtual server IP address. The address can either be a local or remote virtual server. The switch returns the VIP address with the least response time that is over the mincon (mini-mum number of available connections).

vip2 <IP address>Sets the second virtual server IP address.


Deletes the network entry.


Displays the current Internet network entry configuration.

[Layer 7 Resource Definition Menu] redir - Web Cache Redirection Menu slb - Server Load Balancing Menu dbindtm - Set timeout for incomplete delayed binding connections cur - Display current Layer 7 configuration

Table 7-26 Layer 7 Resource Definition Menu Options (/cfg/slb/layer7)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Web Cache Redirection Menu. To view menu options, see page 330.


Displays the Server Load Balancing Menu. To view menu options, see page 331.

dbindtm <10-60 seconds>Sets the timeout for incomplete delayed binding connections.


Displays the current Layer 7 configuration.

Table 7-25 GSLB Internet Network Preference Menu Options (/cfg/slb/gslb/lookup/network)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/layer7/redirWeb Cache Redirection Configuration

[Web Cache Redirection Menu] urlal - Enable/disable auto-ALLOW for non-GETs to origin servers cookie - Enable/disable auto-ALLOW for Cookie to origin servers nocache - Enable/disable no-cache control header to origin servers hash - Enable/disable URL hashing based on URI header - Enable/disable server loadbalance based on HTTP header cur - Display current WCR configuration

Table 7-27 Web Cache Redirection Menu Options (/cfg/slb/layer7/redir)

Command Syntax and Usage

urlal disable|enable

Enables or disables auto-ALLOW for non-GETs to origin servers.

� If this command is enabled, the switch will redirect all non-GET requests to the origin server.� If this command is disabled, the switch will compare the URI against the expression table to

determine whether all non-GET requests should be redirected to a cache server or origin server.This option is enabled by default.

cookie disable|enable

Enables or disables auto-ALLOW for cookie to origin servers.

� If this command is enabled, the switch will redirect all requests that contain Cookie: in the HTTP header to the origin server.

� If this command is disabled, the switch will compare the URI against the expression table to determine whether it should redirect all requests that contain Cookie: in the HTTP header to a cache server or origin server.

This option is disabled by default.

nocache disable|enable

Enables or disables no-cache control header to origin servers.

� If this command is enabled, the switch will redirect all requests that contain Cache-Control: no-cache in HTTP/1.1 header, or Pragma: no-cache in HTTP/1.0 header to the origin server.

� If this command is disabled, the switch will compare the URI against the expression table to determine whether it should redirect requests that contain Cache-Control: no-cache in HTTP/1.1 header, or Pragma: no-cache in HTTP/1.0 header to a cache server or origin server.

This option is enabled by default.

hash disable|enable <number (1-255)>Enables or disables URL hashing based on the URI.

� If hashing is enabled, you can set the length of URI that will be used to hash into the cache server by specifying a number from 1-255.

� If hashing is disabled, the switch will only use the host header field to calculate the hash key.This option is disabled by default.

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/cfg/slb/layer7/slbServer Load Balance Resource Configuration Menu

header disable|enable host|useragent|others

Enables or disables server load balancing based on HTTP header. This option is disabled by default.


Displays the current URL expression table.

[Server Loadbalance Resource Menu] message - Set HTTP error message add - Add SLB string for load balance rename - Rename SLB string for load balance rem - Remove SLB string for load balance cont - Set BW contract for the SLB string cur - Display current configuration

Table 7-28 Server Load Balance Resource Menu Options (/cfg/slb/layer7/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

message <64 byte error message>Sets the message that will be displayed when an error occurs. The default message is “No available server to handle this request.”

add <SLB string>Adds the SLB string for load balancing.

rename <SLB string ID> <SLB string>Renames the SLB string for load balancing.

rem <SLB string ID>Removes the SLB string from load balancing.

cont <SLB string ID [1-512]> <BW contract number [1-256]>Sets the Bandwidth Management contract for a specified string for the SLB string ID.


Displays the currently configured SLB strings and their associated string IDs (index numbers).

Table 7-27 Web Cache Redirection Menu Options (/cfg/slb/layer7/redir)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/wapWAP Configuration

[WAP Options Menu] tpcp - Enable/disable WAP TPCP external notification debug - WAP debug level cur - Display current WAP configuration

Table 7-29 WAP Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/wap)

Command Syntax and Usage

tpcp disable|enable

Enables or disables the TPCP external notification for Add/Delete session requests. This option is disabled by default.

debug <wap debug level (0-10)>Sets the debug level for tracing the WAP related messages. The default is set at 0.


Displays the current WAP configuration

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/cfg/slb/syncSynchronize Peer Switch Configuration

To synchronize the configuration between two switches, a peer must be configured and enabled on each switch. Switches being synchronized must use the same administrator pass-word. Peers are sent SLB, FILT, and VRRP configuration updates using /oper/slb/synch.

[Config Synchronization Menu] peer - Synch Peer Switch Menu filt - Enable/disable syncing filter configuration ports - Enable/disable syncing port configuration prios - Enable/disable syncing VRRP priorities pips - Enable/disable syncing proxy IP addresses peerpips - Enable/disable syncing peer proxy IP addresses bwm - Enable/disable syncing BWM configuration state - Enable/disable syncing persistent session state update - Set stateful failover update period cur - Display current Layer 4 sync configuration

Table 7-30 Synchronization Menu Options (/cfg/slb/sync)

Command Syntax and Usage

peer <peer switch number (1-2)>Displays the Sync Peer Switch Menu. This option is enabled by default. To view menu options, see page 334.

filt disable|enable

Enables or disables synchronizing filter configuration. This option is disabled by default.

ports disable|enable

Enables or disables synchronizing Layer 4 port configuration. This option is enabled by default.

prios disable|enable

Enables or disables syncing VRRP priorities. This option is enabled by default.

pips disable|enable

Enables or disables synchronizing proxy IP addresses. This option is disabled by default.

peerpips disable|enable

Enables or disables synchronizing the peer proxy IP addresses. Peer proxy IP addresses are used in VRRP Active/Active configuration. This option is disabled by default.

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/cfg/slb/sync/peer <peer switch number>Peer Switch Configuration

To synchronize the configuration between two switches, a peer must be configured and enabled on each switch. Switches being synchronized must use the same administrator pass-word.

bwm disable|enable

Enables or disables synchronizing Bandwidth Management configuration between Master and backup switches. This option is enabled by default.

state disable|enable

Enables or disables stateful failover for synchronizing the persistent session state. This option is disabled by default.

update <seconds, 1–60>Sets the stateful failover update interval. The active server sends update packets of persistent bind-ing entries to the backup switch at the specified update interval. The default value is 30 seconds.


Displays the current Layer 4 synchronization configuration.

[Peer Switch 1 Menu] addr - Set peer switch IP address ena - Enable peer switch dis - Disable peer switch del - Delete peer switch cur - Display current peer switch configuration

Table 7-31 Peer Switch Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/sync/peer)

Command Syntax and Usage

addr <IP address>Sets the peer switch IP address. The default is


Enables the peer for this switch. By default, this option is disabled.


Disables the peer for this switch.

Table 7-30 Synchronization Menu Options (/cfg/slb/sync)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/advAdvanced Layer 4 Configuration


Deletes the peer for this switch


Displays the current peer switch configuration.

[Layer 4 Advanced Menu] synatk - SYN Attack Detection Menu imask - Set virtual and real IP address mask mnet - Set management network mmask - Set management subnet mask pmask - Set persistent mask submac - Enable/Disable Source MAC address substitution direct - Enable/disable Direct Access Mode grace - Enable/disable graceful real server failure matrix - Enable/disable Virtual Matrix Architecture tpcp - Enable/disable Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol vstat - Enable/disable Virtual Service Statistics rtsvlan - Enable/disable using VLAN info for real server lookup fastage - Session table fast-age (1 sec) period bit shift slowage - Session table slow-age (2 min) period bit shift cur - Display current Layer 4 advanced configuration

Table 7-32 Layer 4 Advanced Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays SYN Attack Detection Menu. To view menu options, see page 337.

imask <IP subnet mask (such as>Configures the real and virtual server IP address mask using dotted decimal notation. The default is

mnet <IP address>If defined, management traffic with this source IP address will be allowed direct (non-Layer 4) access to the real servers. Specify an IP address in dotted decimal notation. A range of IP addresses is produced when used with the mmask option.

Table 7-31 Peer Switch Configuration Menu Options (/cfg/slb/sync/peer)

Command Syntax and Usage

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mmask <IP subnet mask (such as>This IP address mask is used with the mnet to select management traffic which is allowed direct access to real servers. The default is

pmask <IP subnet mask (such as>Sets persistent mask. The default is

submac disable|enable

Enables or disables Source MAC address substitution. Typically, the source MAC is not modified for the packets going to the servers in an SLB environment. But if you enable this command, the switch will substitute the source MAC address (for the packets going to the server) with the MAC address of the switch.

direct disable|enable

Enable/disables Direct Access Mode to real servers/services. This option also allows any virtual server to load balance any real server. By default, this option is disabled.

grace disable|enable

Enables or disables graceful real server failure. Allows existing sessions to remain bound to a server after the server has been placed in the service failed state (for more information, see “Ser-vice Failure” in the Alteon OS 21.0 Application Guide). By default, this option is disabled.

matrix disable|enable

Enables or disables the use of Virtual Matrix Architecture on the Alteon Application Switch. By default, this option is enabled.

tpcp disable|enable

Enables or disables the TPCP (Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol). This command is used for security reasons—the UDP port can be closed. By default, this option is disabled.

vstat disable|enable

Enables or disables reporting of virtual service statistics.

rtsvlan disable|enable

Enables or disables the use of VLAN for Return to Sender information on the real server.

fastage <shift the fast-age (1sec) period 0-7 bits>Controls how frequently a fastage scan is performed. The default interval is two seconds. Each incremental increase of the value doubles the length of the interval.

The fastage scan is used to remove TCP sessions that have been closed with a FIN and sessions that have been identified by the slowage scan as idle for the maximum allowed period. If a large value of fastage is used, a session can remain in the session table for a few minutes. The default is 0.

Table 7-32 Layer 4 Advanced Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/adv/synatkSYN Attack Detection Configuration

slowage <shift the slow-age (2min) period 0-14 bits>Controls how frequently a slowage scan is performed. The default interval is two minutes. Each incremental increase of the value doubles the length of the interval. (Value is set in bits rather than seconds, which causes the time to double per increment).

The slowage scan is used to remove idle or non-TCP sessions from the session at the specified intervals. If a large value of slowage is used, a session can remain in the session table for months. The default is 0.


Displays the current Layer 4 advanced configuration.

[SYN Attack Detection Menu] intrval - Set SYN attack detection interval thrshld - Set SYN attack alarm threshold cur - Display current SYN attack detection configuration

Table 7-33 SYN Attack Detection Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv/synatk)

Command Syntax and Usage

intrval <SYN attack check interval in seconds (2-3600)>Sets the interval of SYN attack inspection.

thrshld <SYN attack alarm threshold (new half-open sessions/second) (1-100000)>Sets the threshold of SYN attack alarm.


Displays the current SYN attack detection configuration.

Table 7-32 Layer 4 Advanced Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/advhcAdvanced Health Check Configuration Menu

[Layer 4 Advanced Health Check Menu] script - Scriptable Health Check Menu snmphc - SNMP Health Check Menu waphc - WAP Health Check Menu aphttp - Enable/disable Allow HTTP Health Check on any port ldapver - LDAP version secret - Set RADIUS secret minter - Set interval of response and bandwidth metric updates cur - Display current Layer 4 advanced health check configuration

Table 7-34 Advanced Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/advhc)

Command Syntax and Usage

script <health script number (1-16)>Displays the Scriptable Health Check Menu. To view menu options, see page 339.

snmphc <SNMP health check number (1-5)>Displays the SNMP Health Check Menu. To view menu options, see page 340.


Displays the WAP Health Check Menu. To view menu options, see page 341.

aphttp disable|enable

Enables or disables HTTP health checks on any port. By default, this option is disabled. When dis-abled, you can use HTTP health checks only for HTTP service. Enabling it will allow you to use it on any port, like HTTPs.

ldapver <LDAP version>Sets the LDAP version to 2 or 3. The default is 2.

secret <1-32 character secret>To perform application health checking to a RADIUS server, the network administrator must con-figure two parameters in the switch: the /cfg/slb/secret value and the cntnt parameter with a username:password value. The secret value is a field of up to 32 alphanumeric charac-ters that is used by the switch to encrypt a password during the RSA Message Digest Algorithm (MD5) and by the RADIUS server to decrypt the password during verification. The default is none.

minter <number of seconds between updates (1-256)>This command sets the interval of response and bandwidth metric updates. The default is set at 10.


Displays the current Layer 4 advanced health check configuration.

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/cfg/slb/advhc/script <health script number>Scriptable Health Checks Configuration

The Health Script menu provides commands that can be used to define the health “script.” The total number of characters cannot exceed 1024 bytes. Up to eight scripts can be configured.

[Health Script 1 Menu] open - Add open command to end of script send - Add send command to end of script expect - Add expect command to end of script close - Add close command to end of script rem - Remove last command from script del - Delete script cur - Display current script configuration

Table 7-35 Scriptable Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv/script)

Command Syntax and Usage

open <real port or name (such as: http)> Sets the TCP port to be opened.

send <text string>Sends an ASCII string through open TCP port. For example, an HTTP request, such as, "GET /default.asp HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHOST:\\r\\n\\r\\n."

expect <text string>Expects an ASCII string for successful health check on open TCP port, such as an HTTP response: HTTP/1.1 200


Closes TCP connection.


Removes the last entered line from the script.


Deletes the current script.


Lists the current script configuration.

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/cfg/slb/advhc/snmphcSNMP Health Check Configuration

[SNMP Health Check 1 Menu] oid - OID to be sent in the SNMP request packet comm - Community string used in the SNMP request packet rcvcnt - Expected value in the SNMP response packet invert - Enable/disable inversion of expected value weight - Enable/disable readjusting of weights based on response del - Delete SNMP health check cur - Display current SNMP health check configuration

Table 7-36 SNMP Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv/snmphc)

Command Syntax and Usage

oid <object identifier, such as, max 30 sub-identifiers>Specify the Object Identifier (OID) to be sent in the SNMP GET request packet. The format of the OID depends on the MIB file, for example, an OID is of the form

comm <community string, maximum 32 characters>Enter the community string used in the SNMP get request packet. The default community string is public.

rcvcnt <expected content an integer value or a string>Enter the content the switch expects to receive from the SNMP agent on the real server.

invert disable|enable

Enables or disables the inversion of the expected value. When the invert option is enabled, the health check fails if the response packet contains the value specified in the receive content (rcvnt) field.

weight disable|enable

When enabled, the real server weights are dynamically adjusted based on SNMP health check response.


Deletes the current SNMP health check.


Displays the current SNMP Health Check configuration.

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/cfg/slb/advhc/waphcWAP Health Check ConfigurationWireless Session Protocol (WSP) is used within the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) suite to manage sessions between wireless devices and WAP content servers or WAP gate-ways. Alteon OS provides a content-based health check mechanism where customized WSP packets are sent to the WAP gateways, and the switch verifies the expected response, in a man-ner similar to scriptable health checks.

WSP content health checks can be configured in two modes: connectionless and connection-oriented. Connectionless WSP runs on UDP/IP protocol, ports 9200 and 9202 and connection-oriented (WTP) traffic runs on ports 9201 and 9203. Application switches can be used to load balance the gateways in both modes of operation.

Alteon OS allows you to configure three WAP gateway health check types for all four WAP services (WSP, WTP+WSP, WTLS+WSP, WTLS+WTP+WSP), deployed on WAP gateways/servers. For further details, refer to the Application Guide.

[WAP Health Check Menu] wspcnt - WSP Health Check Content Menu wtpcnt - WTP+WSP Health Check Content Menu wspport - WSP port number to health check wtpport - WTP port number to health check wtlswsp - WTLS+WSP port number to health check wtlsprt - WTLS port number to health check couple - Enable/disable coupling with RADIUS Accounting Service cur - Display current WAP health check configuration

Table 7-37 WAP Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv/waphc)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays WSP Health Check Content Menu. To view menu options, see page 342.


Displays WTP and WSP Health Check Content Menu. To view menu options, see page 343.

wspport <wsp port number to health check (0-65534)>Enter the port number on which WSP health checks will be performed. The default port number is 9200.

wtpport <wtp port number to health check (0-65534)>Defines the WTP port number to health check. The default port number is 9201.

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/cfg/slb/advhc/waphc/wspcntWSP Content Health Check

wtlswsp <wtls+wsp port number to health check (0-65534)>Defines the WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security) and WSP port number to health check. The connectionless encrypted WTLS traffic uses default port 9202.

wtlsprt <port number (0-65534)>Enter the port number on which WTLS health checks will be performed. The connection-oriented WTLS traffic uses default port 9203.

couple disable|enable

Enables or disables coupling together of all the four WAP services (WSP, WTP+WSP, WTLS+WSP, WTLS+WTP+WSP) with Radius Accounting Service. If the health check to any one of the four WAP services or Radius Accounting Service fails, then all of the four WAP services and Radius Accounting Service are disabled.


Displays the current WAP Health Check configuration.

[WSP Health Check Content Menu] offset - Offset in received WSP packet sndcnt - Content to be sent to the WAP gateway rcvcnt - Content to be received from the WAP gateway cur - Display current WSP health check content configuration

Table 7-38 WSP Content Health Check Options (/cfg/slb/advhc/waphc/wspcnt)

Command Syntax and Usage

offset <Offset in the received WSP packet (0-512)>Enter the offset value content of the received WSP packages. An offset value of 0 (default) sets the switch to start comparisons from the beginning of the content of the received packet.

sndcnt <send content as hexadecimal string>Enter a hexadecimal string that represents a connectionless WSP request to a WSP gateway. This string will be delivered to the WSP gateway.

rcvcnt <receive content as hexadecimal string>Enter a hexadecimal string that represents the content that the switch expects to receive from the WSP gateway.

Table 7-37 WAP Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/adv/waphc)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/advhc/waphc/wtpcntWTP and WSP Content Health Check Menu

This menu is used for configuring the health check for connection-oriented unencrypted WAP traffic.


Displays the current WAP Health Check configuration.

[WTP+WSP Health Check Content Menu] offset - Offset in received WSP PDU connect - CONNECT PDU to be sent to the WAP gateway sndcnt - GET PDU to be sent to the WAP gateway rcvcnt - REPLY PDU to be received from the WAP gateway cur - Display current WTP+WSP health check content configuration

Table 7-39 WTP and WSP Content Health Check Menu Options (/cfg/slb/advhc/waphc/wtpcnt)

Command Syntax and Usage

offset <offset in the received WSP PDU>Enter the offset value content of the received WSP packets. The offset value is the number of bytes from the beginning of the WSP PDU, at which the comparison begins to match with the expected receive content. An offset value of 0 (default) sets the switch to start comparisons from the begin-ning of WSP PDU of the received packet.

connect <connect content as hexstring>Enter the content for the first switch-generated WSP session packet. This command allows you to customize the headers in the connect message.

sndcnt <send content as hexadecimal string>Enter a hexadecimal string that represents a WSP request to a WSP gateway. This string will be delivered to the WSP gateway.

rcvcnt <receive content as a hexadecimal string>Enter a hexadecimal string that represents the content that the switch expects to receive from the WSP gateway.


Displays current WTP+WSP health check content configuration.

Table 7-38 WSP Content Health Check Options (/cfg/slb/advhc/waphc/wspcnt)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/cfg/slb/pip Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 2224

[Proxy IP Address Menu] pip1 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 1-12 and 25 pip2 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 13-24 pip3 - Set Proxy IP address for port 26 pip4 - Set Proxy IP address for persistent SP pgarp - Enable/disable Proxy Ip Gratuitous ARP cur - Display current Proxy IP address configuration

Table 7-40 Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu Options for Alteon Application Switch 2224 (/cfg/slb/pip)

Command Syntax and Usage

pip1 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address (in Alteon Application Switch 2224) for SP1 ports 1 to 12 and 25 using dotted decimal notation on SP1. When the pip is defined, client address information in Layer 4 requests is replaced with this proxy IP address.

pip2 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP2 on ports 13 to 24.

pip3 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP3 on port 26.

pip4 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP4.

pgarp disable|enable

When this command is enabled, the switch will send gratuitous ARPs for enabled proxy IP addresses (PIPs) every 30 seconds.


Displays the current Proxy IP address configuration.

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/cfg/slb/pip Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 2424

[Proxy IP Address Menu] pip1 - Set Proxy IP address for port 1 to 12 and 25 pip2 - Set Proxy IP address for port 13 to 24 and 27 pip3 - Set Proxy IP address for port 26 pip4 - Set Proxy IP address for port 28 pgarp - Enable/disable Proxy Ip Gratuitous ARP cur - Display current Proxy IP address configuration

Table 7-41 Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu Options for Alteon Application Switch 2424 (/cfg/slb/pip)

Command Syntax and Usage

pip1 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address (in Alteon Application Switch 2424) for SP1 on ports 1 to 12 and 25 using dotted decimal notation on SP1. When the pip is defined, client address information in Layer 4 requests is replaced with this proxy IP address.

pip2 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP2 on ports 13 to 24 and 27.

pip3 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP3 on port 26.

pip4 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP4 on port 28.

pgarp disable|enable

When this command is enabled, the switch will send gratuitous ARPs for enabled proxy IP addresses (PIPs) every 30 seconds.


Displays the current Proxy IP address configuration.

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/cfg/slb/pipProxy IP Address Configuration Menu For Alteon 3408

[Proxy IP Address Menu] pip1 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 1, 5 and 9 pip2 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 2, 6 and 11 pip3 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 3, 7 and 10 pip4 - Set Proxy IP address for ports 4, 8 and 12 pgarp - Enable/disable Proxy Ip Gratuitous ARP cur - Display current Proxy IP address configuration

Figure 7-1 Proxy IP Address Configuration Menu Options for Alteon Application Switch 3408 (/cfg/slb/pip)

Command Syntax and Usage

pip1 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address (in Alteon Application Switch 3408) for SP1 on ports 1, 5, and 9 using dotted decimal notation on SP1. When the pip is defined, client address information in Layer 4 requests is replaced with this proxy IP address.

pip2 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP2 on ports 2, 6, and 11.

pip3 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP3 on ports 3, 7, and 10.

pip4 <IP address>Sets the proxy IP address for SP4 on ports 4, 8, and 12.

pgarp disable|enable

When this command is enabled, the switch will send gratuitous ARPs for enabled proxy IP addresses (PIPs) every 30 seconds.


Displays the current Proxy IP address configuration.

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315393-E, October 2003347

CHAPTER 8The Operations Menu

The Operations Menu is generally used for commands that affect switch performance immedi-ately, but do not alter permanent switch configurations. For example, you can use the Opera-tions Menu to immediately disable a port (without the need to apply or save the change), with the understanding that when the switch is reset, the port returns to its normally configured operation.

/operOperations Menu

The commands of the Operations Menu enable you to alter switch operational characteristics without affecting switch configuration.

Port Mirroring menu options are accessible only to the Alteon AD4 and Alteon 184 Web-Switches.

[Operations Menu] port - Operational Port Menu slb - Operational Server Load Balancing Menu vrrp - Operational Virtual Router Redundancy Menu bwm - Operational Bandwidth Management Menu ip - Operational IP Menu swkey - Enter key to enable software feature rmkey - Enter software feature to be removed clrlog - Clear syslog messages

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Table 8-1 Operations Menu Options (/oper)

Command Syntax and Usage

port <port number>Displays the Operational Port Menu. To view menu options, see page 349.


Displays the Operational Layer 4 Menu. To view menu options, see page 350.


Displays the Operational Virtual Router Redundancy Menu. To view menu options, see page 351.


Operational Bandwidth Management Menu. To view menu options, see page 352.


Displays the IP Operations Menu, which has one sub-menu/option, the Operational Border Gate-way Protocol Menu. To view menu options, see page 351.

swkey <16-hexadecimal digit key to enable software feature>Enter key to enable software feature. For details, see page 353.

rmkey <software feature to be removed (GSL|BWM|Security)>Enter software feature to be removed. For details, see page 354.


Clears all syslog messages.

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/oper/port <port number>Operations-Level Port Options

Operations-level port options are used for temporarily disabling or enabling a port, and for changing Remote Monitoring (RMON) status on a port.

[Operations Port 1 Menu] rmon - Enable/Disable RMON for port ena - Enable port dis - Disable port cur - Current port state

Table 8-2 Operations-Level Port Menu Options (/oper/port)

Command Syntax and Usage

rmon disable|enable

Temporarily enables/disables Remote Monitoring on the port. The port will be returned to its con-figured operation mode when the switch is reset.


Temporarily enables the port. The port will be returned to its configured operation mode when the switch is reset.


Temporarily disables the port. The port will be returned to its configured operation mode when the switch is reset.


Displays the current settings for the port.

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/oper/slbOperations-Level SLB Options

When the optional Layer 4 software is enabled, the operations-level Server Load Balancing options are used for temporarily disabling or enabling real servers and synchronizing the con-figuration between the active/active switches.

[Server Load Balancing Operations Menu] sync - Synchronize SLB, VRRP and other configurations on peers ena - Enable real server dis - Disable real server clear - Clear session table cur - Current layer 4 operational state

Table 8-3 Server Load Balancing Operations Menu Options (/oper/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage


Synchronizes the SLB, filter, VRRP, port, Bandwidth Management configuration, and VR priori-ties on a peer switch (a switch that owns the IP address). To take effect, peers must be configured on the Alteon Application Switch and the administrator password on the switch must be identical.

ena <real server number (1-1023)>Temporarily enables a real server. The real server will be returned to its configured operation mode when the switch is reset.

dis <real server number, 1-1023> [P - allow persistent http 1.0 sessions] p|nThe disable command is used to temporarily disable real servers as follows:

� Using the p (persistent) option—immediately suspends assignment of connections to the specified real server (except for persistent http 1.0 sessions) by removing the real server from operation within its real server group and virtual server

� Using the n (none) option—immediately suspends assignment of connections to the specified real server by removing the real server from operation within its real server group and virtual server

The real server will be returned to its configured state after a switch reset.

NOTE – This command provides for orderly server shutdown to allow maintenance on a server. For more information, see “Disabling and Enabling Real Servers” in the Alteon OS 21.0 Applica-tion Guide.

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/oper/vrrpOperations-Level VRRP Options.


Clears all session tables and allows port filter changes to take effect immediately.

NOTE – This command disrupts current SLB and Application Redirection sessions.


Displays the current SLB operational state.

[VRRP Operations Menu] back - Set virtual router to backup

Table 8-4 Virtual Router Redundancy Operations Menu Options (/oper/vrrp)

Command Syntax and Usage

back <virtual router number (1-256)>Forces the specified master virtual router on this switch into backup mode. This is generally used for passing master control back to a preferred switch once the preferred switch has been returned to service after a failure. When this command is executed, the current master gives up control and ini-tiates a new election by temporarily advertising its own priority level as 0 (lowest). After the new election, the virtual router forced into backup mode by this command will resume master control in the following cases:

� This switch owns the virtual router (the IP addresses of the virtual router and its IP interface are the same)

� This switch’s virtual router has a higher priority and preemption is enabled.� There are no other virtual routers available to take master control.

Table 8-3 Server Load Balancing Operations Menu Options (/oper/slb)

Command Syntax and Usage

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/oper/bwmOperations-Level Bandwidth Management Options

/oper/ipOperations-Level IP Options

[Bandwidth Management Operations Menu] sndhist - Send BW History to SMTP server

Table 8-5 Bandwidth Operations Menu Options (/oper/bwm/sndhist)

Command Syntax and Usage


Sends the bandwidth history to a system administrator specified under /cfg/bwm/user (see page 212).

[IP Operations Menu] bgp - Operational Border Gateway Protocol Menu

Table 8-6 IP Operations Menu Options (/oper/ip)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Border Gateway Protocol Operations Menu. To view the menu options see page 353.

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/oper/ip/bgpOperations-Level BGP Options

/oper/swkeyActivating Optional Software

The swkey option is used for activating any optional software you have purchased for your switch.

Before you can activate optional software, you must obtain a software license from your Nortel Networks representative or authorized reseller. One software license is needed for each switch where the optional software is to be used. You will receive a Licence Certificate for each soft-ware license purchased.

Currently the following software packages are available for purchase and installation:

� Security Pack

� Bandwidth Management

� Global Server Load Balancing

To obtain a software key, you must register each License Certificate with Nortel Networks and provide the MAC address of the Alteon OS switch that will run the optional software. Nortel Networks will then provide a License Password.

[Border Gateway Protocol Operations Menu] start - Start peer session stop - Stop peer session cur - Current BGP operational state

Table 8-7 IP Operations Menu Options (/oper/ip)

Command Syntax and Usage

start <peer number (1-16)>Starts the peer session.

stop <peer number (1-16)>Stops the peer session.


Displays the current BGP operational state.

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NOTE – Each License Password will work only on the specific switch which has the MAC address you provided when registering your Licence Certificate.

Once you have your License Password, perform the following actions:

1. Connect to the switch’s command line interface and log in as the administrator (see Chap-ter 1, “The Command Line Interface”).

2. At the Main# prompt, enter:

3. At the Operations# prompt, enter:

4. When prompted, enter your 16-digit software key code. For example:

If the correct code is entered, you will see the following message:

/oper/rmkeyRemoving Optional Software

The rmkey option is used for deactivating any optional software. Deactivated software is still present in switch memory and can be reactivated at any later time.

To deactivate optional software, enter the following at the Operations Menu:

When prompted, enter the code for software to be removed. For example:

Main# oper

Operations# swkey

Enter Software Key: <16 hexadecimal-digit key to enable software feature (such as, 123456789ABCDEF)>

Valid software key entered.Software feature enabled.

Operations# rmkey <software feature to be removed (GSLB|BWM|security)>

Enter Software Feature to be removed: [GSLB]|BWM|security: GSLB

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315393-E, October 2003355

CHAPTER 9The Boot Options Menu

To use the Boot Options Menu, you must be logged in to the switch as the administrator. The Boot Options Menu provides options for:

� Selecting a switch software image to be used when the switch is next reset

� Selecting a configuration block to be used when the switch is next reset

� Downloading or uploading a new software image to the switch via TFTP

/bootBoot Menu

Each of these options is discussed in greater detail in the following sections.

[Boot Options Menu] sched - Scheduled Switch Reset Menu image - Select software image to use on next boot conf - Select config block to use on next boot gtimg - Download new software image via TFTP ptimg - Upload selected software image via TFTP reset - Reset switch [WARNING: Restarts Spanning Tree] cur - Display current boot options

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Scheduled Reboot of the Switch

This feature allows the switch administrator to schedule a reboot to occur at a particular time in future. This feature is particularly helpful if the user needs to perform switch upgrades during off-peak hours. You can set the reboot time, cancel a previously scheduled reboot, and check the time of the currently set reboot schedule with the help of the following sub-menu:

/boot/schedScheduled Reboot Menu

Updating the Switch Software Image

The switch software image is the executable code running on the Alteon Application Switch. A version of the image ships with the switch, and comes pre-installed on the device. As new ver-sions of the image are released, you can upgrade the software running on your switch.

Upgrading the software image on your switch requires the following:

� Loading the new image onto a TFTP server on your network

� Downloading the new image from the TFTP server to your switch

� Selecting the new software image to be loaded into switch memory the next time the switch is reset

Downloading New Software to Your SwitchThe switch can store up to two different software images, called image1 and image2, as well as boot software, called boot. When you download new software, you must specify where it should be placed: either into image1, image2, or boot.

For example, if your active image is currently loaded into image1, you would probably load the new image software into image2. This lets you test the new software and reload the origi-nal active image (stored in image1), if needed.

[Boot Schedule Menu] set - Set switch reset time cancel - Cancel pending switch reset cur - Display current switch reset schedule

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Chapter 9: The Boot Options Menu � 357315393-E, October 2003

To download a new software to your switch, you will need the following:

� The image or boot software loaded on a TFTP server on your network

� The hostname or IP address of the TFTP server

� The name of the new software image or boot file

� Setup the TFTP option (/cfg/sys/mgmt/tftp) for the TFTP connection. This sets the default option for the gtimg and ptimg commands. However, note that you can override this setting with the option provided to these operational commands.

NOTE – The DNS parameters must be configured if specifying hostnames. See “Domain Name System Configuration Menu” on page 258).

When the above requirements are met, use the following procedure to download the new soft-ware to your switch.

1. At the Boot Options# prompt, enter:

2. Enter the name of the switch software to be replaced:

3. Enter the hostname or IP address of the TFTP server.

4. Enter the name of the new software file on the server.

The exact form of the name will vary by TFTP server. However, the file location is normally relative to the TFTP directory (usually /tftpboot).

5. The system prompts you to confirm your request.

You should next select a software image to run, as described below.

Boot Options# gtimg

Enter name of switch software image to be replaced["image1"/"image2"/"boot"]: <image>

Enter hostname or IP address of TFTP server: <server name or IP address>

Enter name of file on TFTP server: <filename>

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Selecting a Software Image to RunYou can select which software image (image1 or image2) you want to run in switch mem-ory for the next reboot.

1. At the Boot Options# prompt, enter:

2. Enter the name of the image you want the switch to use upon the next boot.

The system informs you of which image is currently set to be loaded at the next reset, and prompts you to enter a new choice:

Uploading a Software Image from Your SwitchYou can upload a software image from the switch to a TFTP server.

1. At the Boot Options# prompt, enter:

2. The system prompts you for information. Enter the desired image:

3. Enter the name or the IP address of the TFTP server:

4. Enter the name of the file into which the image will be uploaded on the TFTP server:

Boot Options# image

Currently set to use switch software "image1" on next reset.Specify new image to use on next reset ["image1"/"image2"]:

Boot Options# ptimg

Enter name of switch software image to be uploaded["image1"|"image2"|"boot"]: <image> <hostname or server-IP-addr> <server-file-name>

Enter hostname or IP address of TFTP server: <server name or IP address>

Enter name of file on TFTP server: <filename>

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Chapter 9: The Boot Options Menu � 359315393-E, October 2003

5. The system then requests confirmation of what you have entered. To have the file uploaded, enter Y.

Selecting a Configuration Block

When you make configuration changes to the Alteon Application Switch, you must save the changes so that they are retained beyond the next time the switch is reset. When you perform the save command, your new configuration changes are placed in the active configuration block. The previous configuration is copied into the backup configuration block.

There is also a factory configuration block. This holds the default configuration set by the factory when your Alteon Application Switch was manufactured. Under certain circ*mstances, it may be desirable to reset the switch configuration to the default. This can be useful when a custom-con-figured Alteon Application Switch is moved to a network environment where it will be re config-ured for a different purpose.

Use the following procedure to set which configuration block you want the switch to load the next time it is reset:

1. At the Boot Options# prompt, enter:

2. Enter the name of the configuration block you want the switch to use:

The system informs you of which configuration block is currently set to be loaded at the next reset, and prompts you to enter a new choice:

image2 currently contains Software Version will transfer image2 (1889411 bytes) to file "test" on TFTP server upload operation [y/n]: y

Boot Options# conf

Currently set to use active configuration block on next reset.Specify new block to use ["active"/"backup"/"factory"]:

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Resetting the Switch

You can reset the switch to make your software image file and configuration block changes occur.

NOTE – Resetting the switch causes the Spanning Tree Protocol to restart. This process can be lengthy, depending on the topology of your network.

To reset the switch, at the Boot Options# prompt, enter:

You are prompted to confirm your request.

>> Boot Options# reset

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315393-E, October 2003361

CHAPTER 10The Maintenance Menu

The Maintenance Menu is used to manage dump information and forward database informa-tion. It also includes a debugging menu to help with troubleshooting.

/maintMaintenance Menu

NOTE – To use the Maintenance Menu, you must be logged in to the switch as the administrator.

Dump information contains internal switch state data that is written to flash memory on the Alteon Application Switch after any one of the following occurs:

� The switch administrator forces a switch panic. The panic option, found in the Mainte-nance Menu, causes the switch to dump state information to flash memory, and then causes the switch to reboot.

� The switch administrator enters the switch reset key combination on a device that is attached to the console port. The switch reset key combination is <Shift><Ctrl><->.

� The watchdog timer forces a switch reset. The purpose of the watchdog timer is to reboot the switch if the switch software freezes.

[Maintenance Menu] sys - System Maintenance Menu fdb - Forwarding Database Manipulation Menu debug - Debugging Menu arp - ARP Cache Manipulation Menu route - IP Route Manipulation Menu uudmp - Uuencode FLASH dump ptdmp - tftp put FLASH dump to tftp server cldmp - Clear FLASH dump panic - Dump state information to FLASH and reboot tsdmp - Tech support dump

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� The switch detects a hardware or software problem that requires a reboot.

Table 10-1 Maintenance Menu Options (/maint)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the System Maintenance Menu. To view menu options, see page 363.


Displays the Forwarding Database Manipulation Menu. To view menu options, see page 363.


Displays the Debugging Menu. To view menu options, see page 365.


Displays the ARP Cache Manipulation Menu. To view menu options, see page 366.


Displays the IP Route Manipulation Menu. To view menu options, see page 367.


Displays dump information in uuencoded format. For details, see page 368.

ptdmp hostname filename [-mgmt| -data]

Saves the system dump information via TFTP. For details, see page 368.


Clears dump information from flash memory. For details, see page 369.


Dumps MP information to FLASH and reboots. For details, see page 369.


Dumps all Alteon Application Switch information, statistics, and configuration.You can log the tsdump output into a file, and send it to Nortel Networks Tech Support for debugging purposes.

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Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu � 363315393-E, October 2003

/maint/sysSystem Maintenance Options

This menu is reserved for use by Nortel Networks Customer Support group. The options are used to perform system debugging.

/maint/fdbForwarding Database Options

The Forwarding Database Manipulation Menu can be used to view information and to delete a MAC address from the forwarding database or clear the entire forwarding database. This is helpful in identifying problems associated with MAC address learning and packet forwarding decisions.

[System Maintenance Menu] flags - Set NVRAM flag word

Table 10-2 System Maintenance Menu Options (/maint/sys)

Command Syntax and Usage

flags <new NVRAM flags word as 0xXXXXXXXX>This command sets the flags that are used for debugging purposes by Tech support group.

[FDB Manipulation Menu] find - Show a single FDB entry by MAC address port - Show FDB entries for a single port trunk - Show FDB entries on a single trunk vlan - Show FDB entries for a single VLAN refpt - Show FDB entries referenced by a single port dump - Show all FDB entries del - Delete an FDB entry clear - Clear entire FDB

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Table 10-3 FDB Manipulation Menu Options (/maint/fdb)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <MAC address> [<VLAN>]Displays a single database entry by its MAC address. You are prompted to enter the MAC address of the device. Enter the MAC address using the xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format (such as 08:00:20:12:34:56) or xxxxxxxxxxxx format (such as 080020123456).

port <port number, 0 for unknown>>Displays all FDB entries for a particular port. Use “0” for unknown port number.

trunk <trunk number (1-12)>Displays all FDB entries for the specified trunk group.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Displays all FDB entries on a single VLAN.

refpt <SP number (1-4)>Displays all FDB entries reference by a single port.


Displays all entries in the Forwarding Database. For details, see page 61.

del <MAC address> [<VLAN number>]Removes a single FDB entry.


Clears the entire Forwarding Database from switch memory.

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Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu � 365315393-E, October 2003

/maint/debugDebugging Options

The Miscellaneous Debug Menu displays trace buffer information about events that can be helpful in understanding switch operation. You can view the following information using the debug menu:

� Events traced by the Management Processor (MP)

� Events traced by the Switch Processor (SP)

� Events traced to a buffer area when a reset occurs

If the switch resets for any reason, the MP trace buffer and SP trace buffers are saved into the snap trace buffer area. The output from these commands can be interpreted by the Nortel Net-works Customer Support division.

[Miscellaneous Debug Menu] tbuf - Show MP trace buffer snap - Show MP snap (or post-mortem) trace buffer sptb - Show SP trace buffer spall - Show All SP trace buffers clrcfg - Clear all flash configs

Table 10-4 Miscellaneous Debug Menu Options (/maint/debug)

Command Syntax and Usage


Displays the Management Processor trace buffer. Header information similar to the following is shown:

MP trace buffer at 13:28:15 Fri May 25, 2001; mask: 0x2ffdf748

The buffer information is displayed after the header.


Displays the Management Processor snap (or post-mortem) trace buffer. This buffer contains infor-mation traced at the time that a reset occurred.

sptb <port number (1-4)>

Displays the Switch Processor trace buffer. Header information similar to the following is shown:

SP 1 trace buffer at 10:56:35 Tue Jul 30, 2002; mask: 0x00800008

The buffer information is displayed after the header.


Displays the Switch Processor trace buffer. Header information similar to the following is shown:

SP 1 trace buffer at 10:56:35 Tue Jul 30, 2002; mask: 0x00800008.

The buffer information is displayed after the header. Displays all SP trace buffers.


Deletes all flash configuration blocks.

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366 � Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu315393-E, October 2003

/maint/arpARP Cache Options

/maint/arp/port <port number>ARP Entries on a Single Port

[Address Resolution Protocol Menu] find - Show a single ARP entry by IP address port - Show ARP entries on a single port vlan - Show ARP entries on a single VLAN refpt - Show ARP entries referenced by a single SP dump - Show all ARP entries clear - Clear ARP cache addr - Show ARP address list

Table 10-5 Address Resolution Protocol Menu Options (/maint/arp)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <IP address (such as,>Shows a single ARP entry by IP address.

port <port number>Displays ARP entries on a single port. See page 366 for a sample output.

vlan <VLAN number (1-4090)>Shows ARP entries on a single VLAN.

refpt <SP number (1-4)>Shows all ARP entries referenced by a single port.


Shows all ARP entries.


Clears the entire ARP list from switch memory.


Shows the list of IP addresses which the switch will respond to for ARP requests.

IP address Flags MAC address VLAN Port Referenced SPs --------------- ----- ----------------- ---- ----- --------------- 00:e0:16:7c:28:82 1 1 empty 00:e0:81:24:ef:3c 1 1 empty 00:04:75:db:1c:1a 1 1 empty

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Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu � 367315393-E, October 2003

NOTE – To display all ARP entries currently held in the switch, or a portion according to one of the options listed on the menu above (find, port, vlan, refpt, dump), you can also refer to “ARP Information” on page 69.

/maint/routeIP Route Manipulation

NOTE – To display all routes, you can also refer to “IP Routing Information” on page 68.

[IP Routing Menu] find - Show a single route by destination IP address gw - Show routes to a single gateway type - Show routes of a single type tag - Show routes of a single tag if - Show routes on a single interface dump - Show all routes clear - Clear route table

Table 10-6 IP Route Manipulation Menu Options (/maint/route)

Command Syntax and Usage

find <IP address (such as,>Shows a single route by destination IP address.

gw <default gateway address (such as,>Shows routes to a default gateway.

type indirect|direct|local|broadcast|martian|multicast

Shows routes of a single type. For a description of IP routing types, see Table 4-9 on page 68

tag fixed|static|addr|rip|ospf|bgp|broadcast|martian|vip

Shows routes of a single tag. For a description of IP routing tags, see Table 4-10 on page 69

if <interface number (1-256)>Shows routes on a single interface.


Shows all routes.


Clears the route table from switch memory.

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368 � Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu315393-E, October 2003

/maint/uudmpUuencode Flash Dump

Using this command, dump information is presented in uuencoded format. This format makes it easy to capture the dump information as a file or a string of characters. You can then contact Nortel Networks Customer Support for help analyzing the information.

If you want to capture dump information to a file, set your communication software on your workstation to capture session data prior to issuing the uudmp command. This will ensure that you do not lose any information. Once entered, the uudmp command will cause approximately 23,300 lines of data to be displayed on your screen and copied into the file.

Using the uudmp command, dump information can be read multiple times. The command does not cause the information to be updated or cleared from flash memory.

NOTE – Dump information is not cleared automatically. In order for any subsequent dump information to be written to flash memory, you must manually clear the dump region. For more information on clearing the dump region, see page 369.

To access dump information, at the Maintenance# prompt, enter:

The dump information is displayed on your screen and, if you have configured your communi-cation software to do so, captured to a file. If the dump region is empty, the following appears:

/maint/ptdmp <server> <filename>TFTP System Dump Put

Use this command to put (save) the system dump to a TFTP server.

NOTE – If the TFTP server is running SunOS or the Solaris operating system, the specified ptdmp file must exist prior to executing the ptdmp command, and must be writable (set with proper permission, and not locked by any application). The contents of the specified file will be replaced with the current dump data.

To save dump information via TFTP, at the Maintenance# prompt, enter:

Where server is the TFTP server IP address or hostname, and filename is the target dump file.

Maintenance# uudmp

No FLASH dump available.

Maintenance# ptdmp <server> <filename> [-mgmt| -data]

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Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu � 369315393-E, October 2003

/maint/cldmpClearing Dump Information

To clear dump information from flash memory, at the Maintenance# prompt, enter:

The switch clears the dump region of flash memory and displays the following message:

If the flash dump region is already clear, the switch displays the following message:

/maint/panicPanic Command

The panic command causes the switch to immediately dump state information to flash mem-ory and automatically reboot.

To select panic, at the Maintenance# prompt, enter:

Enter y to confirm the command:

The following messages are displayed:

Maintenance# cldmp

FLASH dump region cleared.

FLASH dump region is already clear.

>> Maintenance# panicA FLASH dump already exists.Confirm replacing existing dump and reboot [y/n]:

Confirm dump and reboot [y/n]: y

Loading Image:..........Alteon Application Switch 2424 Rebooted because of Software PANIC.Booting complete 19:15:23 Thu Jan 9, 2003:Version 20.2.7 from FLASH image1, active config block.Jan 9 19:15:32 NOTICE system: link up on port 25Enter password:

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370 � Chapter 10: The Maintenance Menu315393-E, October 2003

Unscheduled System Dumps

If there is an unscheduled system dump to flash memory, the following message is displayed when you log on to the switch:

Note: A system dump exists in FLASH. The dump was savedat 19:15:23 Thu Jan 9, 2003. Use /maint/uudmp toextract the dump for analysis and /maint/cldmp toclear the FLASH region. The region must be clearedbefore another dump can be saved.

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315393-E, October 2003371

APPENDIX AAlteon OS Syslog Messages

The following syntax is used when outputting syslog messages:

<Time stamp><Log Label>Web OS<Thread ID>:<Message>


� <Timestamp>

The time of the message event is displayed in month day hour:minute:second format. For example: Aug 19 14:20:30

� <Log Label>

The following types of log messages are recorded: LOG_EMERG, LOG_ALERT, LOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, and LOG_DEBUG

� <Thread ID>

This is the software thread that reports the log message. The following thread IDs are recorded: stp, ip, slb, console, telnet, vrrp, system, web server, ssh, and bgp

� <Message>: The log message

Following is a list of potential syslog messages. To keep this list as short as possible, only <Thread ID> and <Message> are shown. The messages are sorted by <Log Label>.

Where the <Thread ID> is listed as mgmt, one of the following may be shown: console, telnet, web server, or ssh.


FILTER “filter <filter number> fired on port <port number>, <source IP address> -> <desti-nation IP address>, [<ICMP type>], [<IP protocol>], [<layer-4 ports>], [<TCP f1ags>]”

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372 � Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages315393-E, October 2003


stp: own BPDU received from port <port_id>

IP cannot contact default gateway <ip_address>

vrrp: received errored advertisem*nt from <ip_address>

vrrp: received incorrect password from <ip_address>

vrrp: received incorrect addresses from <ip_address>

vrrp: received incorrect advertisem*nt interval <seconds> from <ip_address>

slb: cannot contact real server <ip_address>

slb: real server <ip_address> has reached maximum connections

gslb: received update from <ip_address> for unknown remote server <ip_address>

gslb: received update from <ip_address> for unknown virtual service

gslb: received update for unknown remote server <ip_address> from <ip_address>

gslb: received update for unknown service <ip_address:service>

slb: cannot contact real service <ip_address:real_port>

slb: real server failure threshold (<threshold>) has been reach for group <group_id>

slb: real server <ip_address> disabled through configuration

slb: Virtual Service Pool full. gSvcPool=MAX_SERVICES

bgp: notification (<reason>) received from <BGP peer ip_address>

bgp: session with <BGP peer ip_address> failed (<reason>)

vrrp: Synchronization from non-configured peer <ip_address>

vrrp: Synchronization from non-configured peer <ip_address> was blocked

dps: hold down triggered: <ip_address> for <min> minutes

dps: manual hold down: <ip_address>

syn_atk SYN attack detected: <count> new half-open sessions per se cond

tcplim hold down triggered: <ip_address> for <min> minutes

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Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages � 373315393-E, October 2003


SYSTEM: temperature at sensor <sensor_id> exceeded threshold

SYSTEM: internal power supply failed

SYSTEM: redundant power supply failed

SYSTEM: fan failure detected

SSH can’t allocate memory in load_MP_INT


mgmt: PANIC at <file>:<line> in thread <thread id>

mgmt: VERIFY at <file>:<line> in thread <thread id>

mgmt: ASSERT at <file>:<line> in thread <thread id>

ntp: cannot contact NTP server <ip_address>

ntp: unable to listen to NTP port

isd: unable to listen to BOOTP_SERVER_PORT port

stp: Error: Error writing STG config to FLASH

stp: Error: Error writing config to FLASH

mgmt: Apply not done

mgmt: Save not done

mgmt: “ <““apply””|““save””> is issued by another user. Try later”

cli: Error: Error writing %s config to FLASH

cli: New Path Cost for Port <port_id> is invalid

cli: PVID <vlan_id> for port <port_id> is not created

cli: RADIUS secret must be 1-32 characters long

cli: Please configure primary RADIUS server address

cli: STP changes can't be applied since STP is OFF

cli: Switch reset is required to turn STP on/off

cli: Trunk group <trunk_id> contains ports with different PVIDs

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374 � Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages315393-E, October 2003

cli: Trunk group <trunk_id> has more than <max_trunk_ports> ports

cli: Trunk group <trunk_id> contains no ports but is enabled

cli: Not all ports in trunk group <trunk_id> are in VLAN <vlan_id>

cli: Trunk groups <trunk_id> and <trunk_id> can not share the same port

port_mirr: Port Mirroring changes are not applied

cli: Broadcast address for IP interface <interface_id> is invalid

cli: IP Interfaces <interface_id> and <interface_id> are on the same subnet

cli: Multiple static routes have same destination

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> must have sharing disabled when hotstandby is enabled

cli: Virtual router group must be enabled when hotstandby is enabled

cli: At least one virtual router must be enabled when group is enabled

cli: Virtual router group must have sharing disabled when hotstandby is enabled

cli: Virtual router group must have preemption enabled when hotstandby is enabled

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> must have an IP address

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> cannot have same VRID and VLAN as <vlan_id>

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> cannot have same IP address as <ip_address>

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> corresponding virtual server <server_id> is not enabled

cli: Hot-standby must be enabled when a virtual router has a PIP address

cli: Virtual router <vr_id> IP interface should be <interface_id>

cli: Enabled real server <server_id> has no IP address

cli: Real server <server_id> has same IP address as IP interface <interface_id>

cli: Real server <server_id> has same IP address as switch

cli: Real server <server_id> (Backup for <server_id>) is not enabled

cli: Real server <server_id> has same IP address as virtual server <server_id>

cli: Real server <server_id> has same IP address as real server <server_id>

cli: Real server group <group_id> cannot backup itself

cli: Real server <server_id> cannot be added to same group

LOG_ERR (Continued)

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Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages � 375315393-E, October 2003

cli: Enabled virtual server <server_id> has no IP address

cli: Virtual server <server_id> has same IP address as IP interface <interface_id>

cli: Virtual server <server_id> has same IP address as switch

cli: Virtual servers <server_id> and <server_id> with same IP address must support same layr3 configuration

cli: Real server <server_id> cannot be backup server for both real server <server_id> and group <group_id>

cli: Virtual server <server_id> has same IP address and vport as virtual server <server_id>

cli: RS <server_id> can’t exist for VS <server_id> vport <virtual_port>

cli: Switch port <port_id> has same proxy IP address as port <port_id>

cli: Switch port <port_id> has same IP address as IP interface <interface_id>

cli: A hot-standby port cannot also be an inter-switch port

cli: There must be at least one inter-switch port if any hot-standby port exist

cli: “With VMA, ports 1-8 must all have a PIP if any one does”

cli: Client bindings are not supported with proxy IP addresses

cli: DAM must be turned on or a PIP must be enabled for port <port_id> in order for virtual server to support FTP parsing

cli: Real server <server_id> and group %u cannot both have backups configured

cli: Virtual server <server_id> : port mapping but layer3 bindings

cli: Extracting length has to set to 8 or 16 for cookie rewrite mode

cli: DAM must be turned on or a PIP must be enabled for port <port_id> in order for virtural server <server_id> to support URL parsing

cli: Port filtering must be disabled on port <port_id> in order to support cookie based persis-tence for virtual server <server_id>

cli: Virtual server <server_id>: port mapping but Direct Access Mode

cli: Virtual server %lu: support nonat IP but not layer 3 bindings

cli: Virtual servers: all that support IP must use same group

cli: Virtual servers <server_id> and <server_id> that include the same real server <server_id> cannot map the same real port or balance UDP

cli: Virtual server <server_id>: UDP service <virtual_port> with out-of-range port number

LOG_ERR (Continued)

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376 � Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages315393-E, October 2003

cli: Switch cannot support more than <MAX_VIRT_SERVICES> virtual services

cli: Switch cannot support more than <MAX_SMT> real services

cli: Trunk group (<trunk_id>) ports must have same L4 config

cli: Trunk group (<trunk_id>) ports must all have a PIP

cli: DAM must be turned on or a PIP must be enabled for ports <port_id> in order to do URL based redirection

cli: “Two services have same hostname, <host_name>.<domain_name>”

cli: Direct access mode is not supported with default gateway load balancing

cli: SLB Radius secret must be 16 characters long

cli: Dynamic NAT filter <filter_id> must be cached

cli: NAT filter <filter_id> must have same smask and dmask

cli: NAT filter <filter_id> cannot have port ranges

cli: NAT filter <filter_id> must be cached

cli: NAT filter <filter_id> dest range includes VIP <server_id>

cli: NAT filter <filter_id> dest range includes RIP <server_id>

cli: Redirection filter <filter_id> must be cached

cli: Filter with L4 ports configured <port_id> must have IP protocol configured

cli: “For Global SLB, Web server must be moved from TCP port 80”

cli: Remote site <site_id> does not have a primary IP address

cli: Primary and secondary remote site <site_id> switches must differ

cli: Remote sites <site_id> and <site_id> must use different addresses

cli: Remote site <site_id> and real server <server_id> must use different addresses

cli: Remote site <site_id> and virtual server <server_id> must use different addresses

cli: Only <MAX_SLB_SITES> remote servers are allowed per group

cli: Only <MAX_SLB_SERVICES> remote services are supported

cli: Enabled external lookup IP address has no IP address

cli: domain name must be configured

LOG_ERR (Continued)

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Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages � 377315393-E, October 2003

cli: Network <static_network_id> has no VIP address

cli: duplicate default entry

cli: BGP peer <bgp_peer_id> must have an IP address

cli: BGP peers <bgp_peer_id> and <bgp_peer_id> have same address

cli: BGP peer <bgp_peer_id> have same address as IP interface <ip_interface_id>

cli: BGP peer <bgp_peer_id> IP interface <ip_interface_id> is not enabled

cli: Filter with ICMP types configured (<icmp_type>) must have IP protocol configure to ICMP

cli: “Two services have same hostname, <host_name>.<domain_name>”

cli: Loadbalance string must be added to real server <server_id> in order to enable exclusion-ary string matching

cli: intrval input value must be in the range [0-24]

mgmt: unapplied changes reverted

mgmt: unsaved changes reverted

mgmt: Attempting to redirect a previously redirected output

vrrp: Attempting to redirect a previously redirected output

vrrp: cfg_sync_tx_putsn: ABORTED

vrrp: Synchronization TX Error

vrrp: Synchronization TX connection RESET

vrrp: Synchronization TX connection TIMEOUT

vrrp: Synchronization TX connection UNREACEABLE

vrrp: Synchronization TX connection UNKNOWN CLOSE

vrrp: Synchronization RX connection RESET

vrrp: Synchronization RX connection TIMEOUT

vrrp: Synchronization RX connection UNREACEABLE

vrrp: Synchronization RX connection UNKNOWN CLOSE

vrrp: Synchronization connection RCLOSE by peer

vrrp: Synchronization connection RCLOSE before RX

LOG_ERR (Continued)

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378 � Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages315393-E, October 2003

vrrp: Synchronization connection early RCLOSE in RX

vrrp: Synchronization connection Wait-For-Close Timeout

vrrp: Synchronization connection Transmit Timeout

vrrp: Synchronization Receive Timeout

vrrp: Synchronization Receive UNKNOWN Timeout

vrrp: Sync transmit in progress … cannot start Sync

vrrp: Sync receive in progress … cannot start Sync

vrrp: Sync already in progress … cannot start Sync

vrrp: Config Sync route find error

vrrp: Config Sync tcp_open error

vrrp: Config Synchronization Timeout - Resuming Console thread

vrrp: “<""apply""|""save""> is issued by another user. Try later”

vrrp: new configuration did not validate (rc = )

vrrp: new configuration did not apply (rc = )

vrrp: new configuration did not save (rc = )

vrrp: Sync config apply error

vrrp: Restoring Current Config

vrrp: Sync rx tcp open error

vrrp: Sync Version/Password Failed-No Version/Password Line

vrrp: Sync Version Failed - peer:%s config:%s

vrrp: Sync Password Failed-Bad Password

vrrp: Sync receive already in progress … cannot start Sync receive

vrrp: Sync transmit in progress … cannot start Sync receive

LOG_ERR (Continued)

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Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages � 379315393-E, October 2003


system: internal power supply ok

system: redundant power supply present and ok

system: temperature ok

system: fan ok

system: rebooted <last_reset_information>

system: rebooted <last_reset_information> administrator logged in

mgmt: boot config block changed

mgmt: boot image changed

mgmt: switch reset from CLI

mgmt: syslog host changed to <ip_address>

mgmt: syslog host changed to this host

mgmt: second syslog host changed to <ip_address>

mgmt: second syslog host changed to this host

mgmt: Next boot will use active config block

mgmt: user password changed

mgmt: SLB operator password changed

mgmt: L4 operator password changed

mgmt: operator password changed

mgmt: SLB administrator password changed

mgmt: L4 administrator password changed

mgmt: administrator password changed

ssh: scp <login_level> login

ssh: “scp <login_level> <""connection closed""|""idle timeout""|""logout"">”

mgmt: RADIUS server timeouts

mgmt: Failed login attempt via TELNET from host %s


mgmt: <login_level> login on Console

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380 � Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages315393-E, October 2003

mgmt: “<login_level> <""idle timeout""|""logout""> from Console”

mgmt: PANIC command from CLI

port_mirr: “port mirroring is <""enabled""|""disabled"">”

vlan: Default VLAN can not be deleted

mgmt: <login_level> login from host <ip_address>

mgmt: “<login_level> <""connection closed""|""idle timeout""|""logout""> from”

IP “default gateway <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled"">”

IP default gateway <ip_address> operational

vrrp: virtual router <ip_address> is now master

vrrp: virtual router <ip_address> is now backup

slb: “backup server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""diabled""> for real server <server_id>”

slb: “backup server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled""> for real server group <group_id>”

slb: “backup group server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled""> for real server group group_id>”

slb: “overflow server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled""> for real server <server_id>”

slb: “overflow server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled""> for real server group <group_id>”

slb: “overflow group server <ip_address> <""enabled""|""disabled""> for real server group <group_id>”

slb: real server <ip_address> operational

slb: real service <ip_address:real_port> operational

slb: No services are available for Virtual Server <virtual_server>

slb: Services are available for Virtual Server <virtual_server>

bgp: session established with <BGP_peer_ip_address>

LOG_NOTICE (Continued)

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Appendix A: Alteon OS Syslog Messages � 381315393-E, October 2003


SYSTEM: bootp response from <ip_address>

mgmt: new configuration applied

mgmt: new configuration saved

mgmt: unsaved changes reverted

mgmt: Could not revert unsaved changes

mgmt: " <image1|image2> downloaded from host <ip_address>, file <file_name> <software_version>"

mgmt: serial EEPROM downloaded from host <ip_address> file <file_name>

ssh: scp <login_level> login

ssh: " scp <login_level> <""connection closed""|""idle timeout""|""logout"">"

mgmt: <login_level> login on Console

mgmt: " <login_level> <""idle timeout""|""logout""> from Console"

mgmt: <login_level> login from host <ip_address>

mgmt: " <login_level> <""connection closed""|""idle timeout""|""logout""> from Telnet/SSH."

ssh: server key autogen starts

ssh: server key autogen completes

ssh: server key autogen timer timeouts

vrrp: new synch configuration applied

vrrp: new synch configuration saved

vrrp: Synchronizing from <host_name>

vrrp: Synchronizing to <host_name>

vrrp: Config Synchronization Transmit Successful

vrrp: Config Synchronization Receive Successful

vrrp: new configuration VALIDATED

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315393-E, October 2003383


The Alteon OS SNMP agent supports SNMP Version 1. Security is provided through SNMP community strings. The default community strings are “public” for SNMP GET operation and “private” for SNMP SET operation. The community string can be modified only through the Command Line Interface (CLI). Alteon MIBs are registered as Vendor 1872. Detailed SNMP MIBs and trap definitions of the Alteon OS SNMP agent can be found in the following enter-prise MIB documents:

� Altroot.mib -

� cheetahSwitch.mib

� cheetahPhysical.mib

� cheetahNetwork.mib

� cheetahLayer4.mib

� cheetahLayer7.mib

� cheetahBwm.mib

� cheetahTrap.mib

Added support for the ethernet multi-segment autotopology MIB, which requires the following SynOptics MIBS:

� synro193.mib -- SynOptics Root MIB

� s5roo117.mib -- SynOptics Registration MIB

� s5tcs112.mib -- Textual Convention MIB

� s5emt104.mib -- Ethernet Multi segment Autotopology MIB

Users may specify up to two trap hosts for receiving SNMP Traps. The agent will send the SNMP Trap to the specified hosts when appropriate. Traps will not be sent if there is no host specified.

Alteon OS SNMP agent supports the following standard MIBs:

� RFC 1213 - MIB II (System, Interface, Address Translation, IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SNMP Groups)

� RFC 1573 - MIB II Extension (IFX table)

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384 � Appendix B: Alteon OS SNMP Agent315393-E, October 2003

� RFC 1643 - EtherLike MIB

� RFC 1493 - Bridge MIB

� RFC 1757 - RMON MIB (Statistics, History, Alarm, Event Groups)

� RFC 1850 for OSPF

� RFC 1657 for BGP

Alteon OS SNMP agent supports the following generic traps as defined in RFC 1215:

� ColdStart

� WarmStart

� LinkDown

� LinkUp

� AuthenticationFailure

The SNMP agent also supports two Spanning Tree traps as defined in RFC 1493:

� NewRoot

� TopologyChange

The following are the enterprise SNMP traps supported in Alteon OS:

Table 10-7 Alteon OS-Supported Enterprise SNMP Traps

Trap Name Description

altSwDefGwUp Signifies that the default gateway is alive.

altSwDefGwDown Signifies that the default gateway is down.

altSwDefGwInService Signifies that the default gateway is up and in service

altSwDefGwNotInService Signifies that the default gateway is alive but not in service

altSwSlbRealServerUp Signifies that the real server is up and operational

altSwSlbRealServerDown Signifies that the real server is down and out of service


Signifies that the real server has reached maximum connections

altSwSlbBkupRealServerAct Signifies that the backup real server is activated due to availablity of the primary real server

altSwSlbBkupRealServerDeact Signifies that the backup real server is deactivated due to the primary real server is available

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Appendix B: Alteon OS SNMP Agent � 385315393-E, October 2003


Signifies that the backup real server is deactivated due to the primary real server is overflowed


Signifies that the backup real server is deactivated due to the primary real server is out from overflow situa-tion

altSwfltFilterFired Signifies that the packet received on a switch port matches the filter rule

altSwSlbRealServerServiceUp Signifies that the service port of the real server is up and operational

altSwSlbRealServerServiceDown Signifies that the service port of the real server is down and out of service

altSwVrrpNewMaster The newMaster trap indicates that the sending agent has tran-sitioned to ’Master’ state.

altSwVrrpNewBackup The newBackup trap indicates that the sending agent has transitioned to ’Backup’ state.

altSwVrrpAuthFailure A vrrpAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been received from a router whose authentication key or authenti-cation type conflicts with this router’s authentication key or authentication type. Implementation of this trap is optional.

altSwLoginFailure A altSwLoginFailure trap signifies that someone failed to enter a valid username/password combination.

altSwSlbSynAttack A altSwSlbSynAttack trap signifies that a SYN attack has been detected.

altSwTcpHoldDown A altSwTcpHoldDown trap signifies that new TCP connec-tion requests from a particular client will be blocked for a pre-determined amount of time since the rate of new TCP connections from that client has reached a pre-determined threshold.

altSwTempExceedThreshold A altSwTempExceedThreshold trap signifies that the switch temperature has exceeded maximum safety limits.

Table 10-7 Alteon OS-Supported Enterprise SNMP Traps

Trap Name Description

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315393-E, October 2003387

APPENDIX CPerforming a Serial Download

You can perform a serial download of the new Alteon Application Switch software if you are upgrading Alteon OS directly from any image.

This procedure requires the following:

� A computer running terminal emulation software

� A standard serial cable with a male DB9 connector (see your switch hardware installation guide for specifics)

� A binary switch firmware image (not the tftp file used for TFTP download)

Use the following procedure to perform a serial upgrade.

1. Using the serial cable, connect the Console port of an Alteon Application Switch to the serial port of your PC that supports XModem/1K XModem.

2. Start hyper terminal (part of Microsoft Windows) and set the following parameters:

3. Power on the switch.

4. Hold the <Shift> key down and hit D repeatedly until the following message appears:

Parameter Value

Baud RateData BitsParityStop BitsFlow Control


Alteon Application Switch - PPCBoot 2.2.To download a serial image use 1K Xmodem at 115200

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388 � Appendix C: Performing a Serial Download315393-E, October 2003

5. Reconfigure your terminal emulation software with the following parameters (only after you see the message displayed in step 4).:

NOTE – You can perform serial downloads at 57600 baud rate by pressing Ctrl f or at 115200 baud rate by pressing Ctrl d.

6. Press <Enter> on the key board of the PC that is connected to the console port of the switch. When the Console Port is successfully communicating with the PC, you will see: CCCC...

7. Make sure that the new binary firmware file is available on the computer. This file can be downloaded from the CD that is shipped with the switch. Select <Transfer-Send File> and choose the following:

file: For example, "" (Or the file previously downloaded to the computer)protocol: 1K XMODEM

It will take about 15 minutes for the transfer to complete.

NOTE – Although slower, XMODEM will work too if you choose not to use 1K MODEM.

8. Power off the switch, wait for a few seconds and power the switch on.

9. The switch will boot with the new software load. You should see the following sample log on your screen:

Parameter Value

Baud RateData BitsParityStop BitsFlow Control


!CAUTION—Do not power off the switch until you see the message: “Change your baud rate to 9600 bps and power cycle switch”, otherwise, the switch be inoperable.

Alteon Application Switch - PPCBoot 2.2.To download a serial image use 1K Xmodem at 115200CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCTotal bytes transferred: 0x4ff400Extracting images... Do *NOT* power cycle the switchUpdating flash...#################################################################Change your baudrate to 9600 bps and power cycle the switch

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315393-E, October 2003389


DIP (Destination IP Address)

The destination IP address of a frame.

Dport (Destination Port)

The destination port (application socket: for example, http-80/https-443/DNS-53)

NAT (Network Address Translation)

Any time an IP address is changed from one source IP or destination IP address to another address, network address translation can be said to have taken place. In general, half NAT is when the destination IP or source IP address is changed from one address to another. Full NAT is when both addresses are changed from one address to another. No NAT is when neither source nor destination IP addresses are translated. Virtual server-based load balancing uses half NAT by design, because it translates the destination IP address from the Virtual Server IP address, to that of one of the real servers.

Preemption In VRRP, preemption will cause a Virtual Router that has a lower priority to go into backup should a peer Virtual Router start advertising with a higher priority.

Priority In VRRP, the value given to a Virtual Router to determine its ranking with its peer(s). Min-imum value is 1 and maximum value is 254. Default is 100. A higher number will win out for master designation.

Proto (Protocol) The protocol of a frame. Can be any value represented by a 8-bit value in the IP header adherent to the IP specification (for example, TCP, UDP, OSPF, ICMP, and so on.)

Real Server Group A group of real servers that are associated with a Virtual Server IP address, or a filter.

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390 � Glossary315393-E, October 2003

Redirection or Filter-Based Load Balancing

A type of load balancing that operates differently from virtual server-based load balancing. With this type of load balancing, requests are transparently intercepted and “redirected” to a server group. “Transparently” means that requests are not specifically destined for a Vir-tual Server IP address that the switch owns. Instead, a filter is configured in the switch. This filter intercepts traffic based on certain IP header criteria and load balances it.Filters can be configured to filter on the SIP/Range (via netmask), DIP/Range (via net-mask), Protocol, SPort/Range or DPort/Range. The action on a filter can be Allow, Deny, Redirect to a Server Group, or NAT (translation of either the source IP or destination IP address). In redirection-based load balancing, the destination IP address is not translated to that of one of the real servers. Therefore, redirection-based load balancing is designed to load balance devices that normally operate transparently in your network—such as a fire-wall, spam filter, or transparent Web cache.

RIP (Real Server) Real Server IP Address. An IP addresses that the switch load balances to when requests are made to a Virtual Server IP address (VIP).

SIP (Source IP Address)

The source IP address of a frame.

SPort (Source Port) The source port (application socket: for example, HTTP-80/HTTPS-443/DNS-53).

Tracking In VRRP, a method to increase the priority of a virtual router and thus master designation (with preemption enabled). Tracking can be very valuable in an active/active configuration.

You can track the following:

� Vrs: Virtual Routers in Master Mode (increments priority by 2 for each)

� Ifs: Active IP interfaces on the Alteon Application Switch (increments priority by 2 for each)

� Ports: Active ports on the same VLAN (increments priority by 2 for each)

� l4pts: Active Layer 4 Ports, client or server designation (increments priority by 2 for each

� reals: healthy real servers (increments by 2 for each healthy real server)

� hsrp: HSRP announcements heard on a client designated port (increments by 10 for each)

VIP (Virtual Server IP Address)

An IP address that the switch owns and uses to load balance particular service requests (like HTTP) to other servers.

VIR (Virtual Interface Router)

A VRRP address that is an IP interface address shared between two or more virtual routers.

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Glossary � 391315393-E, October 2003

Virtual Router A shared address between two devices utilizing VRRP, as defined in RFC 2338. One vir-tual router is associated with an IP interface. This is one of the IP interfaces that the switch is assigned. All IP interfaces on the Alteon Application Switch must be in a VLAN. If there is more than one VLAN defined on the Alteon Application Switch, then the VRRP broadcasts will only be sent out on the VLAN of which the associated IP interface is a member.

Virtual Server Load Balancing

Classic load balancing. Requests destined for a Virtual Server IP address (VIP), which is owned by the switch, are load balanced to a real server contained in the group associated with the VIP. Network address translation is done back and forth, by the switch, as requests come and go.Frames come to the switch destined for the VIP. The switch then replaces the VIP and with one of the real server IP addresses (RIP’s), updates the relevant checksums, and forwards the frame to the server for which it is now destined. This process of replacing the destina-tion IP (VIP) with one of the real server addresses is called half NAT. If the frames were not half NAT’ed to the address of one of the RIPs, a server would receive the frame that was destined for it’s MAC address, forcing the packet up to Layer 3. The server would then drop the frame, since the packet would have the DIP of the VIP and not that of the server (RIP).

VRID (Virtual Router Identifier)

In VRRP, a value between 1 and 255 that is used by each virtual router to create its MAC address and identify its peer for which it is sharing this VRRP address. The VRRP MAC address as defined in the RFC is 00-00-5E-00-01-{VRID}. If you have a VRRP address that two switches are sharing, then the VRID number needs to be identical on both switches so each virtual router on each switch knows whom to share with.

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)

A protocol that acts very similarly to Cisco’s proprietary HSRP address sharing protocol. The reason for both of these protocols is so devices have a next hop or default gateway that is always available. Two or more devices sharing an IP interface are either advertising or listening for advertisem*nts. These advertisem*nts are sent via a broadcast message to an address such as VRRP, one switch is considered the master and the other the backup. The master is always advertising via the broadcasts. The backup switch is always listening for the broad-casts. Should the master stop advertising, the backup will take over ownership of the VRRP IP and MAC addresses as defined by the specification. The switch announces this change in ownership to the devices around it by way of a Gratuitous ARP, and advertise-ments. If the backup switch didn’t do the Gratuitous ARP the Layer 2 devices attached to the switch would not know that the MAC address had moved in the network. For a more detailed description, refer to RFC 2338.

VSR (Virtual Server Router)

A VRRP address that is a shared Virtual Server IP address. VSR is Alteon WebSystems’ proprietary extension to the VRRP specification. The switches must be able to share Vir-tual Server IP addresses, as well as IP interfaces. If they didn’t, the two switches would fight for ownership of the Virtual Server IP address, and the ARP tables in the devices around them would have two ARP entries with the same IP address but different MAC addresses.

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392 � Glossary315393-E, October 2003

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315393-E, October 2003393


Symbols(MD5).............................................................. 338(SLB real server group option)

content ...................................................... 292/ command.......................................................... 47[ ]....................................................................... 17

Numerics1K XModem..................................................... 3873000 series........................................................ 201

Aabbreviating commands (CLI) .............................. 50access control

system....................................................... 193action (SLB filtering option)............................... 310activating optional software................................ 353active configuration block .......................... 178, 359active FTP SLB parsing statistics ........................ 142active IP interface.............................................. 271active Layer 4 processing ................................... 271active port

VLAN....................................................... 271active switch configuration

gtcfg ......................................................... 282ptcfg ......................................................... 282restoring .................................................... 282

active switch, saving and loading configuration.... 282add

SLB port option.......................................... 322addr

ARP entries................................................ 366IP route tag .................................................. 69

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)address list ................................................. 366

administrator account..................................... 24, 27

admpw (system option) ...................................... 196advertisem*nt of virtual IP addresses ................... 241aging

STP bridge option ....................................... 221STP information ........................................... 63

application redirection................................ 287, 310filter states.................................................... 83filters ......................................................... 285within real server groups .............................. 292

apply (global command) ..................................... 177applying configuration changes........................... 177ASCII terminal .................................................... 20autoconfiguration

duplex mode................................................. 32link........................................................ 32, 33port speed..................................................... 32

auto-negotiation................................................... 32enable/disable on port ..........200, 204, 206, 209setup...................................................... 32, 33

autonomous system filter action .......................... 239autonomous system filter path

action ........................................................239as ..............................................................239aspath ........................................................239


SLB real server group option ........................ 293backup configuration block......................... 178, 359backup server activations (SLB statistics) ............ 150bandwidth management

configuration .............................................. 212contracts .................................................... 213

bandwidth management contractprecedence value......................................... 214

bandwidth management contract configuration .... 182, 214

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394 � Index315393-E, October 2003

Bandwidth Management optionsoperations-level options................................352

bandwidth management policy configuration ........215buffer limit .................................................215hard bandwidth limit ....................................215over the limit TOS .......................................215reserve limit ................................................215soft bandwidth limit .....................................215underlimit TOS ...........................................215

bandwidth management statistics .........................152banner (system option)........................................180baud rate

console connection ........................................20serial download ...................................387, 388


configuration...............................................251eBGP .........................................................251iBGP..........................................................251in route.......................................................254IP address, border router...............................253IP route tag ...................................................69keep-alive time............................................253peer ...........................................................252peer configuration........................................253redistribution configuration...........................255remote autonomous system ...........................253router hops..................................................254

binary ...............................................................387binary firmware image........................................388binding failure ...................................................149binding table......................................................303BLOCKING (port state)........................................63boot options menu..............................................355BOOTP...............................................................21

setup (enable/disable).....................................31system option..............................................180

bootstrap protocol ..............................................259Border Gateway Protocol ......................................69

configuration...............................................251Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

operations-level options................................353BPDU. See Bridge Protocol Data Unit.bridge parameter menu, for STP ..........................219bridge priority......................................................63Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) ........................63

STP transmission frequency..........................220Bridge Spanning-Tree parameters ........................220

broadcastIP route tag .................................................. 69IP route type................................................. 68

broadcast domains ............................................. 224broadcast IP address ............................................ 36Browser-Based Interface ...................................... 19BWM

contract rate statistics................................... 155contract statistics......................................... 154history statistics .......................................... 156port ........................................................... 153switch processor contract statistics ................ 153switch processor rate contract statistics .......... 154

Ccapture dump information to a file....................... 368Cisco Ether Channel .......................................... 222clear

ARP entries................................................ 366dump information ....................................... 369FDB entry.................................................. 364routing table ............................................... 367

clearing SLB statistics........................................ 150client traffic processing ...................................... 321command (help) .................................................. 47Command-Line Interface (CLI) ....... 19 to 25, 27, 45commands

abbreviations ................................................ 50conventions used in this manual...................... 17global commands.......................................... 47shortcuts ...................................................... 50stacking ....................................................... 50tab completion.............................................. 50

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Index � 395315393-E, October 2003

configurationadministrator password................................ 196apply changes............................................. 177default gateway interval, for health checks ..... 229default gateway IP address ........................... 229dump command.......................................... 281effect on Spanning-Tree Protocol.................. 177Fast Ethernet .............................................. 198flow control ....................... 200, 203, 206, 209Gigabit Ethernet ......................... 198, 202, 204IP static route ............................................. 230Layer 4 administrator password .................... 196operating mode........................... 200, 203, 209port link speed............................ 199, 203, 209port mirroring............................................. 211port trunking .............................................. 222route cache................................................. 233save changes .............................................. 177setup ......................................................... 281setup command .......................................... 281switch IP address ........................................ 228user password............................................. 195view changes.............................................. 177VLAN default (PVID)......... 198, 202, 204, 207VLAN IP interface...................................... 228VLAN tagging ................... 198, 202, 205, 208VRRP ....................................................... 260

configuration blockactive ........................................................ 359backup....................................................... 359factory....................................................... 359selection .................................................... 359

configuration menu............................................ 175configuring routing information protocol ............. 240connecting

via console................................................... 20via Telnet..................................................... 21

connection timeout (Real Server Menu option)..... 303console port

communication settings ................................. 20connecting ................................................... 20serial download settings....................... 387, 388

contentSLB real server group option........................ 292

contracts, bandwidth management....................... 213copper ports ...................................................... 202cost

STP information ........................................... 63STP port option .......................................... 222

counters, No Server Available (dropped frames) ... 150CPU statistics .................................................... 162CPU utilization.................................................. 162cur (system option) .................................... 188, 189current bindings................................................. 149


setup............................................................ 30system option .............................................180

daylight savings time ......................................... 188debugging ......................................................... 361default gateway

information .................................................. 66interval, for health checks............................. 229metrics....................................................... 275round robin, load balancing for ..................... 275

default password.................................................. 24delete

FDB entry .................................................. 364deny (filtering) .................................................. 150designated port. ................................................... 71diff (global) command, viewing changes.............. 177dip (destination IP address for filtering) ............... 311direct (IP route type) ............................................ 68directed broadcasts.............................................233DISABLED (port state) ........................................ 63disconnect idle timeout......................................... 25Distributed Site State Protocol (DSSP)

setting update interval ..................................324dmask

destination mask for filtering ........................ 311DNS statistics.................................................... 121Domain Name System (DNS)

health checks .............................................. 295peer site handoffs ........................................ 324

downloading software ........................................ 356dropped frames (No Server Available) counter ..... 150dump

configuration command ............................... 281maintenance ............................................... 361state information ......................................... 369

duplex mode........................................................ 32link status......................................... 52, 56, 90setup............................................................ 32

dynamic routes .................................................. 367

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EEMS,Alteon EMS ................................................39emulation software .............................................387EtherChannel

as used with port trunking.............................222

Ffactory configuration block .................................359factory default configuration .....................25, 27, 28Fast Ethernet Physical Link.................................198Fast Ethernet, configuring ports for......................198fastage ..............................................................336FDB statistics ....................................................109fiber optic ports..................................................204File Transfer Protocol .........................................142filter statistics ....................................................134filtered (denied) frames.......................................150filters

IP address ranges .........................................311Final Steps...........................................................38first-time configuration ......................... 25, 27 to 43fixed

IP route tag ...................................................69flag field..............................................................71flow control ...................................................52, 90

configuring .........................200, 203, 206, 209setup ......................................................32, 33

forwarding configurationIP forwarding configuration ..........................233

forwarding database (FDB) .................................361delete entry .................................................364

Forwarding Database Information Menu ................60Forwarding Database Menu.................................363forwarding state (FWD) ............................61, 63, 64FTP server health checks ....................................295FTP SLB maintenance statistics...........................143FTP SLB statistics dump.....................................144full-duplex...........................................................32fwd (STP bridge option) .....................................220FwdDel (forward delay), bridge port ......................63

Ggig (Port Menu option) .......................198, 202, 204Gigabit Ethernet

configuration...............................198, 202, 204Gigabit Ethernet Physical Link ............198, 202, 204global commands .................................................47

global SLB maintenance statistics ....................... 136global SLB statistics .......................................... 134grace

graceful real server failure............................ 336Greenwich ........................................................ 188Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) ........................... 188group................................................................ 133gtcfg (TFTP load command)............................... 282

Hhalf-duplex ......................................................... 32hash metric ....................................................... 297health check types, SLB ..................................... 294health checks..................................................... 288

default gateway interval, retries .................... 229IDSLB....................................................... 294layer information .......................................... 82parameters for most protocols....................... 295redirection (rport)........................................ 310retry, number of failed health checks ............. 229script ......................................................... 339SNMP ............................................... 296, 340WAP......................................................... 341

helloSTP information ........................................... 63

help.................................................................... 47host routes ........................................................ 241Hot Standby Router on VLAN (HSRV)

use with VLAN-tagged environment ............. 265VRRP priority increment value..................... 275

Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)priority increment value for L4 client ports..... 274use with VRRP................................... 265, 272VRRP priority increment value..................... 274

Hot Standby Router VLAN (HSRV)use with VRRP........................................... 272

hot-standby failover ........................................... 269HP-OpenView..................................................... 19hprompt

system option ............................................. 180HSRP. See Hot Standby Router Protocol.HSRV. See Hot Standby Router Protocol.HTTP

application health checks ............................. 295redirects (Global SLB option)....................... 325system option ............................................. 193

http .................................................................. 193

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HTTP health checkson any port (aphttp)..................................... 338

IICMP statistics.................................................. 121idle timeout

overview...................................................... 25IDSLB health checks ......................................... 294IEEE standards

802.1d Spanning-Tree Protocol .............. 62, 218image

downloading .............................................. 356software, selecting ...................................... 358

IMAP server health checks................................. 295imask (IP address mask)..................................... 335incorrect VIPs (statistic)..................................... 149incorrect Vports (dropped frames counter) ........... 150indirect (IP route type) ......................................... 68Information

Trunk Group Information............................... 64Information Menu ............................................... 51Interface change stats......................................... 115interface statistics .............................................. 123IP address ........................................................... 35

ARP information .......................................... 70BOOTP ....................................................... 21configuring default gateway ......................... 229filter ranges................................................ 311IP interface .................................................. 35local route cache ranges............................... 234Telnet.......................................................... 21

IP address mask for SLB.................................... 335IP configuration via setup..................................... 35IP forwarding.................................................... 257

directed broadcasts...................................... 233local networks for route caching ................... 233

IP forwarding information.................................... 66IP Information Menu ..................................... 66, 79IP interface ....................................................... 228

active ........................................................ 271configuring address ..................................... 228configuring VLANs .................................... 228

IP interfaces.................................................. 35, 68information .................................................. 66IP route tag .................................................. 69priority increment value (ifs) for VRRP ......... 274

IP network filter configuration............................ 235IP port configuration.......................................... 257

IP Route Manipulation Menu .............................. 367IP routing............................................................ 35

tag parameters .............................................. 69IP Static Route Menu ......................................... 230IP statistics........................................................116IP subnet mask .................................................... 35IP subnets

VLANs...................................................... 224

Ll4apw (L4 administrator system option) ............... 196Layer 4

administrator account..................................... 24Layer 4 processing

active......................................................... 271layer 7 SLB maintenance statistics ...................... 139layer 7 SLB string statistics ................................ 138layer7 redirection statistics ................................. 137LDAP version ...................................................338LEARNING (port state) ....................................... 63least connections (SLB Real Server metric).. 295, 297licence certificate............................................... 353license password................................................ 353link

speed, configuring....................... 199, 203, 209link status............................................................ 52

command ..................................................... 90duplex mode..................................... 52, 56, 90port speed......................................... 52, 56, 90

Link Status Information........................................ 90linkt (SNMP option) .......................................... 192LISTENING (port state) ....................................... 63lmask (routing option) .......................................... 66lnet (routing option) ............................................. 66local (IP route type) ............................................. 68local network for route caching ........................... 233local route cache

IP address ranges for.................................... 234log

syslog messages .......................................... 181logical segment. See IP subnets.

MMAC (media access control) address 53, 60, 70, 353,

363switch location.............................................. 21

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Main Menu..........................................................45Command-Line Interface (CLI) .......................25summary ......................................................46

Maintenance Menu.............................................361Management Processor (MP)...............................365

display MAC address .....................................53manual style conventions ......................................17martian

IP route tag (filtered)......................................69IP route type (filtered out)...............................68

maskIP interface subnet address............................228

MaxAge (STP information)...................................63mcon (maximum connections).....................150, 293MD5 authentication key......................................243MD5 cryptographic authentication .......................244MD5 key ...........................................................247media access control. See MAC address.metric

SLB real server group option.........................292metrics, SLB......................................................297minimum misses (SLB real server metric) ....294, 297Miscellaneous Debug Menu ................................365mmask

IP address mask for SLB ..............................336mnet

management traffic IP address for SLB ..........335monitor port.......................................................211mp

packet ........................................................159MP. See Management Processor.multicast

IP route type .................................................68multi-links between switches

using port trunking.................................64, 222mxage (STP bridge option) .................................220

Nnbr change statistics............................................114Network Address Translation (NAT)

filter action .................................................310network management............................................19non TCP/IP frames .............................................149notice................................................................180NTP server menu ...............................................188NTP synchronization ..........................................189NTP time zone ...................................................188

Ooctet counters .................................................... 132online help .......................................................... 47operating mode, configuring ............... 200, 203, 209operations menu ................................................ 347operations-level BGP options ............................. 353operations-level BWM options ........................... 352operations-level IP options ................................. 352Operations-Level Port Options............................ 349operations-level SLB options.............................. 350operations-level VRRP options ........................... 351optional software ........................................... 52, 93

activating ................................................... 353removing ................................................... 354

OSPFarea types............................................. 74, 241

ospfarea index .......................................... 242, 243authentication key ....................................... 247configuration.............................................. 241cost of the selected path ............................... 246cost value of the host ................................... 249dead, declaring a silent router to be down....... 246dead, health parameter of a hello packet......... 248export........................................................ 250fixed routes ................................................ 252general ...................................................... 112global ........................................................ 112hello, authentication parameter of a hello packet ...

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248host entry configuration ............................... 249host routes ................................................. 242interface .................................................... 242interface configuration................................. 246link state database ....................................... 242MD5 authentication key............................... 243Not-So-Stubby Area.................................... 244priority value of the switch interface.............. 246range number ............................................. 242redistribution menu ..................................... 242route redistribution configuration.................. 250spf, shortest path first .................................. 244stub area .................................................... 244summary range configuration ....................... 245transit area ................................................. 244transit delay ............................................... 246type........................................................... 244virtual link ................................................. 242virtual link configuration ............................. 247virtual neighbor, router ID ........................... 248

OSPF Database Information ................................. 77OSPF general...................................................... 75OSPF General Information ................................... 76OSPF Information ............................................... 74OSPF Information Route Codes............................ 78OSPF statistics .................................................. 111overflow server activations................................. 150overflow servers................................................ 288


command................................................... 369switch (and Maintenance Menu option) ......... 361

parameterstag .............................................................. 69type............................................................. 68

Passive FTP SLB Parsing Statistics ..................... 143Password

user access control ...................................... 195password

administrator account .................................... 24default ......................................................... 24L4 administrator account ............................... 24user account ................................................. 24VRRP authentication................................... 273

passwords........................................................... 23

persistent bindingsreal server .................................................. 303

ping............................................................ 48, 287PIP ........................................................... 344, 345poisoned reverse, as used with split horizon ......... 240POP3

server health checks..................................... 295port

bandwidth management switch processor statistics153

switch port contract statistics menu................ 152port configuration .............................................. 197port flow control. See flow control.Port Menu

configuration options................................... 202configuring Fast Ethernet ............................. 198configuring Gigabit Ethernet (gig). 198, 202, 204

port mirroringconfiguration .............................................. 211

Port number ........................................................ 90port speed ............................................... 52, 56, 90

auto-sense .................................................... 32setup............................................................ 32

port statesUNK (unknown) ........................................... 61

port trunkingdescription ................................................. 222

port trunking configuration ................................. 222ports

configuration ................................................ 31disabling (temporarily)................................. 210information .................................................. 91IP status ....................................................... 66membership of the VLAN........................ 59, 65priority......................................................... 63RJ-45......................................................... 197SLB state information.................................... 83STP port priority ......................................... 222VLAN ID............................................... 52, 91

preemptionassuming VRRP master routing authority....... 264virtual router....................................... 263, 270

priorityvirtual router............................................... 270

priority (STP port option) ................................... 222prisrv

primary radius server ................................... 187proxies

IP address translation................................... 289

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proxy IP address (PIP) ..........................................83proxy IP address (PIP) configuration............344, 345ptcfg (TFTP save command) ...............................282PVID (port VLAN ID)....................................52, 91pwd ....................................................................48

Qquiet (screen display option)..................................48


server authentication ....................................296RADIUS server menu.........................................187read community string (SNMP option) .................191real server

statistics .....................................................131real server global SLB statistics ...........................135real server group global SLB statistics..................135real server group options

add ............................................................294real server group SLB configuration.....................292real server group statistics ...................................133real server groups

combining servers into .................................292statistics .....................................................133

real server SLB configuration..............................286real servers

backup .......................................................293priority increment value (reals) for VRRP.......274SLB state information ....................................82

reboot .......................................................361, 369receive flow control32, 33, 200, 203, 206, 209, 210redir (SLB filtering option) .................................310reference ports .....................................................61referenced port .....................................................71remote monitoring on the port (rmon) ..................349remote site servers..............................................289removing optional software .................................354reset key combination .........................................361restarting switch setup ..........................................29retries

radius server ...............................................187retry

health checks for default gateway ..................229rip

IP route tag ...................................................69RIP. See Routing Information Protocol.

rmkey............................................................... 354round robin

as used in gateway load balancing ................. 275roundrobin

SLB Real Server metric ....................... 295, 297route

cache configuration ..................................... 233route statistics ................................................... 118router hops........................................................ 254routing information protocol

configuration.............................................. 240Routing Information Protocol (RIP) ...................... 69

options ...................................................... 240poisoned reverse ......................................... 240split horizon ............................................... 240version 1 parameters.................................... 240

rportSLB virtual server option ............................. 302

RTSP SLB statistics........................................... 145rx flow control .............................................. 32, 33Rx/Tx statistics.................................................. 113

Ssave (global command) ...................................... 177

noback option............................................. 178save command................................................... 359script

health checks.............................................. 339scriptable health checks configuration ................. 339secret

radius server............................................... 187secsrv

secondary radius server................................ 187Secure Shell ...................................................... 186security

VLANs...................................................... 224segmentation. See IP subnets.segments. See IP subnets.serial cable.......................................................... 20serial download ................................................. 387Server Load Balancing

IDS ........................................................... 290operations-level options ............................... 350real server weights ...................................... 287

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server load balancingclient traffic processing................................ 321health check ............................................... 294health check types....................................... 294metrics ...................................................... 297port options................................................ 322server traffic processing............................... 321

server load balancing configuration options ......... 284Server Load Balancing Maintenance Statistics Menu ..

141, 142, 149server port mapping............................................. 82server traffic processing ..................................... 321Session Binding Table ....................................... 288session identifier ............................................... 300setup

configuration.............................................. 281setup command, configuration ............................ 281setup facility ................................................. 25, 27

BOOTP ....................................................... 31duplex mode ................................................ 32IP configuration............................................ 35IP subnet mask ............................................. 35port auto-negotiation mode ...................... 32, 33port configuration ......................................... 31port flow control ..................................... 32, 33port speed .................................................... 32restarting ..................................................... 29Spanning-Tree Protocol ................................. 31starting ........................................................ 28stopping....................................................... 29system date .................................................. 30system time.................................................. 30VLAN name ................................................ 34VLAN port numbers ..................................... 34VLAN tagging ............................................. 33VLANs ....................................................... 33

SFD statisticsmp specific ................................................ 162

SFP GBIC ports ................................................ 204shortcuts (CLI).................................................... 50single-mode ports .............................................. 202SIP (source IP address for filtering)..................... 311SLB filtering option

action ........................................................ 310SLB Information ................................................. 82SLB layer7 statistics .......................................... 137

SLB real server group health checksarp............................................................. 295dns ............................................................ 295ftp ............................................................. 295http............................................................ 295icmp .......................................................... 295imap .......................................................... 295ldap ........................................................... 296radius ........................................................296script ......................................................... 296smtp .......................................................... 295SNMP ....................................................... 296sslh............................................................ 295tcp............................................................. 295udpdns....................................................... 296wsp ........................................................... 296wtls ........................................................... 296

SLB real server group optionapplication health checking .......................... 292health checking........................................... 292metric ........................................................292

SLB real server optionbackup....................................................... 288intr (interval) .............................................. 288maxcon (maximum connections)................... 287name, alias for each real server ..................... 287restr (restore) SLB real server UDP option ..... 288retry .......................................................... 288RIP, real server IP address............................287submac ...................................................... 289tmout (time out) .......................................... 288weights ...................................................... 287

slowage ............................................................ 337smask

source mask for filtering .............................. 311smtp ................................................................. 180SMTP server health checks................................. 295snap traces

buffer ........................................................365SNMP .......................................................... 19, 96

health checks .............................................. 340HP-OpenView .............................................. 19menu options .............................................. 191set and get access ........................................ 191

SNMP Agent..................................................... 383SNMP health check configuration ....................... 340SNMP health checks .......................................... 296SNMP statistics ................................................. 170

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SNMP Supportoptional setup for SNMP support.....................39

softwareimage file and version ....................................53license........................................................353

software image...................................................356SP specific statistics ...........................................162spanning tree

configuration...............................................218Spanning-Tree Protocol ................................64, 177

bridge aging option ......................................221bridge parameters ........................................220bridge priority ...............................................63port cost option ...........................................222port priority option.......................................222root bridge ............................................63, 220setup (on/off) ................................................31switch reset effect ........................................360

split horizon.......................................................240SSL ..................................................................303

secure socket layer statistics ..........................141stacking commands (CLI) .....................................50starting switch setup .............................................28state (STP information).........................................63state information, client system............................303static

IP route tag ...................................................69static route

rem............................................................230static routes

Routing Information Protocol (RIP) ...............240statis route

add ............................................................230statistics

group .........................................................133management processor .................................158

Statistics Menu ....................................................95stopping switch setup............................................29subnet address maskconfiguration

IP subnet address .........................................228subnet mask.........................................................35subnets ................................................................35

IP interface .................................................228switch

resetting .....................................................360Switch Processor (SP).........................................365

display trace buffer ......................................365swkey ...............................................................353SYN attack detection configuration......................337

sync ................................................................. 350synchronization

VRRP switch...................................... 333, 350syslog

system host log configuration ....................... 181system

contact (SNMP option) ................................ 191date and time.......................................... 51, 53location (SNMP option)............................... 191

system access control configuration..................... 193System Maintenance Menu................................. 363system options

admpw (administrator password) .................. 196BOOTP ..................................................... 180cur (current system parameters) ............ 188, 189date ........................................................... 180hprompt ..................................................... 180HTTP access .............................................. 193l4apw (Layer 4 administrator password) ........ 196login banner ............................................... 180time........................................................... 180tnet............................................................ 193tnport ........................................................ 193usrpw (user password) ................................. 195

system parameters, current ......................... 188, 189

Ttab completion (CLI) ........................................... 50TCP

fragments........................................... 149, 300health checking using .................................. 288health checks.............................................. 295source and destination ports.......................... 309

TCP statistics ............................................ 125, 161Telnet ................................................................. 21

BOOTP ....................................................... 21configuring switches using ........................... 281

telnetradius server............................................... 187

Telnet supportoptional setup for Telnet support..................... 39

terminal emulation............................................... 20text conventions .................................................. 17TFTP................................................................ 357

PUT and GET commands ............................ 282TFTP server ...................................................... 282

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Index � 403315393-E, October 2003

timesetup ........................................................... 30system option ............................................. 180

timeoutradius server............................................... 187

timeoutsidle connection ............................................. 25

timers kickoff.................................................... 115time-to-live, DNS response (global SLB menu option)


system option ............................................. 193tnport

system option ............................................. 193TPCP (Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol) .......... 336trace buffer ....................................................... 365

Switch Processor ........................................ 365traceroute............................................................ 48Tracking

VRRP ............................................... 262, 266transmit flow control32, 33, 200, 203, 206, 209, 210transparent proxies, when used for NAT.............. 310Trunk Group Information..................................... 64ttl (time to live, global SLB menu option) ............ 323tx flow control............................................... 32, 33type of area

ospf........................................................... 244type parameters ................................................... 68typographic conventions, manual .......................... 17tzone ................................................................ 188

UUCB statistics ................................................... 161UDP

datagrams .................................................. 149server status using....................................... 288source and destination ports ......................... 309

UDP statistics ................................................... 126unknown (UNK) port state ................................... 61Unscheduled System Dump................................ 370upgrade, switch software .................................... 356URL for health checks ......................................... 83user account........................................................ 24usrpw (system option)........................................ 195Uuencode Flash Dump....................................... 368

Vverbose ............................................................... 48vip

advertisem*nt of virtual IP addresses as HostRoutes ................................................ 241

IP route tag................................................... 69virtual IP address (VIP) ........................................ 82virtual port state, SLB information about ............... 82virtual router

description ................................................. 262master mode ............................................... 271priority....................................................... 270tracking criteria........................................... 264

virtual router groupVRRP priority tracking ................................ 269

virtual router group configuration........................ 269virtual router group priority tracking.................... 271Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)

authentication parameters for IP interfaces ..... 273group options (prio)..................................... 270operations-level options ............................... 351password, authentication .............................. 273priority election for the virtual router ............. 263priority tracking options ....................... 253, 264

Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol configuration260virtual router sharing.......................................... 270virtual routers

HSRP failover .................................... 265, 272HSRP priority increment value ..................... 274HSRV........................................................272HSRV priority increment value..................... 275increasing priority level of.................... 264, 267incrementing VRRP instance ........................ 265master preemption (preem)........................... 270master preemption (prio) .............................. 263priority increment values (vrs) for VRRP ....... 274

virtual server global SLB statistics ...................... 135virtual server SLB statistics ................................ 133virtual servers.................................................... 294

SLB state information.................................... 82statistics ..................................................... 133

VLANactive port .................................................. 271configuration .............................................. 224

VLAN taggingport configuration................ 198, 202, 205, 208port restrictions ........................................... 225setup............................................................ 33

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VLANs ...............................................................35ARP entry information ...................................70broadcast domains .......................................224information...................................................64interface .......................................................36multiple spanning trees.................................218name......................................................59, 65name setup....................................................34port membership......................................59, 65port numbers.................................................34security ......................................................224setting default number (PVID) .....198, 202, 204,

207setup ............................................................33Spanning-Tree Protocol................................218tagging .....................................33, 52, 91, 225VLAN Number .............................................65

VRID (virtual router ID) .............................262, 269VRRP

interface configuration .................................273master advertisem*nts ..................................263tracking ..............................................262, 266tracking configuration ..................................274virtual router sharing....................................263

VRRP Information ...............................................79VRRP master advertisem*nts

time interval................................................270VRRP statistics ..................................................120


health checks ..............................................341WAP health check

wspport ..............................................340, 341wtlsprt................................................340, 342

WAP health check configuration .........................341WAP SLB statistics ............................................147watchdog timer ..................................................361web-based management interface...........................19weights

for SLB real servers .....................................298setting virtual router priority values................274

write community string (SNMP option)................191wspport

WAP health check ...............................340, 341wtlsprt

WAP health check ...............................340, 342

XXModem .......................................................... 387

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.